package; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.persistence.CascadeType; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.EnumType; import javax.persistence.Enumerated; import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue; import javax.persistence.GenerationType; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence.Index; import javax.persistence.JoinColumn; import javax.persistence.ManyToOne; import javax.persistence.OneToMany; import javax.persistence.OneToOne; import javax.persistence.OrderBy; import javax.persistence.Table; import javax.persistence.Temporal; import javax.persistence.TemporalType; import javax.persistence.Transient; import javax.persistence.UniqueConstraint; import javax.persistence.Version; import javax.validation.ConstraintViolation; import javax.validation.Validation; import javax.validation.Validator; import javax.validation.ValidatorFactory; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; /** * * @author skraffmiller */ @Entity @Table(indexes = {@Index(columnList="dataset_id")}, uniqueConstraints = @UniqueConstraint(columnNames = {"dataset_id,versionnumber,minorversionnumber"})) public class DatasetVersion implements Serializable { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DatasetVersion.class.getCanonicalName()); /** * Convenience comparator to compare dataset versions by their version number. * The draft version is considered the latest. */ public static final Comparator<DatasetVersion> compareByVersion = new Comparator<DatasetVersion>() { @Override public int compare(DatasetVersion o1, DatasetVersion o2) { if ( o1.isDraft() ) { return o2.isDraft() ? 0 : 1; } else { return (int)Math.signum( (o1.getVersionNumber().equals(o2.getVersionNumber())) ? o1.getMinorVersionNumber() - o2.getMinorVersionNumber() : o1.getVersionNumber() - o2.getVersionNumber() ); } } }; // TODO: Determine the UI implications of various version states //IMPORTANT: If you add a new value to this enum, you will also have to modify the // StudyVersionsFragment.xhtml in order to display the correct value from a Resource Bundle public enum VersionState { DRAFT, RELEASED, ARCHIVED, DEACCESSIONED }; public enum License { NONE, CC0 } public DatasetVersion() { } @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) private Long id; public Long getId() { return; } public void setId(Long id) { = id; } public String getUNF() { return UNF; } public void setUNF(String UNF) { this.UNF = UNF; } /** * This is JPA's optimistic locking mechanism, and has no semantic meaning in the DV object model. * @return the object db version */ public Long getVersion() { return this.version; } public void setVersion(Long version) { } private String UNF; @Version private Long version; private Long versionNumber; private Long minorVersionNumber; public static final int VERSION_NOTE_MAX_LENGTH = 1000; @Column(length = VERSION_NOTE_MAX_LENGTH) private String versionNote; @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) private VersionState versionState; @ManyToOne private Dataset dataset; @OneToMany(mappedBy = "datasetVersion", cascade = {CascadeType.REMOVE, CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.PERSIST}) @OrderBy("label") // this is not our preferred ordering, which is with the AlphaNumericComparator, but does allow the files to be grouped by category private List<FileMetadata> fileMetadatas = new ArrayList(); public List<FileMetadata> getFileMetadatas() { return fileMetadatas; } public List<FileMetadata> getFileMetadatasSorted() { Collections.sort(fileMetadatas, FileMetadata.compareByLabel); return fileMetadatas; } public void setFileMetadatas(List<FileMetadata> fileMetadatas) { this.fileMetadatas = fileMetadatas; } @OneToOne(cascade = {CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.REMOVE}, orphanRemoval=true) @JoinColumn(name = "termsOfUseAndAccess_id") private TermsOfUseAndAccess termsOfUseAndAccess; public TermsOfUseAndAccess getTermsOfUseAndAccess() { return termsOfUseAndAccess; } public void setTermsOfUseAndAccess(TermsOfUseAndAccess