package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.json.Json; import javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder; import javax.json.JsonObject; import javax.json.JsonObjectBuilder; import static; import java.math.BigDecimal; import javax.json.JsonValue; public class SolrSearchResult { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SolrSearchResult.class.getCanonicalName()); private String id; private Long entityId; private DvObject entity; private String identifier; private String type; private String htmlUrl; private String persistentUrl; private String downloadUrl; private String apiUrl; private String imageUrl; private boolean displayImage; private String query; private String name; private String nameSort; private String status; private Date releaseOrCreateDate; private String dateToDisplayOnCard; private List<String> publicationStatuses = new ArrayList<>(); /** * @todo: how important is it to differentiate between name and title? */ private String title; private String descriptionNoSnippet; private List<String> datasetAuthors = new ArrayList<>(); private String deaccessionReason; private List<Highlight> highlightsAsList = new ArrayList<>(); private Map<SolrField, Highlight> highlightsMap; private Map<String, Highlight> highlightsAsMap; // parent can be dataverse or dataset, store the name and id /** * The "identifier" of a file's parent (a dataset) is a globalId (often a * doi). */ public static String PARENT_IDENTIFIER = "identifier"; private Map<String, String> parent; private String dataverseAffiliation; private String citation; private String citationHtml; /** * Files and datasets might have a UNF. Dataverses don't. */ private String unf; private String filetype; private String fileContentType; private Long fileSizeInBytes; /** * fileMD5 is here for legacy and backward-compatibility reasons. It might be deprecated some day in favor of "fileChecksumType" and "fileChecksumValue" */ private String fileMd5; private DataFile.ChecksumType fileChecksumType; private String fileChecksumValue; private String dataverseAlias; private String dataverseParentAlias; // private boolean statePublished; /** * @todo Investigate/remove this "unpublishedState" variable. For files that * have been published along with a dataset it says "true", which makes no * sense. */ private boolean publishedState = false; private boolean unpublishedState = false; private boolean draftState = false; private boolean inReviewState = false; private boolean deaccessionedState = false; private long datasetVersionId; private String versionNumberFriendly; //Determine if the search result is owned by any of the dvs in the tree of the DV displayed private boolean isInTree; private float score; private List<String> userRole; private boolean harvested = false; private String dvTree; private String harvestingDescription = null; private List<String> fileCategories = null; private List<String> tabularDataTags = null; public String getDvTree() { return dvTree; } public void setDvTree(String dvTree) { this.dvTree = dvTree; } public boolean isIsInTree() { return isInTree; } public void setIsInTree(boolean isInTree) { this.isInTree = isInTree; } public boolean isHarvested() { return harvested; } public void setHarvested(boolean harvested) { this.harvested = harvested; } public String getHarvestingDescription() { //if (this.isHarvested()) { return harvestingDescription; //} //return null; } public void setHarvestingDescription(String harvestingDescription) { this.harvestingDescription = harvestingDescription; } // public boolean isStatePublished() { // return statePublished; // } // public void setStatePublished(boolean statePublished) { // this.statePublished = statePublished; // } public boolean isPublishedState() { return publishedState; } public void setPublishedState(boolean publishedState) { this.publishedState = publishedState; } public boolean isUnpublishedState() { return unpublishedState; } public void setUnpublishedState(boolean unpublishedState) { this.unpublishedState = unpublishedState; } public void setPublicationStatuses(List<String> statuses) { if (statuses == null) { this.publicationStatuses = new ArrayList<>(); return; } this.publicationStatuses = statuses; // set booleans for individual statuses // for (String