package statalign.base; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols; import java.text.FieldPosition; import java.util.ArrayList; import static java.util.Arrays.*; import static statalign.base.AlignColumn.*; import statalign.ui.ErrorMessage; /** * This is a vertex of the tree. * The 'hardcore' functions are implemented in this class, developers are suggested * not change functions in it. The implemented functions are quite unreadable, since we * opted for efficiency and not readability. You should be able to develop novel * functionality of the software package (postprocessing, substitution models, etc.) * without touching this class. * @author miklos, novak, herman */ public class Vertex { /** The number of digits in rounding when printing the tree. */ static final int ROUNDING = 100; /** The probability for selecting a homologous column not to be * changed during topology changing */ static final double SELECTING = 0.5; static int DEBUG = 0; static final double PROPOSAL_HEAT = 1.0; /** The probability that an empty window will be realigned*/ static final double EMPTY_WINDOW = 0.01; Tree owner; Vertex old; /** * The name of the sequence associated to the vertex. * Used only if the vertex is a leaf of the tree. */ public String name; /** Index of this vertex in the Tree.vertex array */ public int index; /** This reference points to the parent of the vertex */ public Vertex parent; /** * This reference points to the left child of the vertex. If the * vertex is a leaf, it is set to null. */ public Vertex left; /** * This reference points to the right child of the vertex. If the * vertex is a leaf, it is set to null. */ public Vertex right; int length; // sequence length public int nSilentIndels = -1; public AlignColumn first; // first alignment column of Vertex AlignColumn last; // last, virtual alignment column of Vertex (always present) String seq; // original sequence of this Vertex (given for leaves only) int winLength; // length of window AlignColumn winFirst; // first alignment column of window AlignColumn winLast; // first alignment column past window end public boolean selected; // shows if vertex is part of the selected subtree /** The length of the edge that connects this vertex with its parent. */ public double edgeLength; // length of edge to parent vertex double[][] charTransMatrix; // precalculated character transition likelihoods (subst. model) double[][] charPropTransMatrix; // precalculated character transition likelihoods for proposals (subst. model) double[][] hmm2TransMatrix; // precalculated state transition likelihoods for 2-seq HMM (indel model) double[][] hmm2PropTransMatrix; // precalculated state transition likelihoods for 2-seq HMM used for proposals (indel model) double[][] hmm3TransMatrix; // precalculated state transition likelihoods for 3-seq HMM (indel model) double[][] hmm3RedTransMatrix; // precalculated st. trans. likelihoods for 3-seq HMM, silent st. removed (indel model) /** * The log-sum of the Felsenstein's likelihoods of characters that are inserted into the * sequence of this vertex. */ public double orphanLogLike; // log-sum of the likelihood of each orphan column in subtree (incl. this vertex) /** * The log-sum of the cumulative insertion-deletion loglikelihoods up to this vertex (ie. summed over the * subtree below this vertex.). */ public double indelLogLike; public int leafCount; Vertex() { } public Vertex(Tree tree) { owner = tree; old = new Vertex(); } public Vertex(Vertex parent) { this.parent = parent; owner = parent.owner; old = new Vertex(); } Vertex(Tree owner, double edgeLength) { this.owner = owner; this.edgeLength = edgeLength; indelLogLike = 0.0; old = new Vertex(); } Vertex(Tree owner, int index, double edgeLength, String name) { this.owner = owner; this.index = index; this.edgeLength = edgeLength; = name; old = new Vertex(); } void addSeq(int[][] seq, String origSeq) { this.seq = origSeq; int size = owner.substitutionModel.e.length; first = new AlignColumn(this); first.seq = new double[size]; if (Utils.USE_MODEXT_EM) { first.aligned = new int[owner.vertex.length/2 + 1]; fill(first.aligned,-1); } for (int i = 0; i < first.seq.length; i++) { first.seq[i] = seq[0][i]; if (Utils.USE_MODEXT_EM) first.aligned[index] = 0; } first.prev = null; AlignColumn prev = first; for (int i = 1; i < seq.length; i++) { AlignColumn actual = new AlignColumn(this); = actual; actual.prev = prev; actual.seq = new double[size]; if (Utils.USE_MODEXT_EM) { actual.aligned = new int[owner.vertex.length/2 + 1]; fill(actual.aligned,-1); } for (int j = 0; j < first.seq.length; j++) { actual.seq[j] = seq[i][j]; } prev = actual; if (Utils.USE_MODEXT_EM) actual.aligned[index] = i; } last = new AlignColumn(this); last.prev = prev; = last; length = seq.length; edgeChangeUpdate(); indelLogLike = 0.0; } /** * Adds empty sequence to an ancestor to allow 3-way alignment. * Left and right vertices must exist. */ void addEmptySeq() { AlignColumn fake = new AlignColumn(this); first = fake; last = fake; length = 0; fake.left = left.last; fake.right = right.last; left.last.parent = fake; left.last.orphan = false; right.last.parent = fake; right.last.orphan = false; } Vertex(String descriptor, Vertex parent) { /* descriptor is a string describing the nodes below this node */ //System.out.println(descriptor); this.parent = parent; owner = parent.owner; old = new Vertex(); /* boolean containsParenthesis = false; for(int i = 0; i < descriptor.length(); i++){ if(descriptor.charAt(i) == '(' || descriptor.charAt(i) == ')'){ containsParenthesis = true; break; } } */ if (descriptor.charAt(0) == '(') { String leftDescriptor = ""; int counter = 0; int j; for (j = 1; counter != 0 || descriptor.charAt(j) != ','; j++) { leftDescriptor += descriptor.charAt(j); if (descriptor.charAt(j) == '(') { counter++; } if (descriptor.charAt(j) == ')') { counter--; } } Vertex leftChild = new Vertex(leftDescriptor, this); left = leftChild; String rightDescriptor = ""; for (j += 1; counter != -1; j++) { rightDescriptor += descriptor.charAt(j); if (descriptor.charAt(j) == '(') { counter++; } if (descriptor.charAt(j) == ')') { counter--; } } rightDescriptor = rightDescriptor.substring(0, rightDescriptor.length() - 1); Vertex rightChild = new Vertex(rightDescriptor, this); right = rightChild; String tempStringlength = ""; for (j += 1; j < descriptor.length(); j++) { tempStringlength += descriptor.charAt(j); } //System.out.println(tempStringlength); if (tempStringlength.length() > 0) { edgeLength = Math.max(Double.parseDouble(tempStringlength), 0.01); } else { edgeLength = 0.01; } // edgeLength = 0.01; //else we have the root node, which does not need an edgeLength } else { left = null; right = null; name = ""; int i = 0; while (descriptor.charAt(i) != ':') { name += descriptor.charAt(i); i++; } String tempString = ""; for (i++; i < descriptor.length(); i++) { tempString += descriptor.charAt(i); } //System.out.println(tempString); edgeLength = Math.max(Double.parseDouble(tempString), 0.01); } // setting the transition matrices // edgeChangeUpdate(); } /** * @return the "brother" of this node, i.e. the other descendant of its parent */ public Vertex brother() { return parent.left == this ? parent.right : parent.left; } public void updateTransitionMatrix() { // System.out.println("owner: "+owner); //System.out.println(""); charTransMatrix = owner.substitutionModel.updateTransitionMatrix(charTransMatrix, edgeLength); charPropTransMatrix = new double[charTransMatrix.length][]; // double heat = owner.heat; // for (int i = 0; i < charTransMatrix.length; i++) { // charPropTransMatrix[i] = charTransMatrix[i].clone(); // double tempSum = 0; // for (int j = 0; j < charPropTransMatrix[i].length; j++) { // charPropTransMatrix[i][j] = Math.pow(charPropTransMatrix[i][j], heat); // tempSum += charPropTransMatrix[i][j]; // } // for (int j = 0; j < charPropTransMatrix[i].length; j++) { // // charPropTransMatrix[i][j] /= tempSum; // } // // } } void updateHmm2Matrix() { updateHmm2Matrix(1.0); } void updateHmm2Matrix(double R, double lambda, double mu) { hmm2TransMatrix = owner.hmm2.preCalcTransMatrix(hmm2TransMatrix, edgeLength,new double[] {R,lambda,mu}); hmm2PropTransMatrix = hmm2TransMatrix; } public void updateHmm2Matrix(double[] params) { hmm2TransMatrix = owner.hmm2.preCalcTransMatrix(hmm2TransMatrix, edgeLength,params); hmm2PropTransMatrix = hmm2TransMatrix; } void updateHmm2Matrix(double heat) { hmm2TransMatrix = owner.hmm2.preCalcTransMatrix(hmm2TransMatrix, edgeLength); hmm2PropTransMatrix = hmm2TransMatrix; // This is commented out for now. Uncomment to use the rescaling of the transition matrices. // Do the same for {@link #updateHmm3Matrix()}. // double heat = owner.heat; //double heat = PROPOSAL_HEAT; // double heat = 1.0; if (heat != 1.0) { hmm2PropTransMatrix = new double[hmm2TransMatrix.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < hmm2TransMatrix.length; i++) { hmm2PropTransMatrix[i] = hmm2TransMatrix[i].clone(); /**/ double tempSum = Utils.log0; for (int j = 0; j < hmm2PropTransMatrix[i].length; j++) { hmm2PropTransMatrix[i][j] = hmm2PropTransMatrix[i][j]* heat; //hmm2PropTransMatrix[i][j] = -Math.pow(Math.abs(hmm2PropTransMatrix[i][j]),heat); tempSum = Utils.logAdd(tempSum, hmm2TransMatrix[i][j]); } if(tempSum != Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY){ for (int j = 0; j < hmm2PropTransMatrix[i].length; j++) { hmm2PropTransMatrix[i][j] = hmm2PropTransMatrix[i][j]-tempSum; } } /**/ } } } void updateHmm3Matrix() { if (left != null && right != null) { hmm3TransMatrix = owner.hmm3.preCalcTransMatrix(hmm3TransMatrix, left.edgeLength, right.edgeLength); hmm3RedTransMatrix = owner.hmm3.preCalcRedTransMatrix(hmm3RedTransMatrix, hmm3TransMatrix); //double heat = PROPOSAL_HEAT; // double heat = 1.0; // //// double heat = owner.heat; //// // for (int i = 0; i < hmm3RedTransMatrix.length; i++) { // double tempSum = Utils.log0; // for (int j = 0; j < hmm3RedTransMatrix[i].length; j++) { // hmm3RedTransMatrix[i][j] = hmm3RedTransMatrix[i][j] * heat; // //hmm3RedTransMatrix[i][j] = -Math.pow(Math.abs(hmm3RedTransMatrix[i][j]),heat); // tempSum = Utils.logAdd(tempSum, hmm3RedTransMatrix[i][j]); // // } // if(tempSum != Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY){ // for (int j = 0; j < hmm3RedTransMatrix[i].length; j++) { // hmm3RedTransMatrix[i][j] = hmm3RedTransMatrix[i][j] - tempSum; // } // } // } } } public void updateHmmMatrices() { if (parent != null) updateHmm2Matrix(); updateHmm3Matrix(); } public void recursivelyUpdateHmmMatrices() { if (left != null && right != null) { // System.out.println("calling the left child"); left.recursivelyUpdateHmmMatrices(); //System.out.println("calling the right child"); right.recursivelyUpdateHmmMatrices(); //calcUpperWithCheck(); // we shouldn't require all upp vectors to be // recomputed after every move, because that's unnecessary } updateHmmMatrices(); } public void updateHmm2Matrices() { if (parent != null) updateHmm2Matrix(); } public void recursivelyUpdateHmm2Matrices() { if (!selected) return; if (left != null && right != null) { // System.out.println("calling the left child"); left.recursivelyUpdateHmm2Matrices(); //System.out.println("calling the right child"); right.recursivelyUpdateHmm2Matrices(); //calcUpperWithCheck(); } updateHmm2Matrices(); } public void recursivelyUpdateHmm3Matrices() { if (!selected) return; if (left != null && right != null) { // System.out.println("calling the left child"); left.recursivelyUpdateHmm3Matrices(); //System.out.println("calling the right child"); right.recursivelyUpdateHmm3Matrices(); //calcUpperWithCheck(); } updateHmm3Matrix(); } public void setEdgeLength(double x) { edgeLength = x; } public static void printChildren(Vertex v){ if(v.left != null){ System.out.println(v.index + " " + v.left.index); System.out.println(v.index + " " + v.right.index); printChildren(v.left); printChildren(v.right); } } public static void printEdges(Vertex v){ System.out.println(v.index + " " + v.edgeLength); if(v.left != null){ printEdges(v.left); printEdges(v.right); } } public void edgeChangeUpdate() { if (parent != null) { updateTransitionMatrix(); updateHmm2Matrix(); parent.updateHmm3Matrix(); } } void fullWin() { winFirst = first; winLast = last; winLength = length; } static DecimalFormat printDf; static { DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = new DecimalFormatSymbols(); dfs.setDecimalSeparator('.'); printDf = new DecimalFormat("0.#####", dfs); } public void printWithNumbers(StringBuffer b) { print(b,true); } public void print(StringBuffer b) { print(b,false); } public void print(StringBuffer b,boolean withNumbers) { // print this node and nodes below in bracket notation if (left == null && right == null) { if (withNumbers) b.append(name.replaceAll(" ", "")+"["+index+"]"); else b.append(name.replaceAll(" ", "")); b.append(':'); printDf.format(edgeLength, b, new FieldPosition(1)); } else { b.append('('); left.print(b,withNumbers); b.append(','); right.print(b,withNumbers); b.append(')'); if (withNumbers) b.append("["+index+"]"); if (parent != null) { b.append(':'); printDf.format(edgeLength, b, new FieldPosition(1)); } else { b.append(';'); } } } public String print(int digits) { String pattern = "0."; for (int i = 0; i < digits; i++) { pattern += "#"; } // print this node and nodes below in bracket notation DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = new DecimalFormatSymbols(); dfs.setDecimalSeparator('.'); DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(pattern, dfs); if (left == null && right == null) { String x = df.format(edgeLength, new StringBuffer(), new FieldPosition(1)).toString(); return name.replaceAll(" ", "") + (digits == 0 ? "" : ":" + x); } else { if (parent != null) { // String x = Double.toString(edgeLength); String x = df.format(edgeLength, new StringBuffer(), new FieldPosition(1)).toString(); return "(" + left.print(digits) + "," + right.print(digits) + ")" + (digits == 0 ? "" : ":" + x); } else { return "(" + left.print(digits) + "," + right.print(digits) + ");"; } } } public void recomputeLogLike() { if (left != null && right != null) { // System.out.println("calling the left child"); left.recomputeLogLike(); //System.out.println("calling the right child"); right.recomputeLogLike(); //calcUpperWithCheck(); // we shouldn't require all upp vectors to be // recomputed after every move, because that's unnecessary } calcFelsen(); calcOrphan(); calcIndelLogLike(); } public void recomputeLogLikeSelected() { if (!selected) return; if (left != null && right != null) { // System.out.println("calling the left child"); left.recomputeLogLike(); //System.out.println("calling the right child"); right.recomputeLogLike(); //calcUpperWithCheck(); // we shouldn't require all upp vectors to be // recomputed after every move, because that's unnecessary } calcFelsen(); calcOrphan(); calcIndelLogLike(); } public void recomputeCheckLogLike() { if (left != null && right != null) { // System.out.println("calling the left child"); left.recomputeCheckLogLike(); //System.out.println("calling the right child"); right.recomputeCheckLogLike(); //calcUpperWithCheck(); // we shouldn't require all upp vectors to be // recomputed after every move, because that's unnecessary } //if (Utils.USE_MODEXT_EM) updateAlignedWithCheck(); calcFelsenWithCheck(); calcOrphanWithCheck(); calcIndelLogLikeWithCheck(); } public void calcUpperFromRoot() { for (Vertex v = parent; v != null; v = v.parent) { v.calcUpperFromRoot(); v.calcUpper(); } } /** * This function calculates the upper probability vectors, which contain * the partial likelihoods for everything except this subtree. * Requires the felsenstein partial likelihoods to have already been * computed for everything below. */ public void calcUpperRecursively() { calcUpper(); //updateTransitionMatrix(); if (left != null && right != null) { // System.out.println("calling the left child"); left.calcUpperRecursively(); //System.out.println("calling the right child"); right.calcUpperRecursively(); } } public void calcUpperRecursivelyWithCheck() { calcUpperWithCheck(); if (left != null && right != null) { // System.out.println("calling the left child"); left.calcUpperRecursivelyWithCheck(); //System.out.println("calling the right child"); right.calcUpperRecursivelyWithCheck(); } } void calcUpper(boolean withCheck, boolean withoutBrother) { AlignColumn v; Vertex brother = null; boolean isLeft = false; if (this != owner.root) { brother = brother(); isLeft = (this == parent.left); if (Utils.DEBUG) { parent.calcUpperWithCheck(); brother.calcFelsenWithCheck(); } } for (v = first; v != last; v = { double[] upp_old = null; if (withCheck) { upp_old = new double[v.upp.length]; for (int i=0; i<upp_old.length; i++) { upp_old[i] = v.upp[i]; } } if (this == owner.root || v.orphan) { v.upp = owner.substitutionModel.e.clone(); } else { AlignColumn p = v.parent; AlignColumn b = isLeft ? p.right : p.left; double[] felsen = new double[ owner.substitutionModel.e.length]; if (!withoutBrother) { Utils.calcFelsen(felsen, null, null, b != null ? b.seq : null, brother.charTransMatrix); } else for (int i=0; i<felsen.length; i++) felsen[i] = 1.0; v.upp = new double[ owner.substitutionModel.e.length]; for (int i=0; i<v.upp.length; i++) { for (int j=0; j<v.upp.length; j++) { v.upp[j] += felsen[i] * p.upp[i] * charTransMatrix[i][j]; } } } if (withCheck) { boolean match = true; for(int i = 0; i < upp_old.length && match; i++){ match = Math.abs(upp_old[i]/v.upp[i] - 1.0) < 0.0001; } if (!match) { String info = ""; for(int i = 0; i < upp_old.length; i++){ info += (upp_old[i])+"/"+(v.upp[i])+" "; } info += "\n"; throw new RuntimeException("Upper probabilities do not match:\n"+info); } } } } void calcUpper() { calcUpper(false,false); } void calcUpperWithCheck() { calcUpper(true,false); } void calcUpperWithoutBrother() { calcUpper(false,true); } /** * This function calculates the Felsenstein likelihood for the subtree below <code>this</code>. * When called from the root, the result is stored in <code>orphanLogLike</code> at the root. */ public void calcFelsenRecursively() { if (left != null && right != null) { // System.out.println("calling the left child"); left.calcFelsenRecursively(); //System.out.println("calling the right child"); right.calcFelsenRecursively(); } calcFelsen(); calcOrphan(); } /** * Calculates Felsenstein likelihoods of `this'. * @param withCheck <code>true</code> if we are just running this function to * check whether the current stored partial likelihood vectors are consistent. * @param ignoreChild If 0, then both children are considered (if they exist). If * 1, then the left child is ignored, and if 2 then the right child is ignored. * This is for use during topology switching moves. */ void calcFelsen(boolean withCheck, int ignoreChild) { if (left != null && right != null) { AlignColumn p; AlignColumn l = left.first; AlignColumn r = right.first; double[] fel1, fel2; for (p = first; p != last; p = { fel1 = null; fel2 = null; while (l != left.last && l.orphan) l =; while (r != right.last && r.orphan) r =; if (l.parent == p) { fel1 = l.seq; l =; } if (r.parent == p) { fel2 = r.seq; r =; } if (withCheck) { boolean match = Utils.calcFelsenWithCheck(p.seq, fel1, left.charTransMatrix, fel2, right.charTransMatrix); if (!match) { throw new RuntimeException("Felsenstein does not match!"); } } else { if (ignoreChild == 0) { Utils.calcFelsen(p.seq, fel1, left.charTransMatrix, fel2, right.charTransMatrix); } else if (ignoreChild == 1) { // ignore left child Utils.calcFelsen(p.seq, null, null, fel2, right.charTransMatrix); } else if (ignoreChild == 2) { // ignore right child Utils.calcFelsen(p.seq, fel1, left.charTransMatrix, null, null); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument `ignoreChild' must take value 0, 1 or 2."); } } } } public void calcFelsen() { calcFelsen(false,0); } void calcFelsenWithCheck() { calcFelsen(true,0); } /** * Computes the Felsenstein likelihood for this, ignoring everything below the * specified child Vertex (i.e. only considering one side of the descendant tree). * @param child One of the two children of the current Vertex */ void calcFelsenWithout(Vertex child) { if (child == left) { calcFelsen(false,1); } else if (child == right) { calcFelsen(false,2); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Vertex "+child.index+" is not a child of "+index+"."); } /** * Calculates the sum of orphan likelihoods in the (inclusive) subtree of `this' * which is then stored in `this.orphanLogLikge' (this implies that alignment to * parent must exists at the time of calling) * Saves previous orphan likelihood into `old' so it shouldn't be called twice in a row. * (But does not save previous Felsensteins of `this' in AlignColumn's `seq'.) */ void calcOrphan(boolean withCheck) { old.orphanLogLike = orphanLogLike; //orphan likelihoods orphanLogLike = 0.0; for (AlignColumn actual = first; actual != last; actual = { if (actual.parent == null || actual.orphan) { orphanLogLike += Math.log(Utils.calcEmProb(actual.seq, owner.substitutionModel.e)); } } if (left != null && right != null) { orphanLogLike += left.orphanLogLike + right.orphanLogLike; } if (withCheck) { if (old.orphanLogLike - orphanLogLike > 1e-6) { throw new RuntimeException("Problem with orphan loglike at vertex "+index+": old: " + old.orphanLogLike + " new: " + orphanLogLike); // int index = 0; // while (owner.vertex[index] != this) { // index++; // } } } } public void calcOrphan() { calcOrphan(false); } void calcOrphanWithCheck() { calcOrphan(true); } public void calcOrphanRecursively() { if (left != null && right != null) { left.calcOrphanRecursively(); right.calcOrphanRecursively(); } calcOrphan(); } void calcOrphanRecursivelyWithCheck() { if (left != null && right != null) { left.calcOrphanRecursivelyWithCheck(); right.calcOrphanRecursivelyWithCheck(); } calcOrphanWithCheck(); } public void calcIndelLogLikeRecursively() { if (left != null && right != null) { left.calcIndelLogLikeRecursively(); right.calcIndelLogLikeRecursively(); } calcIndelLogLike(); } /** * Function to calculate the indel logLikelihood of the subtree of `this' including * the indel logLikelihood of the alignment between `this.left'&`this' and `this.right'&`this'. * Saves previous logLikelihood into `old' Vertex, so it shouldn't be called twice in a row. * Assumes it has been called previously on both `left' and `right'. * Result is stored in `this'. * @param withCheck if true likelihood is re-calculated and checked against the already stored value */ void calcIndelLogLike(boolean withCheck) { if(!withCheck) old.indelLogLike = indelLogLike; double newIndelLogLike = 0.0; if (left != null && right != null) { newIndelLogLike += left.calcIndelLogLikeUp(); newIndelLogLike += right.calcIndelLogLikeUp(); // For all edges except one of the edges to the root, change the // joint marginal into a conditional, by dividing by the probability // of the parent using the stationary distribution under hmm2. // For the initial NJ tree we don't have a root, so can't do the // check below. In that case we'll just leave out the correction factor // to begin with, since that step is just for the purposes of getting // a decent starting position. if (Utils.USE_INDEL_CORRECTION_FACTOR) { // System.out.println(index+" before: "+newIndelLogLike+" ("+length+")"); if (this!