package statalign.model.ext.plugins; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JToggleButton; import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Rotation; import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealVector; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.MathArrays; import statalign.base.InputData; import statalign.base.Tree; import statalign.base.Utils; import statalign.base.Vertex; import statalign.base.hmm.Hmm; import; import; import; import statalign.mcmc.GammaPrior; import statalign.mcmc.GammaProposal; import statalign.mcmc.GaussianProposal; import statalign.mcmc.HyperbolicPrior; import statalign.mcmc.InverseGammaPrior; import statalign.mcmc.McmcCombinationMove; import statalign.mcmc.McmcMove; import statalign.mcmc.ParameterInterface; import statalign.mcmc.PriorDistribution; import statalign.mcmc.UniformPrior; import statalign.model.ext.ModelExtension; import statalign.model.ext.plugins.structalign.AlignmentMove; import statalign.model.ext.plugins.structalign.ContinuousPositiveStructAlignMove; import statalign.model.ext.plugins.structalign.Funcs; import statalign.model.ext.plugins.structalign.HierarchicalContinuousPositiveStructAlignMove; import statalign.model.ext.plugins.structalign.LibraryMove; import statalign.model.ext.plugins.structalign.LinearLink; import statalign.model.ext.plugins.structalign.MultiNormCholesky; import statalign.model.ext.plugins.structalign.QuadraticLink; import statalign.model.ext.plugins.structalign.RotationMove; import statalign.model.ext.plugins.structalign.RotationProposal; import statalign.model.ext.plugins.structalign.StructAlignParameterInterface; import statalign.model.ext.plugins.structalign.TranslationMove; import statalign.model.subst.SubstitutionModel; import statalign.postprocess.plugins.TreeNode; import statalign.postprocess.plugins.structalign.RmsdTrace; import statalign.postprocess.plugins.structalign.StructTrace; import statalign.postprocess.plugins.structalign.StructTreeVisualizer; import statalign.utils.LinkFunction; public class StructAlign extends ModelExtension implements ActionListener { /** The command line identifier of this plugin */ //private static final String CMD_LINE_PLUGIN_ID = "structal"; private final String pluginID = "structal"; @Override public String getPluginID() { return pluginID; } JToggleButton myButton; public boolean globalSigma = true; public boolean useLibrary = false; public boolean fixedEpsilon = false; public boolean fixedSigma2 = false; /** * If globalSigma = false then this switches on a spike prior at sigma2Hier. * This can also be switched on via a command-line option. * */ public boolean globalSigmaSpike = false; double[] globalSigmaSpikeParams = {1.35,1.1}; public boolean localEpsilon = false; double structTemp = 1; private boolean USE_IN_ALIGNMENT_PROPOSALS = true; @Override public boolean useInAlignmentProposals() { return USE_IN_ALIGNMENT_PROPOSALS; } /** Alpha-C atomic coordinate for each sequence and each residue */ public double[][][] coords; /** Crystallographic temperature factors, for weighting epsilon. */ public double[][] bFactors; /** Alpha-C atomic coordinates under the current set of rotations/translations */ public double[][][] rotCoords; /** Axis of rotation for each sequence */ public double[][] axes; /** Rotation angle for each protein along the rotation axis */ public double[] angles; /** Translation vector for each protein */ public double[][] xlats; /** The structure used as the reference for rotations. */ private int refIndex = 0; /** Parameters of structural drift */ public double[] sigma2; public double sigma2Hier; public double nu; public double tau; public double epsilon; // TODO Allow starting values to be specified at command line/GUI /** Pairwise distances implied by current tree topology */ public double[][] distanceMatrix; /** Covariance matrix implied by current tree topology */ public double[][] fullCovar; /** Current alignment between all leaf sequences */ public String[] curAlign; public double[][] oldCovar; public double[][] oldDist; public String[] oldAlign; public double oldLogLi; /** For caching purposes */ public HashMap<Integer, MultiNormCholesky> multiNorms; public HashMap<Column, MultiNormCholesky> multiNormsLocal; private HashMap<Integer, MultiNormCholesky> oldMultiNorms; public HashMap<Column, MultiNormCholesky> oldMultiNormsLocal; /** Relates the structural and sequence evolutionary timescales */ private LinkFunction<Double> linkFunction; public String linkType = "linear"; // TODO change the above public variables to package visible and put // in statalign.model.ext.plugins.structalign ? /* Priors */ private double sigma2PriorShape = 0.001; private double sigma2PriorRate = 0.001; public PriorDistribution<Double> sigma2Prior; boolean sigma2PriorInitialised = false; // sigma2Prior will either be InverseGamma or Hyperbolic, depending // on whether globalSigma is switched on. It is defined inside the initRun() // method. private double epsilonPriorShape = 2;//10; //1; //2; private double epsilonPriorRate = 2;//50; //5; //2; public PriorDistribution<Double> epsilonPrior; boolean epsilonPriorInitialised = false; /** independence rotation proposal distribution */ public RotationProposal rotProp; private double tauPriorShape = 0.001; private double tauPriorRate = 0.001; public InverseGammaPrior tauPrior = new InverseGammaPrior(tauPriorShape,tauPriorRate); private