package statalign.model.subst.plugins; import; import statalign.base.Utils; /** * Implements the Kimura 3 parameter model. * * @author miklos */ public class Kimura3 extends NucleotideModel { public static final String menuName = "Kimura 3 parameters"; //static final double span = 0.1; /** * This constructor reads transition rates from the file data/kimura3_rate.dat, * the alphabet from data/DNAalphabet.dat, and the equilibrium distribution from * data/kimura3_equilibrium.dat. * * @throws IOException */ public Kimura3() throws IOException { super("data/kimura3_rate.dat", "data/kimura3_equilibrium.dat"); double alpha = 0.5; double beta = 0.5; double gamma = 0.5; params = new double[3]; oldparams = new double[3]; params[0] = alpha; params[1] = beta; params[2] = gamma; setDiagonal(); } @Override void setDiagonal(){ d[0] = 0; d[1]= -2*params[0]-2*params[1]; d[2] = -2*params[1]-2*params[2]; d[3] = -2*params[0]-2*params[2]; } /** * Prints the parameters of the model */ @Override public String print(){ return "\talpha\t"+params[0]+"\tbeta\t"+params[1]+"\tgamma\t"+params[2]; } /** * This function implements a proposal for new parameter values. * Returns with the logarithm of the Metropolis-Hastings ratio. */ @Override public double sampleParameter() { for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ oldparams[i] = params[i]; } int k = Utils.generator.nextInt(3); double delta = 0.0; do{ delta = Utils.generator.nextDouble()*span - (span/2.0); } while(params[k] + delta <= 0.0); params[k] += delta; setDiagonal(); return Math.log((params[k] > span/2.0 ? span : span/2.0 + params[k])/ (oldparams[k] > span/2.0 ? span : span/2.0 + oldparams[k])); } }