/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package edu.harvard.iq.dataverse; import java.util.Comparator; /** * * @author skraffmiller */ public class DatasetAuthor { public static Comparator<DatasetAuthor> DisplayOrder = new Comparator<DatasetAuthor>(){ @Override public int compare(DatasetAuthor o1, DatasetAuthor o2) { return o1.getDisplayOrder()-o2.getDisplayOrder(); } }; private DatasetVersion datasetVersion; public DatasetVersion getDatasetVersion() { return datasetVersion; } public void setDatasetVersion(DatasetVersion metadata) { this.datasetVersion = metadata; } //@NotBlank(message = "Please enter an Author Name for your dataset.") private DatasetField name; public DatasetField getName() { return this.name; } public void setName(DatasetField name) { this.name = name; } private int displayOrder; public int getDisplayOrder() { return this.displayOrder; } public void setDisplayOrder(int displayOrder) { this.displayOrder = displayOrder; } private DatasetField affiliation; public DatasetField getAffiliation() { return this.affiliation; } public void setAffiliation(DatasetField affiliation) { this.affiliation = affiliation; } private String idType; public String getIdType() { if ((this.idType == null || this.idType.isEmpty()) && (this.idValue != null && !this.idValue.isEmpty())){ return ("ORCID"); } else { return idType; } } public void setIdType(String idType) { this.idType = idType; } private String idValue; public String getIdValue() { return idValue; } public void setIdValue(String idValue) { this.idValue = idValue; } public boolean isEmpty() { return ( (affiliation==null || affiliation.getValue().trim().equals("")) && (name==null || name.getValue().trim().equals("")) ); } }