termsOfUseAndAccess) { this.termsOfUseAndAccess = termsOfUseAndAccess; } @OneToMany(mappedBy = "datasetVersion", orphanRemoval = true, cascade = {CascadeType.REMOVE, CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.PERSIST}) //@OrderBy("datasetField.displayOrder") private List<DatasetField> datasetFields = new ArrayList(); public List<DatasetField> getDatasetFields() { return datasetFields; } /** * Sets the dataset fields for this version. Also updates the fields to * have @{code this} as their dataset version. * @param datasetFields */ public void setDatasetFields(List<DatasetField> datasetFields) { for ( DatasetField dsf : datasetFields ) { dsf.setDatasetVersion(this); } this.datasetFields = datasetFields; } /* @OneToMany(mappedBy="studyVersion", cascade={CascadeType.REMOVE, CascadeType.PERSIST}) private List<VersionContributor> versionContributors; */ @Temporal(value = TemporalType.TIMESTAMP) @Column( nullable=false ) private Date createTime; @Temporal(value = TemporalType.TIMESTAMP) @Column( nullable=false ) private Date lastUpdateTime; @Temporal(value = TemporalType.TIMESTAMP) private Date releaseTime; @Temporal(value = TemporalType.TIMESTAMP) private Date archiveTime; public static final int ARCHIVE_NOTE_MAX_LENGTH = 1000; @Column(length = ARCHIVE_NOTE_MAX_LENGTH) private String archiveNote; private String deaccessionLink; private boolean inReview; public void setInReview(boolean inReview){ this.inReview = inReview; } /** * The only time a dataset can be in review is when it is in draft. */ public boolean isInReview() { if (versionState != null && versionState.equals(VersionState.DRAFT)) { return inReview; } else { return false; } } /** * Quick hack to disable <script> tags * for Terms of Use and Terms of Access. * * Need to add jsoup or something similar. * * @param str * @return */ private String stripScriptTags(String str){ if (str == null){ return null; } str = str.replaceAll("(?i)<script\\b[^<]*(?:(?!<\\/script>)<[^<]*)*<\\/script>", ""); str = str.replaceAll("(?i)<\\/script>", ""); str = str.replaceAll("(?i)<script\\b", ""); return str; } public Date getArchiveTime() { return archiveTime; } public void setArchiveTime(Date archiveTime) { this.archiveTime = archiveTime; } public String getArchiveNote() { return archiveNote; } public void setArchiveNote(String note) { // @todo should this be using bean validation for trsting note length? if (note != null && note.length() > ARCHIVE_NOTE_MAX_LENGTH) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error setting archiveNote: String length is greater than maximum (" + ARCHIVE_NOTE_MAX_LENGTH + ")." + " StudyVersion id=" + id + ", archiveNote=" + note); } this.archiveNote = note; } public String getDeaccessionLink() { return deaccessionLink; } public void setDeaccessionLink(String deaccessionLink) { this.deaccessionLink = deaccessionLink; } public GlobalId getDeaccessionLinkAsGlobalId() { return new GlobalId(deaccessionLink); } public Date getCreateTime() { return createTime; } public void setCreateTime(Date createTime) { this.createTime = createTime; } public Date getLastUpdateTime() { return lastUpdateTime; } public void setLastUpdateTime(Date lastUpdateTime) { if (createTime == null) { createTime = lastUpdateTime; } this.lastUpdateTime = lastUpdateTime; } public String getVersionDate() { if (this.lastUpdateTime == null){ return null; } return new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM d, yyyy").format(lastUpdateTime); } public String getVersionYear() { return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy").format(lastUpdateTime); } public Date getReleaseTime() { return releaseTime; } public void setReleaseTime(Date releaseTime) { this.releaseTime = releaseTime; } @OneToMany(mappedBy="datasetVersion", cascade={CascadeType.REMOVE, CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.PERSIST}) private List<DatasetVersionUser> datasetVersionUsers; public List<DatasetVersionUser> getDatasetVersionUsers() { return datasetVersionUsers; } public void setUserDatasets(List<DatasetVersionUser> datasetVersionUsers) { this.datasetVersionUsers = datasetVersionUsers; } public List<String> getVersionContributorIdentifiers() { if (this.getDatasetVersionUsers() == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<String> ret = new LinkedList<>(); for (DatasetVersionUser contributor : this.getDatasetVersionUsers()) { ret.add(contributor.getAuthenticatedUser().getIdentifier()); } return ret; } @Transient private String contributorNames; public String getContributorNames() { return contributorNames; } public void setContributorNames(String contributorNames) { this.contributorNames = contributorNames; } public String getVersionNote() { return versionNote; } public DatasetVersionDifference getDefaultVersionDifference() { // if version is deaccessioned ignore it for differences purposes int index = 0; int size = this.getDataset().getVersions().size(); if (this.isDeaccessioned()) { return null; } for (DatasetVersion dsv : this.getDataset().getVersions()) { if (this.equals(dsv)) { if ((index + 1) <= (size - 1)) { for (DatasetVersion dvTest : this.getDataset().getVersions().subList(index + 1, size)) { if (!dvTest.isDeaccessioned()) { DatasetVersionDifference dvd = new DatasetVersionDifference(this, dvTest); return dvd; } } } } index++; } return null; } public VersionState getPriorVersionState() { int index = 0; int size = this.getDataset().getVersions().size(); if (this.isDeaccessioned()) { return null; } for (DatasetVersion dsv : this.getDataset().getVersions()) { if (this.equals(dsv)) { if ((index + 1) <= (size - 1)) { for (DatasetVersion dvTest : this.getDataset().getVersions().subList(index + 1, size)) { return dvTest.getVersionState(); } } } index++; } return null; } public void setVersionNote(String note) { if (note != null && note.length() > VERSION_NOTE_MAX_LENGTH) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error setting versionNote: String length is greater than maximum (" + VERSION_NOTE_MAX_LENGTH + ")." + " StudyVersion id=" + id + ", versionNote=" + note); } this.versionNote = note; } public Long getVersionNumber() { return versionNumber; } public void setVersionNumber(Long versionNumber) { this.versionNumber = versionNumber; } public Long getMinorVersionNumber() { return minorVersionNumber; } public void setMinorVersionNumber(Long minorVersionNumber) { this.minorVersionNumber = minorVersionNumber; } public String getFriendlyVersionNumber(){ if (this.isDraft()) { return "DRAFT"; } else { return versionNumber.toString() + "." + minorVersionNumber.toString(); } } public VersionState getVersionState() { return versionState; } public void setVersionState(VersionState versionState) { this.versionState = versionState; } public boolean isReleased() { return versionState.equals(VersionState.RELEASED); } public boolean isDraft() { return versionState.equals(VersionState.DRAFT); } public boolean isWorkingCopy() { return versionState.equals(VersionState.DRAFT); } public boolean isArchived() { return versionState.equals(VersionState.ARCHIVED); } public boolean isDeaccessioned() { return versionState.equals(VersionState.DEACCESSIONED); } public boolean isRetiredCopy() { return (versionState.equals(VersionState.ARCHIVED) || versionState.equals(VersionState.DEACCESSIONED)); } public boolean isMinorUpdate() { if (this.dataset.getLatestVersion().isWorkingCopy()) { if (this.dataset.getVersions().size() > 1 && this.dataset.getVersions().get(1) != null) { if (this.dataset.getVersions().get(1).isDeaccessioned()) { return false; } } } if (this.getDataset().getReleasedVersion() != null) { if (this.getFileMetadatas().size() != this.getDataset().getReleasedVersion().getFileMetadatas().size()){ return false; } else { List <DataFile> current = new ArrayList(); List <DataFile> previous = new ArrayList(); for (FileMetadata fmdc : this.getFileMetadatas()){ current.add(fmdc.getDataFile()); } for (FileMetadata fmdc : this.getDataset().getReleasedVersion().getFileMetadatas()){ previous.add(fmdc.getDataFile()); } for (DataFile fmd: current){ previous.remove(fmd); } return previous.isEmpty(); } } return true; } public void updateDefaultValuesFromTemplate(Template