package; import; import java.util.EnumSet; /** * A set, backed by a single {@code long}. * @author michael */ public class BitSet implements Serializable { private long store = 0l; /** * Creates a new set with all bits set to 0. * @return a new, empty, set. */ public static BitSet emptySet() { return new BitSet(); } /** * Creates a new set with all bits set to 1. * @return a new, full, set. */ public static BitSet fullSet() { return new BitSet( ~0 ); } /** * Returns all the indices a bit set may have. Can be used for * cheap for-each loops (i.e. no boxing/unboxing). * @return All the indices a BitSet has [0..63] */ public static short[] allIndices() { short[] retVal = new short[64]; for ( short s=0; s<64; s++ ) retVal[s]=s; return retVal; } public static BitSet from( EnumSet<?> es ) { if ( es.isEmpty() ) return emptySet(); BitSet retVal = new BitSet(); for ( Enum e : es ) { retVal.set( e.ordinal() ); } return retVal; } public BitSet() {} public BitSet( BitSet other ) { store = other.getBits(); } public BitSet( long initial ) { store = initial; } public <E extends Enum<E>> EnumSet<E> asSetOf( Class<E> enumClass ) { EnumSet<E> retVal = EnumSet.noneOf(enumClass); if ( isEmpty() ) return retVal; for ( E e : EnumSet.allOf(enumClass) ) { if ( isSet(e.ordinal()) ) { retVal.add(e); } } return retVal; } public boolean isEmpty() { return store == 0; } public BitSet set( int idx, boolean value ) { return value ? set(idx) : unset(idx); } public BitSet set( int idx ) { store = store | (1l<<idx); return this; } public BitSet unset( int idx ) { store = store & (~(1l<<idx)); return this; } public boolean isSet( int idx ) { return ( (store&(1l<<idx)) != 0 ); } public BitSet copy() { return new BitSet( this ); } /** * Adds {@code other} to {@code this} set. * @param other The we union with. * @return {@code this}, for call chaining. */ public BitSet union( BitSet other ) { store = store | other.getBits(); return this; } public BitSet intersect( BitSet other ) { store = store & other.getBits(); return this; } public BitSet xor( BitSet other ) { store = store ^ other.getBits(); return this; } public long getBits() { return store; } }