package statalign.mcmc; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import statalign.base.Mcmc; import statalign.base.Tree; import statalign.base.Utils; /** * * Generic class for a group of McmcMove objects. Each ModelExtension * is an instance of this class, as is the CoreMcmcModule * * @author herman * */ public abstract class McmcModule { protected Mcmc mcmc; protected String moduleName = ""; public boolean logParametersToFile = false; FileWriter parameterLog; public McmcModule() { } public McmcModule(String name) { moduleName = name; logParametersToFile = true; } public void setOutputFile(String baseFileName) { try { parameterLog = new FileWriter(baseFileName+moduleName+".params"); //System.out.println(baseFileName+moduleName+".params"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void setMcmc(Mcmc m) { mcmc = m; } public boolean printExtraInfo = false; public boolean isFirstHalfBurnin() { return mcmc.firstHalfBurnin; } public boolean isBurnin() { return mcmc.burnin; } /** Current log-likelihood contribution */ public double curLogLike = 0; protected List<McmcMove> mcmcMoves = new ArrayList<McmcMove>(); protected List<Integer> mcmcMoveWeights = new ArrayList<Integer>(); protected List<Integer> mcmcMoveWeightIncrements = new ArrayList<Integer>(); public int getParamChangeWeight() { int w = 0; for (int i=0; i<mcmcMoveWeights.size(); i++) { w += mcmcMoveWeights.get(i); } return w; } public void setWeight(String name, int weight) { for (int i=0; i<mcmcMoves.size(); i++) { if (mcmcMoves.get(i).name.contains(name)) { mcmcMoveWeights.set(i, weight); if (printExtraInfo) System.out.println("Move \""+mcmcMoves.get(i).name+"\" now has weight "+weight); } } } public void addMcmcMove(McmcMove m, int weight) { mcmcMoves.add(m); mcmcMoveWeights.add(weight); mcmcMoveWeightIncrements.add(0); } public void addMcmcMove(McmcMove m, int weight, int increment) { mcmcMoves.add(m); mcmcMoveWeights.add(weight); mcmcMoveWeightIncrements.add(increment); } public List<McmcMove> getMcmcMoves() { return mcmcMoves; } public void setAllMovesNotProposed() { for (McmcMove mcmcMove : mcmcMoves) { mcmcMove.moveProposed = false; } } public void zeroAllMoveCounts() { for (McmcMove mcmcMove : mcmcMoves) { mcmcMove.proposalCount = 0; mcmcMove.acceptanceCount = 0; mcmcMove.lowCounts = 0; } } public McmcMove getMcmcMove(String name) { for (McmcMove mcmcMove : mcmcMoves) { if ( { return mcmcMove; } } throw new RuntimeException("McmcMove "+name+" not found."); } public String getMcmcInfo() { String info = ""; for (McmcMove mcmcMove : mcmcMoves) { String infoFormat = "%-24s%8s%8d%8d%8.4f%8.4f\n"; info += String.format(Locale.US, infoFormat,, Utils.convertTime(mcmcMove.getTime()), mcmcMove.proposalCount, mcmcMove.getTime()/(mcmcMove.proposalCount>0 ? mcmcMove.proposalCount : 1), mcmcMove.acceptanceRate(), mcmcMove.proposalWidthControlVariable); } return info; } public String getSummaryInfo() { String info = "Acceptance rates: "; for (McmcMove m : mcmcMoves) { info +=": "+String.format(Locale.US, "%f ", m.acceptanceRate()); } return info; } public void printParameters() { if (logParametersToFile) { String params = ""; for (McmcMove m : mcmcMoves) { if (m.printableParam) { if (params != "") params += ", "; params += m.getParameterString(); } } if (params != null) { try { parameterLog.write(params+"\n"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } /** * Called before the start of MCMC sampling, but after the initial tree, alignment etc. have been * generated. Override to initialise data structures etc. * @param tree the starting tree */ public void beforeSampling(Tree tree) { if (logParametersToFile) { String paramNames = ""; for (McmcMove m : mcmcMoves) { if (m.printableParam) { if (paramNames != "") paramNames += ", "; paramNames += m.getNameString(); } } if (paramNames != null) { try { if (parameterLog == null) System.out.println("null log"); parameterLog.write(paramNames+"\n"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } public void afterSampling() { if (parameterLog != null) { try { parameterLog.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } for (McmcMove m : mcmcMoves) { m.printInfo(); } } /** * This should return the log of the model's contribution to the likelihood, it will be added on to * the log-likelihood of the current point in the MCMC state space. Normally it will be called once at the * initialisation of the MCMC process and from then on once in each MCMC step, when proposing any change. * In debug mode, will be called more often (including after proposed changes) to ensure consistency. * @param tree current tree * @return log of model extension likelihood, conditional on current tree, alignment and params */ public abstract double logLikeFactor(Tree tree); public double getLogLike() { return curLogLike; } public void setLogLike(double ll) { curLogLike = ll; } /** * This should return the log of the total prior calculated for the model parameters. It is only used * in parallel mode when proposing swaps between chains. By default returns 0. */ public double logPrior(Tree tree) { return 0; } public boolean proposeParamChange(Tree tree) { int selectedMoveIndex = Utils.weightedChoose(mcmcMoveWeights); McmcMove selectedMove = mcmcMoves.get(selectedMoveIndex); selectedMove.move(tree); return selectedMove.lastMoveAccepted; } public void modifyProposalWidths() { for (McmcMove m : mcmcMoves) { if (!m.autoTune) { continue; } //System.out.println(" ("+m.acceptanceCount+"/"+m.proposalCount+") "+m.proposalWidthControlVariable+" "); if (m.proposalCount > Utils.MIN_SAMPLES_FOR_ACC_ESTIMATE) { if (m.acceptanceRate() < m.minAcceptance && m.proposalWidthControlVariable >= m.minProposalWidthControlVariable) { m.proposalWidthControlVariable *= m.spanMultiplier; m.proposalCount = 0; m.acceptanceCount = 0; m.lowCounts++; } else if (m.acceptanceRate() > m.maxAcceptance && m.proposalWidthControlVariable <= m.maxProposalWidthControlVariable) { m.proposalWidthControlVariable /= m.spanMultiplier; m.proposalCount = 0; m.acceptanceCount = 0; m.lowCounts = 0; } else m.lowCounts = 0; } } } public boolean isParamChangeAccepted(double logProposalRatio,McmcMove m) { return mcmc.isParamChangeAccepted(logProposalRatio,m); } public void incrementWeights() { for (int i=0; i<mcmcMoves.size(); i++) { if (mcmcMoveWeightIncrements.get(i) != 0) { mcmcMoveWeights.set(i,mcmcMoveWeights.get(i)+ mcmcMoveWeightIncrements.get(i)); if (printExtraInfo) System.out.println("Move \""+mcmcMoves.get(i).name+"\" now has weight "+mcmcMoveWeights.get(i)); } } } public void afterFirstHalfBurnin() { for (McmcMove m : mcmcMoves) m.afterFirstHalfBurnin(); } public void afterBurnin() { for (McmcMove m : mcmcMoves) m.afterBurnin(); } }