template) { if (!template.getDatasetFields().isEmpty()) { this.setDatasetFields(this.copyDatasetFields(template.getDatasetFields())); } if (template.getTermsOfUseAndAccess() != null) { TermsOfUseAndAccess terms = template.getTermsOfUseAndAccess().copyTermsOfUseAndAccess(); terms.setDatasetVersion(this); this.setTermsOfUseAndAccess(terms); } else { TermsOfUseAndAccess terms = new TermsOfUseAndAccess(); terms.setDatasetVersion(this); terms.setLicense(TermsOfUseAndAccess.License.CC0); terms.setDatasetVersion(this); this.setTermsOfUseAndAccess(terms); } } public void initDefaultValues() { //first clear then initialize - in case values were present // from template or user entry this.setDatasetFields(new ArrayList()); this.setDatasetFields(this.initDatasetFields()); TermsOfUseAndAccess terms = new TermsOfUseAndAccess(); terms.setDatasetVersion(this); terms.setLicense(TermsOfUseAndAccess.License.CC0); this.setTermsOfUseAndAccess(terms); } public DatasetVersion getMostRecentlyReleasedVersion() { if (this.isReleased()) { return this; } else { if (this.getDataset().isReleased()) { for (DatasetVersion testVersion : this.dataset.getVersions()) { if (testVersion.isReleased()) { return testVersion; } } } } return null; } public DatasetVersion getLargestMinorRelease() { if (this.getDataset().isReleased()) { for (DatasetVersion testVersion : this.dataset.getVersions()) { if (testVersion.getVersionNumber() != null && testVersion.getVersionNumber().equals(this.getVersionNumber())) { return testVersion; } } } return this; } public Dataset getDataset() { return dataset; } public void setDataset(Dataset dataset) { this.dataset = dataset; } @Override public int hashCode() { int hash = 0; hash += (id != null ? id.hashCode() : 0); return hash; } @Override public boolean equals(Object object) { // TODO: Warning - this method won't work in the case the id fields are not set if (!(object instanceof DatasetVersion)) { return false; } DatasetVersion other = (DatasetVersion) object; if (( == null && != null) || ( != null && ! { return false; } return true; } @Override public String toString() { return "[DatasetVersion id:" + getId() + "]"; } public boolean isLatestVersion() { return this.equals(this.getDataset().getLatestVersion()); } public String getTitle() { String retVal = ""; for (DatasetField dsfv : this.getDatasetFields()) { if (dsfv.getDatasetFieldType().getName().equals(DatasetFieldConstant.title)) { retVal = dsfv.getDisplayValue(); } } return retVal; } public String getProductionDate() { //todo get "Production Date" from datasetfieldvalue table return "Production Date"; } public String getDescription() { for (DatasetField dsf : this.getDatasetFields()) { if (dsf.getDatasetFieldType().getName().equals(DatasetFieldConstant.description)) { String descriptionString = ""; if (dsf.getDatasetFieldCompoundValues() != null && dsf.getDatasetFieldCompoundValues().get(0) != null) { DatasetFieldCompoundValue descriptionValue = dsf.getDatasetFieldCompoundValues().get(0); for (DatasetField subField : descriptionValue.getChildDatasetFields()) { if (subField.getDatasetFieldType().getName().equals(DatasetFieldConstant.descriptionText) && !subField.isEmptyForDisplay()) { descriptionString = subField.getValue(); } } } return MarkupChecker.sanitizeBasicHTML(descriptionString); } } return ""; } public List<String[]> getDatasetContacts(){ List <String[]> retList = new ArrayList<>(); for (DatasetField dsf : this.getDatasetFields()) { Boolean addContributor = true; String contributorName = ""; String contributorAffiliation = ""; if (dsf.getDatasetFieldType().getName().equals(DatasetFieldConstant.datasetContact)) { for (DatasetFieldCompoundValue authorValue : dsf.getDatasetFieldCompoundValues()) { for (DatasetField subField : authorValue.getChildDatasetFields()) { if (subField.getDatasetFieldType().getName().equals(DatasetFieldConstant.datasetContactName)) { if (subField.isEmptyForDisplay()) { addContributor = false; } contributorName = subField.getDisplayValue(); } if (subField.getDatasetFieldType().getName().equals(DatasetFieldConstant.datasetContactAffiliation)) { contributorAffiliation = subField.getDisplayValue(); } } if (addContributor) { String[] datasetContributor = new String[] {contributorName, contributorAffiliation}; retList.add(datasetContributor); } } } } return retList; } public List<String[]> getDatasetProducers(){ List <String[]> retList = new ArrayList<>(); for (DatasetField dsf : this.getDatasetFields()) { Boolean addContributor = true; String contributorName = ""; String contributorAffiliation = ""; if (dsf.getDatasetFieldType().getName().equals(DatasetFieldConstant.producer)) { for (DatasetFieldCompoundValue authorValue : dsf.getDatasetFieldCompoundValues()) { for (DatasetField subField : authorValue.getChildDatasetFields()) { if (subField.getDatasetFieldType().getName().equals(DatasetFieldConstant.producerName)) { if (subField.isEmptyForDisplay()) { addContributor = false; } contributorName = subField.getDisplayValue(); } if (subField.getDatasetFieldType().getName().equals(DatasetFieldConstant.producerAffiliation)) { contributorAffiliation = subField.getDisplayValue(); } } if (addContributor) { String[] datasetContributor = new String[] {contributorName, contributorAffiliation}; retList.add(datasetContributor); } } } } return retList; } public List<DatasetAuthor> getDatasetAuthors() { //todo get "List of Authors" from datasetfieldvalue table List <DatasetAuthor> retList = new ArrayList<>(); for (DatasetField dsf : this.getDatasetFields()) { Boolean addAuthor = true; if (dsf.getDatasetFieldType().getName().equals( { for (DatasetFieldCompoundValue authorValue : dsf.getDatasetFieldCompoundValues()) { DatasetAuthor datasetAuthor = new DatasetAuthor(); for (DatasetField subField : authorValue.getChildDatasetFields()) { if (subField.getDatasetFieldType().getName().equals(DatasetFieldConstant.authorName)) { if (subField.isEmptyForDisplay()) { addAuthor = false; } datasetAuthor.setName(subField); } if (subField.getDatasetFieldType().getName().equals(DatasetFieldConstant.authorAffiliation)) { datasetAuthor.setAffiliation(subField); } if (subField.getDatasetFieldType().getName().equals(DatasetFieldConstant.authorIdType)){ datasetAuthor.setIdType(subField.getDisplayValue()); } if (subField.getDatasetFieldType().getName().equals(DatasetFieldConstant.authorIdValue)){ datasetAuthor.setIdValue(subField.getDisplayValue()); } } if (addAuthor) { retList.add(datasetAuthor); } } } } return retList; } public String getDatasetProducersString(){ String retVal = ""; for (DatasetField dsf : this.getDatasetFields()) { if (dsf.getDatasetFieldType().getName().equals(DatasetFieldConstant.producer)) { for (DatasetFieldCompoundValue authorValue : dsf.getDatasetFieldCompoundValues()) { for (DatasetField subField : authorValue.getChildDatasetFields()) { if (subField.getDatasetFieldType().getName().equals(DatasetFieldConstant.producerName)) { if (retVal.isEmpty()){ retVal = subField.getDisplayValue(); } else { retVal += ", " + subField.getDisplayValue(); } } } } } } return retVal; } public void setDatasetAuthors(List<DatasetAuthor> authors) { // FIXME add the authores to the relevant fields } public String getCitation() { return getCitation(false); } public String getCitation(boolean html) { return new DataCitation(this).toString(html); } public Date getCitationDate() { DatasetField citationDate = getDatasetField(this.getDataset().getCitationDateDatasetFieldType()); if (citationDate != null && citationDate.getDatasetFieldType().getFieldType().equals(FieldType.DATE)){ try { return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy").parse( citationDate.getValue() ); } catch (ParseException ex) { Logger.getLogger(DatasetVersion.