package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.annotation.PreDestroy; import javax.ejb.EJB; import javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.ejb.TransactionRolledbackLocalException; import javax.inject.Named; import javax.persistence.NoResultException; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery.SortClause; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServer; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrServer; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrServer.RemoteSolrException; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.FacetField; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.QueryResponse; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.RangeFacet; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.SpellCheckResponse; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocumentList; @Stateless @Named public class SearchServiceBean { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SearchServiceBean.class.getCanonicalName()); /** * We're trying to make the SearchServiceBean lean, mean, and fast, with as * few injections of EJBs as possible. */ /** * @todo Can we do without the DatasetFieldServiceBean? */ @EJB DvObjectServiceBean dvObjectService; @EJB DataverseServiceBean dataverseService; @EJB DatasetServiceBean datasetService; @EJB DatasetVersionServiceBean datasetVersionService; @EJB DataFileServiceBean dataFileService; @EJB DatasetFieldServiceBean datasetFieldService; @EJB GroupServiceBean groupService; @EJB SystemConfig systemConfig; public static final JsfHelper JH = new JsfHelper(); private SolrServer solrServer; @PostConstruct public void init(){ solrServer = new HttpSolrServer("http://" + systemConfig.getSolrHostColonPort() + "/solr"); } @PreDestroy public void close(){ if(solrServer != null){ solrServer.shutdown(); solrServer = null; } } /** * Import note: "onlyDatatRelatedToMe" relies on filterQueries for providing * access to Private Data for the correct user * * In other words "onlyDatatRelatedToMe", negates other filter Queries * related to permissions * * * @param dataverseRequest * @param dataverse * @param query * @param filterQueries * @param sortField * @param sortOrder * @param paginationStart * @param onlyDatatRelatedToMe * @param numResultsPerPage * @return * @throws SearchException */ public SolrQueryResponse search(DataverseRequest dataverseRequest, Dataverse dataverse, String query, List<String> filterQueries, String sortField, String sortOrder, int paginationStart, boolean onlyDatatRelatedToMe, int numResultsPerPage) throws SearchException { return search(dataverseRequest, dataverse, query, filterQueries, sortField, sortOrder, paginationStart, onlyDatatRelatedToMe, numResultsPerPage, true); } /** * Import note: "onlyDatatRelatedToMe" relies on filterQueries for providing * access to Private Data for the correct user * * In other words "onlyDatatRelatedToMe", negates other filter Queries * related to permissions * * * @param user * @param dataverse * @param query * @param filterQueries * @param sortField * @param sortOrder * @param paginationStart * @param onlyDatatRelatedToMe * @param numResultsPerPage * @param retrieveEntities - look up dvobject entities with .find() (potentially expensive!) * @return * @throws SearchException */ public SolrQueryResponse search(DataverseRequest dataverseRequest, Dataverse dataverse, String query, List<String> filterQueries, String sortField, String sortOrder, int paginationStart, boolean onlyDatatRelatedToMe, int numResultsPerPage, boolean retrieveEntities) throws SearchException { if (paginationStart < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("paginationStart must be 0 or greater"); } if (numResultsPerPage < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("numResultsPerPage must be 1 or greater"); } SolrQuery solrQuery = new SolrQuery(); query = SearchUtil.sanitizeQuery(query); solrQuery.setQuery(query); // SortClause foo = new SortClause("name", SolrQuery.ORDER.desc); // if (query.equals("*") || query.equals("*:*")) { // solrQuery.setSort(new SortClause(SearchFields.NAME_SORT, SolrQuery.ORDER.asc)); solrQuery.setSort(new SortClause(sortField, sortOrder)); // } else { // solrQuery.setSort(sortClause); // } // solrQuery.setSort(sortClause); solrQuery.setHighlight(true).setHighlightSnippets(1); Integer fragSize = systemConfig.getSearchHighlightFragmentSize(); if (fragSize != null) { solrQuery.setHighlightFragsize(fragSize); } solrQuery.setHighlightSimplePre("<span class=\"search-term-match\">"); solrQuery.setHighlightSimplePost("</span>"); Map<String, String> solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap = new HashMap<>(); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.NAME, "Name"); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.AFFILIATION, "Affiliation"); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.FILE_TYPE_FRIENDLY, "File Type"); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.DESCRIPTION, "Description"); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.VARIABLE_NAME, "Variable Name"); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.VARIABLE_LABEL, "Variable Label"); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.FILE_TYPE_SEARCHABLE, "File Type"); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.DATASET_PUBLICATION_DATE, "Publication Date"); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.DATASET_PERSISTENT_ID, localize("")); /** * @todo Dataverse subject and affiliation should be highlighted but * this is commented out right now because the "friendly" names are not * being shown on the dataverse cards. See also * */ // solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.DATAVERSE_SUBJECT, "Subject"); // solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.DATAVERSE_AFFILIATION, "Affiliation"); /** * @todo: show highlight on file card? * */ solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.FILENAME_WITHOUT_EXTENSION, "Filename Without Extension"); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.FILE_TAG_SEARCHABLE, "File Tag"); List<DatasetFieldType> datasetFields = datasetFieldService.findAllOrderedById(); for (DatasetFieldType datasetFieldType : datasetFields) { String solrField = datasetFieldType.getSolrField().getNameSearchable(); String displayName = datasetFieldType.getDisplayName(); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(solrField, displayName); } for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.entrySet()) { String solrField = entry.getKey(); // String displayName = entry.getValue(); solrQuery.addHighlightField(solrField); } solrQuery.setParam("fl", "*,score"); solrQuery.setParam("qt", "/spell"); solrQuery.setParam("facet", "true"); /** * @todo: do we need facet.query? */ solrQuery.setParam("facet.query", "*"); for (String filterQuery : filterQueries) { solrQuery.addFilterQuery(filterQuery); } // ----------------------------------- // PERMISSION FILTER QUERY // ----------------------------------- String permissionFilterQuery = this.getPermissionFilterQuery(dataverseRequest, solrQuery, dataverse, onlyDatatRelatedToMe); if (permissionFilterQuery != null) { solrQuery.addFilterQuery(permissionFilterQuery); } // ----------------------------------- // Facets to Retrieve // ----------------------------------- // solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.HOST_DATAVERSE); // solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.AUTHOR_STRING); solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.DATAVERSE_CATEGORY); solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.METADATA_SOURCE); // solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.AFFILIATION); solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.PUBLICATION_DATE); // solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.CATEGORY); // solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.FILE_TYPE_MIME); // solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.DISTRIBUTOR); // solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.KEYWORD); /** * @todo when a new method on datasetFieldService is available * (retrieveFacetsByDataverse?) only show the facets that the dataverse * in question wants to show (and in the right order): * * * also, findAll only returns advancedSearchField = true... we should * probably introduce the "isFacetable" boolean rather than caring about * if advancedSearchField is true or false * */ if (dataverse != null) { for (DataverseFacet dataverseFacet : dataverse.getDataverseFacets()) { DatasetFieldType datasetField = dataverseFacet.getDatasetFieldType(); solrQuery.addFacetField(datasetField.getSolrField().getNameFacetable()); } } solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.FILE_TYPE); /** * @todo: hide the extra line this shows in the GUI... at least it's * last... */ solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.TYPE); solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.FILE_TAG); solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.ACCESS); /** * @todo: do sanity checking... throw error if negative */ solrQuery.setStart(paginationStart); /** * @todo: decide if year CITATION_YEAR is good enough or if we