package; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.test.AndroidTestCase; import; import java.util.Locale; public abstract class OverlayBaseTest extends AndroidTestCase { private Resources mResources; protected boolean mWithOverlay; // will be set by subclasses protected void setUp() { mResources = getContext().getResources(); } private int calculateRawResourceChecksum(int resId) throws Throwable { InputStream input = null; try { input = mResources.openRawResource(resId); int ch, checksum = 0; while ((ch = != -1) { checksum = (checksum + ch) % 0xffddbb00; } return checksum; } finally { input.close(); } } private void setLocale(String code) { Locale locale = new Locale(code); Locale.setDefault(locale); Configuration config = new Configuration(); config.locale = locale; mResources.updateConfiguration(config, mResources.getDisplayMetrics()); } private void assertResource(int resId, boolean ewo, boolean ew) throws Throwable { boolean expected = mWithOverlay ? ew : ewo; boolean actual = mResources.getBoolean(resId); assertEquals(expected, actual); } private void assertResource(int resId, String ewo, String ew) throws Throwable { String expected = mWithOverlay ? ew : ewo; String actual = mResources.getString(resId); assertEquals(expected, actual); } private void assertResource(int resId, int[] ewo, int[] ew) throws Throwable { int[] expected = mWithOverlay ? ew : ewo; int[] actual = mResources.getIntArray(resId); assertEquals("length:", expected.length, actual.length); for (int i = 0; i < actual.length; ++i) { assertEquals("index " + i + ":", actual[i], expected[i]); } } public void testBooleanOverlay() throws Throwable { // config_automatic_brightness_available has overlay (default config) final int resId =; assertResource(resId, false, true); } public void testBoolean() throws Throwable { // config_bypass_keyguard_if_slider_open has no overlay final int resId =; assertResource(resId, true, true); } public void testStringOverlay() throws Throwable { // phoneTypeCar has an overlay (default config), which shouldn't shadow // the Swedish translation final int resId =; setLocale("sv_SE"); assertResource(resId, "Bil", "Bil"); } public void testStringSwedishOverlay() throws Throwable { // phoneTypeWork has overlay (no default config, only for lang=sv) final int resId =; setLocale("en_US"); assertResource(resId, "Work", "Work"); setLocale("sv_SE"); assertResource(resId, "Arbete", "Jobb"); } public void testString() throws Throwable { // phoneTypeHome has no overlay final int resId =; setLocale("en_US"); assertResource(resId, "Home", "Home"); setLocale("sv_SE"); assertResource(resId, "Hem", "Hem"); } public void testIntegerArrayOverlay() throws Throwable { // config_scrollBarrierVibePattern has overlay (default config) final int resId =; assertResource(resId, new int[]{0, 15, 10, 10}, new int[]{100, 200, 300}); } public void testIntegerArray() throws Throwable { // config_virtualKeyVibePattern has no overlay final int resId =; final int[] expected = {0, 10, 20, 30}; assertResource(resId, expected, expected); } public void testAsset() throws Throwable { // drawable/default_background.jpg has overlay (default config) final int resId =; int actual = calculateRawResourceChecksum(resId); int expected = mWithOverlay ? 0x000051da : 0x0014ebce; assertEquals(expected, actual); } }