package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.json.JsonObjectBuilder; import static; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.ejb.EJB; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.json.Json; import javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder; import javax.json.JsonObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; @Stateless @Path("harvest/clients") public class HarvestingClients extends AbstractApiBean { @EJB DataverseServiceBean dataverseService; @EJB HarvesterServiceBean harvesterService; @EJB HarvestingClientServiceBean harvestingClientService; private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(HarvestingClients.class.getName()); /* * /api/harvest/clients * and * /api/harvest/clients/{nickname} * will, by default, return a JSON record with the information about the * configured remote archives. * optionally, plain text output may be provided as well. */ @GET @Path("") public Response harvestingClients(@QueryParam("key") String apiKey) throws IOException { List<HarvestingClient> harvestingClients = null; try { harvestingClients = harvestingClientService.getAllHarvestingClients(); } catch (Exception ex) { return error( Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Caught an exception looking up configured harvesting clients; " + ex.getMessage() ); } if (harvestingClients == null) { // returning an empty list: return ok(jsonObjectBuilder().add("harvestingClients","")); } JsonArrayBuilder hcArr = Json.createArrayBuilder(); for (HarvestingClient harvestingClient : harvestingClients) { // We already have this harvestingClient - wny do we need to // execute this "Get HarvestingClients Client Command" in order to get it, // again? - the purpose of the command is to run the request through // the Authorization system, to verify that they actually have // the permission to view this harvesting client config. -- L.A. 4.4 HarvestingClient retrievedHarvestingClient = null; try { DataverseRequest req = createDataverseRequest(findUserOrDie()); retrievedHarvestingClient = execCommand( new GetHarvestingClientCommand(req, harvestingClient)); } catch (Exception ex) { // Don't do anything. // We'll just skip this one - since this means the user isn't // authorized to view this client configuration. } if (retrievedHarvestingClient != null) { hcArr.add(harvestingConfigAsJson(retrievedHarvestingClient)); } } return ok(jsonObjectBuilder().add("harvestingClients", hcArr)); } @GET @Path("{nickName}") public Response harvestingClient(@PathParam("nickName") String nickName, @QueryParam("key") String apiKey) throws IOException { HarvestingClient harvestingClient = null; try { harvestingClient = harvestingClientService.findByNickname(nickName); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warning("Exception caught looking up harvesting client " + nickName + ": " + ex.getMessage()); return error( Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST, "Internal error: failed to look up harvesting client " + nickName + "."); } if (harvestingClient == null) { return error(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND, "Harvesting client " + nickName + " not found."); } HarvestingClient retrievedHarvestingClient = null; try { // findUserOrDie() and execCommand() both throw WrappedResponse // exception, that already has a proper HTTP response in it. retrievedHarvestingClient = execCommand(new GetHarvestingClientCommand(createDataverseRequest(findUserOrDie()), harvestingClient));"retrieved Harvesting Client " + retrievedHarvestingClient.getName() + " with the GetHarvestingClient command."); } catch (WrappedResponse wr) { return wr.getResponse(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warning("Unknown exception caught while executing GetHarvestingClientCommand: "+ex.getMessage()); retrievedHarvestingClient = null; } if (retrievedHarvestingClient == null) { return error( Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST, "Internal error: failed to retrieve harvesting client " + nickName + "."); } try { return ok(harvestingConfigAsJson(retrievedHarvestingClient)); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warning("Unknown exception caught while trying to format harvesting client config as json: "+ex.getMessage()); return error( Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST, "Internal error: failed to produce output for harvesting client " + nickName + "."); } } @POST @Path("{nickName}") public Response createHarvestingClient(String jsonBody, @PathParam("nickName") String nickName, @QueryParam("key") String apiKey) throws IOException, JsonParseException { try ( StringReader rdr = new StringReader(jsonBody) ) { JsonObject json = Json.createReader(rdr).readObject(); HarvestingClient harvestingClient = new HarvestingClient(); // TODO: check that it doesn't exist yet... harvestingClient.setName(nickName); String dataverseAlias = jsonParser().parseHarvestingClient(json, harvestingClient); Dataverse ownerDataverse = dataverseService.findByAlias(dataverseAlias); if (ownerDataverse == null) { return error(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST, "No such dataverse: " + dataverseAlias); } harvestingClient.setDataverse(ownerDataverse); if (ownerDataverse.getHarvestingClientConfigs() == null) { ownerDataverse.setHarvestingClientConfigs(new ArrayList<>()); } ownerDataverse.getHarvestingClientConfigs().add(harvestingClient); DataverseRequest req = createDataverseRequest(findUserOrDie()); HarvestingClient managedHarvestingClient = execCommand( new CreateHarvestingClientCommand(req, harvestingClient)); return