package; /** * We define Solr search fields here in one central place so they can be used * throughout the code but renamed here if need be. * * Note that there are many fields in Solr that are *not* here because their * values come from the database. For example "authorName" comes from the * database. We update the Solr schema.xml file by merging the output of `curl * http://localhost:8080/api/admin/index/solr/schema` into the file in the * source tree when a metadata block update warrants it. * * Generally speaking, we want the search fields to be readable. This is a * challenge for long field names but a power user should be able to type * "authorAffiliation:Harvard" into the general search box. A regular user is * much more likely to used Advanced Search to populate that field * automatically. * * Originally, these fields were all snake_case but since the dynamic fields are * camelCase we might want to standardize on that. * * You'll notice that dynamic fields like this are used... * * - _s (string) * * - _ss (multivalued string) * * - _l (long) * * - _dt (datetime) * * ... and these endings should not be changed unless you plan to convert them * to non-dynamic (by removing the ending) and specify their "type" in the Solr * schema.xml. * * Most fields we want to be searchable but some are stored with indexed=false * because we *don't* want them to be searchable and we're just using Solr as a * convenient key/value store. Why go to the database if you don't have to? For * a string here or there that needs to be available to both the GUI and the * Search API, we can just store them in Solr. * * For faceting we use a "string" type. If you use something like "text_general" * the field is tokenized ("Foo Bar" becomes "foo" "bar" which is not what we * want). See also * */ public class SearchFields { /** * @todo: consider making various dynamic fields (_s) static in schema.xml * instead. Should they be stored in the database? */ // standard fields from example/solr/collection1/conf/schema.xml // (but we are getting away from these...) public static final String ID = "id"; /** * Determine which DvObjects you might want to target for reindexing after * an upgrade such as between Dataverse 4.2 and 4.3. */ public static final String DATAVERSE_VERSION_INDEXED_BY = "dataverseVersionIndexedBy_s"; public static final String NAME = "name"; /** * @todo Do we want to support finding dataverses, datasets, and files with * a query for description:foo? Maybe not, since people will probably just * use basic search for this. They could also use "dvDescription:foo OR * dsDescription:foo OR fileDescription:foo" if they *really* only want to * target the description of all three types at once. * * See also */ public static final String DESCRIPTION = "description"; /** * Identifiers differ per DvObject: alias for dataverses, globalId for * datasets, and database id for files. */ public static final String IDENTIFIER = "identifier"; /** * Visible in the GUI as a facet to click: "Harvested" vs. "Root Dataverse". */ public static final String METADATA_SOURCE = "metadataSource"; /** * Internal boolean used when creating OAI sets, for example. */ public static final String IS_HARVESTED = "isHarvested"; /** * Such as * * For files, the URL will be the parent dataset. */ public static final String PERSISTENT_URL = "persistentUrl"; public static final String UNF = "unf"; public static final String DATAVERSE_NAME = "dvName"; public static final String DATAVERSE_AFFILIATION = "dvAffiliation"; public static final String DATAVERSE_DESCRIPTION = "dvDescription"; public static final String DATAVERSE_CATEGORY = "dvCategory"; /** * What is dvSubject_en for? How does it get populated into Solr? The * behavior changed so that now the subjects of dataverses are based on * their datasets. Should this be a string so we can facet on it more * properly? Should all checkboxes on the advanced search page (controlled * vocabularies) be backed by a string? When we rename this to "foobar" (a * field Solr doesn't know about) why doesn't Solr complain when we "index * all"? See also */ public static final String DATAVERSE_SUBJECT = "dvSubject"; /** * A "collapsed" facet (e.g. applies to both dataverses and datasets and is * merged as a single facet in the GUI) like affiliation that needs to match * the corresponding dynamic "facet" Solr field at the dataset level to work * properly. Should we use/expose "_ss" when you click a facet? It needs to * be different from "subject" which is used for general search but maybe we * could have a convention like "subjectFacet" for the facets? */ public static final String SUBJECT = "subject_ss"; /** * @todo think about how to tie the fact that this needs to be multivalued * (_ss) because a multivalued facet (authorAffilition_ss) will be collapsed * into it at index time. The business logic to determine