package; import java.math.BigInteger; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence.Index; import javax.persistence.NamedQueries; import javax.persistence.NamedQuery; import javax.persistence.Table; /** * A range of IPv4 addresses. In order to make SQL querying efficient, the actual fields * are stored as {@code long} numbers. This is why we have the {@link #getTopAsLong()} and other * such methods. For most non-JPA uses, use the higher API of {@link #getTop()} * which returns the IP address object. * * @author michael */ @Table(indexes = {@Index(columnList="owner_id")}) @NamedQueries({ @NamedQuery( name="IPv4Range.findAllContainingAddressAsLong", query="SELECT r FROM IPv4Range r WHERE r.bottomAsLong<=:addressAsLong AND r.topAsLong>=:addressAsLong"), @NamedQuery( name="IPv4Range.findGroupsContainingAddressAsLong", query="SELECT DISTINCT r.owner from IPv4Range r WHERE r.bottomAsLong<=:addressAsLong AND r.topAsLong>=:addressAsLong") }) @Entity public class IPv4Range extends IpAddressRange implements { @Id @GeneratedValue Long id; /** The most significant bits of {@code this} range's top address, i.e the first two numbers of the IP address */ BigInteger topAsLong; /** The least significant bits, i.e the last tow numbers of the IP address */ BigInteger bottomAsLong; public IPv4Range(){} public IPv4Range(IPv4Address bottom, IPv4Address top) { topAsLong = top.toBigInteger(); bottomAsLong = bottom.toBigInteger(); } @Override public IPv4Address getTop() { return new IPv4Address(getTopAsLong()); } public void setTop( IPv4Address aNewTop ) { setTopAsLong( aNewTop.toBigInteger() ); } @Override public IPv4Address getBottom() { return new IPv4Address(getBottomAsLong()); } public void setBottom( IPv4Address aNewBottom ) { setTopAsLong( aNewBottom.toBigInteger() ); } public BigInteger getTopAsLong() { return topAsLong; } public void setTopAsLong(BigInteger topAsLong) { this.topAsLong = topAsLong; } public BigInteger getBottomAsLong() { return bottomAsLong; } public void setBottomAsLong(BigInteger bottomAsLong) { this.bottomAsLong = bottomAsLong; } @Override public Boolean contains(IpAddress anAddress) { if ( anAddress == null ) return null; if ( anAddress instanceof IPv4Address ) { IPv4Address adr = (IPv4Address) anAddress; return getBottom().compareTo(adr)<=0 && getTop().compareTo(adr)>=0; } return null; } }