double sigma2HPriorShape = 1; private double sigma2HPriorRate = 1; // public InverseGammaPrior sigma2HPrior = new InverseGammaPrior(sigma2HPriorShape,sigma2HPriorRate); HierarchicalContinuousPositiveStructAlignMove sigma2HMove = null; public GammaPrior sigma2HPrior = new GammaPrior(sigma2HPriorShape,sigma2HPriorRate); // public HyperbolicPrior sigma2HPrior = new HyperbolicPrior(); private double nuPriorShape = 1; private double nuPriorRate = 6; public GammaPrior nuPrior = new GammaPrior(nuPriorShape,nuPriorRate); HierarchicalContinuousPositiveStructAlignMove nuMove = null; // priors for rotation and translation are uniform // so do not need to be included in M-H ratio /** Default proposal weights in this order: * align, topology, edge, indel param, subst param, modelext param * { 35, 20, 25, 15, 10, 0 }; */ private final int pluginProposalWeight = 50; //int sigma2Weight = 5; //15; int sigma2Weight = 18; // int tauWeight = 10; int sigma2HierWeight = 10; // ORIGINAL //int sigma2HierWeight = 0; int nuWeight = 0; // ORIGINAL int nuWeightIncrement = 10; // ORIGINAL //int nuWeight = 0; //int epsilonWeight = 2;//10; int epsilonWeight = 13; // int rotationWeight = 2; int translationWeight = 2; int libraryWeight = 2; int alignmentWeight = 2; int alignmentWeightIncrement = 0; /* Weights for combination moves */ int alignmentRotationWeight = 8; // ORIGINAL int alignmentTranslationWeight = 6; // ORIGINAL //int alignmentRotationWeight = 15; //int alignmentTranslationWeight = 10; int alignmentLibraryWeight = 6; int sigmaEpsilonWeight = 4; // // This is reallocated to sigma2Weight if epsilon is being fixed /** Starting value for 1 / rotation proposal tuning parameter. */ public double angleP = 1000; /** Starting value for translation proposal tuning parameter. */ public double xlatP = .1; /** Value to fix sigma at if we're not estimating it. */ public double fixedSigma2Value = 0.0; /** Minimum value for epsilon, to prevent numerical errors. */ public double MIN_EPSILON = 0.01; /** Value to fix epsilon at if we're not estimating it. */ public double fixedEpsilonValue = 0.0; // reference to the postprocessing plugin private StructTrace structTrace; private RmsdTrace rmsdTrace; private StructTreeVisualizer structTree; public boolean printRmsd = false; public boolean showStructTree = false; public StructAlign() { // By default this plugin is unselectable unless we read in // coordinate data. selectable = false; } @Override public List<JComponent> getToolBarItems() { myButton = new JToggleButton(new ImageIcon(ClassLoader.getSystemResource("icons/protein.png"))); myButton.setToolTipText("Structural alignment mode"); myButton.addActionListener(this); myButton.setEnabled(false); myButton.setSelected(false); return Arrays.asList((JComponent)myButton); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { setActive(myButton.isSelected()); activateAssociatedPlugins(); } @Override public String getUsageInfo() { StringBuilder usage = new StringBuilder(); usage.append("___________________________\n\n"); usage.append(" StructAlign version 1.1\n\n"); usage.append("^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n"); usage.append("java -jar statalign.jar -plugin:structal[OPTION1,OPTION2,...]\n"); usage.append("OPTIONS: \n"); usage.append("\tprintRmsd=true\t\t(Prints RMSD and sequence identity for each sample.)\n"); usage.append("\tprintTree=true\t\t(Prints tree with edge lengths replaced by structural diffusivity.)\n"); usage.append("\tsigma2=X\t\t(Fixes sigma2 at X)\n"); usage.append("\tepsilon=X\t\t(Fixes epsilon at X)\n"); usage.append("\tminEpsilon=X\t\t(Sets minimum value for epsilon to X) [default 0.01]\n"); usage.append("\tlocalEpsilon\t\t(Uses B-factor information [if available] to scale epsilon per site.)\n"); usage.append("\tlocalSigma\t\t(Allows each branch to have its own sigma parameter)\n"); usage.append("\tuseLibrary\t\t(Allows rotation library moves to be used)\n"); usage.append("\tsigmaSpike\t(Activates spike mixture prior for local sigmas)\n"); usage.append("\tsigmaSpike={a_b}\t(Specifies parameters for the Beta prior on spike probability) [default (3.1,1.1) ]\n"); usage.append("\tsigma2Prior=PRIOR\t(Sets the prior and hyperparameters for sigma2)\n"); usage.append("\tepsilonPrior=PRIOR\t(Sets the prior and hyperparameters for epsilon)\n"); usage.append("\tPRIOR can be one of:\n"); usage.append("\t\thyp\t\tUses a hyperbolic prior (default)\n"); usage.append("\t\tg{a_b}\t\tUses a Gamma(a,b) prior\n"); usage.append("\t\tinvg{a_b}\tUses an InverseGamma(a,b) prior\n"); usage.append("\t\tunif{a_b}\tUses a Uniform(a,b) prior\n"); usage.append("\tlink=LINK_FUNCTION\tSets link function between sequence and structure time\n"); usage.append("\tLINK_FUNCTION can be one of:\n"); usage.append("\t\tlinear (default)\n"); usage.append("\t\tquadratic\n"); usage.append("\nNote that the above syntax is designed to work in bash shells. " + "Other shells such as csh may require square brackets to be preceded by a backslash."); return usage.toString(); } @Override public void setActive(boolean active) { boolean oldActive =; if (oldActive != active) { super.setActive(active); System.out.println("StructAlign plugin is now "+(active?"enabled":"disabled")); } } @Override public void setParam(String paramName, String paramValue) { if (paramName.equals("epsilon")) { fixedEpsilon = true; fixedEpsilonValue = Double.parseDouble(paramValue); addToFilenameExtension("eps_"+fixedEpsilonValue); System.out.println("Fixing epsilon to "+fixedEpsilonValue+"."); } else if (paramName.equals("minEpsilon")) { MIN_EPSILON = Double.parseDouble(paramValue); addToFilenameExtension("minEps_"+MIN_EPSILON); System.out.println("Minimum value for epsilon is now "+MIN_EPSILON+"."); } else if (paramName.equals("sigma2")) { fixedSigma2 = true; globalSigma = true; fixedSigma2Value = Double.parseDouble(paramValue); addToFilenameExtension("sigma2_"+fixedSigma2Value); System.out.println("Fixing sigma2 to "+fixedSigma2Value+"."); } else if (paramName.equals("sigmaSpike")) { globalSigmaSpike = true; globalSigma = false; addToFilenameExtension("spike"); String[] argString = paramValue.split("\\{",2); if (argString[1].endsWith("}")) { String [] args = argString[1].substring(0,argString[1].length()-1).split("_",2); if (args.length == 2) { System.out.println("Using Gamma("+Double.parseDouble(args[0])+","+Double.parseDouble(args[1])+ ") prior for "+paramName+"."); globalSigmaSpikeParams = new double[] {Double.parseDouble(args[0]),Double.parseDouble(args[1])}; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Spike parameters must be specifed in the form\n-plugin:structal[sigmaSpike={a_b}]\n"); } } addToFilenameExtension(globalSigmaSpikeParams[0]+"_"+globalSigmaSpikeParams[1]); System.out.println("Activating spike prior for local sigmas."); } else if (paramName.equals("sigma2Prior")) { sigma2Prior = setPrior(paramName,paramValue); sigma2PriorInitialised = (sigma2Prior != null); } else if (paramName.equals("epsilonPrior")) { epsilonPrior = setPrior(paramName,paramValue); epsilonPriorInitialised = (epsilonPrior != null); } else if (paramName.equals("link")) { linkType = paramValue; addToFilenameExtension("link_"+paramValue); System.out.println("Setting link function to "+paramValue+"."); } else { super.setParam(paramName,paramValue); } } @Override public void setParam(String paramName, Number paramValue) { if (paramName.equals("epsilon")) { fixedEpsilon = true; fixedEpsilonValue = (Double) paramValue; addToFilenameExtension("eps_"+fixedEpsilonValue); System.out.println("Fixing epsilon to "+fixedEpsilonValue+"."); } else { super.setParam(paramName,paramValue); } } @Override public void setParam(String paramName, boolean paramValue) { if (paramName.equals("localSigma")) { globalSigma = false; } else if (paramName.equals("localEpsilon")) { localEpsilon = true; System.out.println("Using B-factor information to scale epsilon."); } else if (paramName.equals("printRmsd")) { printRmsd = true; } else if (paramName.equals("printTree")) { showStructTree = true; } else if (paramName.equals("useLibrary")) { useLibrary = true; } else if (paramName.equals("sigmaSpike")) { globalSigmaSpike = true; globalSigma = false; addToFilenameExtension("spike"); addToFilenameExtension(globalSigmaSpikeParams[0]+"_"+globalSigmaSpikeParams[1]); System.out.println("Activating spike prior for local sigmas."); } else { super.setParam(paramName,paramValue); } } private PriorDistribution<Double> setPrior(String paramName, String paramValue) { if (paramValue.startsWith("hyp")) { addToFilenameExtension(paramName+"_hyp"); System.out.println("Using hyperbolic prior for "+paramName+"."); return new HyperbolicPrior(); } else if (paramValue.startsWith("unif{")) { String[] argString = paramValue.split("\\{",2); if (argString[1].endsWith("}")) { String [] args = argString[1].substring(0,argString[1].length()-1).split("_",2); if (args.length == 2) { addToFilenameExtension(paramName+"_u_"+args[0]+"_"+args[1]); System.out.println("Using Unif("+Double.parseDouble(args[0])+","+Double.parseDouble(args[1])+ ") prior for "+paramName+"."); return new UniformPrior(Double.parseDouble(args[0]),Double.parseDouble(args[1])); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Prior parameters must be specifed in the form\n-plugin:structal[sigma2Prior=unif{a_b}]\n"); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Prior parameters must be specifed in the form\n-plugin:structal[sigma2Prior=unif{a_b}]\n"); } } else if (paramValue.startsWith("g{")) { String[] argString = paramValue.split("\\{",2); if (argString[1].endsWith("}")) { String [] args = argString[1].substring(0,argString[1].length()-1).split("_",2); if (args.length == 2) { addToFilenameExtension(paramName+"_g_"+args[0]+"_"+args[1]); System.out.println("Using Gamma("+Double.parseDouble(args[0])+","+Double.parseDouble(args[1])+ ") prior for "+paramName+"."); return new GammaPrior(Double.parseDouble(args[0]),Double.parseDouble(args[1])); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Prior parameters must be specifed in the form\n-plugin:structal[sigma2Prior=g{a_b}]\n"); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Prior parameters must be specifed in the form\n-plugin:structal[sigma2Prior=g{a_b}]\n"); } } else if (paramValue.startsWith("invg{")) { String[] argString = paramValue.split("\\{",2); if (argString[1].endsWith("}")) { String [] args = argString[1].substring(0,argString[1].length()-1).split("_",2); if (args.length == 2) { addToFilenameExtension(paramName+"_invg_"+args[0]+"_"+args[1]); System.out.println("Using InvGamma("+Double.parseDouble(args[0])+","+Double.parseDouble(args[1])+ ") prior for "+paramName+"."); return new InverseGammaPrior(Double.parseDouble(args[0]),Double.parseDouble(args[1])); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Prior parameters