should * support CITATION_DATE */ // Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"), Locale.UK); // calendar.set(2010, 1, 1); // Date start = calendar.getTime(); // calendar.set(2013, 1, 1); // Date end = calendar.getTime(); // solrQuery.addDateRangeFacet(SearchFields.CITATION_DATE, start, end, "+1MONTH"); /** * @todo make this configurable */ int thisYear = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR); /** * @todo: odd or even makes a difference. Couldn't find value of 2014 * when this was set to 2000 */ final int citationYearRangeStart = 1901; final int citationYearRangeEnd = thisYear; final int citationYearRangeSpan = 2; /** * @todo: these are dates and should be "range facets" not "field * facets" * * right now they are lumped in with the datasetFieldService.findAll() * above */ // solrQuery.addNumericRangeFacet(SearchFields.PRODUCTION_DATE_YEAR_ONLY, citationYearRangeStart, citationYearRangeEnd, citationYearRangeSpan); // solrQuery.addNumericRangeFacet(SearchFields.DISTRIBUTION_DATE_YEAR_ONLY, citationYearRangeStart, citationYearRangeEnd, citationYearRangeSpan); solrQuery.setRows(numResultsPerPage); logger.fine("Solr query:" + solrQuery); // ----------------------------------- // Make the solr query // ----------------------------------- QueryResponse queryResponse; try { queryResponse = solrServer.query(solrQuery); } catch (RemoteSolrException ex) { String messageFromSolr = ex.getLocalizedMessage(); String error = "Search Syntax Error: "; String stringToHide = " "; if (messageFromSolr.startsWith(stringToHide)) { // hide "org.apache.solr..." error += messageFromSolr.substring(stringToHide.length()); } else { error += messageFromSolr; }; SolrQueryResponse exceptionSolrQueryResponse = new SolrQueryResponse(solrQuery); exceptionSolrQueryResponse.setError(error); // we can't show anything because of the search syntax error long zeroNumResultsFound = 0; long zeroGetResultsStart = 0; List<SolrSearchResult> emptySolrSearchResults = new ArrayList<>(); List<FacetCategory> exceptionFacetCategoryList = new ArrayList<>(); Map<String, List<String>> emptySpellingSuggestion = new HashMap<>(); exceptionSolrQueryResponse.setNumResultsFound(zeroNumResultsFound); exceptionSolrQueryResponse.setResultsStart(zeroGetResultsStart); exceptionSolrQueryResponse.setSolrSearchResults(emptySolrSearchResults); exceptionSolrQueryResponse.setFacetCategoryList(exceptionFacetCategoryList); exceptionSolrQueryResponse.setTypeFacetCategories(exceptionFacetCategoryList); exceptionSolrQueryResponse.setSpellingSuggestionsByToken(emptySpellingSuggestion); return exceptionSolrQueryResponse; } catch (SolrServerException ex) { throw new SearchException("Internal Dataverse Search Engine Error", ex); } SolrDocumentList docs = queryResponse.getResults(); Iterator<SolrDocument> iter = docs.iterator(); List<SolrSearchResult> solrSearchResults = new ArrayList<>(); /** * @todo refactor SearchFields to a hashmap (or something? put in * database? internationalize?) to avoid the crazy reflection and string * manipulation below */ Object searchFieldsObject = new SearchFields(); Field[] staticSearchFields = searchFieldsObject.getClass().getDeclaredFields(); String titleSolrField = null; try { DatasetFieldType titleDatasetField = datasetFieldService.findByName(DatasetFieldConstant.title); titleSolrField = titleDatasetField.getSolrField().getNameSearchable(); } catch (EJBTransactionRolledbackException ex) {"Couldn't find " + DatasetFieldConstant.title); if (ex.getCause() instanceof TransactionRolledbackLocalException) { if (ex.getCause().getCause() instanceof NoResultException) {"Caught NoResultException"); } } } Map<String, String> datasetfieldFriendlyNamesBySolrField = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, String> staticSolrFieldFriendlyNamesBySolrField = new HashMap<>(); String baseUrl = systemConfig.getDataverseSiteUrl(); while (iter.hasNext()) { SolrDocument solrDocument =; String id = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.ID); Long entityid = (Long) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.ENTITY_ID); String type = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.TYPE); float score = (Float) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.RELEVANCE); logger.fine("score for " + id + ": " + score); String identifier = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.IDENTIFIER); String citation = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.DATASET_CITATION); String citationPlainHtml = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.DATASET_CITATION_HTML); String persistentUrl = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.PERSISTENT_URL); String name = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.NAME); String nameSort = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.NAME_SORT); // ArrayList titles = (ArrayList) solrDocument.getFieldValues(SearchFields.TITLE); String title = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(titleSolrField); Long datasetVersionId = (Long) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.DATASET_VERSION_ID); String deaccessionReason = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.DATASET_DEACCESSION_REASON); //"titleSolrField: " + titleSolrField); //"title: " + title); String filetype = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.FILE_TYPE_FRIENDLY); String fileContentType = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.FILE_CONTENT_TYPE); Date release_or_create_date = (Date) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.RELEASE_OR_CREATE_DATE); String dateToDisplayOnCard = (String) solrDocument.getFirstValue(SearchFields.RELEASE_OR_CREATE_DATE_SEARCHABLE_TEXT); String dvTree = (String) solrDocument.getFirstValue(SearchFields.SUBTREE); List<String> matchedFields = new ArrayList<>(); List<Highlight> highlights = new ArrayList<>(); Map<SolrField, Highlight> highlightsMap = new HashMap<>(); Map<SolrField, List<String>> highlightsMap2 = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, Highlight> highlightsMap3 = new HashMap<>(); if (queryResponse.getHighlighting().get(id) != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.entrySet()) { String field = entry.getKey(); String displayName = entry.getValue(); List<String> highlightSnippets = queryResponse.getHighlighting().get(id).get(field); if (highlightSnippets != null) { matchedFields.add(field); /** * @todo only SolrField.SolrType.STRING? that's not * right... knit the SolrField object more into the * highlighting stuff */ SolrField solrField = new SolrField(field, SolrField.SolrType.STRING, true, true); Highlight highlight = new Highlight(solrField, highlightSnippets, displayName); highlights.add(highlight); highlightsMap.put(solrField, highlight); highlightsMap2.put(solrField, highlightSnippets); highlightsMap3.put(field, highlight); } } } SolrSearchResult solrSearchResult = new SolrSearchResult(query, name); /** * @todo put all this in the constructor? */ List<String> states = (ArrayList<String>) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.PUBLICATION_STATUS); if (states != null) { // set list of all statuses // this method also sets booleans for individual statuses solrSearchResult.setPublicationStatuses(states); } // + ": " + description); solrSearchResult.setId(id); solrSearchResult.setEntityId(entityid); if (retrieveEntities) { solrSearchResult.setEntity(dvObjectService.findDvObject(entityid)); } solrSearchResult.setIdentifier(identifier); solrSearchResult.setPersistentUrl(persistentUrl); solrSearchResult.setType(type); solrSearchResult.setScore(score); solrSearchResult.setNameSort(nameSort); solrSearchResult.setReleaseOrCreateDate(release_or_create_date); solrSearchResult.setDateToDisplayOnCard(dateToDisplayOnCard); solrSearchResult.setMatchedFields(matchedFields); solrSearchResult.setHighlightsAsList(highlights); solrSearchResult.setHighlightsMap(highlightsMap); solrSearchResult.setHighlightsAsMap(highlightsMap3); Map<String, String> parent = new HashMap<>(); String description = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.DESCRIPTION); solrSearchResult.setDescriptionNoSnippet(description); solrSearchResult.setDeaccessionReason(deaccessionReason); solrSearchResult.setDvTree(dvTree); String originSource = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.METADATA_SOURCE); if (IndexServiceBean.HARVESTED.equals(originSource)) { solrSearchResult.setHarvested(true); } /** * @todo start using SearchConstants class here */ if (type.equals("dataverses")) { solrSearchResult.setName(name); solrSearchResult.setHtmlUrl(baseUrl + "/dataverse/" + identifier); solrSearchResult.setImageUrl(baseUrl + "/api/access/dvCardImage/" + entityid); /** * @todo Expose this API URL after "dvs" is changed to * "dataverses". Also, is an API token required for published * dataverses? Michael: url changed. */ // solrSearchResult.setApiUrl(baseUrl + "/api/dataverses/" + entityid); } else if (type.equals("datasets")) { solrSearchResult.setHtmlUrl(baseUrl + "/dataset.xhtml?globalId=" + identifier); solrSearchResult.setApiUrl(baseUrl + "/api/datasets/" + entityid); solrSearchResult.setImageUrl(baseUrl + "/api/access/dsCardImage/" + datasetVersionId); /** * @todo Could