package; // TODO: // clean up the imports. -- L.A. 4.2 import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.ejb.EJB; import javax.ejb.EJBException; import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent; import javax.faces.view.ViewScoped; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Named; import org.primefaces.event.FileUploadEvent; import org.primefaces.model.UploadedFile; import javax.json.Json; import javax.json.JsonObject; import javax.json.JsonArray; import javax.json.JsonReader; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.logging.Level; import javax.faces.event.AjaxBehaviorEvent; /** * * @author Leonid Andreev */ @ViewScoped @Named("EditDatafilesPage") public class EditDatafilesPage implements { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(EditDatafilesPage.class.getCanonicalName()); private FileView fileView; public enum FileEditMode { EDIT, UPLOAD, CREATE, SINGLE }; @EJB DatasetServiceBean datasetService; @EJB DatasetVersionServiceBean datasetVersionService; @EJB DataFileServiceBean datafileService; @EJB PermissionServiceBean permissionService; @EJB IngestServiceBean ingestService; @EJB EjbDataverseEngine commandEngine; @Inject DataverseSession session; @EJB UserNotificationServiceBean userNotificationService; @EJB SettingsServiceBean settingsService; @EJB AuthenticationServiceBean authService; @EJB SystemConfig systemConfig; @EJB DataverseLinkingServiceBean dvLinkingService; @Inject DataverseRequestServiceBean dvRequestService; @Inject PermissionsWrapper permissionsWrapper; private final DateFormat displayDateFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM); private Dataset dataset = new Dataset(); private String selectedFileIdsString = null; private FileEditMode mode = FileEditMode.EDIT; private List<Long> selectedFileIdsList = new ArrayList<>(); private List<FileMetadata> fileMetadatas = new ArrayList<>();; private Long ownerId; private Long versionId; private List<DataFile> newFiles = new ArrayList<>();; private List<DataFile> uploadedFiles = new ArrayList<>();; private DatasetVersion workingVersion; private String dropBoxSelection = ""; private String displayCitation; private boolean datasetUpdateRequired = false; private boolean tabularDataTagsUpdated = false; private String persistentId; private String versionString = ""; private boolean saveEnabled = false; // Used to store results of permissions checks private final Map<String, Boolean> datasetPermissionMap = new HashMap<>(); // { Permission human_name : Boolean } private Long maxFileUploadSizeInBytes = null; private Integer multipleUploadFilesLimit = null; private final int NUMBER_OF_SCROLL_ROWS = 25; public String getSelectedFileIds() { return selectedFileIdsString; } public void setSelectedFileIds(String selectedFileIds) { selectedFileIdsString = selectedFileIds; } public FileEditMode getMode() { return mode; } public void setMode(FileEditMode mode) { this.mode = mode; } public List<FileMetadata> getFileMetadatas() { // [experimental] // this would be a way to hide any already-uploaded files from the page // while a new upload is happening: // (the uploadStarted button on the page needs the update="filesTable" // attribute added for this to work) //if (uploadInProgress) { // return null; //} return fileMetadatas; } public void setFileMetadatas(List<FileMetadata> fileMetadatas) { this.fileMetadatas = fileMetadatas; } /* The 2 methods below are for setting up the PrimeFaces:dataTabe component used to display the uploaded files, or the files selected for editing. - isScrollable(): this supplies the value of the component attribute "scrollable". When we have more than NUMBER_OF_SCROLL_ROWS worth of files (currently set to 25), we will add a scroller to the table, showing NUMBER_OF_SCROLL_ROWS at a time; thus making the page a little bit more useable. When there is fewer rows, however, the attribute needs to be set to "false" - because otherwise some (idiosyncratic) amount of white space is added to the bottom of the table, making the page look silly. - getScrollHeightPercentage(): this method calculates the *percentage* of the total length of the list of files, such that the resulting table is always NUMBER_OF_SCROLL_ROWS high. This is *the only way* to keep the number of files shown in the table fixed as the size of the list grows! (the "scrollRows" attribute of the p:dataTable component only applies when "liveScroll=true" is being used). */ public boolean isScrollable() { if (fileMetadatas == null || fileMetadatas.size() <= NUMBER_OF_SCROLL_ROWS + 1) { return false; } return true; } public String getScrollHeightPercentage() { int perc; if (fileMetadatas == null || fileMetadatas.size() < NUMBER_OF_SCROLL_ROWS) { perc = 100; } else { perc = NUMBER_OF_SCROLL_ROWS * 100 / fileMetadatas.size(); } if (perc == 0) { perc = 1; } else if (perc > 100) { perc = 100; }"scroll height percentage: "+perc); return perc + "%"; } /* Any settings, such as the upload size limits, should be saved locally - so that the db doesn't get hit repeatedly. (this setting is initialized in the init() method) This may be "null", signifying unlimited download size. */ public Long getMaxFileUploadSizeInBytes() { return this.maxFileUploadSizeInBytes; } public boolean isUnlimitedUploadFileSize() { if (this.maxFileUploadSizeInBytes == null){ return true; } return false; } /* The number of files the GUI user is allowed to upload in one batch, via drag-and-drop, or through the file select dialog. Now configurable in the Settings table. */ public Integer getMaxNumberOfFiles() { return this.multipleUploadFilesLimit; } /** * Check Dataset related permissions * * @param permissionToCheck * @return */ public boolean doesSessionUserHaveDataSetPermission(Permission permissionToCheck){ if (permissionToCheck == null){ return false; } String permName = permissionToCheck.getHumanName(); // Has this check already been done? // if (this.datasetPermissionMap.containsKey(permName)){ // Yes, return previous answer return this.datasetPermissionMap.get(permName); } // Check the permission // boolean hasPermission = this.permissionService.userOn(this.session.getUser(), this.dataset).has(permissionToCheck); // Save the permission this.datasetPermissionMap.put(permName, hasPermission); // return true/false return hasPermission; } public void reset() { // ? } public String getGlobalId() { return persistentId; } public String getPersistentId() { return persistentId; } public void setPersistentId(String persistentId) { this.persistentId = persistentId; } public String getDisplayCitation() { //displayCitation = dataset.getCitation(false, workingVersion); return displayCitation; } public void setDisplayCitation(String displayCitation) { this.displayCitation = displayCitation; } public String getDropBoxSelection() { return dropBoxSelection; } public String getDropBoxKey() { // Site-specific DropBox application registration key is configured // via a JVM option under glassfish. //if (true)return "some-test-key"; // for debugging String configuredDropBoxKey = System.getProperty("dataverse.dropbox.key"); if (configuredDropBoxKey != null) { return configuredDropBoxKey; } return ""; } public void setDropBoxSelection(String dropBoxSelection) { this.dropBoxSelection = dropBoxSelection; } public Dataset getDataset() { return dataset; } public void setDataset(Dataset dataset) { this.dataset = dataset; } public DatasetVersion getWorkingVersion() { return workingVersion; } public Long getOwnerId() { return ownerId; } public void setOwnerId(Long ownerId) { this.ownerId = ownerId; } public Long getVersionId() { return versionId; } public void setVersionId(Long versionId) { this.versionId = versionId; } public String initCreateMode(String modeToken, DatasetVersion version, List<DataFile> newFilesList, List<FileMetadata> selectedFileMetadatasList) { if (modeToken == null) { logger.fine("Request to initialize Edit Files page with null token (aborting)."); return null; } if (!modeToken.equals("CREATE")) { logger.fine("Request to initialize Edit Files page with token " + modeToken + " (aborting)."); return