must be specifed in the form\n-plugin:structal[sigma2Prior=invg{a_b}]\n"); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Prior parameters must be specifed in the form\n-plugin:structal[sigma2Prior=invg{a_b}]\n"); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognised prior specification "+paramName+"="+paramValue+"."); } } @Override public void init() { } @Override protected void resetData() { super.resetData(); distanceMatrix = null; fullCovar = null; curAlign = null; oldCovar = null; oldDist = null; oldAlign = null; oldLogLi = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } // @Override // public ModelExtension reset() { // return new StructAlign(); // } @Override public void initRun(InputData inputData) throws IllegalArgumentException { super.initRun(inputData); HashMap<String, Integer> seqMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); int i = 0; for(String name : inputData.seqs.getSeqnames()) seqMap.put(name.toUpperCase(), i++); coords = new double[inputData.seqs.size()][][]; if (localEpsilon) bFactors = new double[inputData.seqs.size()][]; for(DataType data : inputData.auxData) { if(!(data instanceof ProteinSkeletons)) continue; ProteinSkeletons ps = (ProteinSkeletons) data; if (localEpsilon && ps.bFactors.size() == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("No B-factor data available: cannot use localEpsilon mode."); } for(i = 0; i < ps.names.size(); i++) { String name = ps.names.get(i).toUpperCase(); if(!seqMap.containsKey(name)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("structalign: missing sequence or duplicate structure for "+name); int ind = seqMap.get(name); int len = inputData.seqs.getSequence(ind).replaceAll("-", "").length(); List<double[]> cl = ps.coords.get(i); List<Double> bF = ps.bFactors.get(i); if (localEpsilon && bF.size() == 0) { localEpsilon = false; System.out.println("No B-factor data available for "+name+": cannot use localEpsilon mode."); } if(len != cl.size()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("structalign: sequence length mismatch with structure file for seq "+name); coords[ind] = new double[len][]; if (localEpsilon) bFactors[ind] = new double[len]; double bFactorMean = 0; for(int j = 0; j < len; j++) { coords[ind][j] = Utils.copyOf(cl.get(j)); if (localEpsilon) { bFactors[ind][j] = bF.get(j); bFactorMean += bFactors[ind][j]/len; } } if (localEpsilon) { for(int j = 0; j < len; j++) { if (bFactorMean == 0) { bFactors[ind][j] = 1; } else { bFactors[ind][j] /= bFactorMean; } } } // center all coordinates to mean zero so that rotations are around center of gravity RealMatrix temp = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(coords[ind]); RealVector mean = Funcs.meanVector(temp); for(int j = 0; j < len; j++) coords[ind][j]= temp.getRowVector(j).subtract(mean).toArray(); seqMap.remove(name); } } while (coords[refIndex]==null) ++refIndex; int nStructures=0; for (int ii=0; ii<coords.length; ii++) { if (coords[ii]!=null) ++nStructures; } if (nStructures < 2) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot run StructAlign with fewer than two structures."); } // if(seqMap.size() > 0) // throw new IllegalArgumentException("structalign: missing structure for sequence "+seqMap.keySet().iterator().next()); if (useLibrary) { rotProp = new RotationProposal(this); } if (globalSigma && showStructTree) { System.out.println("structTree option can only be used in conjunction with localSigma. "); } rotCoords = new double[coords.length][][]; axes = new double[coords.length][]; angles = new double[coords.length]; xlats = new double[coords.length][]; axes[refIndex] = new double[] { 1, 0, 0 }; angles[refIndex] = 0; xlats[refIndex] = new double[] { 0, 0, 0 }; multiNorms = new HashMap<Integer, MultiNormCholesky>(); multiNormsLocal = new HashMap<Column, MultiNormCholesky>(); oldMultiNorms = new HashMap<Integer, MultiNormCholesky>(); oldMultiNormsLocal = new HashMap<Column, MultiNormCholesky>(); // MCMC parameters sigma2Hier = 1; nu = 1; tau = 50; if (fixedEpsilon) { epsilon = fixedEpsilonValue; sigma2Weight += sigmaEpsilonWeight; } else { //epsilon = 100; epsilon = 50; //epsilon = 20; } // if (fixedSigma2) { // globalSigma = true; // } // number of branches in the tree is 2*leaves - 1 if (globalSigma) { sigma2 = new double[1]; } else { sigma2 = new double[2*coords.length - 1]; } for(i = 0; i < sigma2.length; i++) { sigma2[i] = 1; } if (fixedSigma2) { sigma2[0] = fixedSigma2Value; epsilonWeight += sigmaEpsilonWeight; } if (!sigma2PriorInitialised && !fixedSigma2) { if (globalSigma) { if (fixedEpsilon) { sigma2Prior = new GammaPrior(2,2); } else { sigma2Prior = new GammaPrior(1,1); //sigma2Prior = new HyperbolicPrior(); } } else { //sigma2Prior = new InverseGammaPrior(sigma2PriorShape,sigma2PriorRate); //sigma2Prior = new LinearPrior(); //sigma2Prior = new UniformPrior(); sigma2Prior = new GammaPrior(1,1); } sigma2PriorInitialised = true; } if (!epsilonPriorInitialised && !fixedEpsilon) { epsilonPrior = new GammaPrior(epsilonPriorShape,epsilonPriorRate); epsilonPriorInitialised = true; } if(linkType.equals("linear")) { linkFunction = new LinearLink(); } else if (linkType.equals("quadratic")) { linkFunction = new QuadraticLink(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid link function selected."); } // for now, don't allow hierarchical sigma unless link function is linear if(!linkType.equals("linear")){ globalSigma = true; } } @Override protected void initMcmc(InputData inputData) { /* Add alignment and rotation/translation moves */ RotationMove rotationMove = new RotationMove(this,"rotation"); addMcmcMove(rotationMove,rotationWeight); TranslationMove translationMove = new TranslationMove(this,"translation"); addMcmcMove(translationMove,translationWeight); LibraryMove libraryMove = null; if (useLibrary) { libraryMove = new LibraryMove(this,"library"); addMcmcMove(libraryMove,libraryWeight); } if (! { AlignmentMove alignmentMove = new AlignmentMove(this,"alignment"); addMcmcMove(alignmentMove,alignmentWeight,alignmentWeightIncrement); /* Combination moves */ ArrayList<McmcMove> alignmentRotation = new ArrayList<McmcMove>(); alignmentRotation.add(alignmentMove); rotationMove.shareSubtreeRoot(alignmentMove); alignmentRotation.add(rotationMove); McmcCombinationMove alignmentRotationMove = new McmcCombinationMove(alignmentRotation); alignmentRotationMove.autoTune = false; addMcmcMove(alignmentRotationMove,alignmentRotationWeight); ArrayList<McmcMove> alignmentTranslation = new ArrayList<McmcMove>(); alignmentTranslation.add(alignmentMove); translationMove.shareSubtreeRoot(alignmentMove); alignmentTranslation.add(translationMove); McmcCombinationMove alignmentTranslationMove = new McmcCombinationMove(alignmentTranslation); alignmentTranslationMove.autoTune = false; addMcmcMove(alignmentTranslationMove,alignmentTranslationWeight); if (useLibrary) { ArrayList<McmcMove> alignmentLibrary = new ArrayList<McmcMove>(); alignmentLibrary.add(alignmentMove); alignmentLibrary.add(libraryMove); McmcCombinationMove alignmentLibraryMove = new McmcCombinationMove(alignmentLibrary); addMcmcMove(alignmentLibraryMove,alignmentLibraryWeight); } } /** Add moves for scalar parameters */ StructAlignParameterInterface paramInterfaceGenerator = new StructAlignParameterInterface(this); ParameterInterface tauInterface = TauInterface(); ContinuousPositiveStructAlignMove tauMove = new ContinuousPositiveStructAlignMove(this,tauInterface,tauPrior,new GammaProposal(0.001,0.001),"tau"); tauMove.moveParams.setPlottable(); tauMove.moveParams.setPlotSide(1); addMcmcMove(tauMove,tauWeight); ContinuousPositiveStructAlignMove epsilonMove = null; if (!fixedEpsilon) { ParameterInterface epsilonInterface = EpsilonInterface(); epsilonMove = new ContinuousPositiveStructAlignMove(this,epsilonInterface,epsilonPrior,new GaussianProposal(),"eps"); //new ContinuousPositiveStructAlignMove(this,epsilonInterface,epsilonPrior,new GammaProposal(0.001,0.001),"eps"); epsilonMove.setMinValue(MIN_EPSILON); epsilonMove.moveParams.setPlottable(); epsilonMove.moveParams.setPlotSide(1); addMcmcMove(epsilonMove,epsilonWeight); } if (!fixedSigma2) { if (!globalSigma) { ParameterInterface sigma2HInterface = Sigma2HInterface(); sigma2HMove = new HierarchicalContinuousPositiveStructAlignMove(this,sigma2HInterface,sigma2HPrior,new GammaProposal(0.001,0.001),"s2_g"); sigma2HMove.moveParams.setPlottable(); sigma2HMove.moveParams.setPlotSide(0); addMcmcMove(sigma2HMove,sigma2HierWeight); ParameterInterface nuInterface = NuInterface(); nuMove = new HierarchicalContinuousPositiveStructAlignMove(this,nuInterface,nuPrior,new GammaProposal(0.001,0.001),"nu"); nuMove.moveParams.setPlottable(); nuMove.moveParams.setPlotSide(1); nuMove.onlySampleIfAtLeastTwoChildrenNotFixed(); nuMove.setMinValue(0.1); if (!globalSigmaSpike) { nuWeight += nuWeightIncrement; nuWeightIncrement = 0; } addMcmcMove(nuMove,nuWeight,nuWeightIncrement); } for (int j=0; j<sigma2.length; j++) { if (j<=sigma2.length/2 && coords[j]==null) continue; String sigmaName; if (sigma2.length == 1) { sigmaName = "s2"; } else { sigmaName = "s2_"+j; } ParameterInterface sigma2Interface = Sigma2Interface(j); // ProposalDistribution prop = null; // if (globalSigma) prop = new GaussianProposal(); // else prop = new MultiplicativeProposal(); ContinuousPositiveStructAlignMove m = new ContinuousPositiveStructAlignMove( this,sigma2Interface, sigma2Prior,new GaussianProposal(),sigmaName); //sigma2Prior,new GammaProposal(0.001,0.001),sigmaName); if (!globalSigma && j == sigma2.length - 1) { continue; // i.e. don't add the last one if we have // more than one } if (j<=sigma2.length/2) { // plot only for tips m.moveParams.setPlottable(); m.moveParams.setPlotSide(0); } addMcmcMove(m,sigma2Weight); if (!globalSigma) { sigma2HMove.addChildMove(m); if (globalSigmaSpike) { sigma2HMove.setSpikeParams(globalSigmaSpikeParams); sigma2HMove.disallowSpikeSelection(); } m.addParent(sigma2HMove); nuMove.addChildMove(m); // Don't add nuMove as a parent, because otherwise // we'll double count the prior. } if (sigma2.length == 1 && !fixedEpsilon) { ArrayList<McmcMove> sigmaEpsilon = new ArrayList<McmcMove>(); sigmaEpsilon.add(m); sigmaEpsilon.add(epsilonMove); McmcCombinationMove sigmaEpsilonMove = new McmcCombinationMove(sigmaEpsilon); addMcmcMove(sigmaEpsilonMove,sigmaEpsilonWeight); } } } } @Override public void beforeSampling(Tree tree) { /* check for protein with no residues aligned to reference protein, resample alignment if any found */ boolean stop = false; while(!stop){ String[] align = tree.getState().getLeafAlign(); String ref = align[refIndex]; proteinLoop: for(int i = 0; i < align.length; i++){ if (i==refIndex) continue; String other = align[i]; int countAligned = 0; for(int j = 0; j < align[refIndex].length(); j++) countAligned += (ref.charAt(j) != '-' & other.charAt(j) != '-') ? 