package; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.ejb.EJB; import org.swordapp.server.SwordConfiguration; public class SwordConfigurationImpl implements SwordConfiguration { @EJB SystemConfig systemConfig; private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SwordConfigurationImpl.class.getCanonicalName()); public String getBaseUrlPathCurrent() { // see also url-pattern in web.xml return getBaseUrlPathV1dot1(); } List<String> getBaseUrlPathsValid() { return Arrays.asList(getBaseUrlPathV1(), getBaseUrlPathV1dot1()); } List<String> getBaseUrlPathsDeprecated() { return Arrays.asList(getBaseUrlPathV1()); } String getBaseUrlPathV1() { return "/dvn/api/data-deposit/v1/swordv2"; } String getBaseUrlPathV1dot1() { return "/dvn/api/data-deposit/v1.1/swordv2"; } @Override public boolean returnDepositReceipt() { return true; } @Override public boolean returnStackTraceInError() { /** * @todo make this a JVM option Or better - a SettingsServiceBean option * * Do this at the same time as SWORD: implement equivalent of * dvn.dataDeposit.maxUploadInBytes * */ return false; } @Override public boolean returnErrorBody() { return true; } @Override public String generator() { return ""; } @Override public String generatorVersion() { return "2.0"; } @Override public String administratorEmail() { return null; } @Override public String getAuthType() { // using "Basic" here to match what's in SwordAPIEndpoint return "Basic"; } @Override public boolean storeAndCheckBinary() { return true; } @Override public String getTempDirectory() { String tmpFileDir = System.getProperty(SystemConfig.FILES_DIRECTORY); if (tmpFileDir != null) { String swordDirString = tmpFileDir + File.separator + "sword"; File swordDirFile = new File(swordDirString); /** * @todo Do we really need this check? It seems like we do because * if you create a dataset via the native API and then later try to * upload a file via SWORD, the directory defined by * may not exist and we get errors deep in * the SWORD library code. Could maybe use a try catch in the doPost * method of our SWORDv2MediaResourceServlet. */ if (swordDirFile.exists()) { return swordDirString; } else { boolean mkdirSuccess = swordDirFile.mkdirs(); if (mkdirSuccess) {"Created directory " + swordDirString); return swordDirString; } else { String msgForSwordUsers = ("Could not determine or create SWORD temp directory. Check logs for details."); logger.severe(msgForSwordUsers + " Failed to create " + swordDirString); // sadly, must throw RunTimeException to communicate with SWORD user throw new RuntimeException(msgForSwordUsers); } } } else { String msgForSwordUsers = ("JVM option \"" + SystemConfig.FILES_DIRECTORY + "\" not defined. Check logs for details."); logger.severe(msgForSwordUsers); // sadly, must throw RunTimeException to communicate with SWORD user throw new RuntimeException(msgForSwordUsers); } } @Override public int getMaxUploadSize() { int unlimited = -1; Long maxUploadInBytes = systemConfig.getMaxFileUploadSize(); if (maxUploadInBytes == null){ // (a) No setting, return unlimited return unlimited; }else if (maxUploadInBytes > Integer.MAX_VALUE){ // (b) setting returns the limit of int, return max int value (BUG) return Integer.MAX_VALUE; }else{ // (c) Return the setting as an int return maxUploadInBytes.intValue(); } } @Override public String getAlternateUrl() { return null; } @Override public String getAlternateUrlContentType() { return null; } @Override public boolean allowUnauthenticatedMediaAccess() { return false; } }