null; } logger.fine("Initializing Edit Files page in CREATE mode;"); if (version == null) { return permissionsWrapper.notFound(); } this.maxFileUploadSizeInBytes = systemConfig.getMaxFileUploadSize(); this.multipleUploadFilesLimit = systemConfig.getMultipleUploadFilesLimit(); workingVersion = version; dataset = version.getDataset(); mode = FileEditMode.CREATE; newFiles = newFilesList; uploadedFiles = new ArrayList(); selectedFiles = selectedFileMetadatasList; logger.fine("done"); saveEnabled = true; return null; } public String init() { fileMetadatas = new ArrayList<>(); newFiles = new ArrayList(); uploadedFiles = new ArrayList(); this.maxFileUploadSizeInBytes = systemConfig.getMaxFileUploadSize(); this.multipleUploadFilesLimit = systemConfig.getMultipleUploadFilesLimit(); if (dataset.getId() != null){ // Set Working Version and Dataset by Datasaet Id and Version //retrieveDatasetVersionResponse = datasetVersionService.retrieveDatasetVersionById(dataset.getId(), null); dataset = datasetService.find(dataset.getId()); // Is the Dataset harvested? (because we don't allow editing of harvested // files!) if (dataset == null || dataset.isHarvested()) { return permissionsWrapper.notFound(); } } else { // It could be better to show an error page of some sort, explaining // that the dataset id is mandatory... But 404 will do for now. return permissionsWrapper.notFound(); } workingVersion = dataset.getEditVersion(); if (workingVersion == null || !workingVersion.isDraft()) { // Sorry, we couldn't find/obtain a draft version for this dataset! return permissionsWrapper.notFound(); } // Check if they have permission to modify this dataset: if (!permissionService.on(dataset).has(Permission.EditDataset)) { return permissionsWrapper.notAuthorized(); } if (mode == FileEditMode.EDIT || mode == FileEditMode.SINGLE) { if (selectedFileIdsString != null) { String[] ids = selectedFileIdsString.split(","); for (String id : ids) { Long test = null; try { test = new Long(id); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // do nothing... test = null; } if (test != null) { selectedFileIdsList.add(test); } } } if (selectedFileIdsList.size() < 1) { logger.fine("No numeric file ids supplied to the page, in the edit mode. Redirecting to the 404 page."); // If no valid file IDs specified, send them to the 404 page... return permissionsWrapper.notFound(); } logger.fine("The page is called with " + selectedFileIdsList.size() + " file ids."); populateFileMetadatas(); // and if no filemetadatas can be found for the specified file ids // and version id - same deal, send them to the "not found" page. // (at least for now; ideally, we probably want to show them a page // with a more informative error message; something alonog the lines // of - could not find the files for the ids specified; or, these // datafiles are not present in the version specified, etc. if (fileMetadatas.size() < 1) { return permissionsWrapper.notFound(); } if (FileEditMode.SINGLE == mode){ if (fileMetadatas.get(0).getDatasetVersion().getId() != null){ versionString = "DRAFT"; } } } saveEnabled = true; if (mode == FileEditMode.UPLOAD) { JH.addMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, JH.localize("dataset.message.uploadFiles")); } return null; } private List<FileMetadata> selectedFiles; // = new ArrayList<>(); public List<FileMetadata> getSelectedFiles() { return selectedFiles; } public void setSelectedFiles(List<FileMetadata> selectedFiles) { this.selectedFiles = selectedFiles; } private boolean selectAllFiles; public boolean isSelectAllFiles() { return selectAllFiles; } public void setSelectAllFiles(boolean selectAllFiles) { this.selectAllFiles = selectAllFiles; } public void toggleSelectedFiles(){ this.selectedFiles = new ArrayList(); if(this.selectAllFiles){ if (mode == FileEditMode.CREATE) { for (FileMetadata fmd : workingVersion.getFileMetadatas()) { this.selectedFiles.add(fmd); } } else { for (FileMetadata fmd : fileMetadatas) { this.selectedFiles.add(fmd); } } } } public String getSelectedFilesIdsString() { String downloadIdString = ""; for (FileMetadata fmd : this.selectedFiles){ if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(downloadIdString)) { downloadIdString += ","; } downloadIdString += fmd.getDataFile().getId(); } return downloadIdString; } /* public void updateFileCounts(){ setSelectedUnrestrictedFiles(new ArrayList<FileMetadata>()); setSelectedRestrictedFiles(new ArrayList<FileMetadata>()); for (FileMetadata fmd : this.selectedFiles){ if(fmd.isRestricted()){ getSelectedRestrictedFiles().add(fmd); } else { getSelectedUnrestrictedFiles().add(fmd); } } }*/ List<FileMetadata> previouslyRestrictedFiles = null; public boolean isShowAccessPopup() { //System.out.print("in get show access popup"); //System.out.print("previously restricted :" + previouslyRestrictedFiles); for (FileMetadata fmd : this.fileMetadatas) { //System.out.print("restricted :" + fmd.isRestricted()); //System.out.print("file id :" + fmd.getDataFile().getId()); if (fmd.isRestricted()) { if (fmd.getDataFile().getId() == null) { // if this is a brand new file, it's definitely not // of a previously restricted kind! return true; } if (previouslyRestrictedFiles != null) { boolean contains = false; for (FileMetadata fmp : previouslyRestrictedFiles) { // OK, we've already checked if it's a brand new file - // above. So we can safely assume that this datafile // has a valid db id... so it is safe to use the // equals() method: if (fmp.getDataFile().equals(fmd.getDataFile())) { contains = true; break; } } if (!contains) { return true; } } } } //System.out.print("returning false"); return false; } public void setShowAccessPopup(boolean showAccessPopup) {} // dummy set method public void restrictFiles(boolean restricted) { // since we are restricted files, first set the previously restricted file list, so we can compare for // determinin whether to show the access popup previouslyRestrictedFiles = new ArrayList(); for (FileMetadata fmd : workingVersion.getFileMetadatas()) { if (fmd.isRestricted()) { previouslyRestrictedFiles.add(fmd); } } //System.out.print(previouslyRestrictedFiles.size()); String fileNames = null; for (FileMetadata fmd : this.getSelectedFiles()) { if (restricted && !fmd.isRestricted()) { // collect the names of the newly-restrticted files, // to show in the success message: if (fileNames == null) { fileNames = fmd.getLabel(); } else { fileNames = fileNames.concat(", " + fmd.getLabel()); } } fmd.setRestricted(restricted); if (workingVersion.isDraft() && !fmd.getDataFile().isReleased()) { // We do not really need to check that the working version is // a draft here - it must be a draft, if we've gotten this // far. But just in case. -- L.A. 4.2.1 fmd.getDataFile().setRestricted(restricted); } } if (fileNames != null) { String successMessage = JH.localize("file.restricted.success"); logger.fine(successMessage); successMessage = successMessage.replace("{0}", fileNames); JsfHelper.addFlashMessage(successMessage); } } public void restrictFilesDP(boolean restricted) { // since we are restricted files, first set the previously restricted file list, so we can compare for // determinin whether to show the access popup if (previouslyRestrictedFiles == null) { previouslyRestrictedFiles = new ArrayList(); for (FileMetadata fmd : workingVersion.getFileMetadatas()) { if (fmd.isRestricted()) { previouslyRestrictedFiles.add(fmd); } } } String fileNames = null; for (FileMetadata fmw : workingVersion.getFileMetadatas()) { for (FileMetadata fmd : this.getSelectedFiles()) { if (restricted && !fmw.isRestricted()) { // collect the names of the newly-restrticted files, // to show in the success message: if (fileNames == null) { fileNames = fmd.getLabel(); } else { fileNames = fileNames.concat(", " + fmd.getLabel()); } } if (fmd.getDataFile().equals(fmw.getDataFile())) { fmw.setRestricted(restricted); } } } if (fileNames != null) { String successMessage = JH.localize("file.restricted.success"); logger.fine(successMessage); successMessage = successMessage.replace("{0}", fileNames); JsfHelper.addFlashMessage(successMessage); } } public