created( "/harvest/clients/" + nickName, harvestingConfigAsJson(managedHarvestingClient)); } catch (JsonParseException ex) { return error( Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST, "Error parsing harvesting client: " + ex.getMessage() ); } catch (WrappedResponse ex) { return ex.getResponse(); } } @PUT @Path("{nickName}") public Response modifyHarvestingClient(String jsonBody, @PathParam("nickName") String nickName, @QueryParam("key") String apiKey) throws IOException, JsonParseException { HarvestingClient harvestingClient = null; try { harvestingClient = harvestingClientService.findByNickname(nickName); } catch (Exception ex) { // We don't care what happened; we'll just assume we couldn't find it. harvestingClient = null; } if (harvestingClient == null) { return error( Response.Status.NOT_FOUND, "Harvesting client " + nickName + " not found."); } String ownerDataverseAlias = harvestingClient.getDataverse().getAlias(); try ( StringReader rdr = new StringReader(jsonBody) ) { DataverseRequest req = createDataverseRequest(findUserOrDie()); JsonObject json = Json.createReader(rdr).readObject(); String newDataverseAlias = jsonParser().parseHarvestingClient(json, harvestingClient); if (newDataverseAlias != null && !newDataverseAlias.equals("") && !newDataverseAlias.equals(ownerDataverseAlias)) { return error(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST, "Bad \"dataverseAlias\" supplied. Harvesting client "+nickName+" belongs to the dataverse "+ownerDataverseAlias); } HarvestingClient managedHarvestingClient = execCommand( new UpdateHarvestingClientCommand(req, harvestingClient)); return created( "/datasets/" + nickName, harvestingConfigAsJson(managedHarvestingClient)); } catch (JsonParseException ex) { return error( Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST, "Error parsing harvesting client: " + ex.getMessage() ); } catch (WrappedResponse ex) { return ex.getResponse(); } } // TODO: // add a @DELETE method // (there is already a DeleteHarvestingClient command) // Methods for managing harvesting runs (jobs): // This POST starts a new harvesting run: @POST @Path("{nickName}/run") public Response startHarvestingJob(@PathParam("nickName") String clientNickname, @QueryParam("key") String apiKey) throws IOException { try { AuthenticatedUser authenticatedUser = null; try { authenticatedUser = findAuthenticatedUserOrDie(); } catch (WrappedResponse wr) { return error(Response.Status.UNAUTHORIZED, "Authentication required to use this API method"); } if (authenticatedUser == null || !authenticatedUser.isSuperuser()) { return error(Response.Status.FORBIDDEN, "Only the Dataverse Admin user can run harvesting jobs"); } HarvestingClient harvestingClient = harvestingClientService.findByNickname(clientNickname); if (harvestingClient == null) { return error(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND, "No such dataverse: "+clientNickname); } DataverseRequest dataverseRequest = createDataverseRequest(authenticatedUser); harvesterService.doAsyncHarvest(dataverseRequest, harvestingClient); } catch (Exception e) { return this.error(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST, "Exception thrown when running harvesting client\""+clientNickname+"\" via REST API; " + e.getMessage()); } return this.accepted(); } // This GET shows the status of the harvesting run in progress for this // client, if present: // @GET // @Path("{nickName}/run") // TODO: // This DELETE kills the harvesting run in progress for this client, // if present: // @DELETE // @Path("{nickName}/run") // TODO: /* Auxiliary, helper methods: */ /* @Deprecated public static JsonArrayBuilder harvestingConfigsAsJsonArray(List<Dataverse> harvestingDataverses) { JsonArrayBuilder hdArr = Json.createArrayBuilder(); for (Dataverse hd : harvestingDataverses) { hdArr.add(harvestingConfigAsJson(hd.getHarvestingClientConfig())); } return hdArr; }*/ public static JsonObjectBuilder harvestingConfigAsJson(HarvestingClient harvestingConfig) { if (harvestingConfig == null) { return null; } return jsonObjectBuilder().add("nickName", harvestingConfig.getName()). add("dataverseAlias", harvestingConfig.getDataverse().getAlias()). add("type", harvestingConfig.getHarvestType()). add("harvestUrl", harvestingConfig.getHarvestingUrl()). add("archiveUrl", harvestingConfig.getArchiveUrl()). add("archiveDescription",harvestingConfig.getArchiveDescription()). add("metadataFormat", harvestingConfig.getMetadataPrefix()). add("set", harvestingConfig.getHarvestingSet() == null ? "N/A" : harvestingConfig.getHarvestingSet()). add("schedule", harvestingConfig.isScheduled() ? harvestingConfig.getScheduleDescription() : "none"). add("status", harvestingConfig.isHarvestingNow() ? "inProgress" : "inActive"). add("lastHarvest", harvestingConfig.getLastHarvestTime() == null ? "N/A" : harvestingConfig.getLastHarvestTime().toString()). add("lastResult", harvestingConfig.getLastResult()). add("lastSuccessful", harvestingConfig.getLastSuccessfulHarvestTime() == null ? "N/A" : harvestingConfig.getLastSuccessfulHarvestTime().toString()). add("lastNonEmpty", harvestingConfig.getLastNonEmptyHarvestTime() == null ? "N/A" : harvestingConfig.getLastNonEmptyHarvestTime().toString()). add("lastDatasetsHarvested", harvestingConfig.getLastHarvestedDatasetCount() == null ? "N/A" : harvestingConfig.getLastHarvestedDatasetCount().toString()). add("lastDatasetsDeleted", harvestingConfig.getLastDeletedDatasetCount() == null ? "N/A" : harvestingConfig.getLastDeletedDatasetCount().toString()). add("lastDatasetsFailed", harvestingConfig.getLastFailedDatasetCount() == null ? "N/A" : harvestingConfig.getLastFailedDatasetCount().toString()); } }