=owner.root) { newIndelLogLike -= 2*owner.hmm2.getLogStationaryProb(length); } else { newIndelLogLike -= owner.hmm2.getLogStationaryProb(length); } // System.out.println(index+" after: "+newIndelLogLike); } } if(!withCheck) indelLogLike = newIndelLogLike; else if(Math.abs(indelLogLike - newIndelLogLike) > 1e-5) throw new Error("likelihood inconsistency in calcIndelLogLike - stored likelihood: "+indelLogLike+" recomputed: "+newIndelLogLike); } public void calcIndelLogLike() { calcIndelLogLike(false); } void calcIndelLogLikeWithCheck() { calcIndelLogLike(true); } /** * Function to calculate the indel log-likelihood of the subtree of `this' plus * the indel log-likelihood of the alignment between `this' & `this.parent' * Assumes log-likelihood of subtree is already pre-calculated and stored in `this' * @return counted log-likelihood */ double calcIndelLogLikeUp() { final int START = owner.hmm2.getStart(); final int END = owner.hmm2.getEnd(); final int emitPatt2State[] = owner.hmm2.getEmitPatt2State(); double indelLogLikeUp = indelLogLike; if (DEBUG==2) { System.out.println("index = "+index); } //System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------"); //printPointers(); if (parent != null) { AlignColumn c = first, p = parent.first; int prevk = START, k; if (DEBUG==2) System.out.println(last.toString()+" "+parent.last.toString()+"\n"); while (c != last || p != parent.last) { if (DEBUG==2) { System.out.print("c = "+c+" "); System.out.print("c.parent = "+c.parent+" "); System.out.println("p = "+p); } if (c.parent != p) { // deletion (* -), pattern code 2 k = emitPatt2State[2]; if (DEBUG==2) { System.out.print("(*-) "); if (p != parent.last) System.out.println(String.valueOf(p.mostLikely())+"-"); else System.out.println(); } p =; } else if (c.orphan) { // insertion (- *), pattern code 1 k = emitPatt2State[1]; if (DEBUG==2) { System.out.print("(-*) "); if (c != last) System.out.println("-"+String.valueOf(c.mostLikely())); else System.out.println(); } c =; } else { // substitution (* *), pattern code 3 k = emitPatt2State[3]; if (DEBUG==2) { System.out.print("(**) "); if (c != last && p != parent.last) { System.out.println(String.valueOf(p.mostLikely())+String.valueOf(c.mostLikely())); } else { System.out.println(String.valueOf("-"+c.mostLikely())); } } p =; c =; } indelLogLikeUp += hmm2TransMatrix[prevk][k]; prevk = k; } indelLogLikeUp += hmm2TransMatrix[prevk][END]; } if (DEBUG==2) System.out.println(); return indelLogLikeUp; } /** * NB hmm3 currently does not use information about the upper parts of the tree, * because otherwise the recursive realignment moves would involve back-proposal * probabilities that would be impossible to compute. It should be possible to * use information about the parts of the tree above the root of the subtree, * which would involve repeatedly calling calcUpperWithoutBrother on the * downward recursion in doRecAlign, before the back-proposal probabilities are computed. * @return */ private double[][][] hmm3ProbMatrix() { return hmm3ProbMatrix(1.0); } private double[][][] hmm3ProbMatrix(double heat) { double[] equDist = owner.substitutionModel.e; int hmm3Parent[] = owner.hmm3.getStateEmit()[0]; int hmm3Left[] = owner.hmm3.getStateEmit()[1]; int hmm3Right[] = owner.hmm3.getStateEmit()[2]; int leftLen = left.winLength, rightLen = right.winLength; final int START = owner.hmm3.getStart(); final int END = owner.hmm3.getEnd(); double probMatrix[][][]; // DP matrix used for 3-seq HMM alignment probMatrix = new double[leftLen + 1][rightLen + 1][END]; // don't reserve space for end state double logEmissionProb, felsen[] = new double[equDist.length], tr; int[] aligned; AlignColumn l = null, r = null; int i, j, k, previ, prevj, prevk; /* i: left prefix length, j: right prefix length, k: state l: left child's actual alignment column, r: that of right child */ for (i = 0; i <= leftLen; i++) { for (j = 0; j <= rightLen; j++) { probMatrix[i][j][START] = (i == 0 && j == 0) ? 0.0 : Utils.log0; // update matrix for start state for (k = START + 1; k < END; k++) { previ = i - hmm3Left[k]; prevj = j - hmm3Right[k]; if (previ >= 0 && prevj >= 0) { if (hmm3Parent[k] != 0) { // there's a parent character in alignment column, but still can be an (even double-) deletion Utils.calcFelsen(felsen, hmm3Left[k] != 0 ? l.seq : null, left.charTransMatrix, hmm3Right[k] != 0 ? r.seq : null, right.charTransMatrix); logEmissionProb = Math.log(Utils.calcEmProb(felsen, equDist)); if (Utils.USE_MODEXT_EM && owner.owner != null) { aligned = new int[owner.vertex.length / 2 + 1]; for (int ii=0; ii<aligned.length; ii++) aligned[ii] = -1; if (hmm3Left[k] != 0) { for (int ii=0; ii<aligned.length; ii++) { if (l.aligned[ii] > 0) aligned[ii] = l.aligned[ii]; } } if (hmm3Right[k] != 0) { for (int ii=0; ii<aligned.length; ii++) { if (r.aligned[ii] > 0) aligned[ii] = r.aligned[ii]; } } // System.out.println(); //System.out.print(logEmissionProb); logEmissionProb += owner.owner.calcEm(aligned); //System.out.println(" "+logEmissionProb); } } else { // no parent, it's an insertion on either of (but never both) branches logEmissionProb = Math.log(Utils.calcEmProb(hmm3Left[k] != 0 ? l.seq : r.seq, equDist)); if (Utils.USE_MODEXT_EM && owner.owner != null) { if (hmm3Left[k] != 0) { logEmissionProb += owner.owner.calcEm(l.aligned); } else if (hmm3Right[k] != 0) { logEmissionProb += owner.owner.calcEm(r.aligned); } // Shouldn't be any other cases } } if (previ == 0 && prevj == 0) tr = hmm3RedTransMatrix[START][k]; else { for (tr = Utils.log0, prevk = START + 1; prevk < END; prevk++) tr = Utils.logAdd(tr, probMatrix[previ][prevj][prevk] + hmm3RedTransMatrix[prevk][k]); } probMatrix[i][j][k] = heat*(logEmissionProb + tr); } else probMatrix[i][j][k] = Utils.log0; } r = (j > 0) ? : right.winFirst; } l = (i > 0) ? : left.winFirst; } return probMatrix; } /** * Computes backproposal of alignment between this & this.left & this.right, window sizes matter. * @return log of backproposal probability */ double hmm3BackProp() { int emitPatt2State[] = owner.hmm3.getEmitPatt2State(); final int START = owner.hmm3.getStart(); final int END = owner.hmm3.getEnd(); final int SILENT = owner.hmm3.getSilent(); AlignColumn l, r, p; double retVal = 0.0; int k, previ, prevj, prevk; int pattCode; // alignment column pattern's binary code double probMatrix[][][] = hmm3ProbMatrix(); /* backproposal calculation */ previ = prevj = 0; // previous prefix lengths (0 at the beginning) prevk = START; // previous state (start state at the beginning) l = left.winFirst; // starting alignment columns (window starts) r = right.winFirst; p = winFirst; int silentNum = 0; // number of transitions through silent state since last non-silent state while (prevk != END) { if (l == left.winLast && r == right.winLast && p == winLast) // go to end state (virtual pattern code: 8) pattCode = 8; else if (l.parent == p && l.orphan) // left insertion (- * -), emission pattern binary code: 2 pattCode = 2; else if (r.parent == p && r.orphan) // right insertion (- - *), emission pattern binary code: 1 pattCode = 1; else if (l.parent != p && r.parent != p) { // double deletion (* - -), silent state, emission pattern binary code: 4 silentNum++; p =; continue; } else { pattCode = 4; // there is a parent in all the remaining cases (* ? ?) if (l.parent == p) pattCode += 2; // could be left/right deletion (* - *)/(* * -) with codes 5/6 or if (r.parent == p) pattCode += 1; // "full" alignment column (* * *), binary code 7 } k = emitPatt2State[pattCode]; // real state number for column double bp = Utils.log0; for (int bpPrevk = START; bpPrevk < END; bpPrevk++) bp = Utils.logAdd(bp, probMatrix[previ][prevj][bpPrevk] + hmm3RedTransMatrix[bpPrevk][k]); bp = probMatrix[previ][prevj][prevk] - bp; if (silentNum == 0) // non-reducated transition, skipping silent state bp += hmm3TransMatrix[prevk][k]; else // non-reducated transitions, passing through silent state at least once bp += hmm3TransMatrix[prevk][SILENT] + hmm3TransMatrix[SILENT][k] + (silentNum - 1) * hmm3TransMatrix[SILENT][SILENT]; if (bp > 1e-5) { //System.out.println("Pozitiv!"); } retVal += bp; silentNum = 0; prevk = k; if ((pattCode & 4) != 0) // make a parent's step p =; if ((pattCode & 2) != 0) { // make a left child's step l =; previ++; } if ((pattCode & 1) != 0) { // make a right child's step r =; prevj++; } } return retVal; } private void saveWin() { old.winFirst = winFirst; old.winLast = winLast.prev; // temporary reference to last (real) window element (but could be null) old.winLength = winLength; old.first = first; old.length = length; old.orphanLogLike = orphanLogLike; old.indelLogLike = indelLogLike; } /** * Toggles parent alignment pointers of `this' between parent's old and new sequence (use `toNew' to select). * When called, parent's AlignColumn pointers must always point to the new sequence, regardless of `toNew'. */ void toggleUp(boolean toNew) { AlignColumn dp = toNew ? parent.winFirst : parent.old.winFirst; // "destination" parent AlignColumn c = first; boolean inWin = false; AlignColumn p = parent.first; while (p != parent.winLast) { if (p == parent.winFirst) { if (toNew) p = parent.old.winFirst; inWin = true; } if (c.parent != p) { if (inWin) dp =; p =; } else { if (inWin) c.parent = dp; c =; } } } /** * Samples a new alignment between `this' & `this.left' & `this.right', taking window sizes * into account. Creates new ancestor sequence, updates all Vertex-stored suppl. data, <b>does not save</b> old * data for restoration into oldVertex. * @return log of 1/proposal */ double hmm3Align() { int hmm3Parent[] = owner.hmm3.getStateEmit()[0]; int hmm3Left[] = owner.hmm3.getStateEmit()[1]; int hmm3Right[] = owner.hmm3.getStateEmit()[2]; int leftLen = left.winLength, rightLen = right.winLength; final int START = owner.hmm3.getStart(); final int END = owner.hmm3.getEnd(); final int SILENT = owner.hmm3.getSilent(); int k, previ, prevj, prevk; double probMatrix[][][] = hmm3ProbMatrix(); MuDouble retVal = new MuDouble(0.0); double prJump[] = new double[END]; // no need to have an element for end state /* stochastic traceback */ old.winLength = winLength; winLength = 0; // AlignColumn wfp = winFirst.prev; // must save this in case winFirst == winLast previ = leftLen; prevj = rightLen; AlignColumn l = left.winLast, r = right.winLast; AlignColumn p = winLast; if (p == null) { throw new Error("Starting p is null!!!"); } for (k = END; k != START; k = prevk) { for (prevk = START; prevk < END; prevk++) prJump[prevk] = probMatrix[previ][prevj][prevk] + hmm3RedTransMatrix[prevk][k]; prevk = Utils.logWeightedChoose(prJump, retVal); // System.out.println("prevk: "+prevk); //if(prevk == START){ // System.out.println("prevk is START("+START+"), left.edgelength: "+left.edgeLength+ // " right.edgeLength "+right.edgeLength); // for(int i = 0; i < prJump.length; i++){ // System.out.println(prJump[i]); // } //} if (Utils.chooseOne(Math.exp(hmm3TransMatrix[prevk][k] - hmm3RedTransMatrix[prevk][k]), retVal) == 0) { do { p = new AlignColumn(p, true); winLength++; } while (Utils.chooseOne(Math.exp(hmm3TransMatrix[SILENT][SILENT]), retVal) == 1); } if (hmm3Parent[prevk] != 0) { p = new AlignColumn(p, true); winLength++; } if (hmm3Left[prevk] != 0) { l = l.prev; l.parent = p; if (l.parent == null) { throw new Error("l.parent is null!!!"); } l.orphan = hmm3Parent[prevk] == 0; if (hmm3Parent[prevk] != 0) p.left = l; previ--; } if (hmm3Right[prevk] != 0) { r = r.prev; r.parent = p; if (r.parent == null) { throw new Error("r.parent is null!!!"); } r.orphan = hmm3Parent[prevk] == 0; if (hmm3Parent[prevk] != 0) p.right = r; prevj--; } } p.setWinFirst(null); length += winLength - old.winLength; // System.out.println("saveLeft: "+saveLeft+" saveRight: "+saveRight+" length: "+length); // left.calcOrphan(); // right.calcOrphan(); // calcFelsen(); // calcIndelLogLike(); // System.out.println("printing the alignments at the root of this subtree: "+print()); //System.out.println("pointers"); //String[] s = left.printedAlignment(); //System.out.println(s[0]+"\n"+s[1]+"\n"); //s = right.printedAlignment(); //System.out.println(s[0]+"\n"+s[1]+"\n"); if (Utils.USE_MODEXT_EM) { updateAlignedInWindow(); } return retVal.value; } /** * Samples a new alignment between `this' & `this.left' & `this.right', taking window sizes * into account. Creates new ancestor sequence, updates all Vertex-stored suppl. data, saving old * data for restoration into oldVertex. * @return log of 1/proposal */ double hmm3AlignWithSave() { int hmm3Parent[] = owner.hmm3.getStateEmit()[0]; int hmm3Left[] = owner.hmm3.getStateEmit()[1]; int hmm3Right[] = owner.hmm3.getStateEmit()[2]; int leftLen = left.winLength, rightLen = right.winLength; final int START = owner.hmm3.getStart(); final int END = owner.hmm3.getEnd(); final int SILENT = owner.hmm3.getSilent(); int k, previ, prevj, prevk; double probMatrix[][][] = hmm3ProbMatrix(); MuDouble retVal = new MuDouble(0.0); double prJump[] = new double[END]; // no need to have an element for end state /* stochastic traceback */ saveWin(); winLength = 0; AlignColumn wfp = winFirst.prev; // must save this in case winFirst == winLast AlignColumn ol = left.winLast, or = right.winLast; boolean saveLeft = false, saveRight = false; if (left.left == null || left.right == null || !left.left.selected || !left.right.selected) { left.saveWin(); saveLeft = true; } if (right.left == null || right.right == null || !right.left.selected || !right.right.selected) { right.saveWin(); saveRight = true; } previ = leftLen; prevj = rightLen; AlignColumn l = left.winLast, r = right.winLast; AlignColumn p = winLast; if (p == null) { throw new Error("Starting p is null!!!"); } for (k = END; k != START; k = prevk) { for (prevk = START; prevk < END; prevk++) prJump[prevk] = probMatrix[previ][prevj][prevk] + hmm3RedTransMatrix[prevk][k]; prevk = Utils.logWeightedChoose(prJump, retVal); // System.out.println("prevk: "+prevk); //if(prevk == START){ // System.out.println("prevk is START("+START+"), left.edgelength: "+left.edgeLength+ // " right.edgeLength "+right.edgeLength); // for(int i = 0; i < prJump.length; i++){ // System.out.println(prJump[i]); // } //} if (Utils.chooseOne(Math.exp(hmm3TransMatrix[prevk][k] - hmm3RedTransMatrix[prevk][k]), retVal) == 0) { do { p = new AlignColumn(p, true); winLength++; } while (Utils.chooseOne(Math.exp(hmm3TransMatrix[SILENT][SILENT]), retVal) == 1); } if (hmm3Parent[prevk] != 0) { p = new AlignColumn(p, true); winLength++; } if (hmm3Left[prevk] != 0) { if (saveLeft) { ol = ol.prev; l = new AlignColumn(l, false); l.saveBoth(ol); } else { l = l.prev; } l.parent = p; if (l.parent == null) { throw new Error("l.parent is null!!!"); } l.orphan = hmm3Parent[prevk] == 0; if (hmm3Parent[prevk] != 0) p.left = l; previ--; } if (hmm3Right[prevk] != 0) { if (saveRight) { or = or.prev; r = new AlignColumn(r, false); r.saveBoth(or); } else { r = r.prev; } r.parent = p; if (r.parent == null) { throw new Error("r.parent is null!!!"); } r.orphan = hmm3Parent[prevk] == 0; if (hmm3Parent[prevk] != 0) p.right = r; prevj--; } } p.setWinFirst(wfp); length += winLength - old.winLength; // System.out.println("saveLeft: "+saveLeft+" saveRight: "+saveRight+" length: "+length); if (saveLeft) { l.setWinFirst(left.winFirst.prev); if (left.left != null && left.right != null) { left.left.toggleUp(true); left.right.toggleUp(true); } } if (saveRight) { r.setWinFirst(right.winFirst.prev); if (right.left != null && right.right != null) { right.left.toggleUp(true); right.right.toggleUp(true); } } // left.printPointers(); //right.printPointers(); left.calcOrphan(); right.calcOrphan(); calcFelsen(); calcIndelLogLike(); // System.out.println("printing the alignments at the root of this subtree: "+print()); // System.out.println("pointers"); // String[] s = left.printedAlignment(); //System.out.println(s[0]+"\n"+s[1]+"\n"); //s = right.printedAlignment(); //System.out.println(s[0]+"\n"+s[1]+"\n"); if (Utils.USE_MODEXT_EM) { updateAlignedInWindow(); } return retVal.value; } private double[][][] hmm2ProbMatrix() { return hmm2ProbMatrix(1.0); } private double[][][] hmm2ProbMatrix(double heat) { double[] equDist = owner.substitutionModel.e; int hmm2Parent[] = owner.hmm2.getStateEmit()[0]; int hmm2Child[] = owner.hmm2.getStateEmit()[1]; int parentLen = parent.winLength, childLen = winLength; final int START = owner.hmm2.getStart(); final int END = owner.hmm2.getEnd(); Vertex brother = brother(); double probMatrix[][][]; // DP matrix used for 2-seq HMM alignment probMatrix = new double[parentLen + 1][childLen + 1][END]; // don't reserve space for end state double logEmissionProb, felsen[] = new double[equDist.length], tr; AlignColumn c = null; // child AlignColumn p = null; // parent AlignColumn b; // brother int i, j, k, previ, prevj, prevk; /* i: parent prefix length, j: child prefix length, k: state */ for (i = 0; i <= parentLen; i++) { for (j = 0; j <= childLen; j++) { probMatrix[i][j][START] = (i == 0 && j == 0) ? 0.0 : Utils.log0; // update matrix for start state for (k = START + 1; k < END; k++) { previ = i - hmm2Parent[k]; prevj = j - hmm2Child[k]; if (previ >= 0 && prevj >= 0) { int[] aligned; if (hmm2Parent[k] != 0) { // parent present: substitution (* *) or deletion (* -) b = (this == parent.left) ? p.right : p.left; Utils.calcFelsen(felsen, hmm2Child[k] != 0 ? c.seq : null, charTransMatrix, b != null ? b.seq : null, brother.charTransMatrix); if (parent == owner.root || p.orphan || !Utils.USE_UPPER) { logEmissionProb = Math.log(Utils.calcEmProb(felsen, equDist)); } else { logEmissionProb = Math.log(Utils.calcEmProb(felsen, p.upp)); // If a double deletion (childless parent) then the above // should just yield the sum of p.upp } if (Utils.USE_MODEXT_EM && owner.owner != null) { aligned = new int[owner.vertex.length / 2 + 1]; for (int ii=0; ii<aligned.length; ii++) aligned[ii] = -1; if (hmm2Child[k] != 0) { for (int ii=0; ii<aligned.length; ii++) { if (c.aligned[ii] > 0) aligned[ii] = c.aligned[ii]; } } if (b != null) { for (int ii=0; ii<aligned.length; ii++) { if (b.aligned[ii] > 0) aligned[ii] = b.aligned[ii]; } } if (Utils.USE_MODEXT_UPP) { for (int ii=0; ii<aligned.length; ii++) { if (p.alignedUpp[ii] > 0) aligned[ii] = p.alignedUpp[ii]; } } logEmissionProb += owner.owner.calcEm(aligned); } } else { // insertion (- *) logEmissionProb = Math.log(Utils.calcEmProb(c.seq, equDist)); if (Utils.USE_MODEXT_EM && owner.owner != null) logEmissionProb += owner.owner.calcEm(c.aligned); } if (previ == 0 && prevj == 0) tr = hmm2PropTransMatrix[START][k]; else { for (tr = Utils.log0, prevk = START + 1; prevk < END; prevk++) { tr = Utils.logAdd(tr, probMatrix[previ][prevj][prevk] + hmm2PropTransMatrix[prevk][k]); } } probMatrix[i][j][k] = 1.0*(logEmissionProb + tr); } else probMatrix[i][j][k] = Utils.log0; } c = (j > 0) ? : winFirst; } p = (i > 0) ? : parent.winFirst; } //System.out.println(); return probMatrix; } /** * Computes backproposal of alignment between `this' & `this.parent', window sizes matter. * @return log of backproposal probability */ double hmm2BackProp() { return hmm2BackProp(1.0); } double hmm2BackProp(double heat) { int emitPatt2State[] = owner.hmm2.getEmitPatt2State(); final int START = owner.hmm2.getStart(); final int END = owner.hmm2.getEnd(); AlignColumn c, p; double retVal = 0.0; int k, previ, prevj, prevk; int pattCode; // alignment column pattern's binary code double probMatrix[][][] = hmm2ProbMatrix(heat); /* backproposal calculation */ previ = prevj = 0; // previous prefix lengths (0 at the beginning) prevk = START; // previous state (start state at the beginning) c = winFirst; // starting alignment columns (window starts) p = parent.winFirst; while (prevk != END) { if (c == winLast && p == parent.winLast) // go to end state (virtual pattern code 4) pattCode = 4; else if (c.parent != p) // deletion (* -), pattern code 2 pattCode = 2; else if (c.orphan) // insertion (- *), pattern code 1 pattCode = 1; else // substitution (* *), pattern code 3 pattCode = 3; k = emitPatt2State[pattCode]; // real state number for column double bp = Utils.log0; for (int bpPrevk = START; bpPrevk < END; bpPrevk++) bp = Utils.logAdd(bp, probMatrix[previ][prevj][bpPrevk] + hmm2PropTransMatrix[bpPrevk][k]); bp = probMatrix[previ][prevj][prevk] + hmm2PropTransMatrix[prevk][k] - bp; retVal += bp; if ((pattCode & 2) != 0) { // make a parent's step p =; previ++; } if ((pattCode & 1) != 0) { // make a child's step c =; prevj++; } prevk = k; } return retVal; } /** * Samples a new alignment between `this' & `this.parent', taking window sizes into account. * <b>Does not update</b> any Vertex-stored suppl. data, <b>does not save</b> old data for restoration into oldVertex. * @return log of 1/proposal */ double hmm2Align() { return hmm2Align(1.0); } double hmm2Align(double heat) { int hmm2Parent[] = owner.hmm2.getStateEmit()[0]; int hmm2Child[] = owner.hmm2.getStateEmit()[1]; final int START = owner.hmm2.getStart(); final int END = owner.hmm2.getEnd(); int parentLen = parent.winLength, childLen = winLength; boolean isLeft = parent.left == this; //System.out.println("Aligning "+(isLeft ? "left" : "right")+" in hmm2Align"); // if (Utils.USE_MODEXT_UPP) { // if (Utils.DEBUG) updateAlignedUppFromRootWithCheck(); // updateAlignedUppFromRoot(); // } int k, previ, prevj, prevk; double probMatrix[][][] = hmm2ProbMatrix(); MuDouble retVal = new MuDouble(0.0); double prJump[] = new double[END]; // no need to have an element for end state /* stochastic