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return null; } public DatasetField getDatasetField(DatasetFieldType dsfType) { if (dsfType != null) { for (DatasetField dsf : this.getFlatDatasetFields()) { if (dsf.getDatasetFieldType().equals(dsfType)) { return dsf; } } } return null; } public String getDistributionDate() { //todo get dist date from datasetfieldvalue table for (DatasetField dsf : this.getDatasetFields()) { if (DatasetFieldConstant.distributionDate.equals(dsf.getDatasetFieldType().getName())) { String date = dsf.getValue(); return date; } } return null; } public String getDistributorName() { for (DatasetField dsf : this.getFlatDatasetFields()) { if (DatasetFieldConstant.distributorName.equals(dsf.getDatasetFieldType().getName())) { return dsf.getValue(); } } return null; } public String getRootDataverseNameforCitation(){ //Get root dataverse name for Citation Dataverse root = this.getDataset().getOwner(); while (root.getOwner() != null) { root = root.getOwner(); } String rootDataverseName = root.getName(); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(rootDataverseName)) { return rootDataverseName + " Dataverse"; } else { return ""; } } public List<DatasetDistributor> getDatasetDistributors() { //todo get distributors from DatasetfieldValues return new ArrayList(); } public void setDatasetDistributors(List<DatasetDistributor> distributors) { //todo implement } public String getDistributorNames() { String str = ""; for (DatasetDistributor sd : this.getDatasetDistributors()) { if (str.trim().length() > 1) { str += ";"; } str += sd.getName(); } return str; } public String getAuthorsStr() { return getAuthorsStr(true); } public String getAuthorsStr(boolean affiliation) { String str = ""; for (DatasetAuthor sa : getDatasetAuthors()) { if (sa.getName() == null) { break; } if (str.trim().length() > 1) { str += "; "; } str += sa.getName().getValue(); if (affiliation) { if (sa.getAffiliation() != null) { if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(sa.getAffiliation().getValue())) { str += " (" + sa.getAffiliation().getValue() + ")"; } } } } return str; } // TODO: clean up init methods and get them to work, cascading all the way down. // right now, only work for one level of compound objects private DatasetField initDatasetField(DatasetField dsf) { if (dsf.getDatasetFieldType().isCompound()) { for (DatasetFieldCompoundValue cv : dsf.getDatasetFieldCompoundValues()) { // for each compound value; check the datasetfieldTypes associated with its type for (DatasetFieldType dsfType : dsf.getDatasetFieldType().getChildDatasetFieldTypes()) { boolean add = true; for (DatasetField subfield : cv.getChildDatasetFields()) { if (dsfType.equals(subfield.getDatasetFieldType())) { add = false; break; } } if (add) { cv.getChildDatasetFields().add(DatasetField.createNewEmptyChildDatasetField(dsfType, cv)); } } } } return dsf; } public List<DatasetField> initDatasetFields() { //retList - Return List of values List<DatasetField> retList = new ArrayList(); //Running into null on create new dataset if (this.getDatasetFields() != null) { for (DatasetField dsf : this.getDatasetFields()) { retList.add(initDatasetField(dsf)); } } //Test to see that there are values for // all fields in this dataset via metadata blocks //only add if not added above for (MetadataBlock mdb : this.getDataset().getOwner().getMetadataBlocks()) { for (DatasetFieldType dsfType : mdb.getDatasetFieldTypes()) { if (!dsfType.isSubField()) { boolean add = true; //don't add if already added as a val for (DatasetField dsf : retList) { if (dsfType.equals(dsf.getDatasetFieldType())) { add = false; break; } } if (add) { retList.add(DatasetField.createNewEmptyDatasetField(dsfType, this)); } } } } //sort via display order on dataset field Collections.sort(retList, DatasetField.DisplayOrder); return retList; } /** * For the current server, create link back to this Dataset * * example: * * * @param serverName * @param dset * @return */ public String getReturnToDatasetURL(String serverName, Dataset dset) { if (serverName == null) { return null; } if (dset == null) { dset = this.getDataset(); if (dset == null) { // currently postgres allows this, see return null; } } return serverName + "/dataset.xhtml?id=" + dset.getId() + "&versionId" + this.getId(); } ; public List<DatasetField> copyDatasetFields(List<DatasetField> copyFromList) { List<DatasetField> retList = new ArrayList(); for (DatasetField sourceDsf : copyFromList) { //the copy needs to have the current version