package; import; import; //import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.ejb.EJB; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.inject.Named; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; /** * Service bean accessing a persistent hash map, used as settings in the application. * @author michael */ @Stateless @Named public class SettingsServiceBean { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SettingsServiceBean.class.getCanonicalName()); /** * Some convenient keys for the settings. Note that the setting's * name is really a {@code String}, but it's good to have the compiler look * over your shoulder when typing strings in various places of a large app. * So there. */ public enum Key { FooterCopyright, FileFixityChecksumAlgorithm, MinutesUntilConfirmEmailTokenExpires, /** * Override Solr highlighting "fragsize" * */ SearchHighlightFragmentSize, /** * Domain name specific code for Google Analytics *//** * Domain name specific code for Google Analytics */ GoogleAnalyticsCode, /** * Revert to MyData *not* using the Solr "permission documents" which * was the behavior in Dataverse 4.2. Starting to use Solr permission * documents in MyData has been introduced in 4.2.1 as a fix for * where the "File * Downloader" role was exposing cards for unpublished datasets when it * shouldn't. */ MyDataDoesNotUseSolrPermissionDocs, /** * Experimental: Allow non-public search with a key/token using the * Search API. See also */ SearchApiNonPublicAllowed, /** * Experimental: Use Solr to power the file listing on the dataset page. */ FilesOnDatasetPageFromSolr, /** * API endpoints that are not accessible. Comma separated list. */ BlockedApiEndpoints, /** * A key that, with the right {@link ApiBlockingFilter.BlockPolicy}, * allows calling blocked APIs. */ BlockedApiKey, /** * How to treat blocked APIs. One of drop, localhost-only, unblock-key */ BlockedApiPolicy, /** * For development only (see dev guide for details). Backed by an enum * of possible account types. */ DebugShibAccountType, /** Application-wide Terms of Use per installation. */ ApplicationTermsOfUse, /** Terms of Use specific to API per installation. */ ApiTermsOfUse, /** * URL for the application-wide Privacy Policy per installation, linked * to from the footer. */ ApplicationPrivacyPolicyUrl, /** * A boolean defining if indexing and search should respect the concept * of "permission root". * * <p> * * If we ignore permissionRoot at index time, we should blindly give * search ("discoverability") access to people and group who have access * defined in a parent dataverse, all the way back to the root. * * <p> * * If we respect permissionRoot, this means that the dataverse being * indexed is an island of permissions all by itself. We should not look * to its parent to see if more people and groups might be able to * search the DvObjects within it. We would assume no implicit * inheritance of permissions. In this mode, all permissions must be * explicitly defined on DvObjects. No implied inheritance. * */ SearchRespectPermissionRoot, /** Solr hostname and port, such as "localhost:8983". */ SolrHostColonPort, /** Key for limiting the number of bytes uploaded via the Data Deposit API, UI (web site and . */ MaxFileUploadSizeInBytes, /** * Experimental: Key for if DDI export is enabled or disabled. */ DdiExportEnabled, /** Key for if Shibboleth is enabled or disabled. */ ShibEnabled, /** Key for if ScrubMigrationData is enabled or disabled. */ ScrubMigrationData, /** Key for the url to send users who want to sign up to. */ SignUpUrl, /** Key for whether we allow users to sign up */ AllowSignUp, /** protocol for global id */ Protocol, /** authority for global id */ Authority, /** DoiProvider for global id */ DoiProvider, DoiSeparator, /* Removed for now - tried to add here but DOI Service Bean didn't like it at start-up DoiUsername, DoiPassword, DoiBaseurlstring, */ /* TwoRavens location */ TwoRavensUrl, /** Optionally override . */ GuidesBaseUrl, /* zip download size limit */ ZipDownloadLimit, /* zip upload number of files limit */ ZipUploadFilesLimit, /* the number of files the GUI user is allowed to upload in one batch, via drag-and-drop, or through the file select dialog */ MultipleUploadFilesLimit, /* Size limits for generating thumbnails on the fly */ /* (i.e., we'll attempt to generate a thumbnail on the fly if the * size of the file is less than this) */ ThumbnailSizeLimitImage, ThumbnailSizeLimitPDF, /* status message that will appear on the home page */ StatusMessageHeader, /* full text of status message, to appear in popup */ StatusMessageText, /* return email address for system emails such as notifications */ SystemEmail, /* whether file landing page is available for 4.2 development */ ShowFileLandingPage, /* size limit for Tabular data file ingests */ /* (can be set separately for specific