package statalign.base.mcmc; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Random; import org.apache.commons.math3.random.Well19937c; import mpi.MPI; import statalign.MPIUtils; import statalign.base.MCMCPars; import statalign.base.Mcmc; import statalign.base.State; import statalign.base.Tree; import statalign.base.Utils; import statalign.mcmc.BetaPrior; import statalign.mcmc.GammaPrior; import statalign.mcmc.GaussianProposal; import statalign.mcmc.LogisticProposal; import statalign.mcmc.McmcCombinationMove; import statalign.mcmc.McmcMove; import statalign.mcmc.MultiplicativeProposal; import statalign.mcmc.UniformProposal; import statalign.model.ext.ModelExtManager; import statalign.postprocess.PostprocessManager; /** * * Contains the specifics of the MCMC scheme for StatAlign. Currently this * includes various hard-coded parameters, and choice of move types. * * @author herman * */ public class StatAlignParallelMcmc extends StatAlignMcmc { /** The number of processes. */ protected int noOfProcesses; /** The rank of the process. */ protected int rank; /** The random number generator used for swapping. */ protected Random swapGenerator; public StatAlignParallelMcmc(Tree tree, MCMCPars pars, PostprocessManager ppm, ModelExtManager modelExtMan, int noOfProcesses, int rank, double heat) { super(tree,pars,ppm,modelExtMan); this.noOfProcesses = noOfProcesses; this.rank = rank; this.tree.heat = heat; isParallel = true; } protected boolean isMaster() { return MPIUtils.isMaster(rank); } protected void postprocSample(int no, int total) { int[] ranks = new int[] { (isColdChain() ? rank : 0) }; int[] coldChainLoc = new int[1]; int coldChainLocation = -1; MPI.COMM_WORLD.Reduce(ranks, 0, coldChainLoc, 0, 1, MPI.INT, MPI.SUM, 0); coldChainLocation = coldChainLoc[0]; // TODO: Remove - for debugging purposes if (MPIUtils.isMaster(rank)) { MPIUtils.println(rank, "Cold chain is at: " + coldChainLocation); } if (isColdChain() && MPIUtils.isMaster(rank)) { // Sample normally. postprocMan.newSample(coreModel,getState(), no, total); } else if (isColdChain() && !MPIUtils.isMaster(rank)) { // Send state. State state = getState(); MPIStateSend(state); } else if (!isColdChain() && MPIUtils.isMaster(rank)) { // Receive state. State state = MPIStateReceieve(coldChainLocation); postprocMan.newSample(coreModel,state, no, total); } if (MPIUtils.isMaster(rank)) { try { postprocMan.logFile.write("Cold chain location: " + coldChainLocation + "\n"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } protected void beforeMCMC() { String str = String.format( "Starting MCMC chain no. %d/%d (heat: %.2f)\n\n", rank + 1, noOfProcesses, tree.heat); MPIUtils.println(rank, str); swapGenerator = new Random(mcmcpars.swapSeed); Utils.generator = new Well19937c(mcmcpars.seed + rank); } protected void doSwap() { int swapA, swapB; swapA = swapGenerator.nextInt(noOfProcesses); do { swapB = swapGenerator.nextInt(noOfProcesses); } while (swapA == swapB); System.out.printf("SwapNo: %d - SwapA: %d - SwapB: %d\n",swapA, swapB); double swapAccept = swapGenerator.nextDouble(); if (rank == swapA || rank == swapB) { double[] myStateInfo = new double[3]; myStateInfo[0] = totalLogLike; myStateInfo[1] = modelExtMan.totalLogPrior(tree); //myStateInfo[1] = coreModel.totalLogPrior(tree) + modelExtMan.totalLogPrior(tree); myStateInfo[2] = tree.heat; double[] partnerStateInfo = new double[3]; mpi.Request send, recieve; if (rank == swapA) { send = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Isend(myStateInfo, 0, 3, MPI.DOUBLE, swapB, 0); recieve = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Irecv(partnerStateInfo, 0, 3, MPI.DOUBLE, swapB, 1); } else { send = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Isend(myStateInfo, 0, 3, MPI.DOUBLE, swapA, 1); recieve = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Irecv(partnerStateInfo, 0, 3, MPI.DOUBLE, swapA, 0); } mpi.Request.Waitall(new mpi.Request[] { send, recieve }); System.out .printf("[Worker %d] Heat: [%f] - Sent: [%f,%f,%f] - Recv: [%f,%f,%f]\n", rank, tree.heat, myStateInfo[0], myStateInfo[1], myStateInfo[2], partnerStateInfo[0], partnerStateInfo[1], partnerStateInfo[2]); double myLogLike = myStateInfo[0]; double myLogPrior = myStateInfo[1]; double myTemp = myStateInfo[2]; double hisLogLike = partnerStateInfo[0]; double hisLogPrior = partnerStateInfo[1]; double hisTemp = partnerStateInfo[2]; double acceptance = myTemp * (hisLogLike + hisLogPrior) + hisTemp * (myLogLike + myLogPrior); acceptance -= hisTemp * (hisLogLike + hisLogPrior) + myTemp * (myLogLike + myLogPrior); MPIUtils.println(rank, "Math.log(swapAccept): " + Math.log(swapAccept)); MPIUtils.println(rank, "acceptance: " + acceptance); if (acceptance > Math.log(swapAccept)) { MPIUtils.println(rank, "Just swapped heat with my partner. New heat: " + hisTemp); tree.heat = hisTemp; } // MPI.COMM_WORLD.Send(myStateInfo, 0, 3, MPI.DOUBLE, // swapB, 0); // statalign.Utils.printLine(swapA, "Just sent " + swapB // + " my state."); } } protected boolean isColdChain() { return tree.heat == 1.0d; } protected State MPIStateReceieve(int peer) { // Creates a new, uninitialized state and initializes the variables. State state = new State(tree.vertex.length); // We already know the names for (int i = 0; i <; i++) {[i] = tree.vertex[i].name; } int nn = state.nn; int tag = 0; // left MPI.COMM_WORLD.Recv(state.left, 0, nn, MPI.INT, peer, tag++); // right MPI.COMM_WORLD.Recv(state.right, 0, nn, MPI.INT, peer, tag++); // parent MPI.COMM_WORLD.Recv(state.parent, 0, nn, MPI.INT, peer, tag++); // edgeLen MPI.COMM_WORLD.Recv(state.edgeLen, 0, nn, MPI.DOUBLE, peer, tag++); // sequences int[] seqLengths = new int[nn]; MPI.COMM_WORLD.Recv(seqLengths, 0, nn, MPI.INT, peer, tag++); for (int i = 0; i < nn; i++) { char[] c = new char[seqLengths[i]]; MPI.COMM_WORLD.Recv(c, 0, seqLengths[i], MPI.CHAR, peer, tag++); state.seq[i] = new String(c); } // align Object[] recvObj = new Object[1]; MPI.COMM_WORLD.Recv(recvObj, 0, 1, MPI.OBJECT, peer, tag++); state.align = (int[][]) recvObj[0]; // felsen MPI.COMM_WORLD.Recv(recvObj, 0, 1, MPI.OBJECT, peer, tag++); state.felsen = (double[][][]) recvObj[0]; // indelParams final int noOfIndelParameter = 3; state.indelParams = new double[noOfIndelParameter]; MPI.COMM_WORLD.Recv(state.indelParams, 0, noOfIndelParameter, MPI.DOUBLE, peer, tag++); // substParams int l = tree.substitutionModel.params.length; state.substParams = new double[l]; MPI.COMM_WORLD.Recv(state.substParams, 0, l, MPI.DOUBLE, peer, tag++); // log-likelihood double[] d = new double[1]; MPI.COMM_WORLD.Recv(d, 0, 1, MPI.DOUBLE, peer, tag++); state.logLike = d[0]; // root int[] root = new int[1]; MPI.COMM_WORLD.Recv(root, 0, 1, MPI.INT, peer, tag++); state.root = root[0]; return state; } protected void MPIStateSend(State state) { String[] seq = state.seq; int[][] align = state.align; double[][][] felsen = state.felsen; int nn = state.nn; int tag = 0; // left MPI.COMM_WORLD.Send(state.left, 0, nn, MPI.INT, 0, tag++); // right MPI.COMM_WORLD.Send(state.right, 0, nn, MPI.INT, 0, tag++); // parent MPI.COMM_WORLD.Send(state.parent, 0, nn, MPI.INT, 0, tag++); // edgeLen MPI.COMM_WORLD.Send(state.edgeLen, 0, nn, MPI.DOUBLE, 0, tag++); // TODO: START OF OPTIMIZATION. // sequences int[] seqLength = new int[nn]; char[][] seqChars = new char[nn][]; for (int i = 0; i < nn; i++) { seqLength[i] = seq[i].length(); seqChars[i] = seq[i].toCharArray(); } MPI.COMM_WORLD.Send(seqLength, 0, nn, MPI.INT, 0, tag++); for (int i = 0; i < nn; i++) { MPI.COMM_WORLD.Send(seqChars[i], 0, seqLength[i], MPI.CHAR, 0, tag++); } // align Object[] alignObj = new Object[1]; alignObj[0] = align; MPI.COMM_WORLD.Send(alignObj, 0, 1, MPI.OBJECT, 0, tag++); /* * int[] alignLength = new int[align.length]; for (int i = 0; i < * seq.length; i++) { alignLength[i] = align[i].length; } * MPI.COMM_WORLD.Send(alignLength, 0, nn, MPI.INT, 0, tag++); for (int * i = 0; i < align.length; i++) { MPI.COMM_WORLD.Send(align[i], 0, * alignLength[i], MPI.INT, 0, tag++); } */ // felsen Object[] felsenObj = new Object[] { felsen }; MPI.COMM_WORLD.Send(felsenObj, 0, 1, MPI.OBJECT, 0, tag++); // indelParams MPI.COMM_WORLD.Send(state.indelParams, 0, 3, MPI.DOUBLE, 0, tag++); // substParams MPI.COMM_WORLD.Send(state.substParams, 0, state.substParams.length, MPI.DOUBLE, 0, tag++); // loglikelihood MPI.COMM_WORLD.Send(new double[] { state.logLike }, 0, 1, MPI.DOUBLE, 0, tag++); // root MPI.COMM_WORLD.Send(new int[] { state.root }, 0, 1, MPI.INT, 0, tag++); // TODO: END OF OPTIMIZATION. } }