status : this.publicationStatuses) { if (status.equals(IndexServiceBean.getUNPUBLISHED_STRING())) { this.setUnpublishedState(true); } else if (status.equals(IndexServiceBean.getPUBLISHED_STRING())) { this.setPublishedState(true); } else if (status.equals(IndexServiceBean.getDRAFT_STRING())) { this.setDraftState(true); } else if (status.equals(IndexServiceBean.getIN_REVIEW_STRING())) { this.setInReviewState(true); } else if (status.equals(IndexServiceBean.getDEACCESSIONED_STRING())) { this.setDeaccessionedState(true); } } } // setPublicationStatuses /** * Never return null, return an empty list instead * * @return */ public List<String> getPublicationStatuses() { if (this.publicationStatuses == null) { this.publicationStatuses = new ArrayList<>(); } return this.publicationStatuses; } public JsonArrayBuilder getPublicationStatusesAsJSON() { JsonArrayBuilder statuses = Json.createArrayBuilder(); for (String status : this.getPublicationStatuses()) { statuses.add(status); } return statuses; } public boolean isDraftState() { return draftState; } public void setDraftState(boolean draftState) { this.draftState = draftState; } public boolean isInReviewState() { return inReviewState; } public void setInReviewState(boolean inReviewState) { this.inReviewState = inReviewState; } public boolean isDeaccessionedState() { return deaccessionedState; } public void setDeaccessionedState(boolean deaccessionedState) { this.deaccessionedState = deaccessionedState; } /** * @todo: used? remove */ private List<String> matchedFields; /** * @todo: remove name? */ SolrSearchResult(String queryFromUser, String name) { this.query = queryFromUser; // = name; } public Map<String, Highlight> getHighlightsAsMap() { return highlightsAsMap; } public void setHighlightsAsMap(Map<String, Highlight> highlightsAsMap) { this.highlightsAsMap = highlightsAsMap; } public String getNameHighlightSnippet() { Highlight highlight = highlightsAsMap.get(SearchFields.NAME); if (highlight != null) { String firstSnippet = highlight.getSnippets().get(0); if (firstSnippet != null) { return firstSnippet; } } return null; } public String getDataverseAffiliationHighlightSnippet() { Highlight highlight = highlightsAsMap.get(SearchFields.AFFILIATION); if (highlight != null) { String firstSnippet = highlight.getSnippets().get(0); if (firstSnippet != null) { return firstSnippet; } } return null; } public String getFileTypeHighlightSnippet() { Highlight highlight = highlightsAsMap.get(SearchFields.FILE_TYPE_FRIENDLY); if (highlight != null) { String firstSnippet = highlight.getSnippets().get(0); if (firstSnippet != null) { return firstSnippet; } } return null; } public String getTitleHighlightSnippet() { /** * @todo: don't hard-code title, look it up properly... or start * indexing titles as names: * */ Highlight highlight = highlightsAsMap.get("title"); if (highlight != null) { String firstSnippet = highlight.getSnippets().get(0); if (firstSnippet != null) { return firstSnippet; } } return null; } public List<String> getDescriptionSnippets() { for (Map.Entry<SolrField, Highlight> entry : highlightsMap.entrySet()) { SolrField solrField = entry.getKey(); Highlight highlight = entry.getValue(); logger.fine("SolrSearchResult class: " + solrField.getNameSearchable() + ":" + highlight.getSnippets()); } Highlight highlight = highlightsAsMap.get(SearchFields.DESCRIPTION); if (type.equals("datasets")) { highlight = highlightsAsMap.get(SearchFields.DATASET_DESCRIPTION); } if (highlight != null) { return highlight.getSnippets(); } else { return new ArrayList<>(); } } public Map<SolrField, Highlight> getHighlightsMap() { return highlightsMap; } public void setHighlightsMap(Map<SolrField, Highlight> highlightsMap) { this.highlightsMap = highlightsMap; } public List<String> getMatchedFields() { return matchedFields; } public void setMatchedFields(List<String> matchedFields) { this.matchedFields = matchedFields; } @Override public String toString() { if ( != null) { return + ":" + + ":" + this.entityId; } else { return + ":" + this.title + ":" + this.entityId; } } public JsonArrayBuilder getRelevance() { JsonArrayBuilder matchedFieldsArray = Json.createArrayBuilder(); JsonObjectBuilder matchedFieldObject = Json.createObjectBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<SolrField, Highlight> entry : highlightsMap.entrySet()) { SolrField solrField = entry.getKey(); Highlight snippets = entry.getValue(); JsonArrayBuilder snippetArrayBuilder = Json.createArrayBuilder(); JsonObjectBuilder matchedFieldDetails = Json.createObjectBuilder(); for (String highlight : snippets.getSnippets()) { snippetArrayBuilder.add(highlight); } /** * @todo for the Search API, it might be nice to return offset * numbers rather than html snippets surrounded by span tags or * whatever. * * That's what the GitHub Search API does: "Requests can opt to * receive those text fragments in the response, and every fragment * is accompanied by numeric offsets identifying the exact location * of each matching search term." * * * It's not clear if getting the offset values is possible with * Solr, however: * */ matchedFieldDetails.add("snippets", snippetArrayBuilder); /** * @todo In addition to the name of the field used by Solr , it * would be nice to show the "friendly" name of the field we show in * the GUI. */ // matchedFieldDetails.add("friendly", "FIXME"); matchedFieldObject.add(solrField.getNameSearchable(), matchedFieldDetails); matchedFieldsArray.add(matchedFieldObject); } return matchedFieldsArray; } public JsonObject toJsonObject(boolean showRelevance, boolean showEntityIds, boolean showApiUrls) { return json(showRelevance, showEntityIds, showApiUrls).build(); } /** * Add additional fields for the MyData page * * @return */ public JsonObjectBuilder getJsonForMyData() { JsonObjectBuilder myDataJson = json(true, true, true);//boolean showRelevance, boolean showEntityIds, boolean showApiUrls) myDataJson.add("publication_statuses", this.getPublicationStatusesAsJSON()) .add("is_draft_state", this.isDraftState()) .add("is_in_review_state", this.isInReviewState()) .add("is_unpublished_state", this.isUnpublishedState()) .add("is_published", this.isPublishedState()) .add("is_deaccesioned", this.isDeaccessionedState()) .add("date_to_display_on_card", this.dateToDisplayOnCard); // Add is_deaccessioned attribute, even though MyData currently screens any deaccessioned info out // if ((this.isDeaccessionedState()) && (this.getPublicationStatuses().size() == 1)) { myDataJson.add("deaccesioned_is_only_pubstatus", true); } if ((this.getParent() != null) && (!this.getParent().isEmpty())) { //System.out.println("keys:" + parent.keySet().toString()); if (this.entity.isInstanceofDataFile()) { myDataJson.add("parentIdentifier", this.getParent().get(SolrSearchResult.PARENT_IDENTIFIER)) .add("parentName", this.getParent().get("name")); } else { // for Dataverse and Dataset, get parent which is a Dataverse myDataJson.add("parentId", this.getParent().get("id")) .add("parentName", this.getParent().get("name")); } } return myDataJson; } //getJsonForMydata public JsonObjectBuilder json(boolean showRelevance, boolean showEntityIds, boolean showApiUrls) { if (this.type == null) { return jsonObjectBuilder(); } String displayName = null; String identifierLabel = null; String datasetCitation = null; String preferredUrl = null; String apiUrl = null; if (this.type.equals(SearchConstants.DATAVERSES)) { displayName =; identifierLabel = "identifier"; preferredUrl = getHtmlUrl(); } else if (this.type.equals(SearchConstants.DATASETS)) { displayName = this.title; identifierLabel = "global_id"; preferredUrl = getPersistentUrl(); /** * @todo Should we show the name of the parent dataverse? */ } else if (this.type.equals(SearchConstants.FILES)) { displayName =; identifierLabel = "file_id"; preferredUrl = getDownloadUrl(); /** * @todo show more information for a file's parent, such as the * title of the dataset it belongs to. */ datasetCitation = parent.get("citation"); } //displayName = null; // testing NullSafeJsonBuilder // because we are using NullSafeJsonBuilder key/value pairs will be dropped if the value is null NullSafeJsonBuilder nullSafeJsonBuilder = jsonObjectBuilder() .add("name", displayName) .add("type", getDisplayType(getType())) .add("url", preferredUrl) .add("image_url", getImageUrl()) // .add("persistent_url", this.persistentUrl) // .add("download_url", this.downloadUrl) /** * @todo How much value is there in exposing the identifier for * dataverses? For */ .add(identifierLabel, this.identifier) /** * @todo Get dataset description from dsDescriptionValue. Also, * is