int getRestrictedFileCount() { int restrictedFileCount = 0; for (FileMetadata fmd : workingVersion.getFileMetadatas()) { if (fmd.isRestricted()) { restrictedFileCount++; } } return restrictedFileCount; } private List<FileMetadata> filesToBeDeleted = new ArrayList(); public void deleteFiles() { String fileNames = null; for (FileMetadata fmd : this.getSelectedFiles()) { // collect the names of the newly-restrticted files, // to show in the success message: if (fileNames == null) { fileNames = fmd.getLabel(); } else { fileNames = fileNames.concat(", " + fmd.getLabel()); } } for (FileMetadata markedForDelete : selectedFiles) { logger.fine("delete requested on file "+markedForDelete.getLabel()); logger.fine("file metadata id: "+markedForDelete.getId()); logger.fine("datafile id: "+markedForDelete.getDataFile().getId()); logger.fine("page is in edit mode "; // TODO: // some duplicated code below... needs to be refactored as follows: // 1. check if the filemetadata has the id; if not - remove // from the appropriate lists using the iterators; // then 2. check if the file has the id; if not - remove it quietly // (as specified below; otherwise - do the quick .remoove() of the // filemetadata from the appropriate lists, and add the file to the // "filestobedeleted" list... as it is now, the code for step 1. // is duplicated in 2 places below. I just don't have time to // rewrite it now. -- L.A. Sep. 15, 4.2 if (markedForDelete.getDataFile().getId() != null) { logger.fine("this is an existing (saved) file."); // the file already exists as part of this dataset // so all we remove is the file from the fileMetadatas (from the // file metadatas attached to the editVersion, and from the // display list of file metadatas that are being edited) // and let the delete be handled in the command (by adding it to the filesToBeDeleted list): // has this filemetadata been saved already? (or is it a brand new // filemetadata, created as part of a brand new version, created when // the user clicked 'delete', that hasn't been saved in the db yet?) if (markedForDelete.getId() != null) { logger.fine("this is a filemetadata from an existing draft version"); dataset.getEditVersion().getFileMetadatas().remove(markedForDelete); fileMetadatas.remove(markedForDelete); filesToBeDeleted.add(markedForDelete); } else { logger.fine("this is a brand-new (unsaved) filemetadata"); // ok, this is a brand-new DRAFT version. // 1. delete the filemetadata from the local display list: Iterator fmit = fileMetadatas.iterator(); while (fmit.hasNext()) { FileMetadata fmd = (FileMetadata); if (markedForDelete.getDataFile().getStorageIdentifier().equals(fmd.getDataFile().getStorageIdentifier())) { fmit.remove(); break; } } // 2. delete the filemetadata from the version: fmit = dataset.getEditVersion().getFileMetadatas().iterator(); while (fmit.hasNext()) { FileMetadata fmd = (FileMetadata); if (markedForDelete.getDataFile().getStorageIdentifier().equals(fmd.getDataFile().getStorageIdentifier())) { fmit.remove(); break; } } } } else { logger.fine("this is a brand new file."); // the file was just added during this step, so in addition to // removing it from the fileMetadatas list, we also remove it from // the newFiles list and the dataset's files, so it never gets saved. if (mode != FileEditMode.CREATE) { // If the bean is in the 'CREATE' mode, the page is using // dataset.getEditVersion().getFileMetadatas() directly, // so there's no need to delete this meta from the local // fileMetadatas list. // (we can't just do // fileMetadatas.remove(markedForDelete); // - because the filemetadata doesn't have the id yet!) Iterator fmit = fileMetadatas.iterator(); while (fmit.hasNext()) { FileMetadata fmd = (FileMetadata); if (markedForDelete.getDataFile().getStorageIdentifier().equals(fmd.getDataFile().getStorageIdentifier())) { fmit.remove(); break; } } } Iterator fmit = dataset.getEditVersion().getFileMetadatas().iterator(); while (fmit.hasNext()) { FileMetadata fmd = (FileMetadata); if (markedForDelete.getDataFile().getStorageIdentifier().equals(fmd.getDataFile().getStorageIdentifier())) { fmit.remove(); break; } } Iterator<DataFile> dfIt = dataset.getFiles().iterator(); while (dfIt.hasNext()) { DataFile dfn =; if (markedForDelete.getDataFile().getStorageIdentifier().equals(dfn.getStorageIdentifier())) { // Before we remove the file from the list and forget about // it: // The physical uploaded file is still sitting in the temporary // directory. If it were saved, it would be moved into its // permanent location. But since the user chose not to save it, // we have to delete the temp file too. // // Eventually, we will likely add a dedicated mechanism // for managing temp files, similar to (or part of) the storage // access framework, that would allow us to handle specialized // configurations - highly sensitive/private data, that // has to be kept encrypted even in temp files, and such. // But for now, we just delete the file directly on the // local filesystem: try { Files.delete(Paths.get(FileUtil.getFilesTempDirectory() + "/" + dfn.getStorageIdentifier())); } catch (IOException ioEx) { // safe to ignore - it's just a temp file. logger.warning("Failed to delete temporary file " + FileUtil.getFilesTempDirectory() + "/" + dfn.getStorageIdentifier()); } dfIt.remove(); } } Iterator<DataFile> nfIt = newFiles.iterator(); while (nfIt.hasNext()) { DataFile dfn =; if (markedForDelete.getDataFile().getStorageIdentifier().equals(dfn.getStorageIdentifier())) { nfIt.remove(); } } } } if (fileNames != null) { String successMessage = JH.localize("file.deleted.success"); logger.fine(successMessage); successMessage = successMessage.replace("{0}", fileNames); JsfHelper.addFlashMessage(successMessage); } } public String saveWithTermsOfUse() { logger.fine("saving terms of use, and the dataset version"); datasetUpdateRequired = true; return save(); } public String save() { /* // Validate Set<ConstraintViolation> constraintViolations = workingVersion.validate(); if (!constraintViolations.isEmpty()) { //JsfHelper.addFlashMessage(JH.localize("dataset.message.validationError")); logger.fine("Constraint violation detected on SAVE: "+constraintViolations.toString()); JH.addMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, JH.localize("dataset.message.validationError")); //FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "Validation Error", "See below for details.")); return ""; } }*/ // Once all the filemetadatas pass the validation, we'll only allow the user // to try to save once; (this it to prevent them from creating multiple // DRAFT versions, if the page gets stuck in that state where it // successfully creates a new version, but can't complete the remaining // tasks. -- L.A. 4.2 if (!saveEnabled) { return ""; } // Save the NEW files permanently: ingestService.addFiles(workingVersion, newFiles); //boolean newDraftVersion = false; if (workingVersion.getId() == null || datasetUpdateRequired) {"issuing the dataset update command"); // We are creating a new draft version; // (OR, a full update of the dataset has been explicitly requested, // because of the nature of the updates the user has made). // We'll use an Update command for this: //newDraftVersion = true; if (datasetUpdateRequired) { for (int i = 0; i < workingVersion.getFileMetadatas().size(); i++) { for (FileMetadata fileMetadata : fileMetadatas) { if (fileMetadata.getDataFile().getStorageIdentifier() != null) { if (fileMetadata.getDataFile().getStorageIdentifier().equals(workingVersion.getFileMetadatas().get(i).getDataFile().getStorageIdentifier())) { workingVersion.getFileMetadatas().set(i, fileMetadata); } } } } // Tabular data tags are assigned to datafiles, not to // version-specfic filemetadatas! // So if tabular tags have been modified, we also need to // refresh the list of datafiles, as found in dataset.getFiles(), // similarly to what we've just done, above, for the filemetadatas. // Otherwise, when we call UpdateDatasetCommand, it's not going // to update the tags in the database (issue #2798). if (tabularDataTagsUpdated) { for (int i = 0; i < dataset.getFiles().size(); i++) { for (FileMetadata fileMetadata : fileMetadatas) { if (fileMetadata.getDataFile().getStorageIdentifier() != null) { if (fileMetadata.getDataFile().getStorageIdentifier().equals(dataset.getFiles().get(i).getStorageIdentifier())) { dataset.getFiles().set(i, fileMetadata.getDataFile()); } } } } tabularDataTagsUpdated = false; } } Command<Dataset> cmd; try { cmd = new UpdateDatasetCommand(dataset, dvRequestService.getDataverseRequest(), filesToBeDeleted); ((UpdateDatasetCommand) cmd).setValidateLenient(true); dataset = commandEngine.submit(cmd); } catch (EJBException ex) { StringBuilder error = new StringBuilder(); error.append(ex).append(" "); error.append(ex.getMessage()).append(" "); Throwable cause = ex; while (cause.getCause()!