package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.ejb.EJB; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.inject.Named; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.NoResultException; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; /** * Provides CRUD tools to efficiently manage IP groups in a Java EE container. * * @author michael */ @Named @Stateless public class IpGroupsServiceBean { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(IpGroupsServiceBean.class.getName()); @PersistenceContext(unitName = "VDCNet-ejbPU") protected EntityManager em; @EJB ActionLogServiceBean actionLogSvc; @EJB RoleAssigneeServiceBean roleAssigneeSvc; /** * Stores (inserts/updates) the passed IP group. * @param grp The group to store. * @return Managed version of the group. The provider might be un-set. */ public IpGroup store( IpGroup grp ) { ActionLogRecord alr = new ActionLogRecord(ActionLogRecord.ActionType.GlobalGroups, "ipCreate"); if ( grp.getGroupProvider() != null ) { alr.setInfo( grp.getIdentifier()); } else { alr.setInfo( grp.getDisplayName() ); } alr.setInfo( alr.getInfo() + "// " + grp.getRanges() ); if ( grp.getId() == null ) { if ( grp.getPersistedGroupAlias() != null ) { IpGroup existing = getByGroupName( grp.getPersistedGroupAlias() ); if ( existing == null ) { // new group em.persist( grp ); actionLogSvc.log( alr ); return grp; } else { existing.setDescription(grp.getDescription()); existing.setDisplayName(grp.getDisplayName()); existing.setIpv4Ranges(grp.getIpv4Ranges()); existing.setIpv6Ranges(grp.getIpv6Ranges()); actionLogSvc.log( alr.setActionSubType("ipUpdate") ); return existing; } } else { actionLogSvc.log( alr ); em.persist( grp ); return grp; } } else { actionLogSvc.log( alr.setActionSubType("ipUpdate") ); return em.merge(grp); } } public IpGroup get( long id ) { return em.find( IpGroup.class, id); } public IpGroup getByGroupName( String alias ) { try { return em.createNamedQuery("IpGroup.findByPersistedGroupAlias", IpGroup.class) .setParameter("persistedGroupAlias", alias) .getSingleResult(); } catch ( NoResultException nre ) { return null; } } public List<IpGroup> findAll() { return em.createNamedQuery("IpGroup.findAll").getResultList(); } public Set<IpGroup> findAllIncludingIp( IpAddress ipa ) { if ( ipa instanceof IPv4Address ) { IPv4Address ip4 = (IPv4Address) ipa; List<IpGroup> groupList = em.createNamedQuery("IPv4Range.findGroupsContainingAddressAsLong", IpGroup.class) .setParameter("addressAsLong", ip4.toBigInteger()).getResultList(); return new HashSet<>(groupList); } else if ( ipa instanceof IPv6Address ) { IPv6Address ip6 = (IPv6Address) ipa; long[] ip6arr = ip6.toLongArray(); List<IpGroup> groupList = em.createNamedQuery("IPv6Range.findGroupsContainingABCD", IpGroup.class) .setParameter("a", ip6arr[0]) .setParameter("b", ip6arr[1]) .setParameter("c", ip6arr[2]) .setParameter("d", ip6arr[3]) .getResultList(); return new HashSet<>(groupList); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unknown IpAddress type: " + ipa.getClass() + " (for IpAddress:" + ipa + ")" ); } } /** * Deletes the group - if it has no assignments. * @param grp the group to be deleted * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the group has assignments * @see RoleAssigneeServiceBean#getAssignmentsFor(java.lang.String) */ public void deleteGroup( IpGroup grp ) { ActionLogRecord alr = new ActionLogRecord(ActionLogRecord.ActionType.GlobalGroups, "ipDelete"); alr.setInfo( grp.getIdentifier() ); if ( roleAssigneeSvc.getAssignmentsFor(grp.getIdentifier()).isEmpty() ) { em.remove( grp ); actionLogSvc.log(alr); } else { String failReason = "Group " + grp.getAlias() + " has assignments and thus can't be deleted."; alr.setActionResult(ActionLogRecord.Result.BadRequest); alr.setInfo( alr.getInfo() + "// " + failReason); actionLogSvc.log(alr); throw new IllegalArgumentException(failReason); } } }