descriptionNoSnippet the right field to use generally? * * @todo What about the fact that datasets can now have multiple * descriptions? Should we create an array called * "additional_descriptions" that gets populated if there is * more than one dataset description? * * @todo Why aren't file descriptions ever null? They always * have an empty string at least. */ .add("description", this.descriptionNoSnippet) /** * @todo In the future we'd like to support non-public datasets * per but for now * we are only supporting non-public searches. */ .add("published_at", getDateTimePublished()) /** * @todo Expose MIME Type: * */ .add("file_type", this.filetype) .add("file_content_type", this.fileContentType) .add("size_in_bytes", getFileSizeInBytes()) /** * "md5" was the only possible value so it's hard-coded here but * we might want to deprecate it someday since we now put the * MD5 or SHA-1 in "checksum". */ .add("md5", getFileMd5()) .add("checksum", JsonPrinter.getChecksumTypeAndValue(getFileChecksumType(), getFileChecksumValue())) .add("unf", getUnf()) .add("dataset_citation", datasetCitation) .add("deaccession_reason", this.deaccessionReason) .add("citationHtml", this.citationHtml) .add("citation", this.citation); // Now that nullSafeJsonBuilder has been instatiated, check for null before adding to it! if (showRelevance) { nullSafeJsonBuilder.add("matches", getRelevance()); nullSafeJsonBuilder.add("score", getScore()); } if (showEntityIds) { if (this.entityId != null) { nullSafeJsonBuilder.add("entity_id", this.entityId); } } if (showApiUrls) { /** * @todo We should probably have a metadata_url or api_url concept * enabled by default, not hidden behind an undocumented boolean. * For datasets, this would be or * whatever (to get more detailed JSON), but right now this requires * an API token. Discuss at *"; */ if (getApiUrl() != null) { nullSafeJsonBuilder.add("api_url", getApiUrl()); } } // NullSafeJsonBuilder is awesome but can't build null safe arrays. :( if (!datasetAuthors.isEmpty()) { JsonArrayBuilder authors = Json.createArrayBuilder(); for (String datasetAuthor : datasetAuthors) { authors.add(datasetAuthor); } nullSafeJsonBuilder.add("authors", authors); } return nullSafeJsonBuilder; } private String getDateTimePublished() { String datePublished = null; if (draftState == false) { datePublished = releaseOrCreateDate == null ? null : Util.getDateTimeFormat().format(releaseOrCreateDate); } return datePublished; } public String getId() { return id; } public void setId(String id) { = id; } public Long getEntityId() { return entityId; } public void setEntityId(Long entityId) { this.entityId = entityId; } public DvObject getEntity() { return entity; } public void setEntity(DvObject entity) { this.entity = entity; } public String getIdentifier() { return identifier; } public void setIdentifier(String identifier) { this.identifier = identifier; } public String getType() { return type; } public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } public String getHtmlUrl() { return htmlUrl; } public void setHtmlUrl(String htmlUrl) { this.htmlUrl = htmlUrl; } public String getPersistentUrl() { return persistentUrl; } public void setPersistentUrl(String persistentUrl) { this.persistentUrl = persistentUrl; } public String getDownloadUrl() { return downloadUrl; } public void setDownloadUrl(String downloadUrl) { this.downloadUrl = downloadUrl; } public String getApiUrl() { return apiUrl; } public void setApiUrl(String apiUrl) { this.apiUrl = apiUrl; } public String getImageUrl() { return imageUrl; } public void setImageUrl(String imageUrl) { this.imageUrl = imageUrl; } public boolean isDisplayImage() { return displayImage; } public void setDisplayImage(boolean displayImage) { this.displayImage = displayImage; } public String getQuery() { return query; } public void setQuery(String query) { this.query = query; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String getTitle() { return title; } public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } public String getDescriptionNoSnippet() { return descriptionNoSnippet; } public void setDescriptionNoSnippet(String descriptionNoSnippet) { this.descriptionNoSnippet = descriptionNoSnippet; } public List<String> getDatasetAuthors() { return datasetAuthors; } public