if a data-driven * metadata field should be indexed into Solr as a single or multiple value * lives in the getSolrField() method of * * AFFILIATION is used for the "collapsed" "Affiliation" facet that means * either "Author Affiliation" or dataverse affiliation. It needs to be a * string so we can facet on it and it needs to be multivalued because * "Author Affiliation" can be multivalued. */ public static final String AFFILIATION = "affiliation_ss"; public static final String FILE_NAME = "fileName"; public static final String FILE_DESCRIPTION = "fileDescription"; /** * Can be multivalued and includes both "friendly" and "group" versions: * "PNG Image", "image" */ public static final String FILE_TYPE_SEARCHABLE = "fileType"; /** * @todo Thie static variable not named properly. We want to expose an * acutal MIME Type in . See * also cleanup ticket at * * i.e. "PNG Image" */ public static final String FILE_TYPE_FRIENDLY = "fileTypeDisplay"; public static final String FILE_CONTENT_TYPE = "fileContentType"; /** * Used as a facet for file groups like "image" or "document" */ public static final String FILE_TYPE = "fileTypeGroupFacet"; public static final String FILE_SIZE_IN_BYTES = "fileSizeInBytes"; public static final String FILE_MD5 = "fileMd5"; public static final String FILE_CHECKSUM_TYPE = "fileChecksumType"; public static final String FILE_CHECKSUM_VALUE = "fileChecksumValue"; public static final String FILENAME_WITHOUT_EXTENSION = "fileNameWithoutExtension"; /** * Indexed as a string so we can facet on it. */ public static final String FILE_TAG = "fileTag"; /** * Indexed as text_en so it's searchable by lower case etc. */ public static final String FILE_TAG_SEARCHABLE = "fileTags"; /* * (tabular) Data Tags are indexed as a string, since we are only planning to * use these in facet-like, exact searches: */ public static final String TABDATA_TAG = "tabularDataTag"; public static final String ACCESS = "fileAccess"; public static final String SUBTREE = "subtreePaths"; // i.e. http://localhost:8080/search.xhtml?q=*&fq0=citationdate_dt:[2008-01-01T00%3A00%3A00Z+TO+2011-01-01T00%3A00%3A00Z%2B1YEAR} // public static final String PRODUCTION_DATE_ORIGINAL = DatasetFieldConstant.productionDate + "_dt"; // public static final String PRODUCTION_DATE_YEAR_ONLY = DatasetFieldConstant.productionDate + "_i"; // public static final String DISTRIBUTION_DATE_ORIGINAL = DatasetFieldConstant.distributionDate + "_dt"; // public static final String DISTRIBUTION_DATE_YEAR_ONLY = DatasetFieldConstant.distributionDate + "_i"; /** * Solr refers to "relevance" as "score" */ public static final String RELEVANCE = "score"; /** * A dataverse, a dataset, or a file. */ public static final String TYPE = "dvObjectType"; public static final String NAME_SORT = "nameSort"; public static final String PUBLICATION_DATE = "publicationDate"; public static final String RELEASE_OR_CREATE_DATE = "dateSort"; /** * i.e. "Mar 17, 2015" */ public static final String RELEASE_OR_CREATE_DATE_SEARCHABLE_TEXT = "dateFriendly"; public static final String DEFINITION_POINT = "definitionPointDocId"; public static final String DEFINITION_POINT_DVOBJECT_ID = "definitionPointDvObjectId"; public static final String DISCOVERABLE_BY = "discoverableBy"; /** * i.e. "Unpublished", "Draft" (multivalued) */ public static final String PUBLICATION_STATUS = "publicationStatus"; /** * @todo reconcile different with Solr schema.xml where type is Long rather * than String. */ public static final String ENTITY_ID = "entityId"; public static final String PARENT_NAME = "parentName"; public static final String PARENT_ID = "parentId"; public static final String PARENT_IDENTIFIER = "parentIdentifier"; /** * @todo Should we add a "parentCitationHtml" field now or wait for demand * for it? */ public static final String PARENT_CITATION = "parentCitation"; public static final String DATASET_DESCRIPTION = "dsDescriptionValue"; /** * In Datavese 4.3 and earlier "citation" was indexed as the "online" or * HTML version, with the DOI link wrapped in an href tag but now it's the * plaintext version and anyone who was depending on the old version can * switch to the new "citationHTML" field. */ public static final String DATASET_CITATION = "citation"; public static final String DATASET_CITATION_HTML = "citationHtml"; public static final String DATASET_DEACCESSION_REASON = "deaccessionReason"; /** * In contrast to PUBLICATION_DATE, this field applies only to datasets for * more targeted results for just datasets. The format is YYYY (i.e. * "2015"). */ public static final String DATASET_PUBLICATION_DATE = "dsPublicationDate"; public static final String DATASET_PERSISTENT_ID = "dsPersistentId"; public static final String DATASET_VERSION_ID = "datasetVersionId"; public static final String VARIABLE_NAME = "variableName"; public static final String VARIABLE_LABEL = "variableLabel"; }