= null) { cause = cause.getCause(); error.append(cause).append(" "); error.append(cause.getMessage()).append(" "); } logger.log(Level.INFO, "Couldn''t save dataset: {0}", error.toString()); populateDatasetUpdateFailureMessage(); return null; } catch (CommandException ex) { FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "Dataset Save Failed", " - " + ex.toString())); logger.severe(ex.getMessage()); populateDatasetUpdateFailureMessage(); return null; } datasetUpdateRequired = false; saveEnabled = false; } else { // This is an existing Draft version (and nobody has explicitly // requested that the entire dataset is updated). So we'll try to update // only the filemetadatas and/or files affected, and not the // entire version. // TODO: in 4.3, create SaveDataFileCommand! // -- L.A. Sep. 21 2015, 4.2 Timestamp updateTime = new Timestamp(new Date().getTime()); workingVersion.setLastUpdateTime(updateTime); dataset.setModificationTime(updateTime); StringBuilder saveError = new StringBuilder(); for (FileMetadata fileMetadata : fileMetadatas) { if (fileMetadata.getDataFile().getCreateDate() == null) { fileMetadata.getDataFile().setCreateDate(updateTime); fileMetadata.getDataFile().setCreator((AuthenticatedUser) session.getUser()); } fileMetadata.getDataFile().setModificationTime(updateTime); try { //DataFile savedDatafile =; fileMetadata = datafileService.mergeFileMetadata(fileMetadata); } catch (EJBException ex) { saveError.append(ex).append(" "); saveError.append(ex.getMessage()).append(" "); Throwable cause = ex; while (cause.getCause() != null) { cause = cause.getCause(); saveError.append(cause).append(" "); saveError.append(cause.getMessage()).append(" "); } } } // Remove / delete any files that were removed for (FileMetadata fmd : filesToBeDeleted) { // check if this file is being used as the default thumbnail if (fmd.getDataFile().equals(dataset.getThumbnailFile())) { logger.fine("deleting the dataset thumbnail designation"); dataset.setThumbnailFile(null); } if (!fmd.getDataFile().isReleased()) { // if file is draft (ie. new to this version, delete; otherwise just remove filemetadata object) try { commandEngine.submit(new DeleteDataFileCommand(fmd.getDataFile(), dvRequestService.getDataverseRequest())); dataset.getFiles().remove(fmd.getDataFile()); workingVersion.getFileMetadatas().remove(fmd); // added this check to handle issue where you could not deleter a file that shared a category with a new file // the relationship does not seem to cascade, yet somehow it was trying to merge the filemetadata // todo: clean this up some when we clean the create / update dataset methods for (DataFileCategory cat : dataset.getCategories()) { cat.getFileMetadatas().remove(fmd); } } catch (CommandException cmde) { // TODO: // add diagnostics reporting for individual data files that // we failed to delete. } } else { datafileService.removeFileMetadata(fmd); fmd.getDataFile().getFileMetadatas().remove(fmd); workingVersion.getFileMetadatas().remove(fmd); } } String saveErrorString = saveError.toString(); if (saveErrorString != null && !saveErrorString.equals("")) { logger.log(Level.INFO, "Couldn''t save dataset: {0}", saveErrorString); populateDatasetUpdateFailureMessage(); return null; } // Refresh the instance of the dataset object: // (being in the UPLOAD mode more or less guarantees that the // dataset object already exists in the database, but we'll check // the id for null, just in case) if (mode == FileEditMode.UPLOAD) { if (dataset.getId() != null) { dataset = datasetService.find(dataset.getId()); } } } newFiles.clear(); workingVersion = dataset.getEditVersion(); logger.fine("working version id: "+workingVersion.getId()); JsfHelper.addSuccessMessage(JH.localize("dataset.message.filesSuccess")); // Call Ingest Service one more time, to // queue the data ingest jobs for asynchronous execution: if (mode == FileEditMode.UPLOAD) { ingestService.startIngestJobs(dataset, (AuthenticatedUser) session.getUser()); } if (mode == FileEditMode.SINGLE && fileMetadatas.size() > 0) { // If this was a "single file edit", i.e. an edit request sent from // the individual File Landing page, we want to redirect back to // the landing page. BUT ONLY if the file still exists - i.e., if // the user hasn't just deleted it! versionString = "DRAFT"; return returnToFileLandingPage(); } //if (newDraftVersion) { // return returnToDraftVersionById(); //} return returnToDraftVersion(); } private void populateDatasetUpdateFailureMessage(){ JH.addMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_FATAL, JH.localize("dataset.message.filesFailure")); } private String returnToDraftVersion(){ return "/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=" + dataset.getGlobalId() + "&version=DRAFT&faces-redirect=true"; } private String returnToDatasetOnly(){ dataset = datasetService.find(dataset.getId()); return "/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=" + dataset.getGlobalId() + "&faces-redirect=true"; } private String returnToFileLandingPage() { Long fileId = fileMetadatas.get(0).getDataFile().getId(); if (versionString.equals("DRAFT")){ return "/file.xhtml?fileId=" + fileId + "&version=DRAFT&faces-redirect=true"; } return "/file.xhtml?fileId=" + fileId + "&faces-redirect=true"; } public String cancel() { if (mode == FileEditMode.SINGLE) { return returnToFileLandingPage(); } if (workingVersion.getId() != null) { return returnToDraftVersion(); } return returnToDatasetOnly(); } /* deprecated; super inefficient, when called repeatedly on a long list of files! leaving the code here, commented out, for illustration purposes. -- 4.6 public boolean isDuplicate(FileMetadata fileMetadata) { String thisMd5 = fileMetadata.getDataFile().getChecksumValue(); if (thisMd5 == null) { return false; } Map<String, Integer> MD5Map = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); // TODO: // think of a way to do this that doesn't involve populating this // map for every file on the page? // may not be that much of a problem, if we paginate and never display // more than a certain number of files... Still, needs to be revisited // before the final 4.0. // -- L.A. 4.0 // make a "defensive copy" to avoid java.util.ConcurrentModificationException from being thrown // when uploading 100+ files List<FileMetadata> wvCopy = new ArrayList<>(workingVersion.getFileMetadatas()); Iterator<FileMetadata> fmIt = wvCopy.iterator(); while (fmIt.hasNext()) { FileMetadata fm =; String md5 = fm.getDataFile().getChecksumValue(); if (md5 != null) { if (MD5Map.get(md5) != null) { MD5Map.put(md5, MD5Map.get(md5).intValue() + 1); } else { MD5Map.put(md5, 1); } } } return MD5Map.get(thisMd5) != null && MD5Map.get(thisMd5).intValue() > 1; }*/ private HttpClient getClient() { // TODO: // cache the http client? -- L.A. 4.0 alpha return new HttpClient(); } public boolean showFileUploadFileComponent() { if (mode == FileEditMode.UPLOAD || mode == FileEditMode.CREATE) { return true; } return false; } /** * Download a file from drop box * * @param fileLink * @return */ private InputStream getDropBoxInputStream(String fileLink, GetMethod dropBoxMethod){ if (fileLink == null){ return null; } // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Make http call, download the file: // ----------------------------------------------------------- int