1 : 0; if(countAligned == 0){ tree.root.selectAndResampleAlignment(); break proteinLoop; } else if (i == align.length - 1) {stop = true;} } } Funcs.initLSRotations(tree,coords,xlats,axes,angles); //calcAllRotations(); computeLogLikeFactor(tree); } @Override public void afterFirstHalfBurnin() { if (!globalSigma && globalSigmaSpike) { sigma2HMove.allowSpikeSelection(); zeroAllMoveCounts(); } } public void afterBurnin() { if (nuMove != null) { nuMove.alwaysSample(); nuMove.setMinValue(0.001); } } public double computeLogLikeFactor(Tree tree) { String[] align = tree.getState().getLeafAlign(); checkConsAlign(align); curAlign = align; double[][] covar = calcFullCovar(tree); checkConsCovar(covar); fullCovar = covar; if(!checkConsRots() && rotCoords[refIndex] == null) calcAllRotations(); double logli = calcAllColumnContrib(); checkConsLogLike(logli); curLogLike = logli; return curLogLike; } @Override public double logLikeFactor(Tree tree) { // Compute log likelihood if not yet computed if (curLogLike==0) return computeLogLikeFactor(tree); if (Utils.DEBUG) { double oldLogLike = curLogLike; if (Math.abs(oldLogLike - computeLogLikeFactor(tree)) > 1e-8) { throw new RuntimeException("Inconsistency in logLikeFactor: "+ oldLogLike +" != "+curLogLike); } } // If it's non-zero, then we return its current value //return computeLogLikeFactor(tree); return curLogLike; } public double calcAllColumnContrib() { String[] align = curAlign; double logli = 0; int[] inds = new int[align.length]; // current char indices int[] col = new int[align.length]; for(int i = 0; i < align[refIndex].length(); i++) { for(int j = 0; j < align.length; j++) col[j] = align[j].charAt(i) == '-' ? -1 : inds[j]++; double ll = columnContrib(col); logli += ll; } return structTemp * logli; } // TODO Change visibility of this to package, after moving // to statalign.model.ext.plugins.structalign private boolean checkConsAlign(String[] align) { if(!Utils.DEBUG || curAlign == null) return false; if(align.length != curAlign.length) throw new Error("Inconsistency in StructAlign, alignment length: "+align.length+", "+curAlign.length); for(int i = 0; i < align.length; i++) if(!align[i].equals(curAlign[i])) throw new Error("Inconsistency in StructAlign, alignment: "+align[i]+", "+curAlign[i]); return true; } private boolean checkConsCovar(double[][] covar) { if(!Utils.DEBUG || fullCovar == null) return false; if(covar.length != fullCovar.length) throw new Error("Inconsistency in StructAlign, covar matrix length: "+covar.length+", "+fullCovar.length); for(int i = 0; i < covar.length; i++) { if(covar[i].length != fullCovar[i].length) throw new Error("Inconsistency in StructAlign, covar matrix "+i+" length: "+covar[i].length+", "+fullCovar[i].length); for(int j = 0; j < covar[i].length; j++) if(Math.abs(covar[i][j]-fullCovar[i][j]) > 1e-5) throw new Error("Inconsistency in StructAlign, covar matrix "+i+","+j+" value: "+covar[i][j]+", "+fullCovar[i][j]+", "+tau+", "+epsilon); } return true; } private boolean checkConsRots() { if(!Utils.DEBUG || rotCoords[0] == null) return false; double[][][] rots = new double[rotCoords.length][][]; for(int i = 0; i < rots.length; i++) { if (rotCoords[i]==null) continue; rots[i] = new double[rotCoords[i].length][]; for(int j = 0; j < rots[i].length; j++) rots[i][j] = MathArrays.copyOf(rotCoords[i][j]); } calcAllRotations(); for(int i = 0; i < rots.length; i++) { if (rots[i]==null) continue; for(int j = 0; j < rots[i].length; j++) for(int k = 0; k < rots[i][j].length; k++) if(Math.abs(rots[i][j][k]-rotCoords[i][j][k]) > 1e-5) throw new Error("Inconsistency in StructAlign, rotation "+i+","+j+","+k+": "+rots[i][j][k]+" vs "+rotCoords[i][j][k]); } return true; } private boolean checkConsLogLike(double logli) { if(!Utils.DEBUG || curLogLike == 0) return false; if(Math.abs(logli-curLogLike) > 1e-5) throw new Error("Inconsistency in StructAlign, log-likelihood "+logli+" vs "+curLogLike); return true; } /** * Calculates the structural likelihood contribution of a single alignment column * @param col the column, id of the residue for each sequence (or -1 if gapped in column) * @return the likelihood contribution */ public double columnContrib(int[] _col) { // count the number of ungapped positions in the column int numMatch = 0; int[] col = _col.clone(); for(int i = 0; i < col.length; i++){ if (coords[i]==null) col[i] = -1; if(col[i]!=-1) numMatch++; } if(numMatch == 0) return 0; // collect indices of ungapped positions int[] notgap = new int[numMatch]; int columnCode = 0; int j = 0; for(int i = 0; i < col.length; i++) { if(col[i]!=-1) { notgap[j++] = i; columnCode |= (1 << i); } } /* * Under localEpsilon mode, the covariance depends on the column, * not just the indel pattern of the column, but we can still * cache the Cholesky decompositions to be re-used for columns * that do not change (since most of the alignment columns do * not change during an alignment move, this could still yield * a significant speedup). */ MultiNormCholesky multiNorm = null; if (localEpsilon) multiNorm = multiNormsLocal.get(new Column(col)); else multiNorm = multiNorms.get(columnCode); MultiNormCholesky multiNorm2 = null; if (Utils.DEBUG){ double[][] subCovar = Funcs.getSubMatrix(fullCovar, notgap, notgap); // create normal distribution with mean 0 and covariance subCovar if (localEpsilon) addLocalEpsilonToDiagonal(subCovar,notgap,col); multiNorm2 = new