package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.inject.Named; import javax.ejb.EJB; import javax.ejb.EJBException; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.NoResultException; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; import; import; import; import; /** * * @author Leonid Andreev * * Draft/prototype XML import service for DVN 4.0 * */ @Stateless @Named public class ForeignMetadataImportServiceBean { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ForeignMetadataImportServiceBean.class.getCanonicalName()); @EJB DatasetFieldServiceBean datasetfieldService; @PersistenceContext(unitName = "VDCNet-ejbPU") private EntityManager em; ForeignMetadataFormatMapping findFormatMappingByName (String name) { try { return em.createNamedQuery("ForeignMetadataFormatMapping.findByName", ForeignMetadataFormatMapping.class) .setParameter("name", name) .getSingleResult(); } catch ( NoResultException nre ) { return null; } } public void importXML(String xmlToParse, String foreignFormat, DatasetVersion datasetVersion) { StringReader reader = null; XMLStreamReader xmlr = null; ForeignMetadataFormatMapping mappingSupported = findFormatMappingByName (foreignFormat); if (mappingSupported == null) { throw new EJBException("Unknown/unsupported foreign metadata format "+foreignFormat); } try { reader = new StringReader(xmlToParse); XMLInputFactory xmlFactory =; xmlr = xmlFactory.createXMLStreamReader(reader); processXML(xmlr, mappingSupported, datasetVersion); } catch (XMLStreamException ex) { //Logger.getLogger("global").log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw new EJBException("ERROR occurred while parsing XML fragment ("+xmlToParse.substring(0, 64)+"...); ", ex); } finally { try { if (xmlr != null) { xmlr.close(); } } catch (XMLStreamException ex) {} } } public void importXML(File xmlFile, String foreignFormat, DatasetVersion datasetVersion) { FileInputStream in = null; XMLStreamReader xmlr = null; // look up the foreign metadata mapping for this format: ForeignMetadataFormatMapping mappingSupported = findFormatMappingByName (foreignFormat); if (mappingSupported == null) { throw new EJBException("Unknown/unsupported foreign metadata format "+foreignFormat); } try { in = new FileInputStream(xmlFile); XMLInputFactory xmlFactory =; xmlr = xmlFactory.createXMLStreamReader(in); processXML(xmlr, mappingSupported, datasetVersion); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { //Logger.getLogger("global").log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw new EJBException("ERROR occurred in mapDDI: File Not Found!"); } catch (XMLStreamException ex) { //Logger.getLogger("global").log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw new EJBException("ERROR occurred while parsing XML (file "+xmlFile.getAbsolutePath()+"); ", ex); } finally { try { if (xmlr != null) { xmlr.close(); } } catch (XMLStreamException ex) {} try { if (in != null) { in.close();} } catch (IOException ex) {} } } private void processXML( XMLStreamReader xmlr, ForeignMetadataFormatMapping foreignFormatMapping, DatasetVersion datasetVersion) throws XMLStreamException { // init - similarly to what I'm doing in the metadata extraction code? //while ( == XMLStreamConstants.COMMENT ); // skip pre root comments xmlr.nextTag(); String openingTag = foreignFormatMapping.getStartElement(); if (openingTag != null) { xmlr.require(XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT, null, openingTag); } else { // TODO: // add support for parsing the body regardless of the start element. // June 20 2014 -- L.A. throw new EJBException("No support for format mappings without start element defined (yet)"); } processXMLElement(xmlr, ":", openingTag, foreignFormatMapping, datasetVersion); } private void processXMLElement(XMLStreamReader xmlr, String currentPath, String openingTag, ForeignMetadataFormatMapping foreignFormatMapping, DatasetVersion datasetVersion) throws XMLStreamException { logger.fine("entering processXMLElement; ("+currentPath+")"); for (int event =; event != XMLStreamConstants.END_DOCUMENT; event = { if (event == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT) { String currentElement = xmlr.getLocalName(); ForeignMetadataFieldMapping mappingDefined = datasetfieldService.findFieldMapping(foreignFormatMapping.getName(), currentPath+currentElement); if (mappingDefined != null) { DatasetFieldCompoundValue cachedCompoundValue = null; // Process attributes, if any are defined in the mapping: for (ForeignMetadataFieldMapping childMapping: mappingDefined.getChildFieldMappings()) { if (childMapping.isAttribute()) { String attributeName = childMapping.getForeignFieldXPath(); String attributeValue = xmlr.getAttributeValue(null, attributeName); if (attributeValue != null) { String mappedFieldName = childMapping.getDatasetfieldName(); logger.fine("looking up dataset field "+mappedFieldName); DatasetFieldType mappedFieldType = datasetfieldService.findByNameOpt(mappedFieldName); if (mappedFieldType != null) { try { cachedCompoundValue = createDatasetFieldValue(mappedFieldType, cachedCompoundValue, attributeValue, datasetVersion); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warning("Caught unknown exception when processing attribute "+currentPath+currentElement+"{"+attributeName+"} (skipping);"); } } else { throw new EJBException ("Bad foreign metadata field mapping: no such DatasetField "+mappedFieldName+"!"); } } } } // Process the payload of this XML element: String dataverseFieldName = mappingDefined.getDatasetfieldName(); if (dataverseFieldName != null && !dataverseFieldName.equals("")) { DatasetFieldType dataverseFieldType = datasetfieldService.findByNameOpt(dataverseFieldName); if (dataverseFieldType != null) { String elementTextPayload = parseText(xmlr); createDatasetFieldValue(dataverseFieldType, cachedCompoundValue, elementTextPayload, datasetVersion); } else { throw new EJBException ("Bad foreign metadata field mapping: no such DatasetField "+dataverseFieldName+"!"); } } } else { // recursively, process the xml stream further down: processXMLElement(xmlr, currentPath+currentElement+":", currentElement, foreignFormatMapping, datasetVersion); } } else if (event == XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT) { if (xmlr.getLocalName().equals(openingTag)) return; } } } private DatasetFieldCompoundValue createDatasetFieldValue(DatasetFieldType dsft, DatasetFieldCompoundValue savedCompoundValue, String elementText, DatasetVersion datasetVersion) { if (dsft.isPrimitive()) { if (!dsft.isHasParent()) { // simple primitive: DatasetField dsf = null; for (DatasetField existingDsf : datasetVersion.getFlatDatasetFields()) { if (existingDsf.getDatasetFieldType().equals(dsft)) { dsf = existingDsf; } } // if doesn't exist, create a new one: if (dsf == null) { dsf = new DatasetField(); dsf.setDatasetFieldType(dsft); datasetVersion.getDatasetFields().add(dsf); dsf.setDatasetVersion(datasetVersion); } String dsfName = dsft.getName(); if (!dsft.isControlledVocabulary()) { logger.fine("Creating a new value for field " + dsfName + ": " + elementText); DatasetFieldValue newDsfv = new DatasetFieldValue(dsf); newDsfv.setValue(elementText); dsf.getDatasetFieldValues().add(newDsfv); } else { // A controlled vocabulary entry: // first, let's see if it's a legit control vocab. entry: /* not supported yet; though I expect the commented-out code below to work; ControlledVocabularyValue legitControlledVocabularyValue = null; Collection<ControlledVocabularyValue> definedVocabularyValues = dsft.getControlledVocabularyValues(); if (definedVocabularyValues != null) { for (ControlledVocabularyValue definedVocabValue : definedVocabularyValues) { if (elementText.equals(definedVocabValue.getStrValue())) { logger.fine("Yes, " + elementText + " is a valid controlled vocabulary value for the field " + dsfName); legitControlledVocabularyValue = definedVocabValue; break; } } } if (legitControlledVocabularyValue != null) { logger.fine("Adding controlled vocabulary value " + elementText + " to field " + dsfName); dsf.getControlledVocabularyValues().add(legitControlledVocabularyValue); } */ } // No compound values had to be created; returning null: return null; } else { // a primitive that is part of a compound value: // first, let's create the field and the value, for the // primitive node itself: DatasetField childField = new DatasetField(); childField.setDatasetFieldType(dsft); DatasetFieldValue childValue = new DatasetFieldValue(childField); childValue.setValue(elementText); childField.getDatasetFieldValues().add(childValue); // see if a compound value of the right type has already been // created and passed to us: DatasetFieldCompoundValue parentCompoundValue = null; DatasetFieldType parentFieldType = dsft.getParentDatasetFieldType(); if (parentFieldType == null) { logger.severe("Child field type with no parent field type defined!"); // we could throw an exception and exit... but maybe we // could just skip this field and try to continue - ? return null; } if (savedCompoundValue != null) { if (parentFieldType.equals(savedCompoundValue.getParentDatasetField().getDatasetFieldType())) { parentCompoundValue = savedCompoundValue; } } // if not, create a new one: if (parentCompoundValue == null) { // and to do that, we need to find or create the "parent" // dataset field for this compoound value: // (I put quotes around "parent", because I really feel it // is a misnomer, and that the relationship between the compound value // and the corresponding dataset field should be called // "CompoundDatasetField", not "ParentDatasetField") (discuss?) DatasetField parentField = null; for (DatasetField existingDsf : datasetVersion.getFlatDatasetFields()) { if (existingDsf.getDatasetFieldType().equals(parentFieldType)) { parentField = existingDsf; } } // if doesn't exist, create a new one: if (parentField == null) { parentField = new DatasetField(); parentField.setDatasetFieldType(parentFieldType); datasetVersion.getDatasetFields().add(parentField); parentField.setDatasetVersion(datasetVersion); } // and then create new compound value: parentCompoundValue = new DatasetFieldCompoundValue(); parentCompoundValue.setParentDatasetField(parentField); parentField.getDatasetFieldCompoundValues().add(parentCompoundValue); } childField.setParentDatasetFieldCompoundValue(parentCompoundValue); parentCompoundValue.getChildDatasetFields().add(childField); return parentCompoundValue; } } return null; } private String parseText(XMLStreamReader xmlr) throws XMLStreamException { return parseText(xmlr,true); } private String parseText(XMLStreamReader xmlr, boolean scrubText) throws XMLStreamException { String tempString = xmlr.getElementText(); // TODO: // In 3.* we had to provide our own getElementText method, because // at that point xmlr.getElementText() was found to be buggy. // Investitage if that's still needed! -- See comments in the // DDIServiceBean in 3.6 for details. // -- L.A. June 23 2014 if (scrubText) { tempString = tempString.trim().replace('\n',' '); } return tempString; } }