status = 0; //InputStream dropBoxStream = null; try { status = getClient().executeMethod(dropBoxMethod); if (status == 200) { return dropBoxMethod.getResponseBodyAsStream(); } } catch (IOException ex) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to access DropBox url: {0}!", fileLink); return null; } logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to get DropBox InputStream for file: {0}", fileLink); return null; } // end: getDropBoxInputStream /** * Using information from the DropBox choose, ingest the chosen files * * * @param event */ public void handleDropBoxUpload(ActionEvent event) { logger.fine("handleDropBoxUpload"); uploadComponentId = event.getComponent().getClientId(); // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Read JSON object from the output of the DropBox Chooser: // ----------------------------------------------------------- JsonReader dbJsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(dropBoxSelection)); JsonArray dbArray = dbJsonReader.readArray(); dbJsonReader.close(); // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Iterate through the Dropbox file information (JSON) // ----------------------------------------------------------- DataFile dFile = null; GetMethod dropBoxMethod = null; String localWarningMessage = null; for (int i = 0; i < dbArray.size(); i++) { JsonObject dbObject = dbArray.getJsonObject(i); // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Parse information for a single file // ----------------------------------------------------------- String fileLink = dbObject.getString("link"); String fileName = dbObject.getString("name"); int fileSize = dbObject.getInt("bytes"); logger.fine("DropBox url: " + fileLink + ", filename: " + fileName + ", size: " + fileSize); /* ---------------------------- Check file size - Max size NOT specified in db: default is unlimited - Max size specified in db: check too make sure file is within limits // ---------------------------- */ if ((!this.isUnlimitedUploadFileSize()) && (fileSize > this.getMaxFileUploadSizeInBytes())) { String warningMessage = "Dropbox file \"" + fileName + "\" exceeded the limit of " + fileSize + " bytes and was not uploaded."; //msg(warningMessage); //FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(event.getComponent().getClientId(), new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "upload failure", warningMessage)); if (localWarningMessage == null) { localWarningMessage = warningMessage; } else { localWarningMessage = localWarningMessage.concat("; " + warningMessage); } continue; // skip to next file, and add error mesage } dFile = null; dropBoxMethod = new GetMethod(fileLink); // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Download the file // ----------------------------------------------------------- InputStream dropBoxStream = this.getDropBoxInputStream(fileLink, dropBoxMethod); if (dropBoxStream==null){ logger.severe("Could not retrieve dropgox input stream for: " + fileLink); continue; // Error skip this file } List<DataFile> datafiles = new ArrayList<DataFile>(); // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Send it through the ingest service // ----------------------------------------------------------- try { // Note: A single uploaded file may produce multiple datafiles - // for example, multiple files can be extracted from an uncompressed // zip file. //datafiles = ingestService.createDataFiles(workingVersion, dropBoxStream, fileName, "application/octet-stream"); datafiles = FileUtil.createDataFiles(workingVersion, dropBoxStream, fileName, "application/octet-stream", systemConfig); } catch (IOException ex) { this.logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error during ingest of DropBox file {0} from link {1}", new Object[]{fileName, fileLink}); continue; }finally { // ----------------------------------------------------------- // release connection for dropBoxMethod // ----------------------------------------------------------- if (dropBoxMethod != null) { dropBoxMethod.releaseConnection(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------- // close the dropBoxStream // ----------------------------------------------------------- try { dropBoxStream.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to close the dropBoxStream for file: {0}", fileLink); } } if (datafiles == null){ this.logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to create DataFile for DropBox file {0} from link {1}", new Object[]{fileName, fileLink}); continue; }else{ // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Check if there are duplicate files or ingest warnings // ----------------------------------------------------------- uploadWarningMessage = processUploadedFileList(datafiles); logger.fine("Warning message during upload: " + uploadWarningMessage); /*if (warningMessage != null){ logger.fine("trying to send faces message to " + event.getComponent().getClientId()); FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(event.getComponent().getClientId(), new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "upload failure", warningMessage)); if (uploadWarningMessage == null) { uploadWarningMessage = warningMessage; } else { uploadWarningMessage = uploadWarningMessage.concat("; "+warningMessage); } }*/ } } if (localWarningMessage != null) { if (uploadWarningMessage == null) { uploadWarningMessage = localWarningMessage; } else { uploadWarningMessage = localWarningMessage.concat("; " + uploadWarningMessage); } } } public void uploadStarted() { // uploadStarted() is triggered by PrimeFaces <p:upload onStart=... when an upload is // started. It will be called *once*, even if it is a multiple file upload // (either through drag-and-drop or select menu)."upload started"); uploadInProgress = true; } public void uploadFinished() { // This method is triggered from the page, by the <p:upload ... onComplete=... // attribute. // Note that its behavior is different from that of of <p:upload ... onStart=... // that's triggered only once, even for a multiple file upload. In contrast, // onComplete=... gets executed for each of the completed multiple upload events. // So when you drag-and-drop a bunch of files, you CANNOT rely on onComplete=... // to notify the page when the batch finishes uploading! There IS a way // to detect ALL the current uploads completing: the p:upload widget has // the property "files", that contains the list of all the files currently // uploading; so checking on the size of the list tells you if any uploads // are still in progress. Once it's zero, you know it's all done. // This is super important - because if the user is uploading 1000 files // via drag-and-drop, you don't want to re-render the entire page each // time every single of the 1000 uploads finishes! // (check editFilesFragment.xhtml for the exact code handling this; and // // for more info). -- 4.6"upload finished"); // Add the file(s) added during this last upload event, single or multiple, // to the full list of new files, and the list of filemetadatas // used to render the page: if (mode == FileEditMode.CREATE) { ingestService.addFilesToDataset(workingVersion, uploadedFiles); } for (DataFile dataFile : uploadedFiles) { fileMetadatas.add(dataFile.getFileMetadata()); newFiles.add(dataFile); } uploadedFiles = new ArrayList<>(); uploadInProgress = false; // refresh the warning message below the upload component, if exists: if (uploadWarningMessage != null && uploadComponentId != null) { FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(uploadComponentId, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "upload warning", uploadWarningMessage)); } // We clear the following duplicate warning labels, because we want to // only inform the user of the duplicates dropped in the current upload // attempt - for ex., one batch of drag-and-dropped files, or a single // file uploaded through the file chooser. dupeFileNamesExisting = null; dupeFileNamesNew = null; multipleDupesExisting = false; multipleDupesNew = false; uploadWarningMessage = null; } private String