traceback */ // parent.saveWin(); parent.winLength = 0; // AlignColumn oc = winLast; // original child // AlignColumn op = parent.winLast; // original parent previ = parentLen; prevj = childLen; AlignColumn c = winLast; // child AlignColumn p = parent.winLast; // parent for (k = END; k != START; k = prevk) { for (prevk = START; prevk < END; prevk++) prJump[prevk] = heat*(probMatrix[previ][prevj][prevk] + hmm2PropTransMatrix[prevk][k]); prevk = Utils.logWeightedChoose(prJump, retVal); if (hmm2Parent[prevk] != 0) { p = p.prev; /* if(isLeft){ p.left = null; } else{ p.right = null; } */ previ--; parent.winLength++; } if (hmm2Child[prevk] != 0) { c = c.prev; c.parent = p; c.orphan = hmm2Parent[prevk] == 0; if (hmm2Parent[prevk] != 0) { if (isLeft) p.left = c; else p.right = c; } prevj--; } } // p.setWinFirst(parent.winFirst.prev); // assert (parent.winLength == parent.old.winLength) : "HMM2 alignment error"; //for(c = winFirst.prev; c != null && c.parent == parent.old.winFirst; c = c.prev) // c.parent = parent.winFirst; //calcOrphan(); //parent.calcFelsen(); //parent.calcOrphan(); //parent.calcIndelLogLike(); // if (Utils.DEBUG) { // printToScreenAlignment(0,0); // } if (Utils.USE_MODEXT_EM) { parent.updateAlignedInWindow(); parent.updateAlignedParentInWindow(); } return retVal.value; } /** * Samples a new alignment between `this' & `this.parent', taking window sizes into account. * Updates all Vertex-stored suppl. data, saving old data for restoration into oldVertex. * @return log of 1/proposal */ public double hmm2AlignWithSave() { return hmm2AlignWithSave(1.0); } public double hmm2AlignWithSave(double heat) { int hmm2Parent[] = owner.hmm2.getStateEmit()[0]; int hmm2Child[] = owner.hmm2.getStateEmit()[1]; final int START = owner.hmm2.getStart(); final int END = owner.hmm2.getEnd(); int parentLen = parent.winLength, childLen = winLength; boolean isLeft = parent.left == this; // if (Utils.USE_MODEXT_UPP) { // if (Utils.DEBUG) updateAlignedUppFromRootWithCheck(); // updateAlignedUppFromRoot(); // } // if (Utils.USE_UPPER) calcUpperFromRoot(); int k, previ, prevj, prevk; double probMatrix[][][] = hmm2ProbMatrix(heat); MuDouble retVal = new MuDouble(0.0); double prJump[] = new double[END]; // no need to have an element for end state /* stochastic traceback */ parent.saveWin(); parent.winLength = 0; AlignColumn oc = winLast; // original child AlignColumn op = parent.winLast; // original parent boolean saveChild = false; if (left == null || right == null || !left.selected || !right.selected) { saveWin(); saveChild = true; } previ = parentLen; prevj = childLen; AlignColumn c = winLast; // child AlignColumn p = parent.winLast; // parent for (k = END; k != START; k = prevk) { for (prevk = START; prevk < END; prevk++) prJump[prevk] = (probMatrix[previ][prevj][prevk] + hmm2PropTransMatrix[prevk][k]); prevk = Utils.logWeightedChoose(prJump, retVal); if (hmm2Parent[prevk] != 0) { op = op.prev; p = new AlignColumn(p, true); if (isLeft) p.saveRight(op); else p.saveLeft(op); p.saveParent(op); previ--; parent.winLength++; } if (hmm2Child[prevk] != 0) { if (saveChild) { oc = oc.prev; c = new AlignColumn(c, false); c.saveBoth(oc); } else { c = c.prev; } c.parent = p; c.orphan = hmm2Parent[prevk] == 0; if (hmm2Parent[prevk] != 0) { if (isLeft) p.left = c; else p.right = c; } prevj--; } } p.setWinFirst(parent.winFirst.prev); if (isLeft) parent.right.toggleUp(true); else parent.left.toggleUp(true); assert (parent.winLength == parent.old.winLength) : "HMM2 alignment error"; if (saveChild) { c.setWinFirst(winFirst.prev); if (left != null && right != null) { left.toggleUp(true); right.toggleUp(true); } } for (c = winFirst.prev; c != null && c.parent == parent.old.winFirst; c = c.prev) c.parent = parent.winFirst; if (Utils.USE_UPPER) { // Then we may have modified the Felsenstein vectors // for `this', so need to restore them. //calcFelsen(); } calcOrphan(); parent.calcFelsen(); parent.calcOrphan(); parent.calcIndelLogLike(); if (Utils.USE_MODEXT_EM) { parent.updateAlignedInWindow(); parent.updateAlignedParentInWindow(); } // if (Utils.DEBUG) { // printToScreenAlignment(0,0); // } return retVal.value; } /** * This function returns the number of leaves that are below this vertex. * @return the number of leaves that are below this vertex. */ int countLeaves() { return leafCount = (left == null && right == null) ? 1 : left.countLeaves() + right.countLeaves(); } /** Selects a subtree */ public void selectSubtree(double[] weights, int level) { selected = true; if (Utils.DEBUG) System.out.println("Selected vertex "+index); // continue below with prescribed probability if (left != null && right != null) { if (Utils.generator.nextDouble() < weights[level]) { left.selectSubtree(weights, level + 1); right.selectSubtree(weights, level + 1); } else { left.selected = false; right.selected = false; } } } /** Marks `this' as the last selected Vertex of its subtree. */ void lastSelected() { selected = true; if (left != null && right != null) { left.selected = false; right.selected = false; } } /** This function cuts out a window and realigns in the selected subtree. */ public double selectAndResampleAlignment() { if (Utils.DEBUG) { System.out.println(index+" "+name+" "+edgeLength); System.out.println(owner.hmm2.params[0]+" "+owner.hmm2.params[1]+" "+owner.hmm2.params[2]); System.out.println(owner.printedTreeWithNumbers()); } //if (Utils.DEBUG) printToScreenAlignment(0,0,true); //printToScreenAlignment(0,0,true); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); // owner.root.calcFelsenRecursively(); // owner.root.calcOrphanRecursively(); // owner.root.calcIndelLogLikeRecursively(); // calcFelsenRecursively(); // calcOrphanRecursively(); // calcIndelLogLikeRecursively(); // if (Utils.USE_UPPER) { // //owner.root.calcFelsenRecursively(); // owner.root.calcUpperRecursively(); // } //owner.root.recomputeCheckLogLike(); // if (Utils.USE_UPPER) owner.checkUppFelsProducts(); if (Utils.DEBUG) { System.out.println("root.indelLogLike\t "+owner.root.indelLogLike); System.out.println("root.orphanLogLike\t "+owner.root.orphanLogLike); } // if (parent != null) { // parent.print(sb); // } // else { if (Utils.DEBUG) print(sb); // } if (Utils.DEBUG) System.out.println(sb.toString()); // this code below checks pointer integrity... // for(int i = 0; i < owner.vertex.length - 1; i++){ // owner.vertex[i].calcIndelLogLikeUp();// //} // select the beginning and end of the alignment // select the beginning and end of the window MuDouble p = new MuDouble(1.0); winLength = Utils.linearizerWeight(length, p, Utils.WINDOW_MULTIPLIER*Math.sqrt(length)); if (Utils.USE_FULL_WINDOWS) { winLength = length; p.value = 1.0; } if (Utils.DEBUG) { if (winLength > length) { System.err.println("vertex = "+index); System.err.println("Length: "+length+"\t"); System.err.println("Window length: "+winLength+"\t"); } } int b = (length - winLength == 0 ? 0 : Utils.generator.nextInt(length - winLength + 1)); if (Utils.DEBUG) System.out.println("Initial window length\t "+winLength); //System.out.print("b: "+b+"\t"); AlignColumn actualAC = first; for (int i = 0; i < b; i++) { actualAC =; } winFirst = actualAC; for (int i = 0; i < winLength; i++) { actualAC =; } winLast = actualAC; // if (Utils.USE_UPPER) { // //owner.root.calcFelsenRecursively(); // owner.root.calcUpperRecursively(); // } double bpp = 0; if (!(Utils.USE_FULL_WINDOWS)) { bpp = -Math.log(p.value / (length - winLength + 1)); } if (Utils.DEBUG) System.out.println("bpp after window select\t "+bpp); // select window down (recursively) if (left != null && right != null) { left.selectWindow(); right.selectWindow(); } selectWindowUp(); // owner.root.calcFelsenRecursively(); // owner.root.calcOrphanRecursively(); // owner.root.calcIndelLogLikeRecursively(); // calcFelsenRecursively(); // calcOrphanRecursively(); // calcIndelLogLikeRecursively(); //calcAllUp(); // if (Utils.USE_UPPER) { // //owner.root.calcFelsenRecursively(); // owner.root.calcUpperRecursively(); // } if (this != owner.root) { if (Utils.USE_MODEXT_UPP) updateAlignedUppFromRootInWindow(); if (Utils.USE_UPPER) calcUpperFromRoot(); } // if (Utils.USE_MODEXT_EM) { // updateAlignedRecursively(); // updateAlignedParent(); // } //printToScreenAlignment(b,b+winLength); // compute alignment backproposal //bpp += doRecBackprop(); double recBackprop = doRecBackprop(); if (Utils.DEBUG) System.out.println("recBackprop\t "+recBackprop); bpp += recBackprop; if (parent != null) { //bpp += hmm2BackProp(); double hmm2BackProp = hmm2BackProp(); if (Utils.DEBUG) System.out.println("hmm2BackProp\t "+hmm2BackProp); bpp += hmm2BackProp; } // align the sequences double bppProp = doRecAlign(); if (Utils.DEBUG) System.out.println("bppProp after doRecAlign()\t "+bppProp); if (parent != null) { //bppProp += hmm2AlignWithSave(); double hmm2AlignProp = hmm2AlignWithSave(); if (Utils.DEBUG) System.out.println("hmm2AlignProp\t "+hmm2AlignProp); bppProp += hmm2AlignProp; // calcOrphan(); // parent.calcAllUp(); } else { calcOrphan(); } // owner.root.calcFelsenRecursively(); // owner.root.calcOrphanRecursively(); // owner.root.calcIndelLogLikeRecursively(); // owner.root.calcFelsenRecursively(); // owner.root.calcOrphanRecursively(); // owner.root.calcIndelLogLikeRecursively(); calcAllUp(); // if (Utils.USE_UPPER) { // owner.root.calcUpperRecursively(); // } //owner.root.recomputeCheckLogLike(); //if (Utils.USE_UPPER) owner.checkUppFelsProducts(); if (Utils.DEBUG) printToScreenAlignment(0,0,true); bpp += bppProp; if (Utils.DEBUG) { System.out.println("root.indelLogLike\t "+owner.root.indelLogLike); System.out.println("root.orphanLogLike\t "+owner.root.orphanLogLike); } if(Utils.DEBUG) { if (Utils.USE_MODEXT_EM) owner.root.updateAlignedRecursivelyWithCheck(); // check proposal - backproposal consistency if (this != owner.root) { if (Utils.USE_MODEXT_UPP) updateAlignedUppFromRootInWindow(); if (Utils.USE_UPPER) calcUpperFromRoot(); } // check proposal - backproposal consistency double bppBack = doRecBackprop(); if(parent != null) bppBack += hmm2BackProp(); if(Math.abs(bppProp+bppBack) > 1e-5) { System.out.println("Proposal - backproposal inconsistent! Prop: "+bppProp+" Back: "+bppBack); throw new RuntimeException("Inconsistency."); } } if (Utils.DEBUG) System.out.println("Final window length\t "+winLength); double windowProb = 0; if (!(Utils.USE_FULL_WINDOWS)) { windowProb = Math.log(Utils.linearizerWeightProb(length, winLength, Utils.WINDOW_MULTIPLIER*Math.sqrt(length)) / (length - winLength + 1)); } if (Utils.DEBUG) System.out.println("final window selection\t "+windowProb); bpp += windowProb; //System.out.println("Total bpp\t "+bpp); //printToScreenAlignment(b,b+winLength); return bpp; } public double realignToParent(double heat) { return realignToParent(false,heat); } public double realignToParent() { return realignToParent(false,1.0); } public double realignToParent(boolean useCurrentWin) { return realignToParent(useCurrentWin,1.0); } /** * Samples a new alignment between the subtree rooted at this vertex and the rest of the sequences. * Only the alignment between this vertex and its parent is changed. * @param useCurrentWin if true then keeps the current window selection for this node * (backproposal and proposal for window selection must be computed by the caller) * @return the ratio between backproposal and proposal probabilities */ public double realignToParent(boolean useCurrentWin, double heat) { if(parent == null) throw new Error("realignToParent was called on the root vertex"); if (Utils.DEBUG && Utils.USE_MODEXT_EM) owner.root.updateAlignedRecursivelyWithCheck(); //updateHmm2Matrix(heat); double bpp = 0; if(!useCurrentWin) { MuDouble p = new MuDouble(1.0); winLength = Utils.linearizerWeight(length, p, Utils.WINDOW_MULTIPLIER*Math.sqrt(length)); //System.out.print("Length: "+length+"\t"); //System.out.print("Window length: "+winLength+"\t"); int b = (length - winLength == 0 ? 0 : Utils.generator.nextInt(length - winLength + 1)); //System.out.print("b: "+b+"\t"); AlignColumn actualAC = first; for (int i = 0; i < b; i++) { actualAC =; } winFirst = actualAC; if (Utils.DEBUG) System.out.print("b = "+b+", "); for (int i = 0; i < winLength; i++) { if (Utils.DEBUG) System.out.print(actualAC.mostLikely()); actualAC =; } if (Utils.DEBUG) System.out.println(); winLast = actualAC; //double bpp = -Math.log(p.value * (length - winLength == 0 ? 1 : length - winLength)); bpp -= Math.log(p.value / (length - winLength + 1)); } for (Vertex v : owner.vertex) v.selected = false; lastSelected(); parent.selected = true; // nothing is selected for realignment below this vertex // window is projected to parent selectWindowUp(); //if (Utils.USE_UPPER) owner.root.calcUpperRecursively(); if (this != owner.root) { if (Utils.USE_MODEXT_UPP) updateAlignedUppFromRootInWindow(); if (Utils.USE_UPPER) calcUpperFromRoot(); } // compute alignment backproposal bpp += hmm2BackProp(); if (Utils.DEBUG) owner.root.recomputeCheckLogLike(); // align the sequences double bppProp = hmm2AlignWithSave(); bpp += bppProp; //calcAllUp(); parent.calcAllUp(); //if (Utils.USE_MODEXT_EM) updateAlignedParentInWindow(); if (Utils.DEBUG) owner.root.recomputeCheckLogLike(); if(Utils.DEBUG) { if (Utils.USE_MODEXT_EM) owner.root.updateAlignedRecursivelyWithCheck(); owner.root.recomputeCheckLogLike(); // check proposal - backproposal consistency if (this != owner.root) { if (Utils.USE_MODEXT_UPP) updateAlignedUppFromRootInWindow(); if (Utils.USE_UPPER) calcUpperFromRoot(); } double bppBack = hmm2BackProp(); if(Math.abs(bppProp+bppBack) > 1e-6) { System.out.println("Proposal - backproposal inconsistent! Prop: "+bppProp+" Back: "+bppBack+" diff = "+(bppProp+bppBack)); throw new RuntimeException("Inconsistency."); } } // backproposal probability for cutting out the window //bpp += Math.log(Utils.linearizerWeightProb(length, winLength, Utils.WINDOW_MULTIPLIER*Math.sqrt(length)) // * (length - winLength)); bpp += Math.log(Utils.linearizerWeightProb(length, winLength, Utils.WINDOW_MULTIPLIER*Math.sqrt(length)) / (length - winLength + 1)); // System.out.print(" Prop: "+bppProp+" it's doublecheck: "+bppBack+" bpp: "+bpp+" "); //updateHmm2Matrix(1.0); return bpp; } void selectWindowUp() { if (parent != null) { if (winFirst.prev == null) { parent.winFirst = parent.first; } else { parent.winFirst = (winFirst.prev.orphan ? winFirst.prev.parent :; } parent.winLast = winLast.parent; parent.winLength = 0; for (AlignColumn actualAC = parent.winFirst; actualAC != parent.winLast; actualAC = parent.winLength++; } } public void updateAligned() { updateAligned(false,false); } void updateAlignedWithCheck() { updateAligned(true,false); } public void updateAlignedInWindow() { updateAligned(false,true); } void updateAlignedInWindowWithCheck() { updateAligned(true,true); } void updateAligned(boolean withCheck, boolean inWindow) { if (left == null && right == null) return; if (Utils.DEBUG) System.out.println(index+".updateAligned()"); int[] oldAligned = null; for (AlignColumn p = inWindow?winLast.prev:last.prev; p != null; p = p.prev) { if (withCheck) oldAligned = p.aligned.clone(); // if (withCheck) { // for (int j=0; j<p.aligned.length; j++) System.out.print(oldAligned[j]+" "); // System.out.print("\t"); // } if (p.aligned == null) p.aligned = new int[owner.vertex.length / 2 + 1]; for (int i=0; i<p.aligned.length; i++) p.aligned[i] = -1; if (p.left != null) { //if (Utils.DEBUG) System.out.println("left = "+left.index); for (int i=0; i<p.aligned.length; i++) { if (p.left.aligned[i] >= 0) p.aligned[i] = p.left.aligned[i]; } } if (p.right != null) { //if (Utils.DEBUG) System.out.println("right = "+right.index); for (int i=0; i<p.aligned.length; i++) { if (p.right.aligned[i] >= 0) p.aligned[i] = p.right.aligned[i]; } } // if (true|!withCheck) { // for (int j=0; j<p.aligned.length; j++) System.out.print(p.aligned[j]+" "); // System.out.println(); // } if (withCheck) { for (int i=0; i<p.aligned.length; i++) { if (p.aligned[i] != oldAligned[i]) { for (int j=0; j<p.aligned.length; j++) { System.out.println(p.aligned[j]+" "+oldAligned[j]); } throw new RuntimeException("Inconsistency in aligned vectors:"); } } } if (p==(inWindow?winFirst:first)) break; } } public void updateAlignedParentInWindow() { selectWindowUp(); for (Vertex v = parent; v != null; v = v.parent) { v.selectWindowUp(); v.updateAlignedInWindow(); } } public void updateAlignedParent() { for (Vertex v = parent; v != null; v = v.parent) { v.updateAligned(); } } void updateAlignedUpp() { updateAlignedUpp(false,false); } void updateAlignedUppWithCheck() { updateAlignedUpp(true,false); } void updateAlignedUppInWindow() { updateAlignedUpp(false,true); } void updateAlignedUppWithCheckInWindow() { updateAlignedUpp(true,true); } void updateAlignedUpp(boolean withCheck, boolean inWindow) { if (Utils.DEBUG) System.out.println(index+".updateAlignedUpp()"); int[] oldAlignedUpp = null; AlignColumn b = null; for (AlignColumn c = (inWindow?winLast.prev:last.prev); c != null; c = c.prev) { if (withCheck) oldAlignedUpp = c.alignedUpp.clone(); c.alignedUpp = new int[owner.vertex.length / 2 + 1]; for (int i=0; i<c.alignedUpp.length; i++) { c.alignedUpp[i] = c.orphan ? -1 : c.parent.alignedUpp[i]; } if (c.orphan) continue; if (this != parent.left) { b = c.parent.left; if (b != null) { for (int i=0; i<c.alignedUpp.length; i++) { if (b.aligned[i] >= 0) c.alignedUpp[i] = b.aligned[i]; } } } else { b = c.parent.right; if (b != null) { for (int i=0; i<c.alignedUpp.length; i++) { if (b.aligned[i] >= 0) c.alignedUpp[i] = b.aligned[i]; } } } // if (!withCheck) { // for (int j=0; j<c.aligned.length; j++) System.out.print(c.alignedUpp[j]+" "); // System.out.println(); // } if (withCheck) { for (int i=0; i<c.alignedUpp.length; i++) { if (c.alignedUpp[i] != oldAlignedUpp[i]) { for (int j=0; j<c.alignedUpp.length; j++) { System.out.println(c.alignedUpp[j]+" "+oldAlignedUpp[j]); } throw new RuntimeException("Inconsistency in alignedUpp vectors:"); } } } if (c==(inWindow?winFirst:first)) break; } } void updateAlignedUppFromRoot() { selectWindowUp(); for (Vertex v = parent; v != null; v = v.parent) { if (v != owner.root) { v.updateAlignedUppFromRoot(); } v.updateAlignedUpp(); } } void updateAlignedUppFromRootInWindow() { selectWindowUp(); for (Vertex v = parent; v != null; v = v.parent) { if (v != owner.root) { v.selectWindowUp(); v.updateAlignedUppFromRootInWindow(); } v.updateAlignedUpp(); } } void updateAlignedUppFromRootWithCheck() { for (Vertex v = parent; v != null; v = v.parent) { v.updateAlignedUppFromRootWithCheck(); v.updateAlignedUppWithCheck(); } } public void updateAlignedRecursively() { if (!selected) return; if (left != null && right != null) { //if (left != null && right != null) { left.updateAlignedRecursively(); right.updateAlignedRecursively(); } updateAligned(); } public void updateAlignedRecursivelyInWindow() { if (!selected) return; if (left != null && right != null) { //if (left != null && right != null) { left.updateAlignedRecursivelyInWindow(); right.updateAlignedRecursivelyInWindow(); } updateAlignedInWindow(); selectWindowUp(); } public void updateAlignedRecursivelyInWindowWithCheck() { if (left != null && right != null) { left.updateAlignedRecursivelyInWindowWithCheck(); right.updateAlignedRecursivelyInWindowWithCheck(); } updateAlignedInWindowWithCheck(); selectWindowUp(); } public void updateAlignedRecursivelyWithCheck() { if (left != null && right != null) { left.updateAlignedRecursivelyWithCheck(); right.updateAlignedRecursivelyWithCheck(); } updateAlignedWithCheck(); } double doRecAlign() { if (left != null && right != null && left.selected && right.selected) { double ret = left.doRecAlign() + right.doRecAlign(); ret += hmm3AlignWithSave(); return ret; } return 0.0; } /** Computes recursively the log of the backproposal probability of the selected subtree. */ double doRecBackprop() { if (left != null && right != null && left.selected && right.selected) { double ret = left.doRecBackprop() + right.doRecBackprop(); ret += hmm3BackProp(); return ret; } return 0.0; } /** * Restores all the changes an alignment resampling on the currently selected subtree has produced. * Must be called on selected subtree root. */ public void alignRestore() { doRecRestore(); if (parent != null) { if (parent.left == this) parent.right.toggleUp(false); else parent.left.toggleUp(false); for (AlignColumn c = winFirst.prev; c != null && c.parent == parent.winFirst; c = c.prev) c.parent = parent.old.winFirst; parent.doRestore(); if (parent.parent != null) { boolean isLeft = parent.parent.left == parent; for (AlignColumn p = parent.winFirst; p != parent.winLast; p = { if (!p.orphan) { if (isLeft) p.parent.left = p; else p.parent.right = p; } } } //parent.calcAllUp(); // TODO No idea why the following two lines have to be here // but if they're not then very occasionally there are inconsistencies. calcOrphan(); calcAllUp(); } //indelLogLike = old.indelLogLike; // calcAllUp(); // owner.root.calcFelsenRecursively(); // owner.root.calcOrphanRecursively(); // owner.root.calcIndelLogLikeRecursively(); // if (Utils.USE_UPPER) { // //owner.root.calcFelsenRecursively(); // owner.root.calcUpperRecursively(); // } // owner.root.recomputeCheckLogLike(); } /** * Restores old sequences in subtree of `this' recursively and up-alignments in non-selected nodes. * Assumes `this' is selected. */ void doRecRestore() { if (left != null && right != null) { if (left.selected && right.selected) { left.doRecRestore(); right.doRecRestore(); } else { left.toggleUp(false); right.toggleUp(false); } } doRestore(); } /** * Restores old sequence into `this', pointed to by `old.winFirst' & `old.winLast'. * Also restores orphan and indel likelihoods. */ void doRestore() { if (Utils.DEBUG) System.out.println(index+".doRestore()"); winFirst = old.winFirst; winLength = old.winLength; length = old.length; winLast.prev = old.winLast; if (winFirst.prev != null) = winFirst; else first = winFirst; orphanLogLike = old.orphanLogLike; indelLogLike = old.indelLogLike; } /** This function recursively selects the boundaries of the sequence that is to be resampled. */ void selectWindow() { if (!selected) { return; } AlignColumn p = parent.first; AlignColumn c = first; while (p != parent.winFirst) { if (c.parent != p) { p =; } else { c =; } } winFirst = c; winLength = 0; //end of the window while (p != parent.winLast || (c.parent == p && c.orphan)) { //if(p == parent.winLast){ // found = true; // } if (c.parent != p) { p =; } else { c =; winLength++; } } winLast = c; if (left != null && right != null) { left.selectWindow(); right.selectWindow(); } } /** * Swaps {@code this} with its uncle, {@link #hmm3Align()}'ing parent and grandparent, * the latter is {@link #hmm2Align()}'ed as well. * Assumes {@code this} has a non-null grandparent. * @return log-quotient of backproposal and proposal */ double swapWithUncle1() { Vertex uncle =, grandpa = parent.parent; double ret = 0.0; fullWin(); brother().fullWin(); uncle.fullWin(); parent.fullWin(); grandpa.fullWin(); if (grandpa.parent != null) grandpa.parent.fullWin(); lastSelected(); brother().lastSelected(); uncle.lastSelected(); parent.selected = true; grandpa.selected = true; ret += parent.hmm3BackProp(); ret += grandpa.hmm3BackProp(); if (grandpa.parent != null) ret += grandpa.hmm2BackProp(); parentNewChild(uncle); // order is important! uncle.parentNewChild(this); uncle.parent = parent; parent = grandpa; ret += uncle.parent.hmm3AlignWithSave(); ret += grandpa.hmm3AlignWithSave(); if (grandpa.parent != null) { ret += grandpa.hmm2AlignWithSave(); grandpa.parent.calcAllUp(); } else { grandpa.calcOrphan(); } return ret; } /** * Restores the exact state just before the call of {@link #swapWithUncle1()}. * Must be called on ex-uncle node. * Assumes {@code this} has a non-null grandparent. */ void swapBackUncle1() { Vertex uncle =, grandpa = parent.parent; parentNewChild(uncle); // order is important! uncle.parentNewChild(this); uncle.parent = parent; parent = grandpa; grandpa.alignRestore(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* public double fixedColumnNephewUncleSwap() { double logProposalRatio = 0.0; final boolean[] T = {true,false}; final int START = owner.hmm2.getStart(); final int END = owner.hmm2.getEnd(); final int emitPatt2State[] = owner.hmm2.getEmitPatt2State(); final int hmm2Parent[] = owner.hmm2.getStateEmit()[0]; final int hmm2Child[] = owner.hmm2.getStateEmit()[1]; final int[][] perms = {{0,1,2},{0,2,1},{2,1,0}}; Vertex brother = brother(), uncle =, grandpa = parent.parent, greatgrandpa = grandpa.parent; boolean isLeft = (this == parent.left); boolean uncleIsLeft = (uncle == grandpa.left); boolean gIsRoot = (grandpa.parent == null); //int nTopo = gIsRoot ? 