void setDatasetAuthors(List<String> datasetAuthors) { this.datasetAuthors = datasetAuthors; } public String getDeaccessionReason() { return deaccessionReason; } public void setDeaccessionReason(String deaccessionReason) { this.deaccessionReason = deaccessionReason; } public List<Highlight> getHighlightsAsListOrig() { return highlightsAsList; } public List<Highlight> getHighlightsAsList() { List<Highlight> filtered = new ArrayList<>(); for (Highlight highlight : highlightsAsList) { String field = highlight.getSolrField().getNameSearchable(); /** * @todo don't hard code "title" here. And should we collapse name * and title together anyway? */ if (!field.equals(SearchFields.NAME) && !field.equals(SearchFields.DESCRIPTION) && !field.equals(SearchFields.DATASET_DESCRIPTION) && !field.equals(SearchFields.AFFILIATION) && !field.equals("title")) { filtered.add(highlight); } } return filtered; } public void setHighlightsAsList(List<Highlight> highlightsAsList) { this.highlightsAsList = highlightsAsList; } public List<String> getFileCategories() { return fileCategories; } public void setFileCategories(List<String> fileCategories) { this.fileCategories = fileCategories; } public List<String> getTabularDataTags() { return tabularDataTags; } public void setTabularDataTags(List<String> tabularDataTags) { this.tabularDataTags = tabularDataTags; } public Map<String, String> getParent() { return parent; } public Long getParentIdAsLong() { if (this.getParent() == null) { return null; } if (!this.getParent().containsKey("id")) { return null; } String parentIdString = getParent().get("id"); if (parentIdString == null) { return null; } try { return Long.parseLong(parentIdString); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { return null; } } public void setParent(Map<String, String> parent) { this.parent = parent; } public String getDataverseAffiliation() { return dataverseAffiliation; } public void setDataverseAffiliation(String dataverseAffiliation) { this.dataverseAffiliation = dataverseAffiliation; } public String getCitation() { return citation; } public void setCitation(String citation) { this.citation = citation; } public String getCitationHtml() { return citationHtml; } public void setCitationHtml(String citationHtml) { this.citationHtml = citationHtml; } public String getFiletype() { return filetype; } public void setFiletype(String filetype) { this.filetype = filetype; } public String getFileContentType() { return fileContentType; } public void setFileContentType(String fileContentType) { this.fileContentType = fileContentType; } public String getUnf() { return unf; } public void setUnf(String unf) { this.unf = unf; } public Long getFileSizeInBytes() { return fileSizeInBytes; } public void setFileSizeInBytes(Long fileSizeInBytes) { this.fileSizeInBytes = fileSizeInBytes; } public String getFileMd5() { if (DataFile.ChecksumType.MD5.equals(getFileChecksumType())) { return fileMd5; } else { return null; } } public void setFileMd5(String fileMd5) { this.fileMd5 = fileMd5; } public DataFile.ChecksumType getFileChecksumType() { return fileChecksumType; } public void setFileChecksumType(DataFile.ChecksumType fileChecksumType) { this.fileChecksumType = fileChecksumType; } public String getFileChecksumValue() { return fileChecksumValue; } public void setFileChecksumValue(String fileChecksumValue) { this.fileChecksumValue = fileChecksumValue; } public String getNameSort() { return nameSort; } public void setNameSort(String nameSort) { this.nameSort = nameSort; } public String getStatus() { return status; } void setStatus(String status) { this.status = status; } public Date getReleaseOrCreateDate() { return releaseOrCreateDate; } public void setReleaseOrCreateDate(Date releaseOrCreateDate) { this.releaseOrCreateDate = releaseOrCreateDate; } public String getDateToDisplayOnCard() { return dateToDisplayOnCard; } public void setDateToDisplayOnCard(String dateToDisplayOnCard) { this.dateToDisplayOnCard = dateToDisplayOnCard; } public long getDatasetVersionId() { return datasetVersionId; } public void setDatasetVersionId(long datasetVersionId) { this.datasetVersionId = datasetVersionId; } public String getVersionNumberFriendly() { return versionNumberFriendly; } public void setVersionNumberFriendly(String versionNumberFriendly) { this.versionNumberFriendly = versionNumberFriendly; } public String getDatasetUrl() { String failSafeUrl = "/dataset.xhtml?id=" + entityId + "&versionId=" + datasetVersionId; if (identifier != null) { /** * Unfortunately, colons in the globalId (doi:10...) are converted * to %3A (doi%3A10...). To prevent this we switched many JSF tags * to a plain "a" tag with an href as suggested at * */ String badString = "null"; if (!identifier.contains(badString)) { if (entity != null && entity instanceof Dataset) { if (this.isHarvested()) { String remoteArchiveUrl = ((Dataset) entity).getRemoteArchiveURL(); if (remoteArchiveUrl != null) { return remoteArchiveUrl; } return null; } } if (isDraftState()) { return "/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=" + identifier + "&version=DRAFT"; } return "/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=" + identifier; } else {"Dataset identifier/globalId contains \"" + badString + "\" perhaps due to . Fix data in database and reindex. Returning failsafe URL: " + failSafeUrl); return failSafeUrl; } } else {"Dataset identifier/globalId was null. Returning failsafe URL: " + failSafeUrl); return failSafeUrl; } } public String getFileParentIdentifier() { if (entity == null) { return null; } if (entity instanceof DataFile) { return parent.get(PARENT_IDENTIFIER); // Dataset globalID } return null; //if (entity) } public String getFileUrl() { // Nothing special needs to be done for harvested file URLs: // simply directing these to the local dataset.xhtml for this dataset // will take care of it - because DatasetPage will issue a redirect // to the remote archive URL. // This is true AS OF 4.2.4, FEB. 2016! - We'll probably want to make // .getRemoteArchiveURL() methods, both in DataFile and Dataset objects, // work again at some point in the future. /* if (entity != null && entity instanceof DataFile && this.isHarvested()) { String remoteArchiveUrl = ((DataFile) entity).getRemoteArchiveURL(); if (remoteArchiveUrl != null) { return remoteArchiveUrl; } return null; }*/ return "/file.xhtml?fileId=" + entity.getId() + "&datasetVersionId=" + datasetVersionId; /* if (parentDatasetGlobalId != null) { return "/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=" + parentDatasetGlobalId; } else { return "/dataset.xhtml?id=" + parent.get(SearchFields.ID) + "&versionId=" + datasetVersionId; }*/ } public String getFileDatasetUrl() { // See the comment in the getFileUrl() method above. -- L.A. 4.2.4 /* if (entity != null && entity instanceof DataFile && this.isHarvested()) { String remoteArchiveUrl = ((DataFile) entity).getRemoteArchiveURL(); if (remoteArchiveUrl != null) { return remoteArchiveUrl; } return null; }*/ String parentDatasetGlobalId = parent.get(PARENT_IDENTIFIER); if (parentDatasetGlobalId != null) { return "/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=" + parentDatasetGlobalId; } else { return "/dataset.xhtml?id=" + parent.get(SearchFields.ID) + "&versionId=" + datasetVersionId; } } /** * @return the dataverseAlias */ public String getDataverseAlias() { return dataverseAlias; } /** * @param dataverseAlias the dataverseAlias to set */ public void setDataverseAlias(String dataverseAlias) { this.dataverseAlias = dataverseAlias; } /** * @return the dataverseParentAlias */ public String getDataverseParentAlias() { return dataverseParentAlias; } /** * @param dataverseParentAlias the dataverseParentAlias to set */ public void setDataverseParentAlias(String dataverseParentAlias) { this.dataverseParentAlias = dataverseParentAlias; } public float getScore() { return score; } public void setScore(float score) { this.score = score; } private String getDisplayType(String type) { if (type.equals(SearchConstants.DATAVERSES)) { return SearchConstants.DATAVERSE; } else if (type.equals(SearchConstants.DATASETS)) { return SearchConstants.DATASET; } else if (type.equals(SearchConstants.FILES)) { return SearchConstants.FILE; } else { return null; } } /* public JsonArrayBuilder getUserRolesAsJson() { JsonArrayBuilder jsonRoleStrings = Json.createArrayBuilder(); for (String role : this.getUserRole()) { jsonRoleStrings.add(role); } return jsonRoleStrings; }*/ public List<String> getUserRole() { return userRole; } public void setUserRole(List<String> userRole) { this.userRole = userRole; } }