uploadWarningMessage = null; private String uploadComponentId = null; public void handleFileUpload(FileUploadEvent event) { if (!uploadInProgress) { uploadInProgress = true; } UploadedFile uFile = event.getFile(); List<DataFile> dFileList = null; try { // Note: A single uploaded file may produce multiple datafiles - // for example, multiple files can be extracted from an uncompressed // zip file. dFileList = FileUtil.createDataFiles(workingVersion, uFile.getInputstream(), uFile.getFileName(), uFile.getContentType(), systemConfig); } catch (IOException ioex) { logger.warning("Failed to process and/or save the file " + uFile.getFileName() + "; " + ioex.getMessage()); return; } // ----------------------------------------------------------- // These raw datafiles are then post-processed, in order to drop any files // already in the dataset/already uploaded, and to correct duplicate file names, etc. // ----------------------------------------------------------- String warningMessage = processUploadedFileList(dFileList); if (warningMessage != null){ uploadWarningMessage = warningMessage; FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(event.getComponent().getClientId(), new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "upload warning", warningMessage)); // save the component id of the p:upload widget, so that we could // send an info message there, from elsewhere in the code: uploadComponentId = event.getComponent().getClientId(); } } /** * After uploading via the site or Dropbox, * check the list of DataFile objects * @param dFileList */ private String dupeFileNamesExisting = null; private String dupeFileNamesNew = null; private boolean multipleDupesExisting = false; private boolean multipleDupesNew = false; private boolean uploadInProgress = false; private String processUploadedFileList(List<DataFile> dFileList) { if (dFileList == null) { return null; } DataFile dataFile; String warningMessage = null; // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Iterate through list of DataFile objects // ----------------------------------------------------------- for (int i = 0; i < dFileList.size(); i++) { dataFile = dFileList.get(i); // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Check for ingest warnings // ----------------------------------------------------------- if (dataFile.isIngestProblem()) { if (dataFile.getIngestReportMessage() != null) { if (warningMessage == null) { warningMessage = dataFile.getIngestReportMessage(); } else { warningMessage = warningMessage.concat("; " + dataFile.getIngestReportMessage()); } } dataFile.setIngestDone(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Check for duplicates -- e.g. file is already in the dataset, // or if another file with the same checksum has already been // uploaded. // ----------------------------------------------------------- if (isFileAlreadyInDataset(dataFile)) { if (dupeFileNamesExisting == null) { dupeFileNamesExisting = dataFile.getFileMetadata().getLabel(); } else { dupeFileNamesExisting = dupeFileNamesExisting.concat(", " + dataFile.getFileMetadata().getLabel()); multipleDupesExisting = true; } // skip } else if (isFileAlreadyUploaded(dataFile)) { if (dupeFileNamesNew == null) { dupeFileNamesNew = dataFile.getFileMetadata().getLabel(); } else { dupeFileNamesNew = dupeFileNamesNew.concat(", " + dataFile.getFileMetadata().getLabel()); multipleDupesNew = true; } // skip } else { // OK, this one is not a duplicate, we want it. // But let's check if its filename is a duplicate of another // file already uploaded, or already in the dataset: dataFile.getFileMetadata().setLabel(duplicateFilenameCheck(dataFile.getFileMetadata())); if (isTemporaryPreviewAvailable(dataFile.getStorageIdentifier(), dataFile.getContentType())) { dataFile.setPreviewImageAvailable(true); } uploadedFiles.add(dataFile); // We are NOT adding the fileMetadata to the list that is being used // to render the page; we'll do that once we know that all the individual uploads // in this batch (as in, a bunch of drag-and-dropped files) have finished. //fileMetadatas.add(dataFile.getFileMetadata()); } /* preserved old, pre 4.6 code - mainly as an illustration of how we used to do this. if (!isDuplicate(dataFile.getFileMetadata())) { newFiles.add(dataFile); // looks good fileMetadatas.add(dataFile.getFileMetadata()); } else { if (duplicateFileNames == null) { duplicateFileNames = dataFile.getFileMetadata().getLabel(); } else { duplicateFileNames = duplicateFileNames.concat(", " + dataFile.getFileMetadata().getLabel()); multipleDupes = true; } // remove the file from the dataset (since createDataFiles has already linked // it to the dataset! // first, through the filemetadata list, then through tht datafiles list: Iterator<FileMetadata> fmIt = dataset.getEditVersion().getFileMetadatas().iterator(); while (fmIt.hasNext()) { FileMetadata fm =; if (fm.getId() == null && dataFile.getStorageIdentifier().equals(fm.getDataFile().getStorageIdentifier())) { fmIt.remove(); break; } } Iterator<DataFile> dfIt = dataset.getFiles().iterator(); while (dfIt.hasNext()) { DataFile dfn =; if (dfn.getId() == null && dataFile.getStorageIdentifier().equals(dfn.getStorageIdentifier())) { dfIt.remove(); break; } } } */ } // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Format error message for duplicate files // (note the separate messages for the files already in the dataset, // and the newly uploaded ones) // ----------------------------------------------------------- if (dupeFileNamesExisting != null) { String duplicateFilesErrorMessage = null; if (multipleDupesExisting) { duplicateFilesErrorMessage = "The following files already exist in the dataset: " + dupeFileNamesExisting + " (skipping)"; } else { duplicateFilesErrorMessage = "The following file already exists in the dataset: " + dupeFileNamesExisting; } if (warningMessage == null) { warningMessage = duplicateFilesErrorMessage; } else { warningMessage = warningMessage.concat("; " + duplicateFilesErrorMessage); } } if (dupeFileNamesNew != null) { String duplicateFilesErrorMessage = null; if (multipleDupesNew) { duplicateFilesErrorMessage = "The following files are duplicates of (an) already uploaded file(s): " + dupeFileNamesNew + " (skipping)"; } else { duplicateFilesErrorMessage = "The following file is a duplicate of an already uploaded file: " + dupeFileNamesNew + " (skipping)"; } if (warningMessage == null) { warningMessage = duplicateFilesErrorMessage; } else { warningMessage = warningMessage.concat("; " + duplicateFilesErrorMessage); } } if (warningMessage != null) { logger.severe(warningMessage); return warningMessage; } return null; } public boolean isTemporaryPreviewAvailable(String fileSystemId, String mimeType) { String filesRootDirectory = System.getProperty(""); if (filesRootDirectory == null || filesRootDirectory.equals("")) { filesRootDirectory = "/tmp/files"; } String fileSystemName = filesRootDirectory + "/temp/" + fileSystemId; String imageThumbFileName = null; if ("application/pdf".equals(mimeType)) { imageThumbFileName = ImageThumbConverter.generatePDFThumb(fileSystemName); } else if (mimeType != null && mimeType.startsWith("image/")) { imageThumbFileName = ImageThumbConverter.generateImageThumb(fileSystemName); } if (imageThumbFileName != null) { return true; } return false; } private Set<String> fileLabelsExisting = null; private String duplicateFilenameCheck(FileMetadata fileMetadata) { if (fileLabelsExisting == null) { fileLabelsExisting = IngestUtil.existingPathNamesAsSet(workingVersion); } return IngestUtil.duplicateFilenameCheck(fileMetadata, fileLabelsExisting); } private Map<String, Integer> checksumMapOld = null; // checksums of the files already in the dataset private Map<String, Integer> checksumMapNew = null; // checksums of the new files already uploaded private void initChecksumMap() { checksumMapOld = new HashMap<>(); Iterator<FileMetadata> fmIt = workingVersion.getFileMetadatas().iterator(); while (fmIt.hasNext()) { FileMetadata fm =; if (fm.getId() != null && fm.getDataFile() != null) { String chksum = fm.getDataFile().getChecksumValue(); if (chksum != null) { checksumMapOld.put(chksum, 1); } } } } private boolean isFileAlreadyInDataset(DataFile dataFile) { if (checksumMapOld == null) { initChecksumMap(); } String chksum = dataFile.getChecksumValue(); return chksum == null ? false : checksumMapOld.get(chksum) != null; } private boolean isFileAlreadyUploaded(DataFile dataFile) { if (checksumMapNew == null) { checksumMapNew = new HashMap<>(); } String chksum = dataFile.getChecksumValue(); if (chksum == null) { return false; } if (checksumMapNew.get(chksum) != null) { return true; } checksumMapNew.put(chksum, 1); return false; } public boolean isLocked() { if (dataset != null) { logger.fine("checking lock status of dataset " + dataset.getId()); if (dataset.isLocked()) { // refresh the dataset and version, if the current working // version of the dataset is locked: } Dataset lookedupDataset = datasetService.find(dataset.getId()); DatasetLock datasetLock = null; if (lookedupDataset != null) { datasetLock = lookedupDataset.getDatasetLock(); if (datasetLock != null) { logger.fine("locked!"); return true; } } } return false; } // Methods for edit functions that are performed on one file at a time, // in popups that block the rest of the page: private FileMetadata fileMetadataSelected = null; public void setFileMetadataSelected(FileMetadata fm){ setFileMetadataSelected(fm, null); } public void setFileMetadataSelected(FileMetadata fm, String guestbook) { fileMetadataSelected = fm; logger.fine("set the file for the advanced options popup (" + fileMetadataSelected.getLabel() + ")"); } public FileMetadata getFileMetadataSelected() { if (fileMetadataSelected != null) { logger.fine("returning file metadata for the advanced options popup (" + fileMetadataSelected.getLabel() + ")"); } else { logger.fine("file metadata for the advanced options popup is null."); } return fileMetadataSelected; } public void clearFileMetadataSelected() { fileMetadataSelected = null; } public boolean isDesignatedDatasetThumbnail (FileMetadata fileMetadata) { if (fileMetadata != null) { if (fileMetadata.getDataFile() != null) { if (fileMetadata.getDataFile().getId() != null) { //if (fileMetadata.getDataFile().getOwner() != null) { if (fileMetadata.getDataFile().equals(dataset.getThumbnailFile())) { return true; } //} } } } return false; } /* * Items for the "Designated this image as the Dataset thumbnail: */ private FileMetadata fileMetadataSelectedForThumbnailPopup = null; public void setFileMetadataSelectedForThumbnailPopup(FileMetadata fm){ fileMetadataSelectedForThumbnailPopup = fm; alreadyDesignatedAsDatasetThumbnail = getUseAsDatasetThumbnail(); } public FileMetadata getFileMetadataSelectedForThumbnailPopup() { return fileMetadataSelectedForThumbnailPopup; } public void clearFileMetadataSelectedForThumbnailPopup() { fileMetadataSelectedForThumbnailPopup = null; } private boolean alreadyDesignatedAsDatasetThumbnail = false; public boolean getUseAsDatasetThumbnail() { return isDesignatedDatasetThumbnail(fileMetadataSelectedForThumbnailPopup); } public void setUseAsDatasetThumbnail(boolean useAsThumbnail) { if (fileMetadataSelectedForThumbnailPopup != null) { if (fileMetadataSelectedForThumbnailPopup.getDataFile() != null) { if (useAsThumbnail) { dataset.setThumbnailFile(fileMetadataSelectedForThumbnailPopup.getDataFile()); } else if (getUseAsDatasetThumbnail()) { dataset.setThumbnailFile(null); } } } } public void saveAsDesignatedThumbnail() { logger.fine("saving as the designated thumbnail"); // We don't need to do anything specific to save this setting, because // the setUseAsDatasetThumbnail() method, above, has already updated the // file object appropriately. // However, once the "save" button is pressed, we want to show a success message, if this is // a new image has been designated as such: if (getUseAsDatasetThumbnail() && !alreadyDesignatedAsDatasetThumbnail) { String successMessage = JH.localize("file.assignedDataverseImage.success"); logger.fine(successMessage); successMessage = successMessage.replace("{0}", fileMetadataSelectedForThumbnailPopup.getLabel()); JsfHelper.addFlashMessage(successMessage); datasetUpdateRequired = true; } // And reset the selected fileMetadata: fileMetadataSelectedForThumbnailPopup = null; } /* * Items for the "Tags (Categories)" popup. * */ private FileMetadata fileMetadataSelectedForTagsPopup = null; public void setFileMetadataSelectedForTagsPopup(FileMetadata fm){ fileMetadataSelectedForTagsPopup = fm; } public FileMetadata getFileMetadataSelectedForTagsPopup() { return fileMetadataSelectedForTagsPopup; } public void clearFileMetadataSelectedForTagsPopup() { fileMetadataSelectedForTagsPopup = null; } /* * 1. Tabular File Tags: */ private List<String> tabFileTags = null; public List<String> getTabFileTags() { if (tabFileTags == null) { tabFileTags = DataFileTag.listTags(); } return tabFileTags; } public void setTabFileTags(List<String> tabFileTags) { this.tabFileTags = tabFileTags; } private String[] selectedTabFileTags = {}; public String[] getSelectedTabFileTags() { return selectedTabFileTags; } public void setSelectedTabFileTags(String[] selectedTabFileTags) { this.selectedTabFileTags = selectedTabFileTags; } private String[] selectedTags = {}; public void refreshTagsPopUp(FileMetadata fm){ setFileMetadataSelectedForTagsPopup(fm); refreshCategoriesByName(); refreshTabFileTagsByName(); } private List<String> tabFileTagsByName; public List<String> getTabFileTagsByName() { return tabFileTagsByName; } public void setTabFileTagsByName(List<String> tabFileTagsByName) { this.tabFileTagsByName = tabFileTagsByName; } private void refreshTabFileTagsByName() { tabFileTagsByName = new ArrayList<>(); if (fileMetadataSelectedForTagsPopup.getDataFile().getTags() != null) { for (int i = 0; i < fileMetadataSelectedForTagsPopup.getDataFile().getTags().size(); i++) { tabFileTagsByName.add(fileMetadataSelectedForTagsPopup.getDataFile().getTags().get(i).getTypeLabel()); } } refreshSelectedTabFileTags(); } private void refreshSelectedTabFileTags() { selectedTabFileTags = null; selectedTabFileTags = new String[0]; if (tabFileTagsByName.size() > 0) { selectedTabFileTags = new String[tabFileTagsByName.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < tabFileTagsByName.size(); i++) { selectedTabFileTags[i] = tabFileTagsByName.get(i); } } Arrays.sort(selectedTabFileTags); } private void refreshCategoriesByName(){ categoriesByName= new ArrayList<>(); for (String category: dataset.getCategoriesByName() ){ categoriesByName.add(category); } refreshSelectedTags(); } private List<String> categoriesByName; public List<String> getCategoriesByName() { return categoriesByName; } public void setCategoriesByName(List<String> categoriesByName) { this.categoriesByName = categoriesByName; } private void refreshSelectedTags() { selectedTags = null; selectedTags = new String[0]; List selectedCategoriesByName = new ArrayList<>(); if (fileMetadataSelectedForTagsPopup.getCategories() != null) { for (int i = 0; i < fileMetadataSelectedForTagsPopup.getCategories().size(); i++) { if (!selectedCategoriesByName.contains(fileMetadataSelectedForTagsPopup.getCategories().get(i).getName())) { selectedCategoriesByName.add(fileMetadataSelectedForTagsPopup.getCategories().get(i).getName()); } } } if (selectedCategoriesByName.size() > 0) { selectedTags = new String[selectedCategoriesByName.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < selectedCategoriesByName.size(); i++) { selectedTags[i] = (String) selectedCategoriesByName.get(i); } } Arrays.sort(selectedTags); } public String[] getSelectedTags() { return selectedTags; } public void setSelectedTags(String[] selectedTags) { this.selectedTags = selectedTags; } /* * "File Tags" (aka "File Categories"): */ private String newCategoryName = null; public String getNewCategoryName() { return newCategoryName; } public void setNewCategoryName(String newCategoryName) { this.newCategoryName = newCategoryName; } public String saveNewCategory() { if (newCategoryName != null && !newCategoryName.isEmpty()) { categoriesByName.add(newCategoryName); } //Now increase size of selectedTags and add new category String[] temp = new String[selectedTags.