3 : 12; int nTopo = 3; calcFelsen(); brother.calcFelsen(); uncle.calcFelsen(); if (!gIsRoot) grandpa.calcUpper(); ArrayList<double[][]> logMarg = null; // Dynamic programming table double[] logMargTopo = new double[nTopo]; // log marginal probability for each topology ArrayList<double[][]> trans = new ArrayList<double[][]>(3); trans.add(charTransMatrix); trans.add(brother.charTransMatrix); trans.add(uncle.charTransMatrix); boolean[] neighb = new boolean[4]; // Vector indicating presence/absence of neighbouring nodes // i.e. t, b, u and gg (if the latter exists) // Indexing: t=0, b=1, u=2, gg=3 ArrayList<double[]> partialLike = null; AlignColumn p = parent.first; AlignColumn g = grandpa.first; double[] fels = new double[owner.substitutionModel.e.length]; double[] pUpp = new double[owner.substitutionModel.e.length]; AlignColumn t=null, b=null, u=null, gg=null; int columnIndex = 0; int prevk; while (p != last || g != grandpa.last) { // THIS IS NOT CORRECT -- misses out columns that begin with double // gaps in the middle. // -->> would be much easier to first create an array representation of the MSA logMarg.add(new double[nTopo][3]); // Add a new column partialLike = new ArrayList<double[]>(3); // px: 'parent character exists' gx: 'grandpa character exists' // tx: 'this character exists' bx: 'brother character exists' // ux: 'uncle character exists' ggx: 'greatgrandpa character exists' boolean px = false, gx = false; boolean tx = false, bx = false; boolean ux = false, ggx = false; // NEED some more complicated conditions here to ensure that // px and gx don't become true until we've considered all the intermediate // characters at the tips. if (p.parent != g) { // deletion (* -) gx = true; } else if (p.orphan) { // insertion (- *) px = true; } else { // substitution (* *) px = true; gx = true; } if (px) { t = isLeft ? p.left : p.right; tx = (t!=null); if (tx) { Utils.calcFelsen(fels, t.seq, charTransMatrix, null, null); partialLike.set(0,t.seq); } b = isLeft ? p.right : p.left; bx = (b!=null); if (bx) { Utils.calcFelsen(fels, b.seq, brother.charTransMatrix, null, null); partialLike.set(1,b.seq); } } if (gx) { u = uncleIsLeft ? g.left : g.right; ux = (u!=null); if (ux) { Utils.calcFelsen(fels, u.seq, uncle.charTransMatrix, null, null); partialLike.set(2,fels); } if (!gIsRoot) { ggx = !g.orphan; if (ggx) { gg = g.parent; } } } for (int topo=0; topo<nTopo; topo++) { int[] perm = perms[topo]; neighb[perm[0]] = tx; neighb[perm[1]] = bx; neighb[perm[2]] = ux; if (gIsRoot) { neighb[3] = false; } else { neighb[3] = ggx; //neighb[perm[3]] = ggx; } // Compute p.upp, to be used in the cases where gx = true pUpp = new double[owner.substitutionModel.e.length]; for (int i=0; i<pUpp.length; i++) { for (int j=0; j<pUpp.length; j++) { pUpp[j] += partialLike.get(perm[2])[i] * g.upp[i] * parent.charTransMatrix[i][j]; } } for (boolean pxx : T) { for (boolean gxx : T) { int pattern = (pxx?1:0) + 2*(gxx?1:0); // (- -)=0, (* -)=1, (- *)=2, (* *)=3 int state = emitPatt2State[pattern]; if ((!pxx|px) && (!gxx|gx) && Utils.isValidHistory(pxx,gxx,neighb,gIsRoot)) { double logSum = 0; double logEmissionProb = 0.0; if (columnIndex==0) ;// need more complicated test for START condition ///// if (previ == 0 && prevj == 0) logSum = hmm2TransMatrix[START][state]; ///// else { // Sum over possible predecessor indel pair states for (logSum = Utils.log0, prevk = START; prevk < END; prevk++) { double logProb = logMarg.get(columnIndex-1)[topo][prevk]; if (pxx|gxx) { // Transition probability of p--g edge logMarg.get(columnIndex-1)[topo][START] hmm2TransMatrix[][state]; int tState = (neighb[perm[0]]?1:0) + 2*(pxx?1:0); int tStatePrev = (neighb[perm[0]]?1:0) + 2*hmm2Child[prevk]; int bState = (neighb[perm[1]]?1:0) + 2*(pxx?1:0); int bStatePrev = (neighb[perm[1]]?1:0) + 2*hmm2Child[prevk]; int uState = (neighb[perm[0]]?1:0) + 2*(gxx?1:0); int uStatePrev = (neighb[perm[0]]?1:0) + 2*hmm2Parent[prevk]; // Add on log probabilities of transitions of the p--t, p--b and g--u branches logProb += hmm2TransMatrix[tStatePrev][tState] + hmm2TransMatrix[bStatePrev][bState] + hmm2TransMatrix[uStatePrev][uState]; if (!gIsRoot) { int ggState = (neighb[perm[1]]?1:0) + 2*(gxx?1:0); int ggStatePrev = (neighb[perm[1]]?1:0) + 2*hmm2Parent[prevk]; logProb += hmm2TransMatrix[ggStatePrev][ggState]; } logSum = Utils.logAdd(logSum,logProb); } } if (pxx) { // then either a substitution or an insertion double[] em = partialLike.get(perm[0]).clone(), em2 = partialLike.get(perm[1]); for (int i=0; i<em.length; i++) em[i] *= em2[i]; if (!gxx) { // then an insertion logEmissionProb += Math.log(Utils.calcEmProb(em,owner.substitutionModel.e)); } else { // substitution logEmissionProb += Math.log(Utils.calcEmProb(em,pUpp)); } } else { // Deletion from g to p double tmp = 0.0; for (int i=0; i<g.upp.length; i++) tmp += g.upp[i]; logEmissionProb = Utils.logAdd(logEmissionProb,Math.log(tmp)); } logMarg.get(columnIndex)[topo][state] = logEmissionProb + logSum; } else { logMarg.get(columnIndex)[topo][state] = Utils.log0; } } } // End of double loop over possible internal indel states } // End of loop over topologies if (px) p =; if (gx) g =; ++columnIndex; } // End of loop over `columns' // Compute marginals for each topology, summed over internal indel states for (int topo=0; topo<nTopo; topo++) { for (int k = START + 1; k < END; k++) { logMarg.get(columnIndex-1)[topo][k] += hmm2TransMatrix[k][END]; logMargTopo[topo] = Utils.logAdd(logMargTopo[topo],logMarg.get(columnIndex-1)[topo][k]); } } // Select one topology according to its marginal MuDouble logP = new MuDouble(0.0); int selectedTopo = Utils.logWeightedChoose(logMargTopo, logP); if (selectedTopo == 0) ; // No change to topology else if (selectedTopo == 1) { /* New topology is / g / \ p b / \ t u * / // Set brother and uncle to new values parentNewChild(uncle); parent.parentNewChild(brother); } else if (selectedTopo == 2) { /* New topology is / g / \ p t / \ u b * / // Set this and uncle to new values parentNewChild(uncle); parent.parentNewChild(this); } // Stochastic backtrack to generate new alignment(s) for (int k = END; k != START; k = prevk) { for (prevk = START; prevk < END; prevk++) prJump[prevk] = logMarg.get(columnIndex-1)[topo][prevk] + hmm2TransMatrix[prevk][k]; prevk = Utils.logWeightedChoose(prJump, retVal); t = last; b = brother.last; p = parent.last; g = grandpa.last; u = uncle.last; if (hmm2Parent[prevk] != 0) { // then we need a parent column p = new AlignColumn(p, true); if () p.left=t; if (neighb[perms[selectedTopo][0]]) p.left=t; } if (hmm2Child[prevk] != 0) { t = t.prev; b = b.prev; } p = new AlignColumn(p, true); p.seq = return logProposalRatio; } */ private void restoreVertexReplace() { restoreVertex(true); } private void restoreVertex() { restoreVertex(false); } /** * Restore the current Vertex to the state contained in <code>old</code>. * @param replace If <code>true</code> then the columns from <code>old</code> * are copied, otherwise their contents are copied into the existing columns. * The latter option (<code>replace = false</code>) requires the old length * to be the same as the current length. <code>replace = true</code> this is * <i>O(1)</i>, otherwise <i>O(L)</i>, where <i>L</i> is the sequence length. */ private void restoreVertex(boolean replace) { //if (Utils.DEBUG) System.out.println(index+".restoreVertex()"); orphanLogLike = old.orphanLogLike; indelLogLike = old.indelLogLike; // System.out.println("first = "+first+", old.first = "+old.first); if (replace) { // System.out.println("first = "+first+", old.first = "+old.first); first = old.first; // System.out.println("last = "+last+", old.last = "+old.last); last = old.last; length = old.length; } else { assert (old.length == length); for (AlignColumn c=last, co=old.last; c!=null; c=c.prev, co=co.prev) { c.copy(co); } } } public void restoreFiveWay() { restoreFiveWay(true); } public void restoreFiveWay(boolean swapNephewUncle) { //if (Utils.DEBUG) System.out.println(index+".restoreFiveWay()"); Vertex brother = brother(), uncle =, grandpa = parent.parent, greatgrandpa = grandpa.parent; boolean gIsRoot = (grandpa==owner.root); boolean isLeft = (this==parent.left); boolean uncleIsLeft = (uncle==grandpa.left); boolean grandpaIsLeft = false; if (!gIsRoot) grandpaIsLeft = (grandpa==greatgrandpa.left); //if (!gIsRoot) System.out.println("grandpaIsLeft = "+grandpaIsLeft+", grandpa = "+grandpa.index+", greatgrandpa.left = "+greatgrandpa.left.index); //DEBUG=2; // Activate verbose print statements //owner.root.recomputeLogLike(); //uncle.calcAllUp(); // uncle is now lower //DEBUG=0; // Deactivate verbose print statements // Order of the restoreVertex steps below is not important grandpa.restoreVertexReplace(); parent.restoreVertexReplace(); restoreVertex(); brother.restoreVertex(); uncle.restoreVertex(); if (!gIsRoot) greatgrandpa.restoreVertex(); if (swapNephewUncle) { // Order of these steps is important uncle.parent = parent; if (isLeft) parent.left = uncle; else parent.right = uncle; parent = grandpa; if (uncleIsLeft) { grandpa.left = this; } else { grandpa.right = this; } } if (Utils.DEBUG) { // uncle.printPointers(); //uncle.printPointers2(); // brother.printPointers(); //brother.printPointers2(); // if (!gIsRoot) { uncle.parent.printPointers(); }//parent.printPointers2(); } // printPointers(); // uncle.parent.printPointers();//uncle.parent.printPointers2(); //uncle.left.printPointers(); owner.checkPointers(); } //DEBUG=2; // Activate verbose print statements uncle.selectAllUp(); selected = true; owner.root.recomputeLogLikeSelected(); // Is this necessary? //uncle.calcAllUp(); // uncle is now lower //DEBUG=0; // Deactivate verbose print statements } private void saveFiveWay(String[] ali) { //if (Utils.DEBUG) System.out.println(index+".saveFiveWay()"); Vertex brother = brother(), uncle =, grandpa = parent.parent, greatgrandpa = grandpa.parent; boolean gIsRoot = (grandpa==owner.root); boolean isLeft = (this==parent.left); boolean uncleIsLeft = (uncle==grandpa.left); boolean grandpaIsLeft = false; if (!gIsRoot) grandpaIsLeft = (grandpa==greatgrandpa.left); //if (!gIsRoot) System.out.println("grandpaIsLeft = "+grandpaIsLeft+", grandpa = "+grandpa.index+", greatgrandpa.left = "+greatgrandpa.left.index); // Begin saving of current Vertex objects old.last = last.clone(); old.length = length; old.orphanLogLike = orphanLogLike; old.indelLogLike = indelLogLike; old.parent = parent.old; // for printing brother.old.last = brother.last.clone(); brother.old.length = brother.length; brother.old.orphanLogLike = brother.orphanLogLike; brother.old.indelLogLike = brother.indelLogLike; brother.old.parent = parent.old; // for printing parent.old.last = parent.last.clone(); parent.old.length = parent.length; old.last.parent = parent.old.last; brother.old.last.parent = parent.old.last; //if (isLeft) { parent.old.last.left = old.last; parent.old.last.right = brother.old.last; } //else { parent.old.last.right = old.last; parent.old.last.left = brother.old.last; } parent.old.orphanLogLike = parent.orphanLogLike; parent.old.indelLogLike = parent.indelLogLike; parent.old.parent = grandpa.old; // for printing uncle.old.last = uncle.last.clone(); uncle.old.length = uncle.length; uncle.old.orphanLogLike = uncle.orphanLogLike; uncle.old.indelLogLike = uncle.indelLogLike; uncle.old.parent = grandpa.old; // for printing grandpa.old.last = grandpa.last.clone(); grandpa.old.length = grandpa.length; parent.old.last.parent = grandpa.old.last; uncle.old.last.parent = grandpa.old.last; if (uncleIsLeft) { grandpa.old.last.right = parent.old.last; }//grandpa.old.last.left = uncle.old.last; } else { grandpa.old.last.left = parent.old.last; }//grandpa.old.last.right = uncle.old.last; } grandpa.old.orphanLogLike = grandpa.orphanLogLike; grandpa.old.indelLogLike = grandpa.indelLogLike; if (!gIsRoot) { greatgrandpa.old.last = greatgrandpa.last.clone(); greatgrandpa.old.length = greatgrandpa.length; //grandpa.old.last.parent = greatgrandpa.old.last; if (grandpaIsLeft) greatgrandpa.old.last.left = grandpa.old.last; else greatgrandpa.old.last.right = grandpa.old.last; greatgrandpa.old.orphanLogLike = greatgrandpa.orphanLogLike; greatgrandpa.old.indelLogLike = greatgrandpa.indelLogLike; grandpa.old.parent = greatgrandpa.old; // for printing } // Pointers to columns in current alignment AlignColumn t=last.prev, p=parent.last.prev, b=brother.last.prev, g=grandpa.last.prev, u=uncle.last.prev; AlignColumn gg = null; if (!gIsRoot) gg=greatgrandpa.last.prev; // Old columns, for restoration AlignColumn to=old.last, po=parent.old.last, bo=brother.old.last, go=grandpa.old.last, uo=uncle.old.last; AlignColumn ggo = null; if (!gIsRoot) ggo=greatgrandpa.old.last; for (int col=ali[0].length()-1; col>=0; col--) { boolean tx = (ali[index].charAt(col)!='-'); boolean px = (ali[parent.index].charAt(col)!='-'); boolean bx = (ali[brother.index].charAt(col)!='-'); boolean gx = (ali[grandpa.index].charAt(col)!='-'); boolean ux = (ali[uncle.index].charAt(col)!='-'); boolean ggx = false; if (!gIsRoot) ggx = (ali[greatgrandpa.index].charAt(col)!='-'); // Save current columns if (!gIsRoot && ggx) { ggo.prev = gg.clone(); = ggo; ggo = ggo.prev; } if (gx) { go.prev = g.clone(); = go; go = go.prev; // go.parent = gIsRoot ? null : ggo; if (!gIsRoot && ggx) { if (grandpaIsLeft) ggo.left = go; else ggo.right = go; } } if (ux) { uo.prev = u.clone(); = uo; uo = uo.prev; uo.parent = go; // if (gx) { // if (uncleIsLeft) go.left = uo; // else go.right = uo; // } } if (px) { po.prev = p.clone(); = po; po = po.prev; po.parent = go; if (gx) { if (uncleIsLeft) go.right = po; else go.left = po; } } if (bx) { bo.prev = b.clone(); = bo; bo = bo.prev; bo.parent = po; // if (px) { // if (isLeft) po.right = bo; // else po.left = bo; // } } if (tx) { to.prev = t.clone(); = to; to = to.prev; to.parent = po; // if (px) { // if (isLeft) po.left = to; // else po.right = to; // } } // Update the first pointer if (tx) old.first = to; if (px) parent.old.first = po; if (ux) uncle.old.first = uo; if (bx) brother.old.first = bo; if (gx) grandpa.old.first = go; if (ggx) greatgrandpa.old.first = ggo; // Decrement the column pointers if (tx) t = t.prev; if (px) p = p.prev; if (bx) b = b.prev; if (gx) g = g.prev; if (ux) u = u.prev; if (ggx) gg = gg.prev; } if (Utils.DEBUG) { // old.printPointers(); // brother.old.printPointers(); // if (!gIsRoot) parent.old.printPointers(); // uncle.old.printPointers(); // System.out.println("this = "+index+", uncle = "+uncle.index); owner.checkPointers(); //if (uncle.old.parent != owner.root) uncle.old.parent.printPointers(); } } // public void hmm2FiveWayProb() { // owner.updateHmm2FiveWay(); // // } /** * Contains information about neighbouring * characters in a particular column. * t = this, b = brother, p = parent, u = uncle, g = grandpa, gg = greatgrandpa */ class Neighbours { final int END = owner.hmm2.getEnd(); //final int END = 4; AlignColumn t, b, p, u, g, gg; // Not sure if these are needed double[][] trans, bTrans, pTrans, uTrans, gTrans; boolean tx, bx, px, ux, gx, ggx; int stateG=END, stateP=END, stateU=END, stateT=END, stateB=END; int nextStateG=END, nextStateP=END, nextStateU=END, nextStateT=END, nextStateB=END; Neighbours(Vertex uncle,boolean swapped) { if (!swapped) { trans=hmm2TransMatrix; uTrans=uncle.hmm2TransMatrix; } else { trans=uncle.hmm2TransMatrix; uTrans=hmm2TransMatrix; } bTrans=brother().hmm2TransMatrix; pTrans=parent.hmm2TransMatrix; gTrans=parent.parent.hmm2TransMatrix; } Neighbours(Vertex uncle) { this(uncle,false); } /** * Updates the record of what is the next non-silent state for each * edge. Assumes state numbering whereby * 0=(--), 1=(-*), 2=(*-), 3=(**), 4=END */ void updateCurrStates() { stateG = (gx?1:0) + 2*(ggx?1:0); stateP = (px?1:0) + 2*(gx?1:0); stateU = (ux?1:0) + 2*(gx?1:0); stateT = (tx?1:0) + 2*(px?1:0); stateB = (bx?1:0) + 2*(px?1:0); } void updateNextStates() { if (stateG!=0) nextStateG = stateG; if (stateP!=0) nextStateP = stateP; if (stateU!=0) nextStateU = stateU; if (stateT!=0) nextStateT = stateT; if (stateB!=0) nextStateB = stateB; } /** * Just to stop us getting confused about which order the updates * should be done. */ void updateAllStates() { updateNextStates(); updateCurrStates(); } } private double[][] computeImputationProbabilities(String[] ali) { final int END = owner.hmm2.getEnd(); double[][] logMarg = new double[ali[0].length()][END]; return logMarg; } /** * Computes the probability of all the possible imputations for * parent and grandpa given the neighbouring AlignColumn objects. * @param curr Neighbours struct corresponding to current state * @param old Neighbours struct corresponding to original state * @return A vector of log weights for the four possible imputation * patterns for the p--g edge: * (--), (-*), (*-), (**) */ public void computeWeights(Neighbours curr, double[] logProbs) { // NB when this function is called we should have the current node // being in the nephew position. This will indeed be the case if // it is called in the middle of the nephew uncle swap (before the // Vertex pointers are reassigned). //final int START = owner.hmm2.getStart(); final int END = owner.hmm2.getEnd(); final int[] e = owner.hmm2.getEmitPatt2State(); Vertex brother = brother(), uncle =, grandpa = parent.parent; boolean gIsRoot = (grandpa==owner.root); double logTotal = Utils.log0; // System.out.print(curr.stateT+"/"+curr.stateB+"/"+curr.stateP+" "+curr.nextStateT+"/"+curr.nextStateB+"/"+curr.nextStateP+" "); for (int k=0; k<4; k++) { // (--), (-*), (*-), (**) curr.gx = (k>1); curr.px = ((k%2)>0); curr.updateCurrStates(); // but leave next states intact //System.out.print("["+Utils.isValidHistory(curr)+"] tx="+curr.tx+" bx="+curr.bx+" px="+curr.px+" ux="+curr.ux+" gx="+curr.gx+" ggx="+curr.ggx+" "); if (!Utils.isValidHistory(curr)) { logProbs[k] = Utils.log0; continue; } // else logProbs[k] = 0; // Transition probability for the p--g edge if (k!=0) logProbs[k] += curr.pTrans[e[k]][e[curr.nextStateP]]; // Include transition probabilities for all edges that are currently non-silent if (!gIsRoot && curr.stateG!=0) logProbs[k] += curr.gTrans[e[curr.stateG]][e[curr.nextStateG]]; if (curr.stateT!=0) logProbs[k] += curr.trans[e[curr.stateT]][e[curr.nextStateT]]; if (curr.stateB!=0) logProbs[k] += curr.bTrans[e[curr.stateB]][e[curr.nextStateB]]; if (curr.stateU!