retList.add(sourceDsf.copy(this)); } return retList; } public List<DatasetField> getFlatDatasetFields() { return getFlatDatasetFields(getDatasetFields()); } private List<DatasetField> getFlatDatasetFields(List<DatasetField> dsfList) { List<DatasetField> retList = new LinkedList(); for (DatasetField dsf : dsfList) { retList.add(dsf); if (dsf.getDatasetFieldType().isCompound()) { for (DatasetFieldCompoundValue compoundValue : dsf.getDatasetFieldCompoundValues()) { retList.addAll(getFlatDatasetFields(compoundValue.getChildDatasetFields())); } } } return retList; } public String getSemanticVersion() { /** * Not prepending a "v" like "v1.1" or "v2.0" because while SemVerTag * was in but later removed in * * * See also to v or not to v · Issue #1 · mojombo/semver - * */ if (this.isReleased()) { return versionNumber + "." + minorVersionNumber; } else if (this.isDraft()){ return VersionState.DRAFT.toString(); } else if (this.isDeaccessioned()){ return versionNumber + "." + minorVersionNumber; } else{ return versionNumber + "." + minorVersionNumber; } // return; // } else { // return "-unkwn semantic version-"; // } } public List<ConstraintViolation> validateRequired() { List<ConstraintViolation> returnListreturnList = new ArrayList(); ValidatorFactory factory = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory(); Validator validator = factory.getValidator(); for (DatasetField dsf : this.getFlatDatasetFields()) { dsf.setValidationMessage(null); // clear out any existing validation message Set<ConstraintViolation<DatasetField>> constraintViolations = validator.validate(dsf); for (ConstraintViolation<DatasetField> constraintViolation : constraintViolations) { dsf.setValidationMessage(constraintViolation.getMessage()); returnListreturnList.add(constraintViolation); break; // currently only support one message, so we can break out of the loop after the first constraint violation } } return returnListreturnList; } public Set<ConstraintViolation> validate() { Set<ConstraintViolation> returnSet = new HashSet(); ValidatorFactory factory = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory(); Validator validator = factory.getValidator(); for (DatasetField dsf : this.getFlatDatasetFields()) { dsf.setValidationMessage(null); // clear out any existing validation message Set<ConstraintViolation<DatasetField>> constraintViolations = validator.validate(dsf); for (ConstraintViolation<DatasetField> constraintViolation : constraintViolations) { dsf.setValidationMessage(constraintViolation.getMessage()); returnSet.add(constraintViolation); break; // currently only support one message, so we can break out of the loop after the first constraint violation } for (DatasetFieldValue dsfv : dsf.getDatasetFieldValues()) { dsfv.setValidationMessage(null); // clear out any existing validation message Set<ConstraintViolation<DatasetFieldValue>> constraintViolations2 = validator.validate(dsfv); for (ConstraintViolation<DatasetFieldValue> constraintViolation : constraintViolations2) { dsfv.setValidationMessage(constraintViolation.getMessage()); returnSet.add(constraintViolation); break; // currently only support one message, so we can break out of the loop after the first constraint violation } } } List<FileMetadata> dsvfileMetadatas = this.getFileMetadatas(); if (dsvfileMetadatas != null) { for (FileMetadata fileMetadata : dsvfileMetadatas) { Set<ConstraintViolation<FileMetadata>> constraintViolations = validator.validate(fileMetadata); if (constraintViolations.size() > 0) { // currently only support one message ConstraintViolation<FileMetadata> violation = constraintViolations.iterator().next(); /** * @todo How can we expose this more detailed message * containing the invalid value to the user? */ String message = "Constraint violation found in FileMetadata. " + violation.getMessage() + " " + "The invalid value is \"" + violation.getInvalidValue().toString() + "\".";; returnSet.add(violation); break; // currently only support one message, so we can break out of the loop after the first constraint violation } } } return returnSet; } }