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(selectedTags, 0, temp, 0, selectedTags.length); selectedTags = temp; selectedTags[selectedTags.length - 1] = newCategoryName; //Blank out added category newCategoryName = ""; return ""; } /* This method handles saving both "tabular file tags" and * "file categories" (which are also considered "tags" in 4.0) */ public void saveFileTagsAndCategories() { // 1. File categories: /* In order to get the cancel button to work we had to separate the selected tags from the file metadata and re-add them on save */ fileMetadataSelectedForTagsPopup.setCategories(new ArrayList()); if (newCategoryName != null) { fileMetadataSelectedForTagsPopup.addCategoryByName(newCategoryName); } // 2. Tabular DataFile Tags: if (selectedTags != null) { for (int i = 0; i < selectedTags.length; i++) { fileMetadataSelectedForTagsPopup.addCategoryByName(selectedTags[i]); } } logger.fine("New category name: " + newCategoryName); if (fileMetadataSelectedForTagsPopup != null && newCategoryName != null) { logger.fine("Adding new category, for file " + fileMetadataSelectedForTagsPopup.getLabel()); fileMetadataSelectedForTagsPopup.addCategoryByName(newCategoryName); } else { logger.fine("No FileMetadata selected, or no category specified!"); } newCategoryName = null; // 2. Tabular DataFile Tags: if (tabularDataTagsUpdated && selectedTabFileTags != null) { if (fileMetadataSelectedForTagsPopup != null && fileMetadataSelectedForTagsPopup.getDataFile() != null) { fileMetadataSelectedForTagsPopup.getDataFile().setTags(null); for (int i = 0; i < selectedTabFileTags.length; i++) { DataFileTag tag = new DataFileTag(); try { tag.setTypeByLabel(selectedTabFileTags[i]); tag.setDataFile(fileMetadataSelectedForTagsPopup.getDataFile()); fileMetadataSelectedForTagsPopup.getDataFile().addTag(tag); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iax) { // ignore } } datasetUpdateRequired = true; // success message: String successMessage = JH.localize("file.assignedTabFileTags.success"); logger.fine(successMessage); successMessage = successMessage.replace("{0}", fileMetadataSelectedForTagsPopup.getLabel()); JsfHelper.addFlashMessage(successMessage); } // reset: selectedTags = null; } fileMetadataSelectedForTagsPopup = null; } public void handleSelection(final AjaxBehaviorEvent event) { tabularDataTagsUpdated = true; if (selectedTags != null) { selectedTags = selectedTags.clone(); } } /* * Items for the "Advanced (Ingest) Options" popup. * */ private FileMetadata fileMetadataSelectedForIngestOptionsPopup = null; public void setFileMetadataSelectedForIngestOptionsPopup(FileMetadata fm){ fileMetadataSelectedForIngestOptionsPopup = fm; } public FileMetadata getFileMetadataSelectedForIngestOptionsPopup() { return fileMetadataSelectedForIngestOptionsPopup; } public void clearFileMetadataSelectedForIngestOptionsPopup() { fileMetadataSelectedForIngestOptionsPopup = null; } private String ingestLanguageEncoding = null; public String getIngestLanguageEncoding() { if (ingestLanguageEncoding == null) { return "UTF8 (default)"; } return ingestLanguageEncoding; } public void setIngestLanguageEncoding(String ingestLanguageEncoding) { this.ingestLanguageEncoding = ingestLanguageEncoding; } public void setIngestEncoding(String ingestEncoding) { ingestLanguageEncoding = ingestEncoding; } private String savedLabelsTempFile = null; public void handleLabelsFileUpload(FileUploadEvent event) { logger.fine("entering handleUpload method."); UploadedFile file = event.getFile(); if (file != null) { InputStream uploadStream = null; try { uploadStream = file.getInputstream(); } catch (IOException ioex) {"the file " + file.getFileName() + " failed to upload!"); FacesMessage message = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_WARN, "upload failure", "the file " + file.getFileName() + " failed to upload!"); FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, message); return; } savedLabelsTempFile = saveTempFile(uploadStream); logger.fine(file.getFileName() + " is successfully uploaded."); FacesMessage message = new FacesMessage("Succesful", file.getFileName() + " is uploaded."); FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, message); } // process file (i.e., just save it in a temp location; for now): } private String saveTempFile(InputStream input) { if (input == null) { return null; } byte[] buffer = new byte[8192]; int bytesRead = 0; File labelsFile = null; FileOutputStream output = null; try { labelsFile = File.createTempFile("tempIngestLabels.", ".txt"); output = new FileOutputStream(labelsFile); while ((bytesRead = > -1) { output.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } } catch (IOException ioex) { if (input != null) { try { input.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } if (output != null) { try { output.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } return null; } if (labelsFile != null) { return labelsFile.getAbsolutePath(); } return null; } public void saveAdvancedOptions() { // Language encoding for SPSS SAV (and, possibly, other tabular ingests:) if (ingestLanguageEncoding != null) { if (fileMetadataSelectedForIngestOptionsPopup != null && fileMetadataSelectedForIngestOptionsPopup.getDataFile() != null) { if (fileMetadataSelectedForIngestOptionsPopup.getDataFile().getIngestRequest() == null) { IngestRequest ingestRequest = new IngestRequest(); ingestRequest.setDataFile(fileMetadataSelectedForIngestOptionsPopup.getDataFile()); fileMetadataSelectedForIngestOptionsPopup.getDataFile().setIngestRequest(ingestRequest); } fileMetadataSelectedForIngestOptionsPopup.getDataFile().getIngestRequest().setTextEncoding(ingestLanguageEncoding); } } ingestLanguageEncoding = null; // Extra labels for SPSS POR (and, possibly, other tabular ingests:) // (we are adding this parameter to the IngestRequest now, instead of back // when it was uploaded. This is because we want the user to be able to // hit cancel and bail out, until they actually click 'save' in the // "advanced options" popup) -- L.A. 4.0 beta 11 if (savedLabelsTempFile != null) { if (fileMetadataSelectedForIngestOptionsPopup != null && fileMetadataSelectedForIngestOptionsPopup.getDataFile() != null) { if (fileMetadataSelectedForIngestOptionsPopup.getDataFile().getIngestRequest() == null) { IngestRequest ingestRequest = new IngestRequest(); ingestRequest.setDataFile(fileMetadataSelectedForIngestOptionsPopup.getDataFile()); fileMetadataSelectedForIngestOptionsPopup.getDataFile().setIngestRequest(ingestRequest); } fileMetadataSelectedForIngestOptionsPopup.getDataFile().getIngestRequest().setLabelsFile(savedLabelsTempFile); } } savedLabelsTempFile = null; fileMetadataSelectedForIngestOptionsPopup = null; } private void populateFileMetadatas() { if (selectedFileIdsList != null) { Long datasetVersionId = workingVersion.getId(); if (datasetVersionId != null) { // The version has a database id - this is an existing version, // that had been saved previously. So we can look up the file metadatas // by the file and version ids: for (Long fileId : selectedFileIdsList) { logger.fine("attempting to retrieve file metadata for version id " + datasetVersionId + " and file id " + fileId); FileMetadata fileMetadata = datafileService.findFileMetadataByFileAndVersionId(fileId, datasetVersionId); if (fileMetadata != null) { logger.fine("Success!"); fileMetadatas.add(fileMetadata); } else { logger.fine("Failed to find file metadata."); } } } else { logger.fine("Brand new edit version - no database id."); for (FileMetadata fileMetadata : workingVersion.getFileMetadatas()) { for (Long fileId : selectedFileIdsList) { if (fileId.equals(fileMetadata.getDataFile().getId())) { logger.fine("Success! - found the file id "+fileId+" in the brand new edit version."); fileMetadatas.add(fileMetadata); selectedFileIdsList.remove(fileId); break; } } // If we've already gone through all the file ids on the list - // we can stop going through the filemetadatas: if (selectedFileIdsList.size() < 1) { break; } } } } } }