=0) logProbs[k] += curr.uTrans[e[curr.stateU]][e[curr.nextStateU]]; // Currently no emission probabilities included logTotal = Utils.logAdd(logTotal,logProbs[k]); } // System.out.println(); // System.out.print("\tafter computeWeights():\t"); for (int k=0; k<END; k++) { logProbs[k] -= logTotal; // System.out.print(logProbs[k]+" "); } // System.out.println(); //return logProbsOld[old.stateP] - logTotalOld; // back proposal probability } /** * Takes a vector of probabilities for imputing different states at the p--g * edge, and sets to log(0) all of those possibilities that would result in an * invalid history given the neighbouring states. * @param logProbsCol A vector of log probabilities for possible choices * (will be modified). * @param curr A {@link Neighbours} object containing the current state of the * neighbouring characters for the edge of interest. */ private void zeroInvalidChoicesAndRenormalise(double[] logProbsCol, Neighbours curr) { // System.out.print(curr.stateT+"/"+curr.stateB+"/"+curr.stateP+" "+curr.nextStateT+"/"+curr.nextStateB+"/"+curr.nextStateP+" "); double logTot = Utils.log0; for (int k=0; k<logProbsCol.length; k++) { curr.gx = (k>1); curr.px = ((k%2)>0); // NB the above two statements are currently hard-coded using the // state labelling used for the TKF92 HMM. if (!Utils.isValidHistory(curr)) logProbsCol[k] = Utils.log0; else logTot = Utils.logAdd(logTot, logProbsCol[k]); } for (int k=0; k<logProbsCol.length; k++) logProbsCol[k] -= logTot; // System.out.print("\tafter zeroInvalid():\t"); // for (int k=0; k<logProbsCol.length; k++) { // System.out.print(logProbsCol[k]+" "); // } // System.out.println(); } private void zeroInvalidChoicesAndRenormalise(double[] logProbsCol, int neighb) { // System.out.println(neighb+" = "+Utils.bitIsSet(neighb, 0)+", " // +Utils.bitIsSet(neighb, 1)+", " // +Utils.bitIsSet(neighb, 2)+", " // +Utils.bitIsSet(neighb, 3)); double logTot = Utils.log0; for (int k=0; k<logProbsCol.length; k++) { int state = neighb; if ((k%2)>0) state |= (1<<4); if (k>1) state |= (1<<5); if (!Utils.isValidHistory(state)) logProbsCol[k] = Utils.log0; else logTot = Utils.logAdd(logTot, logProbsCol[k]); } for (int k=0; k<logProbsCol.length; k++) logProbsCol[k] -= logTot; // System.out.print("\tafter zeroInvalid():\t"); // for (int k=0; k<logProbsCol.length; k++) { // System.out.print(logProbsCol[k]+" "); // } // System.out.println(); } private void magnifyProbability(double[] logProbsCol,int stateP) { //magnifyProbability(logProbsCol,stateP,5); // 10 works well with glob_25 magnifyProbability(logProbsCol,stateP,5); // 10 works well with glob_25 } private void magnifyProbability(double[] logProbsCol,int stateP, double factor) { if (logProbsCol[stateP]==Utils.log0||logProbsCol[stateP]==0) return; logProbsCol[stateP] += Math.log(factor); // multiply the probability by factor // renormalise double logTot = Utils.log0; for (int k=0; k<logProbsCol.length; k++) logTot = Utils.logAdd(logTot,logProbsCol[k]); for (int k=0; k<logProbsCol.length; k++) logProbsCol[k] -= logTot; } private void resetProbability(double[] logProbsCol,int stateP) { double newValue = 0.95; // works well with glob_25 and IND //double newValue = 0.995; //double newValue = (0.997+Math.exp(logProbsCol[stateP]))/2; //double newValue = Math.exp(logProbsCol[stateP]); resetProbability(logProbsCol,stateP,newValue); } private void resetProbability(double[] logProbsCol,int stateP, double newValue) { if (logProbsCol[stateP]==Utils.log0||logProbsCol[stateP]==0) return; // for (int k=0; k<logProbsCol.length; k++) { // System.out.print(logProbsCol[k]+" "); // } // System.out.println(); double factor = Math.log(1-newValue) - Math.log(1 - Math.exp(logProbsCol[stateP])); // Not numerically the safest thing to do... logProbsCol[stateP] = Math.log(newValue); for (int k=0; k<logProbsCol.length; k++) { if (k==stateP) continue; logProbsCol[k] += factor; } double tot = Utils.log0; // System.out.print("\tafter magnifyProb():\t"); for (int k=0; k<logProbsCol.length; k++) { if (Utils.DEBUG) tot = Utils.logAdd(tot,logProbsCol[k]); // if (k==stateP) System.out.print("["); // System.out.print(logProbsCol[k]); // if (k==stateP) System.out.print("]"); // System.out.print(" "); } if (Utils.DEBUG) assert(tot > -1e-6); // System.out.println(); } public int favouredDestination(int state) { int x = state; if (state==1) x = 2; else if (state==2) x = 1; return x; } public void saveData() { old.length = length; old.orphanLogLike = orphanLogLike; old.indelLogLike = indelLogLike; } public void restoreData() { length = old.length; orphanLogLike = old.orphanLogLike; indelLogLike = old.indelLogLike; } private void reassignParentage(AlignColumn oldParent, AlignColumn newParent) { AlignColumn l = left.last; AlignColumn r = right.last; // Decrement l and r until either they reach the beginning // of their respective sequences, or they reach a column // whose parent is c while (l != null && l.parent != oldParent) l = l.prev; while (r != null && r.parent != oldParent) r = r.prev; while (l != null && l.orphan && l.parent == oldParent) { l.parent = newParent; l = l.prev; } while (r != null && r.orphan && r.parent == oldParent) { r.parent = newParent; r = r.prev; } } public double insertSilentIndel() { return insertSilentIndel(null); } public double insertSilentIndel(AlignColumn c) { double logProposalRatio = Math.log((1-Utils.SILENT_INSERT_PROB)/Utils.SILENT_INSERT_PROB); if (c==null) { int pos = Utils.generator.nextInt(length); c = last; while (pos-- > 0) c = c.prev; logProposalRatio -= exciseSilentIndel(c,false); } c = new AlignColumn(c); logProposalRatio -= -Math.log(length); // log (1 / fwd) if (Utils.DEBUG) owner.checkPointers(); reassignParentage(,c); if (Utils.DEBUG) owner.checkPointers(); old.winLast = c; ++nSilentIndels; return logProposalRatio; } public double insertSilentIndelBlock(AlignColumn c) { final int MAX_LENGTH = Utils.MAX_SILENT_LENGTH; double logProposalRatio = Math.log((1-Utils.SILENT_INSERT_PROB)/Utils.SILENT_INSERT_PROB); if (c==null) { // save old alignment // this method is unnecessarily expensive, but easy option for now // String[] ali = owner.getState().getFullAlign(); // saveFiveWay(ali); } int silentLength = 0; if (c==null) { int pos = Utils.generator.nextInt(length); // Also need to incorporate a factor from this into the Hastings ratio? silentLength = Utils.generator.nextInt(MAX_LENGTH); c = last.prev; while (pos-- > 0) c = c.prev; } else { silentLength = old.winLength; } printPointers(); owner.root.printToScreenAlignment(0,0,true); // find columns that previously had this as parent AlignColumn l = left.last.prev; AlignColumn r = right.last.prev; while ((l!=null) && (l.parent != c)) l = l.prev; while ((r!=null) && (r.parent != c)) r = r.prev; old.winLast = c; old.winFirst = c.prev; old.winLength = silentLength; for (int i=0; i<silentLength; i++) { c = new AlignColumn(c); // New silent column } while ((l!=null) && (l.parent == old.winLast)) { if (l.orphan) l.parent = c; l = l.prev; } while ((r!=null) && (r.parent == old.winLast)) { if (r.orphan) r.parent = c; r = r.prev; } owner.root.printToScreenAlignment(0,0,true); // back proposal probability logProposalRatio += exciseSilentIndel(c); return logProposalRatio; } public void undoInsertSilentIndel() { if (old.winLast == null) return; exciseSilentIndel(old.winLast,true); } public void undoExciseSilentIndel() { if (old.winLast == null) return; insertSilentIndel(old.winLast); } public double exciseSilentIndel() { return exciseSilentIndel(null,true); } public double exciseSilentIndel(AlignColumn c) { return exciseSilentIndel(c,false); } void countSilentIndels() { //if (nSilentIndels==-1) { nSilentIndels = 0; for (AlignColumn c = last.prev; c!=null; c = c.prev) { if (c.orphan && c.left == null && c.right == null) nSilentIndels++; } //} } public double exciseSilentIndel(AlignColumn c, boolean remove) { double logProposalRatio = Math.log(Utils.SILENT_INSERT_PROB/(1-Utils.SILENT_INSERT_PROB)); if (c == null) { ArrayList<AlignColumn> silentColumns = new ArrayList<AlignColumn>(); for (c = last.prev; c!=null; c = c.prev) { if (c.orphan && c.left == null && c.right == null) { silentColumns.add(c); } } int nSilent = silentColumns.size(); if (nSilent == 0) { old.winLast = null; return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } else logProposalRatio -= -Math.log(nSilent); // - log fwd int choice = Utils.generator.nextInt(nSilent); if (Utils.DEBUG) System.out.println("Excising column "+choice+"."); c = silentColumns.get(choice); } if (remove) logProposalRatio += -Math.log(length-1); // + log bwd if (Utils.DEBUG) owner.checkPointers(); if (remove) reassignParentage(c,; if (Utils.DEBUG) owner.checkPointers(); if (remove) old.winLast =; boolean deleted = true; if (remove) deleted = delete(c); if (!deleted) { old.winLast = null; return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } --nSilentIndels; return logProposalRatio; } public void exciseAllSilentIndels() { for (AlignColumn c = last.prev; c!=null; c = c.prev) { if (c.orphan && c.left == null && c.right == null) { reassignParentage(c,; delete(c); } } } public double modifySilentIndel(boolean insert) { double logProposalRatio = 0; if (insert) logProposalRatio += Math.log((1-Utils.SILENT_INSERT_PROB)/Utils.SILENT_INSERT_PROB); else logProposalRatio += Math.log(Utils.SILENT_INSERT_PROB/(1-Utils.SILENT_INSERT_PROB)); AlignColumn c = null; ArrayList<AlignColumn> silentColumns = new ArrayList<AlignColumn>(); for (c = last.prev; c!=null; c = c.prev) { if (c.orphan && c.left == null && c.right == null) { silentColumns.add(c); } } int nSilent = silentColumns.size(); if (nSilent == 0) { // || (nSilent==1 && !insert)) { // Assume parent move handles the latter condition old.winLast = null; return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } else logProposalRatio -= -Math.log(nSilent); // - log fwd int choice = Utils.generator.nextInt(nSilent); if (Utils.DEBUG) System.out.println("Selected column "+choice+"."); c = silentColumns.get(choice); if (Utils.DEBUG) owner.checkPointers(); if (insert) { logProposalRatio += -Math.log(nSilent+1); // + log bwd c = new AlignColumn(c); reassignParentage(,c); old.winLast = c; nSilentIndels = nSilent+1; } else { if (nSilent > 1) logProposalRatio += -Math.log(nSilent-1); // + log bwd reassignParentage(c,; old.winLast =; boolean deleted = delete(c); if (!deleted) { old.winLast = null; return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } nSilentIndels = nSilent-1; } if (Utils.DEBUG) owner.checkPointers(); return logProposalRatio; } public double exciseSilentIndelBlock(AlignColumn insert, boolean remove) { int MAX_LENGTH = Utils.MAX_SILENT_LENGTH; double logProposalRatio = Math.log(Utils.SILENT_INSERT_PROB/(1-Utils.SILENT_INSERT_PROB)); // save old alignment // this method is unnecessarily expensive, but easy option for now if (insert == null) { // String[] ali = owner.getState().getFullAlign(); // saveFiveWay(ali); } AlignColumn c = last.prev; AlignColumn l = left.last.prev; AlignColumn r = right.last.prev; AlignColumn begin = null, end = null; int silentLength = 0; int totalLength = 0; ArrayList<AlignColumn> begins = new ArrayList<AlignColumn>(); ArrayList<AlignColumn> ends = new ArrayList<AlignColumn>(); ArrayList<AlignColumn> lEnds = new ArrayList<AlignColumn>(); ArrayList<AlignColumn> rEnds = new ArrayList<AlignColumn>(); ArrayList<Integer> lengths = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // find the silent indels, up to break points defined by // places where one of the children has one of the nodes // as its surrogate or real parent. int region = 0; int regionContainingInsert = 0; for (;;) { while ((l.prev!=null) && (l.parent == c)) l = l.prev; while ((r.prev!=null) && (r.parent == c) && (r.parent!=l.parent)) r = r.prev; if (c!=begin && c.orphan && c.left == null && c.right == null) { if (end == null) { end = c; begin = l.parent; silentLength = 1; } else silentLength++; if (c==insert) regionContainingInsert = region; } else if (silentLength > 0) { // store info for this silent indel and move on begins.add(begin); begin = null; ends.add(end); end = null; lEnds.add(; rEnds.add(; totalLength += silentLength; lengths.add(silentLength); silentLength = 0; region++; } if (c.prev != null) c = c.prev; else break; } if (begins.size() == 0) { if (Utils.DEBUG) System.out.println("Nothing to excise."); logProposalRatio = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } else { if (insert == null || remove) { // we're actually doing the excision if (Utils.DEBUG) for (int len : lengths) System.out.println(len); int indel = Utils.weightedChoose(lengths); logProposalRatio -= Math.log(lengths.get(indel)/totalLength); int possibleEndPositions = Math.max(MAX_LENGTH,lengths.get(indel))-MAX_LENGTH+1; int offsetFromEnd = Utils.generator.nextInt(possibleEndPositions); logProposalRatio -= -Math.log(possibleEndPositions); if (insert == null) { c = ends.get(indel); int skipped = 0; while (skipped < offsetFromEnd) { c = c.prev; skipped++; } old.winLast =; } else { c = insert; MAX_LENGTH = old.winLength; } int deletedLength = 0; l = lEnds.get(indel); while (l.parent == begins.get(indel)) { l.parent =; l = l.prev; } r = rEnds.get(indel); while (r.parent == begins.get(indel)) { r.parent =; r = r.prev; } for(;;) { boolean successfullyDeleted = delete(c); deletedLength++; if (!successfullyDeleted) logProposalRatio = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; if (deletedLength==MAX_LENGTH || c==begins.get(indel)) break; c = c.prev; } old.winLength = deletedLength; if (remove) MAX_LENGTH = Utils.MAX_SILENT_LENGTH; // back proposal prob // consists of probability of choosing insertion site // and the probability of choosing the insertion length // which are both uniform logProposalRatio += -Math.log(length) - Math.log(MAX_LENGTH); } else { // we just called this function to compute a // (negative log) back proposal prob logProposalRatio -= Math.log(lengths.get(regionContainingInsert)/totalLength); int possibleEndPositions = Math.max(MAX_LENGTH,lengths.get(regionContainingInsert))-MAX_LENGTH+1; logProposalRatio -= -Math.log(possibleEndPositions); } } return logProposalRatio; } /** * Schemes for imputing the internal character in the five-way topology * sampling move. */ enum Scheme { IND,// independent ONE,// one-step greedy algorithm using only parent edge transition probability ALL,// one-step greedy algorithm using all neighbour transition probabilities FULL // full dynamic programming, using a simplified HMM } public double nephewUncleSwapFixedColumns3() { final boolean USE_MAGNIFICATION = true; double magProb = 0.8; double logProposalRatio = 0.0; double[] logProbs = {Math.log(0.7),Math.log(0.12),Math.log(0.12),Math.log(0.06)}; //double[] logProbs = {Math.log(0.7),Math.log(0.1),Math.log(0.1),Math.log(0.1)}; //double[] logProbs = {Math.log(0.7),Math.log(0.06),Math.log(0.06),Math.log(0.18)}; if (Utils.DEBUG) System.out.println(index+".nephewUncleSwapFixedColumns3()"); Vertex brother = brother(), uncle =, grandpa = parent.parent, greatgrandpa = grandpa.parent; boolean gIsRoot = (grandpa==owner.root); boolean isLeft = (this==parent.left); boolean uncleIsLeft = (uncle==grandpa.left); boolean grandpaIsLeft = false; if (!gIsRoot) grandpaIsLeft = (grandpa==greatgrandpa.left); String[] ali = owner.getState().getFullAlign(); // Save the old alignment associated with the nodes that will be modified by // this move, in case it needs to be restored if the move is rejected. saveFiveWay(ali); // Loop over columns of the initial alignment, starting from the last (non-virtual) column first=last; parent.first=parent.last; brother.first=brother.last; grandpa.first=grandpa.last; uncle.first=uncle.last; AlignColumn t=last.prev, p=parent.last.prev, b=brother.last.prev, g=grandpa.last.prev, u=uncle.last.prev; AlignColumn gg = null; if (!gIsRoot) { greatgrandpa.first = greatgrandpa.last; gg=greatgrandpa.last.prev;} // Variables indicating whether a character is present at the current column boolean tx=false, px=false, bx=false, gx=false, ux=false, ggx=false; double[] logProbsOld = null, logProbsNew = null; int oldState, newState, prevOldState=-1; int oldImputation=0, newImputation=0; for (int col=ali[0].length()-1; col>=0; col--) { tx = (ali[index].charAt(col)!='-'); px = (ali[parent.index].charAt(col)!='-'); bx = (ali[brother.index].charAt(col)!='-'); gx = (ali[grandpa.index].charAt(col)!='-'); ux = (ali[uncle.index].charAt(col)!='-'); ggx = false; if (!gIsRoot) ggx = (ali[greatgrandpa.index].charAt(col)!='-'); int nTips = (tx?1:0) + (bx?1:0) + (ux?1:0) + (ggx?1:0); if (!(tx|bx|ux|ggx) || nTips>=3) prevOldState = -1; // change nothing else { // integer representation of the neighbour configuration oldState = ((tx?1:0)<<0)|((bx?1:0)<<1)|((ux?1:0)<<2)|((ggx?1:0)<<3); //System.out.println("oldState = "+oldState); if (oldState != prevOldState) { newState = ((tx?1:0)<<2)|((bx?1:0)<<1)|((ux?1:0)<<0)|((ggx?1:0)<<3); logProbsOld = logProbs.clone(); logProbsNew = logProbs.clone(); zeroInvalidChoicesAndRenormalise(logProbsOld,oldState); zeroInvalidChoicesAndRenormalise(logProbsNew,newState); oldImputation = (px?1:0) + 2*(gx?1:0); double rand = Utils.generator.nextDouble(); if (USE_MAGNIFICATION && rand<magProb) { magnifyProbability(logProbsNew,favouredDestination(oldImputation)); /// } newImputation = Utils.logWeightedChoose(logProbsNew); if (USE_MAGNIFICATION && rand<magProb) { magnifyProbability(logProbsOld,favouredDestination(newImputation)); /// } logProposalRatio += logProbsOld[oldImputation]; logProposalRatio -= logProbsNew[newImputation]; prevOldState = oldState; } // See whether the newly selected currStateNew requires any columns // to be inserted or deleted boolean insertG = (newImputation>1)&!gx; boolean deleteG = (!(newImputation>1))&gx; boolean insertP = ((newImputation%2)>0)&!px; boolean deleteP = ((newImputation%2)==0)&px; // NB currently the above is coded according to the TKF92 currStateNew // coding scheme // Insert or delete new columns as necessary. // If we end up trying to delete too many columns, such // that the sequence length drops below a specified minimum, // then delete() will return false, and we will reject this // proposal. if (insertG) { g = new AlignColumn((g!=null)?; // New orphan column gx = true; } else if (deleteG) { boolean deleted = delete(g); if (deleted) { grandpa.first =; g = g.prev; gx = false; } else logProposalRatio = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } if (insertP) { p = new AlignColumn((p!=null)?; px = true; } else if (deleteP) { boolean deleted = delete(p); if (deleted) { parent.first =; p = p.prev; px = false; } else logProposalRatio = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } } // Update orphan status based on whether new parent exists if (px) p.orphan = !gx; if (gx) g.orphan = !ggx; if (ux) u.orphan = !px; if (tx) t.orphan = !gx; if (bx) b.orphan = !px; // This should be done automatically in any case // Reassign parentage if (tx) { t.updateParent(t.orphan?((g==null)?,uncleIsLeft); } if (px) { p.updateParent(p.orphan?((g==null)?,!uncleIsLeft); } if (ux) { u.updateParent(u.orphan?((p==null)?,isLeft); } if (bx) { b.updateParent(b.orphan?((p==null)?,!isLeft); } if (gx) { if (!gIsRoot) g.updateParent(g.orphan?((gg==null)?,grandpaIsLeft); } // Decrement the column pointers if (tx) { first = t; t = t.prev;} if (px) { parent.first = p; p = p.prev; } if (bx) { brother.first = b; b = b.prev; } if (gx) { grandpa.first = g; g = g.prev; } if (ux) { uncle.first = u; u = u.prev; } if (ggx) { greatgrandpa.first = gg; gg = gg.prev; } } // Swap the pointers between vertices, and the first and last columns // NB the uncle has to be done first, otherwise parent refers to grandpa // NB this also has to be done after all other references to parent in reference to the old parent // (or otherwise we could instead refer to a pointer to the parent under a different name, // rather than using the member variable `parent') uncle.parent = parent; uncle.last.parent = parent.last; if (isLeft) { parent.left = uncle; parent.last.left = uncle.last; } else { parent.right = uncle; parent.last.right = uncle.last; } parent = grandpa; last.parent = grandpa.last; if (uncleIsLeft) { grandpa.left = this; grandpa.last.left = last; } else { grandpa.right = this; grandpa.last.right = last; } if (Utils.DEBUG) { owner.checkPointers(); } uncle.selectAllUp(); selected = true; owner.root.recomputeLogLikeSelected(); // Is this necessary? //uncle.calcAllUp(); return logProposalRatio; } public double nephewUncleSwapFixedColumns2() { final int END = owner.hmm2.getEnd(); final int[] emitPatt2State = owner.hmm2.getEmitPatt2State(); double logProposalRatio = 0.0; Scheme scheme = Scheme.IND; //double[] logProbs = {Math.log(0.997),Math.log(0.0012),Math.log(0.0012),Math.log(0.0006)}; //double[] logProbs = {Math.log(0.997),Math.log(0.0005),Math.log(0.0005),Math.log(0.002)}; // The above results in decent likelihoods (without magnification), // but the back proposal probability is generally very low. double[] logProbs = {Math.log(0.7),Math.log(0.12),Math.log(0.12),Math.log(0.06)}; //double[] logProbs = {Math.log(0.8),Math.log(0.08),Math.log(0.08),Math.log(0.04)}; if (Utils.DEBUG) System.out.println(index+".nephewUncleSwapFixedColumns2()"); Vertex brother = brother(), uncle =, grandpa = parent.parent, greatgrandpa = grandpa.parent; boolean gIsRoot = (grandpa==owner.root); boolean isLeft = (this==parent.left); boolean uncleIsLeft = (uncle==grandpa.left); boolean grandpaIsLeft = false; if (!gIsRoot) grandpaIsLeft = (grandpa==greatgrandpa.left); String[] ali = owner.getState().getFullAlign(); // Save the old alignment associated with the nodes that will be modified by // this move, in case it needs to be restored if the move is rejected. saveFiveWay(ali); double[][] logMarg = null; //if (scheme != Scheme.IND) logMarg = computeImputationProbabilities(ali); // Loop over columns of the initial alignment, starting from the last (non-virtual) column first=last; parent.first=parent.last; brother.first=brother.last; grandpa.first=grandpa.last; uncle.first=uncle.last; AlignColumn t=last.prev, p=parent.last.prev, b=brother.last.prev, g=grandpa.last.prev, u=uncle.last.prev; AlignColumn gg = null; if (!gIsRoot) { greatgrandpa.first = greatgrandpa.last; gg=greatgrandpa.last.prev;} // Variables indicating whether a character is present at the current column boolean tx=false, px=false, bx=false, gx=false, ux=false, ggx=false; Neighbours curr = new Neighbours(uncle,true), old = new Neighbours(uncle,false); double[] logProbsNew = logProbs.clone(); double[] logProbsOld = logProbs.clone(); String ss = new String(""); int nextStateNew = END, nextStateOld = END; //int nextStateNew = Utils.generator.nextInt(END), nextStateOld = Utils.generator.nextInt(END); for (int col=ali[0].length()-1; col>=0; col--) { tx = (ali[index].charAt(col)!='-'); px = (ali[parent.index].charAt(col)!='-'); bx = (ali[brother.index].charAt(col)!='-'); gx = (ali[grandpa.index].charAt(col)!='-'); ux = (ali[uncle.index].charAt(col)!='-'); ggx = false; if (!gIsRoot) ggx = (ali[greatgrandpa.index].charAt(col)!='-'); // if (!tx&!bx&!ux&!ggx) { // // column with no tips // //if (Utils.DEBUG && (px|gx)) ss += "*"; // continue; // } int currStateOld = (px?1:0) + 2*(gx?1:0); int currStateNew = currStateOld; curr.px = px; curr.gx = gx; /// curr.bx = bx; curr.ggx = ggx; // NB the following two are switched round: curr.tx = ux; curr.ux = tx; curr.updateCurrStates(); old.px = px; old.gx = gx; /// old.bx = bx; old.ggx = ggx; old.tx = tx; old.ux = ux; old.updateCurrStates(); int nTips = (tx?1:0) + (bx?1:0) + (ux?1:0) + (ggx?1:0); if (!(tx|bx|ux|ggx) || nTips>=3) ;// then don't change anything // Could also make the above just !