MultiNormCholesky(new double[numMatch], subCovar); } if (multiNorm == null) { // extract covariance corresponding to ungapped positions double[][] subCovar = Funcs.getSubMatrix(fullCovar, notgap, notgap); if (localEpsilon) addLocalEpsilonToDiagonal(subCovar,notgap,col); // create normal distribution with mean 0 and covariance subCovar multiNorm = new MultiNormCholesky(new double[numMatch], subCovar); if (localEpsilon) multiNormsLocal.put(new Column(col), multiNorm); else multiNorms.put(columnCode, multiNorm); } double logli = 0; double[] vals = new double[numMatch]; // loop over all 3 coordinates for(j = 0; j < 3; j++){ for(int i = 0; i < numMatch; i++) vals[i] = rotCoords[notgap[i]][col[notgap[i]]][j]; if (Utils.DEBUG && multiNorm.logDensity(vals) != multiNorm2.logDensity(vals)) { System.out.print("col = ["); for (int k=0; k<col.length; k++) System.out.print(col[k]+","); System.out.println("] ("+columnCode+")"); for (int key : multiNorms.keySet()) { if (multiNorms.get(key).getMeans().length==vals.length) { System.out.println(key+" "+multiNorms.get(key).logDensity(vals)); } } throw new RuntimeException( "Inconsistency: "+multiNorm.logDensity(vals)+" != " +multiNorm2.logDensity(vals)); } logli += multiNorm.logDensity(vals); } return logli; } private void addLocalEpsilonToDiagonal(double[][] subCovar, int[] notgap, int[] col) { for (int i=0; i<notgap.length; i++) { subCovar[i][i] += Math.pow((bFactors[notgap[i]][col[notgap[i]]]),2) * epsilon / notgap.length; } } private class Column { public int[] col; Column(int[] x) { col = x.clone(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (o == null || o.getClass() != this.getClass()) return false; Column x = (Column) o; if (x.col.length != col.length) return false; for (int i=0; i<x.col.length; i++) { if (x.col[i] != col[i]) return false; } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Arrays.hashCode(col); } } /** * extracts the specified rows and columns of a 2d array * @param matrix, 2d array from which to extract; rows, rows to extract; cols, columns to extract * @return submatrix */ private void calcAllRotations() { for(int i = 0; i < coords.length; i++) { if (coords[i]==null) continue; calcRotation(i); } } public void calcRotation(int ind) { double[][] ci = coords[ind], rci = rotCoords[ind]; if(rci == null) rci = rotCoords[ind] = new double[ci.length][]; Rotation rot = new Rotation(new Vector3D(axes[ind]), angles[ind]); for(int i = 0; i < ci.length; i++) { rci[i] = rot.applyTo(new Vector3D(ci[i])).add(new Vector3D(xlats[ind])).toArray(); } } // TODO Change visibility of this to package, after moving // into statalign.model.ext.plugins.structalign. /** * return the full covariance matrix for the tree topology and branch lengths */ public double[][] calcFullCovar(Tree tree) { // tree.names.length is equal to the number of vertices distanceMatrix = new double[tree.names.length][tree.names.length]; double[][] covar = new double[tree.names.length][tree.names.length]; calcDistanceMatrix(tree.root, distanceMatrix); if (printRmsd) { rmsdTrace.distanceMatrix = new double[tree.names.length][tree.names.length]; calcUnweightedDistanceMatrix(tree.root,rmsdTrace.distanceMatrix); } // for hierarchical sigma, distance matrix calculation already incorporates multiplication // by theta_i = sigma_i^2 / (2 tau) if(globalSigma){ for(int i = 0; i < tree.names.length; i++) for(int j = i; j < tree.names.length; j++) covar[j][i] = covar[i][j] = tau * Math.exp(-linkFunction.f(distanceMatrix[i][j]) * sigma2[0] / (2*tau)); } else{ for(int i = 0; i < tree.names.length; i++) for(int j = i; j < tree.names.length; j++) covar[j][i] = covar[i][j] = tau * Math.exp(-distanceMatrix[i][j]); } for(int i = 0; i < tree.names.length; i++) { if (!localEpsilon) covar[i][i] += epsilon; } if (localEpsilon) multiNormsLocal = new HashMap<Column, MultiNormCholesky>(); else multiNorms = new HashMap<Integer, MultiNormCholesky>(); return covar; } public void printTree(Vertex v, String vname){ System.out.println(vname +"-" + + ": " + v.edgeLength); if(v.left!=null){ printTree(v.left, vname + "l"); printTree(v.right, vname + "r"); } } public int[] calcUnweightedDistanceMatrix(Vertex vertex, double[][] distMat){ return calcDistanceMatrix(vertex,distMat, true); } public int[] calcDistanceMatrix(Vertex vertex, double[][] distMat){ return calcDistanceMatrix(vertex,distMat, false); } /** * recursive algorithm to traverse tree and calculate distance matrix between leaves */ public int[] calcDistanceMatrix(Vertex vertex, double[][] distMat, boolean unweighted){ int[] subTree = new int[distMat.length + 1]; // either both left and right are null or neither is if(vertex.left != null){ int[] subLeft = calcDistanceMatrix(vertex.left, distMat, unweighted); int[] subRight = calcDistanceMatrix(vertex.right, distMat, unweighted); int i = 0; while(subLeft[i] > -1){ subTree[i] = subLeft[i]; i++; } for(int j = 0; i+j < subTree.length; j++) subTree[i+j] = subRight[j]; } else{ subTree[0] = vertex.index; for(int j = 1; j < subTree.length; j++) subTree[j] = -1; } if (globalSigma || unweighted) { addEdgeLength(distMat, subTree, vertex.edgeLength); } else { addEdgeLength(distMat, subTree, vertex.edgeLength * sigma2[vertex.index] / (2*tau)); } return subTree; } // adds the length of the current edge to the distance between all leaves // of a subtree to all other leaves // 'rows' contains the indices of vertices in the subtree public void