package statalign.postprocess.plugins; //import java.awt.*; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.Icon; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JPanel; import statalign.base.InputData; import statalign.base.McmcStep; import statalign.base.State; import statalign.mcmc.McmcModule; import statalign.postprocess.gui.LogLikelihoodTraceGUI; import statalign.postprocess.utils.LogLikelihoodTraceContainer; import statalign.ui.ErrorMessage; /** * This is the implementation of the postprocess that handles loglikelihoods. * * @author miklos, novak * */ public class LogLikelihoodTrace extends statalign.postprocess.Postprocess{ JPanel pan; public ArrayList<LogLikelihoodTraceContainer> list; int current; int step; int count; //ArrayList<double[]> loglikelihoods; private LogLikelihoodTraceGUI gui; /** * It constructs a postprocess handler that is screenable (=can be shown on the GUI), * outputable (= can be written into the log file) and postprocessable * (= can generate its own output file). * * The default setting is that it writes loglikelihoods both into the logfile and its own * output file. */ public LogLikelihoodTrace(){ screenable = true; outputable = true; postprocessable = true; sampling = true; postprocessWrite = true; rnaAssociated = false; } /** * Returns the name of the postprocess, 'Loglikelihood'. */ @Override public String getTabName(){ //return null; return "LogLikelihood"; } /** * Returns the icon generated from the picture in file icons/loglikelihood1.gif. */ @Override public Icon getIcon(){ return new ImageIcon(ClassLoader.getSystemResource("icons/loglikelihood1.gif")); // return new ImageIcon("icons/loglikelihood1.gif"); } /** * It generates a panel and returns it. */ @Override public JPanel getJPanel(){ pan = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); return pan; } /** * Returns the tip of the tabulated panel 'Log-likelihood trace' * (shown when mouse is moved over the panel) */ @Override public String getTip(){ return "Log-likelihood values"; } @Override public double getTabOrder() { return 4.0d; } @Override public String getFileExtension() { return "ll"; } /** * Writes the loglikelihoods into a logfile, if sampling mode is switched on. */ @Override public void newSample(McmcModule coreModel, State state, int no, int total) { double[] logLike = new double[2]; logLike[0] = state.logLike; logLike[1] = coreModel.curLogLike; if(postprocessWrite) { try { outputFile.write(logLike[0]+"\t"+logLike[1]+"\n"); } catch (IOException e) { new ErrorMessage(null," "+e.getLocalizedMessage(),true); } } if(sampling){ try { if (state.isBurnin) file.write("Burnin "+no+"\tLoglikelihood:\t"+logLike[1]+"\n"); else file.write("Sample "+no+"\tLoglikelihood:\t"+logLike[1]+"\n"); } catch (IOException e) { new ErrorMessage(null," "+e.getLocalizedMessage(),true); } } else{ //System.out.println("Not sampling loglikelihood!!!"); } } /** * It makes a dynamically updated list containing <300 samples evenly distributed from the steps * already made. The graphical interface draws the loglikelihood chain based on this list. */ @Override public void newStep(McmcStep mcmcStep) { LogLikelihoodTraceContainer container = new LogLikelihoodTraceContainer( mcmcStep.newLogLike, mcmcStep.burnIn); if(list.size() < 300){ list.add(container); } else { count++; if(count == step){ count = 0; list.remove(current); list.add(container); current += 2; if(current > 150){ current = 0; step *= 2; } } } if(show) gui.repaint(); } /** * Initialises the graphical interface. */ @Override public void beforeFirstSample(InputData input) { if(show) { pan.removeAll(); gui = new LogLikelihoodTraceGUI(pan, this); pan.add(gui); pan.getParent().getParent().getParent().validate(); } list = new ArrayList<LogLikelihoodTraceContainer>(); current = 0; step = 2; count = 0; //loglikelihoods = new ArrayList<double[]>(); } /** * It writes the sampled loglikelihood values into a separate file. */ @Override public void afterLastSample() { if (postprocessWrite) { try { outputFile.flush(); outputFile.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * It switches on and off the sampling mode. */ @Override public void setSampling(boolean enabled) { sampling = enabled; } }