(tx|ux) -- more restrictive else { // Compute the probabilities of each imputation for the p--g edge // under the different possible schemes logProbsNew = logProbs.clone(); int favouredState = currStateOld; if (favouredState==1) favouredState=2; else if (favouredState==2) favouredState=1; switch(scheme) { case IND: //magnifyProbability(logProbsNew,currStateOld); // break; case ONE: for (int k=0; k<4; k++) { logProbsNew[k] = parent.hmm2TransMatrix[emitPatt2State[k]][emitPatt2State[nextStateNew]]; } break; case ALL: // String s = new String(); // for (int i=0; i<ali.length; i++) s+=ali[i].charAt(col); // System.out.print("\n"+s+" new: "); computeWeights(curr,logProbsNew); // if (favouredState==1) favouredState=2; // else if (favouredState==2) favouredState=1; //magnifyProbability(logProbsNew,favouredState); // break; case FULL: logProbsNew = logMarg[col]; throw new RuntimeException("Scheme.FULL has not yet been implemented"); } //magnifyProbability(logProbsNew,favouredState,0.95); zeroInvalidChoicesAndRenormalise(logProbsNew,curr); // may be unnecessary for case ALL/FULL //if (favouredState==0) magnifyProbability(logProbsNew,favouredState,0.95); magnifyProbability(logProbsNew,favouredState); currStateNew = Utils.logWeightedChoose(logProbsNew); // set curr to the new state for this column curr.gx = (currStateNew>1); curr.px = ((currStateNew%2)>0); curr.updateCurrStates(); //System.out.println(); logProposalRatio -= logProbsNew[currStateNew]; // forward proposal probability // Back proposal probs logProbsOld = logProbs.clone(); favouredState = currStateNew; if (favouredState==1) favouredState=2; else if (favouredState==2) favouredState=1; switch(scheme) { case IND: //magnifyProbability(logProbsOld,currStateNew); // break; case ONE: for (int k=0; k<4; k++) { logProbsOld[k] = parent.hmm2TransMatrix[emitPatt2State[k]][emitPatt2State[nextStateOld]]; } break; case ALL: // System.out.print(" old: "); computeWeights(old,logProbsOld); // if (favouredState==1) favouredState=2; // else if (favouredState==2) favouredState=1; //magnifyProbability(logProbsOld,favouredState); // break; case FULL: logProbsOld = logMarg[col]; throw new RuntimeException("Scheme.FULL has not yet been implemented"); } //magnifyProbability(logProbsOld,favouredState,0.95); zeroInvalidChoicesAndRenormalise(logProbsOld,old); // may be unnecessary for case ALL/FULL //if (favouredState==0) magnifyProbability(logProbsOld,favouredState,0.95); // magnifyProbability(logProbsOld,favouredState); logProposalRatio += logProbsOld[currStateOld]; // back proposal probability // reset old, because it will be modified by the above old.px = px; old.gx = gx; old.updateCurrStates(); //System.out.println(); // System.out.println("tx="+tx+" bx="+bx+" ux="+ux+" ggx="+ggx); // System.out.println("new: "+currStateNew+" "+logProbsNew[currStateNew]+" old: "+currStateOld+" "+logProbsOld[currStateOld]); // System.out.println("logProposalRatio = "+logProposalRatio); // System.out.println(); // System.out.println("logProosalRatio = "+(logProbsOld[currState]-logProbsNew[currStateNew])); // for (int k=0; k<logProbsNew.length; k++) System.out.print(logProbsNew[k]+" "); // System.out.println(); // for (int k=0; k<logProbsNew.length; k++) System.out.print(logProbsOld[k]+" "); // System.out.println(); // System.out.println("currState="+currState+", bwd="+logProbsOld[currState]+ // ", currStateNew="+currStateNew+", fwd="+logProbsNew[currStateNew]); //if (Utils.DEBUG) ss += currStateNew; // See whether the newly selected currStateNew requires any columns // to be inserted or deleted boolean insertG = (currStateNew>1)&!gx; boolean deleteG = (!(currStateNew>1))&gx; boolean insertP = ((currStateNew%2)>0)&!px; boolean deleteP = ((currStateNew%2)==0)&px; // NB currently the above is coded according to the TKF92 currStateNew // coding scheme // Insert or delete new columns as necessary if (insertG) { g = new AlignColumn((g!=null)?; // New orphan column gx = true; } else if (deleteG) { delete(g); grandpa.first =; g = g.prev; gx = false; } if (insertP) { p = new AlignColumn((p!=null)?; px = true; } else if (deleteP) { delete(p); parent.first =; p = p.prev; px = false; } } // end if (tx|bx|ux|ggx) if (currStateOld!=0) nextStateOld = currStateOld; if (currStateNew!=0) nextStateNew = currStateNew; curr.updateNextStates(); old.updateNextStates(); // Update orphan status based on whether new parent exists if (px) p.orphan = !gx; if (gx) g.orphan = !ggx; if (ux) u.orphan = !px; if (tx) t.orphan = !gx; if (bx) b.orphan = !px; // This should be done automatically in any case if (Utils.DEBUG) ss += tx?(t.orphan?"o":"x"):"-"; // Reassign parentage if (tx) { t.updateParent(t.orphan?((g==null)?,uncleIsLeft); } if (px) { p.updateParent(p.orphan?((g==null)?,!uncleIsLeft); } if (ux) { u.updateParent(u.orphan?((p==null)?,isLeft); } if (bx) { b.updateParent(b.orphan?((p==null)?,!isLeft); } if (gx) { if (!gIsRoot) g.updateParent(g.orphan?((gg==null)?,grandpaIsLeft); } // Decrement the column pointers if (tx) { first = t; t = t.prev;} if (px) { parent.first = p; p = p.prev; } if (bx) { brother.first = b; b = b.prev; } if (gx) { grandpa.first = g; g = g.prev; } if (ux) { uncle.first = u; u = u.prev; } if (ggx) { greatgrandpa.first = gg; gg = gg.prev; } } if (Utils.DEBUG) { ss += " "; System.out.println(new StringBuilder(ss).reverse().toString()); } // Swap the pointers between vertices, and the first and last columns // NB the uncle has to be done first, otherwise parent refers to grandpa // NB this also has to be done after all other references to parent in reference to the old parent // (or otherwise we could instead refer to a pointer to the parent under a different name, // rather than using the member variable `parent') uncle.parent = parent; uncle.last.parent = parent.last; if (isLeft) { parent.left = uncle; parent.last.left = uncle.last; } else { parent.right = uncle; parent.last.right = uncle.last; } parent = grandpa; last.parent = grandpa.last; if (uncleIsLeft) { grandpa.left = this; grandpa.last.left = last; } else { grandpa.right = this; grandpa.last.right = last; } if (Utils.DEBUG) { owner.checkPointers(); owner.root.recomputeLogLike(); } uncle.calcAllUp(); return logProposalRatio; } public double nephewUncleSwapFixedColumns() { double logProposalRatio = 0.0; Scheme scheme = Scheme.IND; /** * If <code>true</code> then we will not attempt to change the * internal characters in cases where both p and g exist to begin with. */ boolean KEEP_DOUBLES = true; if (Utils.DEBUG) System.out.println(index+".nephewUncleSwapFixedColumns()"); Vertex brother = brother(), uncle =, grandpa = parent.parent, greatgrandpa = grandpa.parent; boolean gIsRoot = (grandpa==owner.root); boolean isLeft = (this==parent.left); boolean uncleIsLeft = (uncle==grandpa.left); boolean grandpaIsLeft = false; if (!gIsRoot) grandpaIsLeft = (grandpa==greatgrandpa.left); //if (!gIsRoot) System.out.println("grandpaIsLeft = "+grandpaIsLeft+", grandpa = "+grandpa.index+", greatgrandpa.left = "+greatgrandpa.left.index); // if (Utils.DEBUG) { // printPointers(); //printPointers2(); // brother.printPointers(); //brother.printPointers2(); // if (!gIsRoot) { parent.printPointers(); }//parent.printPointers2(); } // uncle.printPointers(); //uncle.printPointers2(); // parent.printPointers();//parent.printPointers2(); // owner.checkPointers(); // } // Extract full alignment for all nodes. // NB this also has the effect of saving the old state, which is useful, albeit slow. String[] ali = owner.getState().getFullAlign(); // Save the old alignment associated with the nodes that will be modified by // this move, in case it needs to be restored if the move is rejected. saveFiveWay(ali); double P = 0.25; // Probability of an additional indel being incorporated // Should really derive this from lambda, mu and R somehow double P2 = Math.pow(P,2); double logP = Math.log(P); // Ratios of probabilities of imputations at the p--g edge // (ratio of back proposal to forward proposal). // When scheme == ONE, the back proposal is computed given // th old right-neighbour, whereas the forward proposal is // conditional on the newly imputed right-neighbour. // p(--), p(-*), p(*-), p(**) //double[] logWeights4 = {logP,logP,logP,logP}; double[] logWeights4 = {Math.log(0.7),Math.log(0.12),Math.log(0.12),Math.log(0.06)}; //double[] logWeights4 = {Math.log(0.85),Math.log(0.05),Math.log(0.05),Math.log(0.05)}; //double[] logWeightsOld4 = {Math.log(0.7),Math.log(0.12),Math.log(0.12),Math.log(0.06)}; double[] logWeightsOld4 = logWeights4.clone(); //double[] logWeightsOld4 = {logP,logP,logP,logP}; // Subsets of the above, for selecting from the acceptable options: double[] logWeights2=new double[2], logWeights3=new double[3]; // Loop over columns of the initial alignment, starting from the last (non-virtual) column first=last; parent.first=parent.last; brother.first=brother.last; grandpa.first=grandpa.last; uncle.first=uncle.last; AlignColumn t=last.prev, p=parent.last.prev, b=brother.last.prev, g=grandpa.last.prev, u=uncle.last.prev; AlignColumn gg = null; if (!gIsRoot) { greatgrandpa.first = greatgrandpa.last; gg=greatgrandpa.last.prev;} // Variables indicating whether a character is present at the current column boolean tx=false, px=false, bx=false, gx=false, ux=false, ggx=false; // Same but in the form of an Neighbours struct, for current columns, // as well as state before the proposal Neighbours before = new Neighbours(uncle), curr = new Neighbours(uncle); for (int col=ali[0].length()-1; col>=0; col--) { //System.out.println("logProposalRatio = "+logProposalRatio); /* System.out.println(ali[brother.index]); System.out.println(ali[index]); System.out.println(ali[uncle.index]); System.out.println(ali[parent.index]); System.out.println(ali[grandpa.index]); System.out.println(); System.out.print(ali[brother.index].charAt(col)); System.out.print(ali[index].charAt(col)); System.out.print(ali[uncle.index].charAt(col)); System.out.print(ali[parent.index].charAt(col)); System.out.print(ali[grandpa.index].charAt(col)); System.out.println(); */ before.px = px; before.bx = bx; before.gx = gx; before.ggx = ggx; // NB the following two are switched round: before.tx = ux; before.ux = tx; if (col<(ali[0].length()-1)) { // NOT SURE IF THE TWO LINES BELOW ARE NEEDED before.t = t; before.p = p; before.b = b; before.g = g; before.u = u; if (!gIsRoot) = gg; // Depends what we're going to use these AlignColumn pointers for, // and when exactly they're updated etc. before.updateAllStates(); } // else they are null tx = (ali[index].charAt(col)!='-'); px = (ali[parent.index].charAt(col)!='-'); bx = (ali[brother.index].charAt(col)!='-'); gx = (ali[grandpa.index].charAt(col)!='-'); // System.out.println(gx+" "+ali[grandpa.index].charAt(col)); ux = (ali[uncle.index].charAt(col)!='-'); ggx = false; if (!gIsRoot) ggx = (ali[greatgrandpa.index].charAt(col)!='-'); switch (scheme) { case IND: break; // then leave the weights as the default values case ONE: curr.px = px; curr.bx = bx; curr.gx = gx; curr.ggx = ggx; // NB the following two are switched around curr.tx = ux; curr.ux = tx; if (col==(ali[0].length()-1)) { //computeWeights(curr,null,logWeights4,logWeightsOld4); } else { //computeWeights(curr,before,logWeights4,logWeightsOld4); } break; case FULL: throw new RuntimeException("Scheme.FULL not yet implemented."); } int nTips = (tx?1:0) + (bx?1:0) + (ux?1:0) + (ggx?1:0); // System.out.println("col = "+col+", nTips = "+nTips); // System.out.println("g = "+g); // if (Utils.DEBUG) { // System.out.println(ali[index].charAt(col)); // System.out.println(ali[parent.index].charAt(col)); // System.out.println(ali[brother.index].charAt(col)); // System.out.println(ali[grandpa.index].charAt(col)); // System.out.println(ali[uncle.index].charAt(col)); // } if (Utils.DEBUG) { if (px&gx) if (p==g) System.out.println("BEFORE: p == g? Should be false. Actually is "+(p==g)); if (tx&gx) { if (px) if (t.parent!=p) System.out.println("BEFORE: t's parent is p? Should be true. Actually is "+(t.parent==p)); if (t.parent==g) System.out.println("BEFORE: t's parent is g? Should be false. Actually is "+(t.parent==g)); } if (ux&px) { if (gx) if (u.parent!=g) System.out.println("BEFORE: u's parent is g? Should be true. Actually is "+(u.parent==g)); if (u.parent==p) System.out.println("BEFORE: u's parent is p? Should be false. Actually is "+(u.parent==p)); } } // Consider the possible cases if (nTips == 3 || nTips == 4 || ( nTips == 2 && ((bx&ggx)|(tx&ux)) ) ) { // Then we have a tip present on both sides of the central edge, // both before and after the move, so we need not do anything // except for changing the parentage (and recomputing the // emission probabilities). } else if ((tx&ggx)|(bx&ux)) { // Case 1: // grandpa exists before and after // parent exists before, but possibly not after // u does not exist // Case 2: // parent exists before and after // grandpa exists before, but possibly not after // t does not exist // log(bwd) = 0 because only one choice for reverse /// ??? // OR MAYBE: // logProposalRatio += logWeightsOld4[3]; //logProposalRatio += Math.log(1+P); // denominator for -log(fwd) // (--), (-*), (*-), (**) logWeights2[0] = logWeights4[tx?2:1]; // if tx then 2 logWeights2[1] = logWeights4[3]; logProposalRatio += Utils.logAdd(logWeights2[0],logWeights2[1]); if (Utils.logWeightedChoose(logWeights2)==0) { if (tx) { delete(p); parent.first =; p = p.prev; px = false; t.orphan = false; } else { delete(g); grandpa.first =; g = g.prev; gx = false; u.orphan = false; } // log(fwd) = log(1) logProposalRatio -= logWeights2[0]; } //else logProposalRatio -= Math.log(P); else logProposalRatio -= logWeights2[1]; } else if ((bx&tx)|(ux&ggx)) { // Case 1: // parent exists before and after // grandpa exists after, and possibly before // u and gg do not exist // Case 2: // grandpa exists before and after // parent exists after, and possibly before // b and t do not exist // -log(fwd) = 0 because only one choice /// ??? // OR MAYBE: //logProposalRatio -= logWeights4[3]; /// ??? //logProposalRatio -= Math.log(1+P); // denominator of log(bwd) logWeights2[0] = logWeightsOld4[tx?1:2]; // NB if tx then 1 (opposite to above) logWeights2[1] = logWeightsOld4[3]; logProposalRatio -= Utils.logAdd(logWeights2[0],logWeights2[1]); if (bx) { //if (gx) logProposalRatio += Math.log(P); // grandpa existed before if (gx) logProposalRatio += logWeights2[1]; else { // Insert new g column logProposalRatio += logWeights2[0]; g = new AlignColumn((g!=null)?; // New orphan column gx = true; p.orphan = false; // t is already not marked as orphan because p exists } } else { if (px) { // If parent existed before //logProposalRatio += Math.log(P); logProposalRatio += logWeights2[1]; } else { // Insert new p column logProposalRatio += logWeights2[0]; p = new AlignColumn((p!=null)?; //p.parent = g; p.orphan = false; px = true; // u is already not marked as orphan } } } else if (nTips == 2) { throw new RuntimeException("We missed a case where nTips==2."); } // Now on to the cases where there was only one tip character to // begin with: else if (bx|ggx) { //System.out.println("bx|ggx"); // Then the only character in this column was at the brother // or the greatgrandpa, in which case there are no nephew or // uncle characters to swap, so there is nothing to do. // We could sample new internal states, but it's not necessary, // so we will leave any such columns as they are. } /**/ else if ((tx|ux)&(px&gx)) { // In the cases where parent and grandpa exist // and there is only one leaf node, we will leave // everything as is, and just change the parent of t/u } else if (tx&px) { // Then: // parent exists before, and we will ensure it does not exist after // because before only t and p contain characters, so we want to // keep the same situation afterwards (but then with u and g). // get rid of p delete(p); parent.first =; p = p.prev; px = false; // create new g g = new AlignColumn((g!=null)?; // New orphan column gx = true; //if (true) { // get rid of p // delete(p); parent.first =; p = p.prev; px = false; //} //else if (gx) p.orphan = false; t.orphan = false; // t will be adopted by the new g // log p_old(-*) - log p_new(*-) //logProposalRatio += -logWeightsOld4[1] + logWeights4[2]; } else if (ux&gx) { // Then: // grandpa exists before, and we will ensure it does not exist after // because before only u and g contain characters, so we want to // keep the same situation afterwards (but then with t and p). // get rid of g delete(g); grandpa.first =; g = g.prev; gx = false; // create new p p = new AlignColumn((p!=null)?; // New orphan column px = true; u.orphan = false; // u will be adopted by the new p // log p_old(*-) - log p_new(-*) //logProposalRatio += -logWeightsOld4[2] + logWeights4[1]; } else if (tx|ux) { // Then: // neither parent nor grandpa exist before, and we // will ensure that neither exist afterwards. // i.e. no need to do anything } /**/ /* else if (tx|ux) { //System.out.println("tx|ux"); // Then: // parent exists possibly before and possibly after // grandpa exists possibly before and possibly after // (--), (-*), (*-), (**) // Back proposal probabilities logProposalRatio -= Utils.logAdd(Utils.logAdd(logWeights4[3],logWeights4[tx?1:2]),logWeights4[0]); if (px&gx) logProposalRatio += logWeights4[3]; //logProposalRatio -= 2*Math.log(P); if (px&!gx) logProposalRatio += logWeights4[tx?1:2]; //logProposalRatio -= Math.log(P); if (!px) logProposalRatio += logWeights4[0];//logProposalRatio -= Math.log(1); // First sample new internal states //System.out.println(weights3[0]+" "+weights3[1]+" "+weights3[2]); logWeights3[0] = logWeights4[0]; logWeights3[2] = logWeights4[3]; logWeights3[1] = logWeights4[tx?2:1]; // NB this is the other way round to above logProposalRatio += Utils.logAdd(Utils.logAdd(logWeights3[0],logWeights3[1]),logWeights3[2]); // logWeights2[0] = logWeights4[0]; // logWeights2[1] = // logProposalRatio += logWeights2[0] + logWeights2[1]; int choice = Utils.logWeightedChoose(logWeights3); logProposalRatio -= logWeights3[choice]; if (choice == 0) { // Then we're choosing no internals if (px) { delete(p); parent.first =; p = p.prev; px = false; } if (gx) { delete(g); grandpa.first =; g = g.prev; gx = false; } // I don't think the order of the above steps matters if (tx) t.orphan = true; if (ux) u.orphan = true; } else if (choice == 1) { // Then we're choosing to impute only one character if (tx) { // if we're considering t, then its new parent must be g if (px) { delete(p); parent.first =; p = p.prev; px = false; } if (!gx) { g = new AlignColumn((g!=null)?; // New orphan column gx = true; } t.orphan = false; } else if (ux) { // if we're considering u, then its new parent must be p if (gx) { delete(g); grandpa.first =; g = g.prev; gx = false; } if (!px) { p = new AlignColumn((p!=null)?; // New orphan column px = true; } u.orphan = false; } } else if (choice == 2) { //Then we're imputing characters at p and g if (!gx) { //System.out.println("g.prev = "+g.prev.toString()); g = new AlignColumn((g!=null)?; // New orphan column //System.out.println("g.prev = "+g.prev.toString()); gx = true; } if (!px) { //System.out.println("p = "+p); //System.out.println(" = "; p = new AlignColumn((p!=null)?; p.orphan = false; px = true; } if (tx) t.orphan = false; if (ux) u.orphan = false; } } */ else if (px&gx) { // Do nothing, otherwise difficult to make the move reversible without // considering the possibility of inserting silent columns. } else if (gx) { // i.e. only grandpa // get rid of g delete(g); grandpa.first =; g = g.prev; gx = false; // create new p p = new AlignColumn((p!=null)?; // New orphan column px = true; } else if (px) { // i.e. only parent // get rid of p delete(p); parent.first =; p = p.prev; px = false; // create new g g = new AlignColumn((g!=null)?; // New orphan column gx = true; } else if (!gx&!px) { // then we have an all-gapped column // Do nothing. The col counter will be decremented, and all the AlignColumn // pointers will stay the same until the next iteration. } else { System.out.println("None of the above"); System.out.println(String.valueOf(t.mostLikely())+" t = "+t+", t.parent = "+t.parent+", = "; System.out.println(String.valueOf(b.mostLikely())+" b = "+b+", b.parent = "+b.parent+", = "; System.out.println(String.valueOf(t.mostLikely())+" p = "+p+", p.parent = "+p.parent+", = "; System.out.println(String.valueOf(t.mostLikely())+" u = "+u+", u.parent = "+u.parent+", = "; System.out.println(String.valueOf(t.mostLikely())+" g = "+g+", g.parent = "+g.parent+", = "; throw new RuntimeException("We reached a case that wasn't handled properly."); } // Reassign any parent pointers. // If the character is to be an orphan, we specify the next column // in the parent sequence as the adopted parent. // If the parent is null, it means that we have already reached the beginning of // the parent sequence, so the child is to be adopted by the first column in // the parent. // Update orphan status based on whether new parent exists if (px) p.orphan = !gx; if (gx) g.orphan = !ggx; if (ux) u.orphan = !px; if (tx) t.orphan = !gx; if (bx) b.orphan = !px; // This should be done automatically in any case if (tx) { t.updateParent(t.orphan?((g==null)?,uncleIsLeft); //first = t; //old.first = to; } // if (tx) System.out.println("t = "+t+", t.parent = "+t.parent); // if (px) System.out.println("p = "+p+", g = "+g+", grandpa.first = "+grandpa.first+", p.parent = "+p.parent+", p.orphan = "+p.orphan); if (px) { p.updateParent(p.orphan?((g==null)?,!uncleIsLeft); //parent.first = p; //parent.old.first = po; } // if (px) System.out.println("p = "+p+", g = "+g+", grandpa.first = "+grandpa.first+", p.parent = "+p.parent+", p.orphan = "+p.orphan); // if (ux) System.out.println("u = "+u+", u.parent = "+u.parent+", u.orphan = "+u.orphan); if (ux) { u.updateParent(u.orphan?((p==null)?,isLeft); //uncle.first = u; //uncle.old.first = uo; } // if (ux) System.out.println("u = "+u+", u.parent = "+u.parent+", u.orphan = "+u.orphan); if (bx) { //System.out.println("p = "+p); b.updateParent(b.orphan?((p==null)?,!isLeft); //brother.first = b; //brother.old.first = bo; } // if (bx) System.out.println("b = "+b+", b.parent = "+b.parent); // if (ggx&gx) System.out.println("g = "+g+", g.orphan = "+g.orphan+", gg = "+gg+", g.parent = "+g.parent+", g.parent.right = "+g.parent.right); if (gx) { if (!gIsRoot) g.updateParent(g.orphan?((gg==null)?,grandpaIsLeft); //grandpa.first = g; //grandpa.old.first = go; } // if (ggx&gx) System.out.println("g = "+g+", g.orphan = "+g.orphan+", gg = "+gg+", g.parent = "+g.parent+", g.parent.right = "+g.parent.right); //if (ggx) greatgrandpa.first = gg; if (Utils.DEBUG) { if (px&gx) if (p==g) System.out.println("##### AFTER: p == g? Should be false. Actually is "+(p==g)); if (tx&gx) { if (px) if (t.parent==p) System.out.println("##### AFTER: t's parent is p? Should be false. Actually is "+(t.parent==p)); if (t.parent!