use getFieldValues (plural) here. */ ArrayList<String> datasetDescriptions = (ArrayList<String>) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.DATASET_DESCRIPTION); if (datasetDescriptions != null) { String firstDatasetDescription = datasetDescriptions.get(0); if (firstDatasetDescription != null) { solrSearchResult.setDescriptionNoSnippet(firstDatasetDescription); } } solrSearchResult.setDatasetVersionId(datasetVersionId); solrSearchResult.setCitation(citation); solrSearchResult.setCitationHtml(citationPlainHtml); if (title != null) { // solrSearchResult.setTitle((String) titles.get(0)); solrSearchResult.setTitle((String) title); } else { logger.fine("No title indexed. Setting to empty string to prevent NPE. Dataset id " + entityid + " and version id " + datasetVersionId); solrSearchResult.setTitle(""); } List<String> authors = (ArrayList) solrDocument.getFieldValues(DatasetFieldConstant.authorName); if (authors != null) { solrSearchResult.setDatasetAuthors(authors); } } else if (type.equals("files")) { String parentGlobalId = null; Object parentGlobalIdObject = solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.PARENT_IDENTIFIER); if (parentGlobalIdObject != null) { parentGlobalId = (String) parentGlobalIdObject; parent.put(SolrSearchResult.PARENT_IDENTIFIER, parentGlobalId); } solrSearchResult.setHtmlUrl(baseUrl + "/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=" + parentGlobalId); solrSearchResult.setDownloadUrl(baseUrl + "/api/access/datafile/" + entityid); /** * @todo We are not yet setting the API URL for files because * not all files have metadata. Only subsettable files (those * with a datatable) seem to have metadata. Furthermore, the * response is in XML whereas the rest of the Search API returns * JSON. */ // solrSearchResult.setApiUrl(baseUrl + "/api/meta/datafile/" + entityid); solrSearchResult.setImageUrl(baseUrl + "/api/access/fileCardImage/" + entityid); solrSearchResult.setName(name); solrSearchResult.setFiletype(filetype); solrSearchResult.setFileContentType(fileContentType); Object fileSizeInBytesObject = solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.FILE_SIZE_IN_BYTES); if (fileSizeInBytesObject != null) { try { long fileSizeInBytesLong = (long) fileSizeInBytesObject; solrSearchResult.setFileSizeInBytes(fileSizeInBytesLong); } catch (ClassCastException ex) {"Could not cast file " + entityid + " to long for " + SearchFields.FILE_SIZE_IN_BYTES + ": " + ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } } solrSearchResult.setFileMd5((String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.FILE_MD5)); try { solrSearchResult.setFileChecksumType((DataFile.ChecksumType) DataFile.ChecksumType.fromString((String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.FILE_CHECKSUM_TYPE))); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {"Exception setting setFileChecksumType: " + ex); } solrSearchResult.setFileChecksumValue((String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.FILE_CHECKSUM_VALUE)); solrSearchResult.setUnf((String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.UNF)); solrSearchResult.setDatasetVersionId(datasetVersionId); List<String> fileCategories = (ArrayList) solrDocument.getFieldValues(SearchFields.FILE_TAG); if (fileCategories != null) { solrSearchResult.setFileCategories(fileCategories); } List<String> tabularDataTags = (ArrayList) solrDocument.getFieldValues(SearchFields.TABDATA_TAG); if (tabularDataTags != null) { Collections.sort(tabularDataTags); solrSearchResult.setTabularDataTags(tabularDataTags); } } /** * @todo store PARENT_ID as a long instead and cast as such */ parent.put("id", (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.PARENT_ID)); parent.put("name", (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.PARENT_NAME)); parent.put("citation", (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.PARENT_CITATION)); solrSearchResult.setParent(parent); solrSearchResults.add(solrSearchResult); } Map<String, List<String>> spellingSuggestionsByToken = new HashMap<>(); SpellCheckResponse spellCheckResponse = queryResponse.getSpellCheckResponse(); if (spellCheckResponse != null) { List<SpellCheckResponse.Suggestion> suggestions = spellCheckResponse.getSuggestions(); for (SpellCheckResponse.Suggestion suggestion : suggestions) { spellingSuggestionsByToken.put(suggestion.getToken(), suggestion.getAlternatives()); } } List<FacetCategory> facetCategoryList = new ArrayList<FacetCategory>(); List<FacetCategory> typeFacetCategories = new ArrayList<>(); boolean hidePublicationStatusFacet = true; boolean draftsAvailable = false; boolean unpublishedAvailable = false; boolean deaccessionedAvailable = false; boolean hideMetadataSourceFacet = true; for (FacetField facetField : queryResponse.getFacetFields()) { FacetCategory facetCategory = new FacetCategory(); List<FacetLabel> facetLabelList = new ArrayList<>(); int numMetadataSources = 0; for (FacetField.Count facetFieldCount : facetField.getValues()) { /** * @todo we do want to show the count for each facet */ //"field: " + facetField.getName() + " " + facetFieldCount.getName() + " (" + facetFieldCount.getCount() + ")"); if (facetFieldCount.getCount() > 0) { FacetLabel facetLabel = new FacetLabel(facetFieldCount.getName(), facetFieldCount.getCount()); // quote field facets facetLabel.setFilterQuery(facetField.getName() + ":\"" + facetFieldCount.getName() + "\""); facetLabelList.add(facetLabel); if (facetField.getName().equals(SearchFields.PUBLICATION_STATUS)) { if (facetLabel.getName().equals(IndexServiceBean.getUNPUBLISHED_STRING())) { unpublishedAvailable = true; } else if (facetLabel.getName().equals(IndexServiceBean.getDRAFT_STRING())) { draftsAvailable = true; } else if (facetLabel.getName().equals(IndexServiceBean.getDEACCESSIONED_STRING())) { deaccessionedAvailable = true; } } if (facetField.getName().equals(SearchFields.METADATA_SOURCE)) { numMetadataSources++; } } } if (numMetadataSources > 1) { hideMetadataSourceFacet = false; } facetCategory.setName(facetField.getName()); // hopefully people will never see the raw facetField.getName() because it may well have an _s at the end facetCategory.setFriendlyName(facetField.getName()); // try to find a friendlier name to display as a facet /** * @todo hmm, we thought we wanted the datasetFields array to go * away once we have more granularity than findAll() available per * the todo above but we need a way to lookup by Solr field, so * we'll build a hashmap */ for (DatasetFieldType datasetField : datasetFields) { String solrFieldNameForDataset = datasetField.getSolrField().getNameFacetable(); String friendlyName = datasetField.getDisplayName(); if (solrFieldNameForDataset != null && facetField.getName().endsWith(datasetField.getTmpNullFieldTypeIdentifier())) { // give it the non-friendly name so we remember to update the reference data script for datasets facetCategory.setName(facetField.getName()); } else if (solrFieldNameForDataset != null && facetField.getName().equals(solrFieldNameForDataset)) { if (friendlyName != null && !friendlyName.isEmpty()) { facetCategory.setFriendlyName(friendlyName); // stop examining available dataset fields. we found a match break; } } datasetfieldFriendlyNamesBySolrField.put(datasetField.getSolrField().getNameFacetable(), friendlyName); } /** * @todo get rid of this crazy reflection, per todo above... or * should we... let's put into a hash the friendly names of facet * categories, indexed by Solr field */ for (Field fieldObject : staticSearchFields) { String name = fieldObject.getName(); String staticSearchField = null; try { staticSearchField = (String) fieldObject.get(searchFieldsObject); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { Logger.getLogger(SearchServiceBean.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { Logger.getLogger(SearchServiceBean.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } if (staticSearchField != null && facetField.getName().equals(staticSearchField)) { String[] parts = name.split("_"); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (String part : parts) { stringBuilder.append(getCapitalizedName(part.toLowerCase()) + " "); } String friendlyNameWithTrailingSpace = stringBuilder.toString(); String friendlyName = friendlyNameWithTrailingSpace.replaceAll(" $", ""); facetCategory.setFriendlyName(friendlyName); //"adding <<<" + staticSearchField + ":" + friendlyName + ">>>"); staticSolrFieldFriendlyNamesBySolrField.put(staticSearchField, friendlyName); // stop examining the declared/static fields in the SearchFields object. we found a match break; } } facetCategory.setFacetLabel(facetLabelList); if (!facetLabelList.isEmpty()) { if (facetCategory.getName().equals(SearchFields.TYPE)) { // the "type" facet is special, these are not typeFacetCategories.add(facetCategory); } else if (facetCategory.getName().equals(SearchFields.PUBLICATION_STATUS)) { if (unpublishedAvailable || draftsAvailable || deaccessionedAvailable) { hidePublicationStatusFacet = false; } if (!hidePublicationStatusFacet) { facetCategoryList.add(facetCategory); } } else if (facetCategory.getName().equals(SearchFields.METADATA_SOURCE)) { if (!hideMetadataSourceFacet) { facetCategoryList.add(facetCategory); } } else { facetCategoryList.add(facetCategory); } } } // for now the only range facet is citation year for (RangeFacet rangeFacet : queryResponse.getFacetRanges()) { FacetCategory facetCategory = new FacetCategory(); List<FacetLabel> facetLabelList = new ArrayList<>(); for (Object rfObj : rangeFacet.getCounts()) { RangeFacet.Count rangeFacetCount = (RangeFacet.Count) rfObj; String valueString = rangeFacetCount.getValue(); Integer start = Integer.parseInt(valueString); Integer end = start + Integer.parseInt(rangeFacet.getGap().toString()); // to avoid overlapping dates end = end - 1; if (rangeFacetCount.getCount() > 0) { FacetLabel facetLabel = new FacetLabel(start + "-" + end, new Long(rangeFacetCount.getCount())); // special [12 TO 34] syntax for range facets facetLabel.setFilterQuery(rangeFacet.getName() + ":" + "[" + start + " TO " + end + "]"); facetLabelList.add(facetLabel); } } facetCategory.setName(rangeFacet.getName()); facetCategory.setFacetLabel(facetLabelList); // reverse to show the newest citation year range at the top List<FacetLabel> facetLabelListReversed = new ArrayList<>(); ListIterator li = facetLabelList.listIterator(facetLabelList.size()); while (li.hasPrevious()) { facetLabelListReversed.add((FacetLabel) li.previous()); } facetCategory.setFacetLabel(facetLabelListReversed); if (!facetLabelList.isEmpty()) { facetCategoryList.add(facetCategory); } } SolrQueryResponse solrQueryResponse = new SolrQueryResponse(solrQuery); solrQueryResponse.setSolrSearchResults(solrSearchResults); solrQueryResponse.setSpellingSuggestionsByToken(spellingSuggestionsByToken); solrQueryResponse.setFacetCategoryList(facetCategoryList); solrQueryResponse.setTypeFacetCategories(typeFacetCategories); solrQueryResponse.setNumResultsFound(queryResponse.getResults().getNumFound()); solrQueryResponse.setResultsStart(queryResponse.getResults().getStart()); solrQueryResponse.setDatasetfieldFriendlyNamesBySolrField(datasetfieldFriendlyNamesBySolrField); solrQueryResponse.setStaticSolrFieldFriendlyNamesBySolrField(staticSolrFieldFriendlyNamesBySolrField); String[] filterQueriesArray = solrQuery.getFilterQueries(); if (filterQueriesArray != null) { // null check added because these tests were failing: mvn test -Dtest=SearchIT List<String> actualFilterQueries = Arrays.asList(filterQueriesArray); logger.fine("actual filter queries: " + actualFilterQueries); solrQueryResponse.setFilterQueriesActual(actualFilterQueries); } else { // how often is this null?"solrQuery.getFilterQueries() was null"); } solrQueryResponse.setDvObjectCounts(queryResponse.getFacetField("dvObjectType")); solrQueryResponse.setPublicationStatusCounts(queryResponse.getFacetField("publicationStatus")); return solrQueryResponse; } private static String localize(String bundleKey) { try { String value = JH.localize(bundleKey); return value; } catch (Exception e) { // can throw MissingResourceException return "Match"; } } public String getCapitalizedName(String name) { return Character.toUpperCase(name.charAt(0)) + name.substring(1); } /** * Moved this logic out of the "search" function * * @return */ private String getPermissionFilterQuery(DataverseRequest dataverseRequest, SolrQuery solrQuery, Dataverse dataverse, boolean onlyDatatRelatedToMe) { User user = dataverseRequest.getUser(); if (user == null) { throw new NullPointerException("user cannot be null"); } if (solrQuery == null) { throw new NullPointerException("solrQuery cannot be null"); } /** * @todo For people who are not logged in, should we show stuff indexed * with "AllUsers" group or not? If so, uncomment the allUsersString * stuff below. */ // String allUsersString = IndexServiceBean.getGroupPrefix() + AllUsers.get().getAlias(); // String publicOnly = "{!join from=" + SearchFields.DEFINITION_POINT + " to=id}" + SearchFields.DISCOVERABLE_BY + ":(" + IndexServiceBean.getPublicGroupString() + " OR " + allUsersString + ")"; String publicOnly = "{!join from=" + SearchFields.DEFINITION_POINT + " to=id}" + SearchFields.DISCOVERABLE_BY + ":(" + IndexServiceBean.getPublicGroupString() + ")"; // String publicOnly = "{!join from=" + SearchFields.GROUPS + " to=" + SearchFields.PERMS + "}id:" + IndexServiceBean.getPublicGroupString(); // initialize to public only to be safe String dangerZoneNoSolrJoin = null; if (user instanceof PrivateUrlUser) { user = GuestUser.get(); } // ---------------------------------------------------- // (1) Is this a GuestUser? // Yes, see if GuestUser is part of any groups such as IP Groups. // ---------------------------------------------------- if (user instanceof GuestUser) { String