addEdgeLength(double[][] distMat, int[] subTree, double edgeLength){ int i = 0; while(subTree[i] > -1){ for(int j = 0; j < distMat.length; j++){ distMat[subTree[i]][j] += edgeLength; distMat[j][subTree[i]] += edgeLength; } i++; } // edge length should not be added to distance between vertices in the subtree // subtract the value from these entries of the distance matrix i = 0; while(subTree[i] > -1){ int j = 0; while(subTree[j] > -1){ distMat[subTree[i]][subTree[j]] -= edgeLength; distMat[subTree[j]][subTree[i]] -= edgeLength; j++; } i++; } } @Override public int getParamChangeWeight() { // TODO test converge and tune value return pluginProposalWeight; } @Override public double logLikeModExtParamChange(Tree tree, ModelExtension ext) { // current log-likelihood always precomputed (regardless of whether ext == this) return curLogLike; } @Override public void beforeAlignChange(Tree tree, Vertex selectRoot) { oldAlign = curAlign; oldLogLi = curLogLike; } @Override public double logLikeAlignChange(Tree tree, Vertex selectRoot) { curAlign = tree.getState().getLeafAlign(); curLogLike = calcAllColumnContrib(); return curLogLike; } @Override public void afterAlignChange(Tree tree, Vertex selectRoot, boolean accepted) { if(accepted) // accepted, do nothing return; // rejected, restore curAlign = oldAlign; curLogLike = oldLogLi; } @Override public void beforeTreeChange(Tree tree, Vertex nephew) { oldDist = distanceMatrix; oldCovar = fullCovar; oldAlign = curAlign; oldLogLi = curLogLike; if (localEpsilon) oldMultiNormsLocal = multiNormsLocal; else oldMultiNorms = multiNorms; } @Override public double logLikeTreeChange(Tree tree, Vertex nephew) { fullCovar = calcFullCovar(tree); curAlign = tree.getState().getLeafAlign(); curLogLike = calcAllColumnContrib(); return curLogLike; } @Override public void afterTreeChange(Tree tree, Vertex nephew, boolean accepted) { if (showStructTree) { structTree.updateStructTree(tree.root,sigma2); } if(accepted) // accepted, do nothing return; // rejected, restore distanceMatrix = oldDist; fullCovar = oldCovar; curAlign = oldAlign; curLogLike = oldLogLi; if (localEpsilon) multiNormsLocal = oldMultiNormsLocal; else multiNorms = oldMultiNorms; } public void beforeContinuousParamChange(Tree tree) { //oldCovar = fullCovar; //oldLogLi = curLogLike; if (localEpsilon) oldMultiNormsLocal = multiNormsLocal; else oldMultiNorms = multiNorms; } public double logLikeContinuousParamChange(Tree tree) { fullCovar = calcFullCovar(tree); curLogLike = calcAllColumnContrib(); return curLogLike; } public void afterContinuousParamChange(Tree tree, boolean accepted) { if(accepted) // accepted, do nothing return; // rejected, restore //fullCovar = oldCovar; //curLogLike = oldLogLi; if (localEpsilon) multiNormsLocal = oldMultiNormsLocal; else multiNorms = oldMultiNorms; } @Override public double logLikeEdgeLenChange(Tree tree, Vertex vertex) { // do exactly the same as for topology change return logLikeTreeChange(tree, vertex); } @Override public void beforeEdgeLenChange(Tree tree, Vertex vertex) { // do exactly the same as for topology change beforeTreeChange(tree, vertex); } @Override public void afterEdgeLenChange(Tree tree, Vertex vertex, boolean accepted) { // do exactly the same as for topology change afterTreeChange(tree, vertex, accepted); } @Override public double logLikeIndelParamChange(Tree tree, Hmm hmm, McmcMove m) { // does not affect log-likelihood return curLogLike; } @Override public double logLikeSubstParamChange(Tree tree, SubstitutionModel model, int ind) { // does not affect log-likelihood return curLogLike; } @Override public double calcLogEm(int[] aligned) { return columnContrib(aligned); } public void connectStructTrace(StructTrace structTrace) { this.structTrace = structTrace; } public void connectStructTree(StructTreeVisualizer structTree) { this.structTree = structTree; } public void connectRmsdTrace(RmsdTrace _rmsdTrace) { rmsdTrace = _rmsdTrace; = printRmsd; } /** * This method is called when structures are added in the GUI. */ @Override public void dataAdded(File file, DataType data) { if(data instanceof ProteinSkeletons) { myButton.setEnabled(true); myButton.setSelected(true); setActive(true); selectable = true; // By default we'll switch on localSigma mode in GUI globalSigma = false; // /// For hardcoding fixed-sigma in GUI mode: // fixedSigma2 = true; // globalSigma = true; // fixedSigma2Value = 0.0; // addToFilenameExtension("sigma2_"+fixedSigma2Value); // //////////////// activateAssociatedPlugins(); // If there is B-factor information in the .coor file // then we will also switch on localEpsilon by default if ((((ProteinSkeletons) data).bFactors) != null) { localEpsilon = true; } } } /** * Called when this plugin is activated in GUI mode, either * by toggling the StructAlign button, or by reading in * protein structure(s) from file. */ private void activateAssociatedPlugins() { = active; structTrace.postprocessWrite = active; structTrace.setSelected(active); // StructTree is activated by default in GUI mode, where possible showStructTree = !globalSigma; = active & showStructTree; structTree.setSelected(active & showStructTree); structTree.postprocessWrite = active & showStructTree; // RMSDTrace is activated by default in GUI mode, but does not print to file = active; rmsdTrace.setSelected(active); //rmsdTrace.postprocessWrite = active; rmsdTrace.postprocessWrite = false; } // </StructAlign> }