=g) System.out.println("##### AFTER: t's parent is g? Should be true. Actually is "+(t.parent==g)); } if (ux&px) { if (gx) if (u.parent==g) System.out.println("##### AFTER: u's parent is g? Should be false. Actually is "+(u.parent==g)); if (u.parent!=p) { System.out.println("##### AFTER: u's parent is p? Should be true. Actually is "+(u.parent==p)); System.out.println(u.toString()+" "+u.parent.toString()+" "+p.toString()); } } } // if (col==0) { // System.out.print("first = "+first.toString()); // System.out.print("parent.first = "+parent.first.toString()); // System.out.print("brother.first = "+brother.first.toString()); // System.out.print("uncle.first = "+uncle.first.toString()); // System.out.print("grandpa.first = "+grandpa.first.toString()); // } // System.out.println("*"+gx+" "+ali[grandpa.index].charAt(col)); // Decrement the column pointers if (tx) { first = t; t = t.prev;} if (px) { parent.first = p; p = p.prev; } if (bx) { brother.first = b; b = b.prev; } if (gx) { grandpa.first = g; g = g.prev; } if (ux) { uncle.first = u; u = u.prev; } if (ggx) { greatgrandpa.first = gg; gg = gg.prev; } } // Swap the pointers between vertices, and the first and last columns // NB the uncle has to be done first, otherwise parent refers to grandpa // NB this also has to be done after all other references to parent in reference to the old parent // (or otherwise we could instead refer to a pointer to the parent under a different name, // rather than using the member variable `parent') uncle.parent = parent; uncle.last.parent = parent.last; if (isLeft) { parent.left = uncle; parent.last.left = uncle.last; } else { parent.right = uncle; parent.last.right = uncle.last; } parent = grandpa; last.parent = grandpa.last; if (uncleIsLeft) { grandpa.left = this; grandpa.last.left = last; } else { grandpa.right = this; grandpa.last.right = last; } if (Utils.DEBUG) { // System.out.println("------------------"); // printPointers(); //printPointers2() // brother.printPointers(); //brother.printPointers2(); // if (!gIsRoot) { parent.printPointers(); }//parent.printPointers2(); } // uncle.printPointers(); //uncle.printPointers2(); // System.out.println("this = "+index+", uncle = "+uncle.index+", uncle.parent = "+uncle.parent.index); // if (uncle.parent != owner.root) uncle.parent.printPointers();//uncle.parent.printPointers2(); owner.checkPointers(); } //DEBUG=2; // Activate verbose print statements owner.root.recomputeLogLike(); uncle.calcAllUp(); // uncle is now lower //DEBUG=0; // Deactivate verbose print statements // if (gIsRoot) grandpa.calcUpperRecursively(); // else greatgrandpa.calcUpperRecursively(); // The recalculation of upp should only be done inside // a function that needs those vectors, since they are // not needed for the computation of the likelihood. return logProposalRatio; } /** * Swaps {@code this} with its uncle, but proposes new alignments only between this node and its parent, and * the uncle node and its parent, every other alignment is kept fixed. Slow because full sequence * alignment is done. * Assumes {@code this} has a non-null grandparent. * @return log-quotient of backproposal and proposal */ public double swapWithUncleAlignToParent() { boolean old_USE_UPPER = Utils.USE_UPPER; int INDEX = -1; if (index == INDEX) { Utils.USE_UPPER = false; } System.out.println("************"+old_USE_UPPER); //Utils.USE_UPPER = true; //Utils.USE_UPPER = false; if (Utils.USE_UPPER) owner.root.calcUpperRecursively(); Vertex uncle =, grandpa = parent.parent; System.out.println("this = "+index+", uncle = "+uncle.index); System.out.println(owner.printedTree()); //calcAllUp(); /// owner.root.calcFelsenRecursively(); owner.root.calcOrphanRecursively(); owner.root.calcIndelLogLikeRecursively(); if (Utils.USE_UPPER) { //owner.root.calcFelsenRecursively(); owner.root.calcUpperRecursively(); } // make node and window selection lastSelected(); uncle.lastSelected(); // Joe: why do we need the above, when this function only uses hmm2? fullWin(); parent.fullWin(); uncle.fullWin(); grandpa.fullWin(); printToScreenAlignment(0,0,true); double ret = 0.0; // Choose whether to realign uncle or nephew first. // We choose according to how large the subtrees are // for the nephew and the uncle, because we want to include // as much information as possible about the rest of the tree // for the second realignment step. // If Utils.USE_UPPER is false, then we always choose to realign // the lower subtree first, because the alternative would // involve no information being used. double[] weights = new double[2]; boolean realignLowerFirst = true; if (Utils.USE_UPPER) { parent.calcUpperWithCheck(); owner.countLeaves(); weights[0] = Math.pow(leafCount,Utils.LEAF_COUNT_POW); weights[1] = Math.pow(uncle.leafCount,Utils.LEAF_COUNT_POW); // realignLowerFirst = (Utils.weightedChoose(weights) == 1); // CURRENTLY hmm2AlignWithSave operates in such a way // that it doesn't work if the upper node is realigned first realignLowerFirst = true; if (realignLowerFirst) { System.out.println("Aligning lower first."); parent.calcUpperWithoutBrother(); //ret += Math.log(weights[1]/weights[0]); } else { System.out.println("Aligning upper first."); parent.calcFelsenWithout(this); //ret += Math.log(weights[0]/weights[1]); } } System.out.println("log move order probability ratio = "+ret); owner.root.calcIndelLogLikeRecursively(); // compute alignment backproposal double bpp = uncle.hmm2BackProp(PROPOSAL_HEAT); System.out.println("After first back prop = "+bpp); bpp += hmm2BackProp(PROPOSAL_HEAT); System.out.println("log back proposal probability = "+bpp); ret += bpp; // do the swap parentNewChild(uncle); // order is important here uncle.parentNewChild(this); uncle.parent = parent; parent = grandpa; // align the sequences double bppProp = 0.0; if (realignLowerFirst) { bppProp += uncle.hmm2AlignWithSave(PROPOSAL_HEAT); // This calls uncle.parent.calcFelsen() //uncle.parent.calcFelsenWithCheck(); //bppProp += uncle.hmm2Align(); // This calls parent.calcFelsen() //uncle.parent.calcFelsenWithCheck(); System.out.println("After first realignment = "+bppProp); bppProp += hmm2AlignWithSave(PROPOSAL_HEAT); //bppProp += hmm2Align(); //parent.calcFelsenWithCheck(); //parent.calcFelsen(); } else { bppProp += hmm2AlignWithSave(PROPOSAL_HEAT); if (Utils.USE_UPPER) { uncle.parent.calcUpper(); } bppProp += uncle.hmm2AlignWithSave(PROPOSAL_HEAT); } System.out.println("log forward proposal probability = "+(-bppProp)); ret += bppProp; uncle.calcAllUp(); owner.root.calcIndelLogLikeRecursively(); owner.root.calcUpperRecursively(); // Utils.USE_UPPER = false; // double bppProp2 = uncle.hmm2AlignWithSave(); // This calls parent.calcFelsen() // System.out.println("After first realignment = "+bppProp2); // bppProp2 += hmm2AlignWithSave(); // System.out.println("log forward proposal probability = "+(-bppProp2)); // Utils.USE_UPPER = old_USE_UPPER; // After this, all the seq and upp vectors will include // all the relevant contributions. if(Utils.DEBUG) { System.out.println(owner.printedTree()); // check proposal - backproposal consistency if (realignLowerFirst) { uncle.parent.calcUpperWithoutBrother(); } else { uncle.parent.calcFelsenWithout(uncle); } double bppBack = uncle.hmm2BackProp(PROPOSAL_HEAT); bppBack += hmm2BackProp(PROPOSAL_HEAT); if (realignLowerFirst) { uncle.parent.calcUpper(); } else { uncle.parent.calcFelsen(); } if(Math.abs(bppProp+bppBack) > 1e-8) { System.out.println("###Proposal - backproposal inconsistent in swapWithUncleAlignToParent! Prop: "+bppProp+" Back: "+bppBack); } // uncle.calcAllUp(); // owner.root.calcUpperRecursively(); // bppBack = uncle.hmm2BackProp(); // bppBack += hmm2BackProp(); // // if(Math.abs(bppProp+bppBack) > 1e-8) { // System.out.println("######Proposal - backproposal inconsistent in swapWithUncleAlignToParent! Prop: "+bppProp+" Back: "+bppBack); // } } //owner.changingTree = false; Utils.USE_UPPER = old_USE_UPPER; printToScreenAlignment(0,0,true); // if (index == INDEX) { // System.out.println("Proposal ratio = "+ret); // return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; // } return ret; } /** * Restores the exact state just before the call to {@link #swapWithUncleAlignToParent()}. * Must be called on ex-uncle node. * Assumes {@code this} has a non-null grandparent. */ public void swapBackUncleAlignToParent() { Vertex uncle =, grandpa = parent.parent; // swap back parentNewChild(uncle); // order is important! uncle.parentNewChild(this); uncle.parent = parent; parent = grandpa; // restore alignment alignRestore(); uncle.alignRestore(); owner.root.calcFelsenRecursively(); owner.root.calcOrphanRecursively(); owner.root.calcIndelLogLikeRecursively(); if (Utils.USE_UPPER) { //owner.root.calcFelsenRecursively(); owner.root.calcUpperRecursively(); } // owner.root.recomputeCheckLogLike(); } /** * Swaps {@code this} with its uncle, but keeps alignment columns where {@code this}, its parent, * the uncle node and its parent are all aligned unchanged with a given probability, and only * proposes new alignments between these selected alignment anchors columns. Alignments between * other sequences than the above mentioned four are kept unchanged. * Assumes {@code this} has a non-null grandparent. * @return log-quotient of backproposal and proposal */ public double fastSwapWithUncle() { boolean old_USE_UPPER = Utils.USE_UPPER; Utils.USE_UPPER = false; boolean old_USE_MODEXT_UPP = Utils.USE_MODEXT_UPP; Utils.USE_MODEXT_UPP = false; Vertex uncle =, grandpa = parent.parent; double ret = 0.0; Vertex starter; //System.out.println("fast swap here"+grandpa.print()); lastSelected(); brother().lastSelected(); uncle.lastSelected(); parent.selected = true; grandpa.selected = true; setAllAlignColumnsUnselected(); brother().setAllAlignColumnsUnselected(); uncle.setAllAlignColumnsUnselected(); parent.setAllAlignColumnsUnselected(); grandpa.setAllAlignColumnsUnselected(); if (grandpa.parent != null) { grandpa.parent.selected = true; = false; grandpa.parent.setAllAlignColumnsUnselected(); starter = grandpa.parent; // System.out.println("has grandgrandpa"); } else { starter = grandpa; //System.out.println("does not have grandgrandpa"); } ret += starter.selectAnchors(); //System.out.println("RET after selecting the anchors: "+ret); //System.out.println("Backproposing this would be: "+starter.backproposeAnchors()); //backproposals //for parent AlignColumn p = parent.last, pf = parent.last; AlignColumn t = last, tf = last; AlignColumn b = brother().last, bf = brother().last; while (p != null) { // System.out.println("."); pf = pf.findWindowStart(); tf = tf.findWindowStart(); bf = bf.findWindowStart(); if (p.prev != pf || p.emptyWindow || true) { parent.winFirst = pf; parent.winLast = p; winFirst = tf; winLast = t; brother().winFirst = bf; brother().winLast = b; ret += parent.hmm3BackProp(); } p = pf.prev; pf = pf.prev; t = tf.prev; tf = tf.prev; b = bf.prev; bf = bf.prev; } //for grandpa AlignColumn g = grandpa.last, gf = grandpa.last; p = parent.last; pf = parent.last; AlignColumn u = uncle.last, uf = uncle.last; while (g != null) { // System.out.println("."); gf = gf.findWindowStart(); pf = pf.findWindowStart(); uf = uf.findWindowStart(); if (g.prev != gf || g.emptyWindow || true) { grandpa.winFirst = gf; grandpa.winLast = g; parent.winFirst = pf; parent.winLast = p; uncle.winFirst = uf; uncle.winLast = u; ret += grandpa.hmm3BackProp(); } g = gf.prev; gf = gf.prev; p = pf.prev; pf = pf.prev; u = uf.prev; uf = uf.prev; } // if there is a grand-grandpa... if (grandpa.parent != null) { g = grandpa.last; gf = grandpa.last; AlignColumn gg = grandpa.parent.last, ggf = grandpa.parent.last; while (gg != null) { ggf = ggf.findWindowStart(); gf = gf.findWindowStart(); if (gg.prev != ggf || gg.emptyWindow || true) { grandpa.parent.winFirst = ggf; grandpa.parent.winLast = gg; grandpa.winFirst = gf; grandpa.winLast = g; ret += grandpa.hmm2BackProp(); } g = gf.prev; gf = gf.prev; gg = ggf.prev; ggf = ggf.prev; } } //System.out.println("RET after alignment backproposal: "+ret); // ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // System.out.println("Printing the pointers +alignments from fast swap, before saving"); // System.out.println("Parent:"); // for(p = parent.last; p != null; p = p.prev){ // System.out.print(p+"("+(p.selected ? "y" : "n")+","+(p.emptyWindow ? "y" : "n")+") "); // } // System.out.println(); // System.out.println("Parent.left:"); // for(p = parent.last; p != null; p = p.prev){ // if(p.left != null){ // System.out.print(p.left+"("+(p.left.selected ? "y" : "n")+","+(p.left.emptyWindow ? "y" : "n")+") "); // } // else{ // System.out.print(p.left+"(n,n) "); // } // } // System.out.println(); // System.out.println("Parent.right:"); // for(p = parent.last; p != null; p = p.prev){ // if(p.right != null){ // System.out.print(p.right+"("+(p.right.selected ? "y" : "n")+","+(p.right.emptyWindow ? "y" : "n")+") "); // } // else{ // System.out.print(p.right+"(n,n) "); // } // } // System.out.println(); // if(parent.left != null){ // System.out.println("Left:"); // for(p=parent.left.last; p != null; p = p.prev){ // System.out.print(p+"("+(p.selected ? "y" : "n")+","+(p.emptyWindow ? "y" : "n")+") "); // } // System.out.println(); // System.out.println("Left parents:"); // for(p=parent.left.last; p != null; p = p.prev){ // System.out.print(p.parent+" "); // } // System.out.println(); // System.out.println("Right:"); // for(p=parent.right.last; p != null; p = p.prev){ // System.out.print(p+"("+(p.selected ? "y" : "n")+","+(p.emptyWindow ? "y" : "n")+") "); // } // System.out.println(); // System.out.println("Right parents:"); // for(p=parent.right.last; p != null; p = p.prev){ // System.out.print(p.parent+" "); // } // System.out.println(); // parent.checkPointers(); // } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////// //saving old alignments copySequence(); brother().copySequence(); uncle.copySequence(); parent.fullWin(); parent.saveWin(); grandpa.fullWin(); grandpa.saveWin(); if (grandpa.parent != null) { grandpa.copyGreatgrandpaSequence(); } //NNI parentNewChild(uncle); // order is important! uncle.parentNewChild(this); uncle.parent = parent; parent = grandpa; //new parent sequence ret += uncle.parent.alignAllWindows(); if (Utils.DEBUG) { uncle.parent.checkPointers(); } // System.out.println("Aligned uncle.parent, pointers:"); // System.out.println("Left:"); // uncle.parent.left.printPointers(); // System.out.println("Right:"); // uncle.parent.right.printPointers(); // System.out.println("RET after alignment: "+ret); //new grandpa ret += grandpa.alignAllWindows(); if (Utils.DEBUG) { grandpa.checkPointers(); } // System.out.println("aligned grandpa, RET: "+ret); // System.out.println("Aligned grandpa, pointers:"); // System.out.println("Left:"); // grandpa.left.printPointers(); // System.out.println("Right:"); // grandpa.right.printPointers(); //if there is a greatgrandpa, then we align it... if (grandpa.parent != null) { //System.out.println("Greatgrandpa in fastSwap: "+grandpa.parent); AlignColumn gg = grandpa.parent.last, ggf = gg; g = grandpa.last; gf = g; while (g != null) { gf = gf.findWindowStart(); ggf = ggf.findWindowStart(); grandpa.winLast = g; grandpa.winFirst = gf; grandpa.parent.winLast = gg; grandpa.parent.winFirst = ggf; if (gg.emptyWindow || true) { ret += grandpa.hmm2Align(); } g = gf.prev; gf = g; grandpa.parent.first = ggf; gg = ggf.prev; ggf = gg; if (g != null) { g.parent = gg; g.orphan = false; if (grandpa.parent.left == grandpa) { gg.left = g; } else { gg.right = g; } } } // System.out.println("RET after aligning everything: "+ret); //System.out.println("Calculating Felsenstein, called from fastSwap"); grandpa.parent.calcFelsen(); if (Utils.DEBUG) { grandpa.parent.checkPointers(); } //System.out.println("Aligned greatgrandpa, pointers:"); //System.out.println("Left:"); //grandpa.parent.left.printPointers(); //System.out.println("Right:"); //grandpa.parent.right.printPointers(); //System.out.println("and the pointers of the parent sequence..."); //for(p = grandpa.parent.first; p != grandpa.parent.last; p ={ // System.out.println("left: "+p.left+" right: "+p.right); //} } // ret += uncle.parent.hmm3AlignWithSave(); // ret += grandpa.hmm3AlignWithSave(); // //ret += uncle.parent.hmm3Align(); // //ret += grandpa.hmm3Align(); // if(grandpa.parent != null) { // ret += grandpa.hmm2AlignWithSave(); // //ret += grandpa.hmm2Align(); // grandpa.parent.calcAllUp(); // } else { // grandpa.calcOrphan(); // } calcOrphan();; uncle.calcOrphan(); uncle.calcAllUp(); //And finally: the window selecting backproposals... // System.out.println((grandpa.parent == starter ? "grandpa.parent == starter" : "grandpa.parent != starter")); ret += starter.backproposeAnchors(); // System.out.println("RET after backproposing anchors (final value) "+ret); Utils.USE_UPPER = old_USE_UPPER; Utils.USE_MODEXT_UPP = old_USE_MODEXT_UPP; return ret; } /** This function iteratively aligns the windows for topology change */ double alignAllWindows() { double ret = 0.0; length = 0; AlignColumn p = last;// pf = last; AlignColumn l = left.last, lf = left.last; AlignColumn r = right.last, rf = right.last; // System.out.println("Aligning sequences here: "+print()); // owner.printAllPointers(); //System.out.println("Printing the pointers +alignments from alignAll"); //System.out.println("Parent:"); //for(p = this.last; p != null; p = p.prev){ // System.out.print(p+"("+(p.selected ? "y" : "n")+","+(p.emptyWindow ? "y" : "n")+") "); //} //System.out.println(); //System.out.println("Parent.left:"); //for(p = this.last; p != null; p = p.prev){ // if(p.left != null){ // System.out.print(p.left+"("+(p.left.selected ? "y" : "n")+","+(p.left.emptyWindow ? "y" : "n")+") "); // } // else{ // System.out.print(p.left+"(n,n) "); // } //} //System.out.println(); //System.out.println("Parent.right:"); //for(p = this.last; p != null; p = p.prev){ // if(p.right != null){ // System.out.print(p.right+"("+(p.right.selected ? "y" : "n")+","+(p.right.emptyWindow ? "y" : "n")+") "); // } // else{ // System.out.print(p.right+"(n,n) "); // } //} //System.out.println(); if (left != null) { // System.out.println("Left:"); //for(p=this.left.last; p != null; p = p.prev){ // System.out.print(p+"("+(p.selected ? "y" : "n")+","+(p.emptyWindow ? "y" : "n")+") "); //} //System.out.println(); // System.out.println("Left parents:"); //for(p=this.left.last; p != null; p = p.prev){ // System.out.print(p.parent+" "); //} //System.out.println(); //System.out.println("Right:"); //for(p=this.right.last; p != null; p = p.prev){ // System.out.print(p+"("+(p.selected ? "y" : "n")+","+(p.emptyWindow ? "y" : "n")+") "); //} //System.out.println(); //System.out.println("Right parents:"); //for(p=this.right.last; p != null; p = p.prev){ // System.out.print(p.parent+" "); //} // System.out.println(); if (Utils.DEBUG) { checkPointers(); } } p = last; //pf = last; l = left.last; lf = left.last; r = right.last; rf = right.last; while (l != null) { // System.out.println("****Start finding the left window: "); lf = lf.findWindowStart(); // System.out.println("****Finished finding the left window: "); rf = rf.findWindowStart(); winLength = 0; left.winFirst = lf; left.winLast = l; right.winFirst = rf; right.winLast = r; winLast = p; winFirst = p; if (p.emptyWindow || true) { // System.out.println("Aligning by hmm3Align()!!! left first: "+left.winFirst+" left last: "+left.winLast+ // " right first: "+right.winFirst+" right last "+right.winLast); //System.out.println("parent first: "+winFirst+" its children, left, right "+winFirst.left+", "+winFirst.right+ // "parent last: "+winLast+" its children, left, right "+winLast.left+", "+winLast.right); ret += hmm3Align(); p = winFirst; } // else{ // = p; //p.prev = pf; //p = pf; // System.out.println("Not aligning this!!! left first: "+left.winFirst+" left last: "+left.winLast+ // " right first: "+right.winFirst+" right last "+right.winLast); //System.out.println("parent first: "+winFirst+" its children, left, right "+winFirst.left+", "+winFirst.right+ // "parent last: "+winLast+" its children, left, right "+winLast.left+", "+winLast.right); // } l = lf.prev; lf = lf.prev; r = rf.prev; rf = rf.prev; if (l != null) { p = new AlignColumn(p, true); length++; p.left = l; p.right = r; l.parent = p; l.orphan = false; r.parent = p; r.orphan = false; p.selected = l.selected; p.emptyWindow = l.emptyWindow; } first = p; } calcFelsen(); //System.out.println("\n\n******* Printing the pointers +alignments from alignAll after aligning ****"); //System.out.println("Parent:"); //for(p = this.last; p != null; p = p.prev){ // System.out.print(p+" "); //} //System.out.println(); //System.out.println("Parent.left:"); //for(p = this.last; p != null; p = p.prev){ // System.out.print(p.left+" "); //} //System.out.println(); //System.out.println("Parent.right:"); //for(p = this.last; p != null; p = p.prev){ // System.out.print(p.right+" "); // } //System.out.println(); if (left != null) { // System.out.println("Left:"); //for(p=this.left.last; p != null; p = p.prev){ // System.out.print(p+" "); //} //System.out.println(); //System.out.println("Left parents:"); //for(p=this.left.last; p != null; p = p.prev){ // System.out.print(p.parent+" "); //} //System.out.println(); //System.out.println("Right:"); //for(p=this.right.last; p != null; p = p.prev){ // System.out.print(p+" "); //} //System.out.println(); //System.out.println("Right parents:"); //for(p=this.right.last; p != null; p = p.prev){ // System.out.print(p.parent+" "); //} //System.out.println(); if (Utils.DEBUG) { checkPointers(); //checking pointer integrity for (AlignColumn c = left.first; c != null; c = { p = first; while (c.parent != p && p != null) { p =; } if (p == null) { throw new Error("children does not have a parent!!!" + this + " " + this.print(3)); } } for (AlignColumn c = right.first; c != null; c = { p = first; while (c.parent != p && p != null) { p =; } if (p == null) { throw new Error("children does not have a parent!!!" + this + " " + this.print(3)); } } } } // left.printPointers(); //right.printPointers(); //System.out.println("and the pointers of the parent sequence..."); //for(p = first; p != last; p ={ // System.out.println("left: "+p.left+" right: "+p.right); //} // String[] s = left.printedAlignment(); //System.out.println("Left:\n"+s[0]+"\n"+s[1]); //s = right.printedAlignment(); //System.out.println("Ritght:\n"+s[0]+"\n"+s[1]); //System.out.println("\n\n************ End of alignAllWindows ***************\n\n"); return ret; } /** * Restores the exact state just before the call of {@link #fastSwapWithUncle()}. * Must be called on ex-uncle node. * Assumes {@code this} has a non-null grandparent. */ public void fastSwapBackUncle() { Vertex uncle =, grandpa = parent.parent; fullWin(); brother().fullWin(); parent.fullWin(); uncle.fullWin(); grandpa.fullWin(); if (grandpa.parent != null) { grandpa.parent.fullWin(); } parentNewChild(uncle); // order is important! uncle.parentNewChild(this); uncle.parent = parent; parent = grandpa; // System.out.println("Starting alignment restauration..."); grandpa.alignRestore(); //System.out.println("End alignment restauration..."); } /** * This function selects anchor homologous columns that are not changed during topology change * returns with the -logarithm of proposal probability!!! */ double selectAnchors() { double ret = 0.0; AlignColumn actual = first; while (actual != null) { if (actual.isHomologous()) { if (Utils.generator.nextDouble() < SELECTING) { actual.selectDown(); ret -= Math.log(SELECTING); // System.out.println("Homologous, selected!"); if (actual.isEmptyWindow()) { if (Utils.generator.nextDouble() < EMPTY_WINDOW) { actual.setEmptyWindowDown(true); ret -= Math.log(EMPTY_WINDOW); } else { actual.setEmptyWindowDown(false); ret -= Math.log(1.0 - EMPTY_WINDOW); } } else {// we need this since later on we will not know if it is not an empty window... actual.setEmptyWindowDown(true); } } else { actual.selected = false; ret -= Math.log(1.0 - SELECTING); // System.out.println("Homologous, not selected!"); } } else { actual.selected = false; // System.out.println("Not homologous!"); } actual =; //System.out.println("..."); } return ret; } /** * This function selects anchor homologous columns that are not changed during topology change * returns with the logarithm of proposal probability!!! */ double backproposeAnchors() { double ret = 0.0; AlignColumn actual = first; // while( != null){ while (actual != null) { if (actual.isHomologous()) { if (actual.selected) { ret += Math.log(SELECTING); // System.out.println("Homologous, selected!"); if (actual.isEmptyWindow()) { if (actual.emptyWindow) { ret += Math.log(EMPTY_WINDOW); } else { ret += Math.log(1.0 - EMPTY_WINDOW); } } } else { ret += Math.log(1.0 - SELECTING); // System.out.println("Homologous, not selected!"); } } // else{ // System.out.println("It is not homologous!!!"); // } actual =; //System.out.println("..."); } //for(actual = first; actual != null; actual ={ // System.out.println("left: "+actual.left+" right: "+actual.right); //} // String[] s = printedMultipleAlignment(); //for(int i = 0; i < s.length; i++){ // System.out.println(s[i]); //} return ret; } /** this function set selected to false for all AlignColumns */ void setAllAlignColumnsUnselected() { AlignColumn a = first; while (a != null) { a.selected = false; a =; } } /** This function copies the sequence to the old vertex */ void copySequence() { fullWin(); saveWin(); AlignColumn a = last; AlignColumn prev = last; while (a.prev != null) { a = a.prev; prev = new AlignColumn(prev, false); prev.saveBoth(a); } winFirst = prev; first = prev; if (left != null) { //winFirst = first; //winLast = last; //old.winFirst = old.first; //old.winLast = old.last; left.toggleUp(true); //System.out.println("Left is ready"); right.toggleUp(true); } } /** * This function is used for special copying the geatgrandpa's sequence in topology change. * The function is called to the grandpa, whose parent is the greatgrandpa */ void copyGreatgrandpaSequence() { parent.fullWin(); parent.saveWin(); AlignColumn a = parent.last; AlignColumn prev = parent.last; boolean isLeft = (parent.left == this); while (a.prev != null) { a = a.prev; prev = new AlignColumn(prev, true); if (isLeft) { prev.saveRight(a); } else { prev.saveLeft(a); } prev.saveParent(a); } parent.winFirst = prev; parent.first = prev; if (parent.left == this) { parent.right.toggleUp(true); // System.out.println("Toggling up right!!!"); } else { parent.left.toggleUp(true); //System.out.println("Toggling up left!!!"); } // System.out.println("Finished copying the greatgrandpa, pointers:\nLeft:"); //parent.left.printPointers(); //System.out.println("Right:"); //parent.right.printPointers(); //System.out.println("greatgrandpa("+parent+") pointers: "); //for(a = parent.first; a != parent.last; a ={ // System.out.println("Left: "+a.left+" right: "+a.right); //} } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Calculates Felsenstein and indel likelihoods up to root, starting from `parent' */ public void calcAllUp() { for (Vertex v = parent; v != null; v = v.parent) { v.calcFelsen(); v.calcOrphan(); v.calcIndelLogLike(); } // if (Utils.USE_UPPER) { // owner.root.calcUpperRecursively(); // } } void selectAllUp() { selected = true; for (Vertex v = parent; v != null; v = v.parent) { v.selected = true; } if (left != null && right != null) { left.selected = false; right.selected = false; } } void parentNewChild(Vertex child) { child.last.parent = parent.last; if (parent.left == this) { parent.left = child; parent.last.left = child.last; } else { parent.right = child; parent.last.right = child.last; } } /** * Returns the alignment of this {@link Vertex} to its parent as an integer array: * for each character position <i>i</i> in this sequence it tells the character index * in the parent that <i>i</i> is aligned to or <i>-j-1</i> if it is not aligned * (gap: -) and the next character in the parent has index <i>j</i> (indices start from 0). * If this vertex does not have a parent an all-zero array is returned that has the same * length as the sequence in this vertex. */ int[] getAlign() { int[] align = new int[length]; Vertex vp = parent; if (vp != null) { AlignColumn c = first, p = vp.first; int cn = 0, pn = 0; while (c != last || p != vp.last) { if (c.parent != p) { // deletion (* -) pn++; p =; } else if (c.orphan) { // insertion (- *) align[cn] = -pn - 1; cn++; c =; } else { // substitution (* *) align[cn] = pn; pn++; p =; cn++; c =; } } } return align; } /** Returns the Felsenstein loglikelihood vector for the sequence in this vertex. */ double[][] getFelsen() { double[][] felsen = new double[length][]; int i = 0; for (AlignColumn c = first; c != last; c = { felsen[i++] = c.seq.clone(); } return felsen; } public String[] printedAlignment(boolean inWindow) { // try{ // printPointers(); if (parent == null) { String[] s = new String[2]; AlignColumn a = inWindow ? winFirst : first; //AlignColumn a = winFirst; s[0] = ""; s[1] = ""; while (a != (inWindow ? winLast : last)) { //while (a != winLast) { s[0] += "-"; s[1] += a.mostLikely(); a =; } return s; } // System.out.println("The parent !=null!!!"); String[] s = new String[2]; s[0] = ""; s[1] = ""; AlignColumn p = inWindow ? parent.winFirst : parent.first; //AlignColumn p = parent.winFirst; AlignColumn c = inWindow ? winFirst : first; //AlignColumn c = winFirst; while (p != (inWindow ? parent.winLast : parent.last) || c != (inWindow ? winLast : last)) { //while (p != parent.winLast || c != winLast) { // System.out.println("."); if (c.parent != p) { if (c.prev == null || (c.prev.parent != p || c.prev.orphan)) { // s[0] += "*"; s[0] += p.mostLikely(); s[1] += "-"; } p =; // System.out.println("We increased p"); } else { if (c.orphan) { s[0] += "-"; } else { // s[0] += "*"; // double max = 0.0; // char character = '*'; // for(int i = 0; i < p.seq.length; i++){ // if(p.seq[i] > max){ // character = owner.substitutionModel.alphabet[i]; // max = p.seq[i]; // // s[1] += owner.substitutionModel.alphabet[i]; // //found = true; // } // } s[0] += p.mostLikely(); } // boolean found = false; //double max = 0.0; //char character = '*'; //for(int i = 0; !found && i < c.seq.length; i++){ // // if(c.seq[i] > 0.9999){ // if(c.seq[i] > max){ // character = owner.substitutionModel.alphabet[i]; // max = c.seq[i]; // // s[1] += owner.substitutionModel.alphabet[i]; // //found = true; // } //} //if(!found){ // s[1] += "*"; // } s[1] += c.mostLikely(); c =; // System.out.println("We increased c"); } } //System.out.println("Alignment here: "+print()+"\n"+s[0]+"\n"+s[1]); return s; // } /* catch(NullPointerException e){ System.out.println(print()); AlignColumn c = first; AlignColumn p = parent.first; while(p != null){ System.out.print(p+" "); p =; } System.out.println(); while(c != null){ System.out.print(c.parent+" "); c =; } System.out.println(); throw new Error("Couldn't find the parent of one of the nodes!"); } */ // return new String[] {" "," "}; } public String[] printedAlignment() { return printedAlignment(false); } String[] printedAlignmentInWindow() { return printedAlignment(true); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// String[] printedMultipleAlignment() { if (left == null && right == null) { String n = new String(name); /* while(n.length() < 30){ n += " "; } if(n.length() > 30){ n = (String)n.subSequence(0,30); } */ String s = ""; String s1 = printedAlignment()[1]; for (int i = 0; i < s1.length(); i++) { if (s1.charAt(i) != '-') { s += s1.charAt(i); } } return new String[]{n + "\t" + s}; } String[] d1 = left.printedMultipleAlignment(); String[] d2 = right.printedMultipleAlignment(); String[] e1 = left.printedAlignment(); String[] e2 = right.printedAlignment(); // System.out.println("We are in subtree: "+print()); // System.out.println("d1:"); // for(int i = 0; i < d1.length; i++){ // System.out.println(d1[i]); // } // System.out.println("d2:"); // for(int i = 0; i < d2.length; i++){ // System.out.println(d2[i]); // } // System.out.println("e1:"); // for(int i = 0; i < e1.length; i++){ // System.out.println(e1[i]); // } // System.out.println("e2:"); // for(int i = 0; i < e2.length; i++){ // System.out.println(e2[i]); // } // System.out.println("pointers:"); // left.printPointers(); // right.printPointers(); // System.out.println("Starting the calculation..."); int tabPosition = d1[0].indexOf('\t'); String[] s = new String[d1.length + d2.length + 1]; s[0] = ""; for (int i = 0; i < tabPosition; i++) { s[0] += " "; } s[0] += "\t"; for (int i = 0; i < d1.length; i++) { s[i + 1] = (String) d1[i].subSequence(0, tabPosition + 1); } for (int i = d1.length + 1; i < s.length; i++) { s[i] = (String) d2[i - d1.length - 1].subSequence(0, tabPosition + 1); } int x = 0; int x1 = tabPosition + 1; int y = 0; int y1 = tabPosition + 1; // System.out.println("before the while cycle..."); while (x < e1[0].length() || y < e2[0].length()) { while (x < e1[0].length() && e1[0].charAt(x) == '-') { while (d1[0].charAt(x1) == '-') { s[0] += "-"; for (int i = 0; i < d1.length; i++) { s[i + 1] += d1[i].charAt(x1); } for (int i = d1.length + 1; i < s.length; i++) { s[i] += "-"; } x1++; } s[0] += "-"; for (int i = 0; i < d1.length; i++) { s[i + 1] += d1[i].charAt(x1); } for (int i = d1.length + 1; i < s.length; i++) { s[i] += "-"; } x++; x1++; } while (y < e2[0].length() && e2[0].charAt(y) == '-') { while (d2[0].charAt(y1) == '-') { s[0] += "-"; for (int i = 1; i < d1.length + 1; i++) { s[i] += "-"; } for (int i = d1.length + 1; i < s.length; i++) { s[i] += d2[i - d1.length - 1].charAt(y1); } y1++; } s[0] += "-"; for (int i = 1; i < d1.length + 1; i++) { s[i] += "-"; } for (int i = d1.length + 1; i < s.length; i++) { s[i] += d2[i - d1.length - 1].charAt(y1); } y++; y1++; } if (x < e1[0].length() && y < e2[0].length()) { while (x1 < d1[0].length() && d1[0].charAt(x1) == '-') { s[0] += "-"; for (int i = 0; i < d1.length; i++) { s[i + 1] += d1[i].charAt(x1); } for (int i = d1.length + 1; i < s.length; i++) { s[i] += "-"; } x1++; } while (y1 < d2[0].length() && d2[0].charAt(y1) == '-') { s[0] += "-"; for (int i = 1; i < d1.length + 1; i++) { s[i] += "-"; } for (int i = d1.length + 1; i < s.length; i++) { s[i] += d2[i - d1.length - 1].charAt(y1); } y1++; } // s[0] += "*"; s[0] += e1[0].charAt(x); for (int i = 0; i < d1.length; i++) { s[i + 1] += (e1[1].charAt(x) != '-' ? d1[i].charAt(x1) : "-"); } x1 += (e1[1].charAt(x) != '-' ? 1 : 0); x++; for (int i = d1.length + 1; i < s.length; i++) { s[i] += (e2[1].charAt(y) != '-' ? d2[i - d1.length - 1].charAt(y1) : "-"); } y1 += (e2[1].charAt(y) != '-' ? 1 : 0); y++; } } for (x1 = x1 + 0; x1 < d1[0].length(); x1++) { s[0] += "-"; for (int i = 0; i < d1.length; i++) { s[i + 1] += d1[i].charAt(x1); } for (int i = d1.length + 1; i < s.length; i++) { s[i] += "-"; } } for (y1 = y1 + 0; y1 < d2[0].length(); y1++) { s[0] += "-"; for (int i = 0; i < d1.length; i++) { s[i + 1] += "-"; } for (int i = d1.length + 1; i < s.length; i++) { s[i] += d2[i - d1.length - 1].charAt(y1); } } // System.out.println("End of while cycle"); // System.out.println("The alignment contains "+s.length+" column"); // for(int i = 0; i < s.length; i++){ // System.out.println(s[i]); // } // System.out.println(); return s; } public void printPointers() { AlignColumn c = first; AlignColumn p = parent.first; while (p != null) { System.out.print(p + " "); p =; } System.out.println(); while (c != null) { System.out.print(c.parent + " "); c =; } System.out.println(); c = first; while (c != null) { System.out.print(c + " "); c =; } System.out.println("\n"); c = first; p = parent.first; while ( != null) { System.out.print(p.mostLikely() + ""); p =; } System.out.println(); while (c != null) { if ( != null) { System.out.print(c.parent.mostLikely() + ""); } c =; } System.out.println(); c = first; while (c != null) { if ( != null) { System.out.print((c.orphan ? "y" : "n")); } c =; } System.out.println("\n"); } void printPointers2() { AlignColumn c = last; AlignColumn p = parent.last; while (p != null) { System.out.print(p + " "); p = p.prev; } System.out.println(); while (c != null) { System.out.print(c.parent + " "); c = c.prev; } System.out.println("\n"); c = last.prev; p = parent.last.prev; while (p.prev != null) { System.out.print(p.mostLikely() + ""); p = p.prev; } System.out.print(p.mostLikely() + ""); System.out.println(); while (c != null) { if ( != null) { System.out.print(c.parent.mostLikely() + ""); } c = c.prev; } System.out.println(); c = last.prev; while (c != null) { if ( != null) { System.out.print((c.orphan ? "y" : "n")); } c = c.prev; } System.out.println("\n"); } void collectIndicesBelow(Vertex v, ArrayList<Integer> indices) { if(v == null) return; indices.add(v.index); collectIndicesBelow(v.left, indices); collectIndicesBelow(v.right, indices); } public void printToScreenAlignment(int windowStart, int windowEnd) { printToScreenAlignment(windowStart, windowEnd,false); } public void printToScreenAlignment(int windowStart, int windowEnd, boolean printAll) { int nGapsInWindow = 0; if (parent != null) { String[] s0 = printedAlignmentInWindow(); System.out.println("parent\t"+s0[0]); System.out.println("child\t"+s0[1]+"\n"); // for (int k=0; k< windowEnd; k++) { // nGapsInWindow += (s0[1].charAt(k) == '-') ? 1 : 0; // } } if (!printAll) return; String[] s = owner.getState().getFullAlign(); if (windowEnd == 0) { for (String sequence : owner.getState().seq) { windowEnd = Math.min(sequence.length(),windowEnd); } } int start = 0, end = 0; int i = 0, j = 0; // The stuff below is not correct -- window may include gaps on `this' while (i < windowStart) { while (s[index].charAt(start++) == '-') { } ++i; } while (j < windowEnd) { while (s[index].charAt(end++) == '-') { } ++j; } ArrayList<Integer> indices = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // collectIndicesBelow(this,indices); // for (int ind : indices) { // System.out.println(owner.vertex[ind].name+"\t"+s[ind].substring(start,end)); // } for (int ii=0; ii<s.length; ii++) { String n = owner.vertex[ii].name; if (n == null) { //n = String.format("%-8.4f",owner.vertex[ii].edgeLength); n = String.format("%-8d",owner.vertex[ii].index); } System.out.println(String.format("%-8s", n)+"\t"+s[ii]); } } /** Returns most likely sequence of this vertex or the original sequence for leaves. */ String sequence() { if(seq != null) return seq; StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); for (AlignColumn a = first; a != last; a = s.append(a.mostLikely()); return s.toString(); } /** * Calculate the sum of branch lengths below on this vertex. * Used to generate the prior for the whole state. * @return sum of branchlengths below this node. */ public double calcSumOfEdges() { if (left == null) { return edgeLength; } else return edgeLength + left.calcSumOfEdges() + right.calcSumOfEdges(); } /** * Calculate the maximum depth below on this vertex. * Used in tree visualisation. * @return maximum depth below this vertex. */ public double maxDepth() { if (left == null) { return edgeLength; } else return edgeLength + Math.max(left.maxDepth(), right.maxDepth()); } void compareLike(Vertex vert) { if (left != null && right != null && vert.left != null && vert.right != null) { left.compareLike(vert.left); right.compareLike(vert.right); } System.out.println("this.indel=" + indelLogLike + " tree.indel=" + vert.indelLogLike); System.out.println("indel " + (Math.abs(indelLogLike - vert.indelLogLike) < 1e-8 ? "ok" : "error")); System.out.println("this.orphan=" + orphanLogLike + " tree.orphan=" + vert.orphanLogLike); System.out.println("orphan " + (Math.abs(orphanLogLike - vert.orphanLogLike) < 1e-8 ? "ok" : "error")); } /** this function checks if the pointers are all right... */ public void checkPointers() { //parent for (AlignColumn p = first; p != null; p = { if (p.left != null && (p.left.orphan || p.left.parent != p)) { System.out.println("p = "+String.valueOf(p.mostLikely())+", p.left = "+ String.valueOf(p.left.mostLikely())+", p.left.parent = " +String.valueOf(p.left.parent.mostLikely())); throw new Error("Problem is vertex " + index + ":\np is: " + p + " p.left is " + p.left + " p.left.orphan: " + p.left.orphan + " p.left.parent: " + p.left.parent); } if (p.right != null && (p.right.orphan || p.right.parent != p)) { System.out.println(p.owner.index+" "+p.prev.toString()+" "+p.prev.mostLikely()); throw new Error("Problem is vertex " + index + ":\np is: " + p + " p.right is " + p.right + " p.right.orphan: " + p.right.orphan + " p.right.parent: " + p.right.parent); } if (p.prev != null) { if ( != p) { throw new Error("Problem is vertex " + index + ":\np is: " + p + " = "; } } if ( != null) { if ( != p) { throw new Error("Problem is vertex " + index + ":\np is: " + p + " = "; } } } for (AlignColumn l = left.first; l != null; l = { if (!l.orphan) { if (l.parent == null || l.parent.left != l) { System.out.println("l = "+l.toString()+", p = "+l.parent.toString()); System.out.println("An error is about to occur........."); l.owner.printPointers(); System.out.println("l.owner.parent.first = "+l.owner.parent.first); throw new Error("Problem in vertex "+index+"/"+l.owner.index+ ":\nl is: " + l + " ("+l.mostLikely()+") " + (l.parent == null ? " l does not have a parent" : " l parent is: " + l.parent + " l parent left is: " + l.parent.left)); } } } for (AlignColumn r = right.first; r != null; r = { if (!r.orphan) { if (r.parent == null || r.parent.right != r) { System.out.println("r = "+r.toString()+", p = "+r.parent.toString()); System.out.println("An error is about to occur........."); r.owner.printPointers(); throw new Error("Problem in vertex " + index + ":\nr is: " + r + (r.parent == null ? " r does not have a parent" : " r parent is: " + r.parent + " r parent right is: " + r.parent.right)); } } } } public int getLength() { return length; } // public static void main(String[] args){ // // double[] logProbs = {Math.log(0.97),Math.log(0.01),Math.log(0.01),Math.log(0.01)}; // // int[] freqs = {0,0,0,0}; // // Neighbours curr = new Neighbours(); // for (int n=0; n<10000; n++) { // // double[] logProbsCol = logProbs.clone(); // //// curr.bx = Utils.generator.nextBoolean(); //// curr.tx = Utils.generator.nextBoolean(); //// curr.ux = Utils.generator.nextBoolean(); //// curr.ggx = Utils.generator.nextBoolean(); // curr.bx = false; // curr.tx = false; // curr.ux = false; // curr.ggx = false; // // zeroInvalidChoicesAndRenormalise(logProbsCol,curr); // // curr.px = true; // curr.gx = true; // // int currState = (curr.px?1:0) + 2*(curr.gx?1:0); // // for (int k=0; k<4; k++) System.out.print(logProbsCol[k]+" "); // System.out.println(); // magnifyProbability(logProbsCol,currState); // for (int k=0; k<4; k++) System.out.print(logProbsCol[k]+" "); // System.out.println(); // // int state = Utils.logWeightedChoose(logProbsCol); // freqs[state]++; // } // // for (int k=0; k<4; k++) System.out.print(freqs[k]+" "); // System.out.println(); // } // /** // * This function is merely for testing/debugging purposes // * @param args Arguments are not used, all input is directly written into the // * function. // */ // public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { // try { // Tree tree = new Tree(new String[]{"qqqqqqqqqqqqkkkwwwwwlidwwwwwkkk", // "kkkwwwwwlidwwwwwkkk", // "qqqqqqqqqqqqkkkwwwwwlidwwwwwkkk", // "kkkwwwwwlidwwwwwkkkeqeq", // "kkkwwwwwlidwwwwwkkkddkldkl", // "kkkwwwwwlidwwwwwkkkeqiqii", // "kkkwwwwwlidwwwwwkkkddkidkil", // "kkkwwwwwlidwwwwwkkkeqiq", // "kkkwwwwwlidwwwwwkkkddkldkll", // "kkkwwwwwlidwwwwwkkkddkldkil"}, // new String[]{"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J"}, // new Dayhoff(), // new Blosum62(), ""); // System.out.println(tree.printedTree()); // tree.root.calcFelsRecursively(); // System.out.println(tree.root.orphanLogLike); // //// String[] s = tree.printedAlignment("StatAlign"); // /*String[] s = null; // for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { // System.out.println(s[i]); // }*/ // // ///////////////////////////////// // double[] weights = new double[tree.vertex.length]; // tree.countLeaves(); // calculates recursively how many leaves we have below this node // for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { // for (int i = 0; i < weights.length; i++) { // weights[i] = Math.pow(tree.vertex[i].leafCount, Mcmc.LEAFCOUNT_POWER); // } // int k = Utils.weightedChoose(weights, null); // tree.vertex[k].selectSubtree(Mcmc.SELTRLEVPROB, 0); // System.out.println("Selected vertices: "); // for (int i = 0; i < tree.vertex.length; i++) { // if (tree.vertex[i].selected) { // System.out.print(i + " "); // tree.vertex[i].selected = false; // } // } // System.out.println("\n"); // // } // } catch (StoppedException e) { // // stopped during tree construction // } // // } }