ingestable formats; in which case the actual stored option will be TabularIngestSizeLimit:{FORMAT_NAME} where {FORMAT_NAME} is the format identification tag returned by the getFormatName() method in the format-specific plugin; "sav" for the SPSS/sav format, "RData" for R, etc. for example: :TabularIngestSizeLimit:RData */ TabularIngestSizeLimit, /** Whether to allow user to create GeoConnect Maps This boolean effects whether the user sees the map button on the dataset page and if the ingest will create a shape file Default is false */ GeoconnectCreateEditMaps, /** Whether to allow a user to view existing maps This boolean effects whether a user may see the Explore World Map Button Default is false; */ GeoconnectViewMaps, /** For DEVELOPMENT ONLY. Generate SQL statements for populating MapLayerMetadata objects when Geoconnect is not available. When files have related MapLayerMetadata objects, the "Explore button will be available to users. */ GeoconnectDebug, /** Whether to allow a user to view tabular files using the TwoRavens application This boolean effects whether a user may see the Explore Button that links to TwoRavens Default is false; */ TwoRavensTabularView, /** The message added to a popup upon dataset publish * */ DatasetPublishPopupCustomText, /* Whether to display the publish text for every published version */ DatasetPublishPopupCustomTextOnAllVersions, /* Whether Harvesting (OAI) service is enabled */ OAIServerEnabled; @Override public String toString() { return ":" + name(); } } @PersistenceContext EntityManager em; @EJB ActionLogServiceBean actionLogSvc; /** * Values that are considered as "true". * @see #isTrue(java.lang.String, boolean) */ private static final Set<String> TRUE_VALUES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( new TreeSet<>( Arrays.asList("1","yes", "true","allow"))); /** * Basic functionality - get the name, return the setting, or {@code null}. * @param name of the setting * @return the actual setting, or {@code null}. */ public String get( String name ) { Setting s = em.find( Setting.class, name ); return (s!=null) ? s.getContent() : null; } /** * Same as {@link #get(java.lang.String)}, but with static checking. * @param key Enum value of the name. * @return The setting, or {@code null}. */ public String getValueForKey( Key key ) { return get(key.toString()); } /** * Attempt to convert the value to an integer * - Applicable for keys such as MaxFileUploadSizeInBytes * * On failure (key not found or string not convertible to a long), returns null * @param key * @return */ public Long getValueForKeyAsLong(Key key){ String val = this.getValueForKey(key); if (val == null){ return null; } try { long valAsInt = Long.parseLong(val); return valAsInt; } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Incorrect setting. Could not convert \"{0}\" from setting {1} to long.", new Object[]{val, key.toString()}); return null; } } /** * Return the value stored, or the default value, in case no setting by that * name exists. The main difference between this method and the other {@code get()}s * is that is never returns null (unless {@code defaultValue} is {@code null}. * * @param name Name of the setting. * @param defaultValue The value to return if no setting is found in the DB. * @return Either the stored value, or the default value. */ public String get( String name, String defaultValue ) { String val = get(name); return (val!=null) ? val : defaultValue; } public String getValueForKey( Key key, String defaultValue ) { return get( key.toString(), defaultValue ); } public Setting set( String name, String content ) { Setting s = new Setting( name, content ); s = em.merge(s); actionLogSvc.log( new ActionLogRecord(ActionLogRecord.ActionType.Setting, "set") .setInfo(name + ": " + content)); return s; } public Setting setValueForKey( Key key, String content ) { return set( key.toString(), content ); } /** * The correct way to decide whether a string value in the * settings table should be considered as {@code true}. * @param name name of the setting. * @param defaultValue logical value of {@code null}. * @return boolean value of the setting. */ public boolean isTrue( String name, boolean defaultValue ) { String val = get(name); return ( val==null ) ? defaultValue : TRUE_VALUES.contains(val.trim().toLowerCase() ); } public boolean isTrueForKey( Key key, boolean defaultValue ) { return isTrue( key.toString(), defaultValue ); } public void deleteValueForKey( Key name ) { delete( name.toString() ); } public void delete( String name ) { actionLogSvc.log( new ActionLogRecord(ActionLogRecord.ActionType.Setting, "delete") .setInfo(name)); em.createNamedQuery("Setting.deleteByName") .setParameter("name", name) .executeUpdate(); } public Set<Setting> listAll() { return new HashSet<>(em.createNamedQuery("Setting.findAll", Setting.class).getResultList()); } }