package statalign.postprocess.plugins; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.swing.Icon; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import statalign.base.InputData; import statalign.base.McmcStep; import statalign.base.State; import statalign.base.Utils; import statalign.postprocess.Postprocess; import statalign.postprocess.Track; import statalign.postprocess.gui.AlignmentGUI; import statalign.ui.ErrorMessage; /** * This is the postprocessmanager for showing the current alignment. * * @author miklos, novak * */ public class CurrentAlignment extends statalign.postprocess.Postprocess{ public JPanel pan; public String[] allAlignment; public String[] leafAlignment; public String title; InputData input; String[] seqNames; public String[] getSeqNames() { return seqNames; } String[] leafNames; /** We will refer to this to get the posterior probabilities of the current alignment. */ MpdAlignment mpdAli; double[] decoding; boolean plotPosterior = true; /** Whether to plot the full alignment with internal nodes. */ public boolean showFullAlignment = true; AlignmentGUI gui; /** * It construct a postprocess that is screenable (=can be shown on the GUI), * outputable (= can be written into th elog file) but not postprocessable * (= cannot generate its own output file). */ public CurrentAlignment(){ screenable = true; outputable = true; postprocessable = true; postprocessWrite = false; sampling = true; rnaAssociated = false; } /** * It constructs a new JPanel, and returns with it */ @Override public JPanel getJPanel() { pan = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); return pan; } /** * It generates a new icon based on the figure in file icons/calignment.gif */ @Override public Icon getIcon() { // return new ImageIcon("icons/calignment.gif"); return new ImageIcon(ClassLoader.getSystemResource("icons/calignment.gif")); } /** * It returns with its tab name, 'Alignment' */ @Override public String getTabName() { return "Alignment"; } /** * It returns with the tip of the tabulated panel 'Current alignment in the Markov chain' * (shown when mouse is moved over the panel) */ @Override public String getTip() { return "Current alignment in the Markov chain"; } @Override public double getTabOrder() { return 2.0d; } @Override public String getFileExtension() { return "ali"; } /** * Updates the alignment. */ @Override public void newPeek(State state){ if(show) { updateAlignment(state); } } private void updateAlignment(State state) { String[] rows = showFullAlignment ? state.getFullAlign() : state.getLeafAlign(); for(int i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) //allAlignment[i] = seqNames[i]+'\t'+rows[i]; allAlignment[i] = rows[i]; int ind = 0; //System.out.println("allAlignment.length = "+allAlignment.length+"leafAlignment.length = "+leafAlignment.length); for(int i = 0; i < allAlignment.length; i++) { if (seqNames[i].charAt(0) != ' ') { leafAlignment[ind] = allAlignment[i]; leafNames[ind] = seqNames[i]; ind++; } //leafAlignment[i] = allAlignment[i]; } //if(allAlignment[i].charAt(0) != ' ') //leafAlignment[ind++] = allAlignment[i]; if (plotPosterior) decoding = mpdAli.getPosteriorSplus(); if(show) { gui.alignment = allAlignment; gui.sequenceNames = seqNames; if (plotPosterior) gui.decoding = decoding; gui.repaint(); } } /** * Initializes the graphical interface. */ @Override public void beforeFirstSample(InputData input) { if(show) { pan.removeAll(); title = input.title; JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(); scroll.setViewportView(gui = new AlignmentGUI(title,input.model,this));//, mcmc.tree.printedAlignment())); gui.title = input.title; pan.add(scroll, BorderLayout.CENTER); } leafAlignment = new String[input.seqs.size()]; leafNames = new String[input.seqs.size()]; this.input = input; // seqNames int nl = input.seqs.size(); int nn = nl*2-1, i; seqNames = new String[nn]; for(i = 0; i < nl; i++) { seqNames[i] = input.seqs.getSeqNamePadded(i); leafNames[i] = seqNames[i]; } StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for(int j = 0; j < seqNames[0].length(); j++) b.append(' '); String empty = b.toString(); for(; i < nn; i++) seqNames[i] = empty; allAlignment = new String[nn]; } /** * At each mcmc sampling point, the current alignment is shown on the GUI. * Also, it writes the current alignment into the log file when in * sampling mode. */ @Override public void newSample(State state, int no, int total) { //System.out.println("THIS IS THE CURRENT ALIGNMENT" + state.getFullAlign()); updateAlignment(state); if(postprocessWrite) { try { String[] alignment = Utils.alignmentTransformation(allAlignment, seqNames, alignmentType, input); for(int i = 0; i < alignment.length; i++){ if (state.isBurnin) outputFile.write("Burnin "+no+"\tAlignment:"+"\t"+alignment[i]+"\n"); else outputFile.write("Sample "+no+"\tAlignment:"+"\t"+alignment[i]+"\n"); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if(sampling){ try { String[] alignment = Utils.alignmentTransformation(allAlignment, seqNames, alignmentType, input); for(int i = 0; i < alignment.length; i++){ if (state.isBurnin) file.write("Burnin "+no+"\tAlignment:"+"\t"+alignment[i]+"\n"); else file.write("Sample "+no+"\tAlignment:"+"\t"+alignment[i]+"\n"); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Temporary fileprinting method to generate single files containing the current alignment. Used when testing * the performance of cold and heated chains in mcmcmc. */ public void singleFilePrint(int no, int total) { if(sampling){ try { System.out.println("Alignment type: "+ alignmentType); String[] alignment = Utils.alignmentTransformation(allAlignment, seqNames, alignmentType, input); for(int i = 0; i < alignment.length; i++){ file.write(alignment[i]+"\n"); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } @Override public void afterLastSample() { if (postprocessWrite) { try { outputFile.flush(); outputFile.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Toggles sampling mode. */ @Override public void setSampling(boolean enabled){ sampling = enabled; } }