groupsFromProviders = ""; Set<Group> groups = groupService.collectAncestors(groupService.groupsFor(dataverseRequest)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Group group : groups) { logger.fine("found group " + group.getIdentifier() + " with alias " + group.getAlias()); String groupAlias = group.getAlias(); if (groupAlias != null && !groupAlias.isEmpty()) { sb.append(" OR "); // i.e. group_builtIn/all-users, ip/ipGroup3 sb.append(IndexServiceBean.getGroupPrefix()).append(groupAlias); } } groupsFromProviders = sb.toString(); logger.fine("groupsFromProviders:" + groupsFromProviders); String guestWithGroups = "{!join from=" + SearchFields.DEFINITION_POINT + " to=id}" + SearchFields.DISCOVERABLE_BY + ":(" + IndexServiceBean.getPublicGroupString() + groupsFromProviders + ")"; logger.fine(guestWithGroups); return guestWithGroups; } // ---------------------------------------------------- // (2) Retrieve Authenticated User // ---------------------------------------------------- if (!(user instanceof AuthenticatedUser)) { logger.severe("Should never reach here. A User must be an AuthenticatedUser or a Guest"); throw new IllegalStateException("A User must be an AuthenticatedUser or a Guest"); } AuthenticatedUser au = (AuthenticatedUser) user; // Logged in user, has publication status facet // solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.PUBLICATION_STATUS); // ---------------------------------------------------- // (3) Is this a Super User? // Yes, give back everything // ---------------------------------------------------- if (au.isSuperuser()) { // dangerous because this user will be able to see // EVERYTHING in Solr with no regard to permissions! return dangerZoneNoSolrJoin; } // ---------------------------------------------------- // (4) User is logged in AND onlyDatatRelatedToMe == true // Yes, give back everything -> the settings will be in // the filterqueries given to search // ---------------------------------------------------- if (onlyDatatRelatedToMe == true) { if (systemConfig.myDataDoesNotUsePermissionDocs()) { logger.fine("old 4.2 behavior: MyData is not using Solr permission docs"); return dangerZoneNoSolrJoin; } else { logger.fine("new post-4.2 behavior: MyData is using Solr permission docs"); } } // ---------------------------------------------------- // (5) Work with Authenticated User who is not a Superuser // ---------------------------------------------------- /** * @todo all this code needs cleanup and clarification. */ /** * Every AuthenticatedUser is part of a "User Private Group" (UGP), a * concept we borrow from RHEL: * */ /** * @todo rename this from publicPlusUserPrivateGroup. Confusing */ // safe default: public only String publicPlusUserPrivateGroup = publicOnly; // + (onlyDatatRelatedToMe ? "" : (publicOnly + " OR ")) // + "{!join from=" + SearchFields.GROUPS + " to=" + SearchFields.PERMS + "}id:" + IndexServiceBean.getGroupPerUserPrefix() + au.getId() + ")"; // /** // * @todo add onlyDatatRelatedToMe option into the experimental JOIN // * before enabling it. // */ /** * From a search perspective, we don't care about if the group was * created within one dataverse or another. We just want a list of *all* * the groups the user is part of. We are greedy. We want all BuiltIn * Groups, Shibboleth Groups, IP Groups, "system" groups, everything. * * A JOIN on "permission documents" will determine if the user can find * a given "content document" (dataset version, etc) in Solr. */ String groupsFromProviders = ""; Set<Group> groups = groupService.collectAncestors(groupService.groupsFor(dataverseRequest)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Group group : groups) { logger.fine("found group " + group.getIdentifier() + " with alias " + group.getAlias()); String groupAlias = group.getAlias(); if (groupAlias != null && !groupAlias.isEmpty()) { sb.append(" OR "); // i.e. group_builtIn/all-users, group_builtIn/authenticated-users, group_1-explictGroup1, group_shib/2 sb.append(IndexServiceBean.getGroupPrefix() + groupAlias); } } groupsFromProviders = sb.toString(); logger.fine(groupsFromProviders); if (true) { /** * @todo get rid of "experimental" in name */ String experimentalJoin = "{!join from=" + SearchFields.DEFINITION_POINT + " to=id}" + SearchFields.DISCOVERABLE_BY + ":(" + IndexServiceBean.getPublicGroupString() + " OR " + IndexServiceBean.getGroupPerUserPrefix() + au.getId() + groupsFromProviders + ")"; publicPlusUserPrivateGroup = experimentalJoin; } //permissionFilterQuery = publicPlusUserPrivateGroup; logger.fine(publicPlusUserPrivateGroup); return publicPlusUserPrivateGroup; } }