/* * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.database.sqlite; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.DatabaseErrorHandler; import android.database.DatabaseUtils; import android.database.DefaultDatabaseErrorHandler; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteStatement; import android.test.AndroidTestCase; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.LargeTest; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.MediumTest; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.Suppress; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Pair; import java.io.File; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class SQLiteDatabaseTest extends AndroidTestCase { private static final String TAG = "DatabaseGeneralTest"; private static final String TEST_TABLE = "test"; private static final int CURRENT_DATABASE_VERSION = 42; private SQLiteDatabase mDatabase; private File mDatabaseFile; private static final int INSERT = 1; private static final int UPDATE = 2; private static final int DELETE = 3; private static final String DB_NAME = "database_test.db"; @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); dbSetUp(); } @Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception { dbTeardown(); super.tearDown(); } private void dbTeardown() throws Exception { mDatabase.close(); mDatabaseFile.delete(); } private void dbSetUp() throws Exception { File dbDir = getContext().getDir(this.getClass().getName(), Context.MODE_PRIVATE); mDatabaseFile = new File(dbDir, DB_NAME); if (mDatabaseFile.exists()) { mDatabaseFile.delete(); } mDatabase = SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase(mDatabaseFile.getPath(), null, null); assertNotNull(mDatabase); mDatabase.setVersion(CURRENT_DATABASE_VERSION); } @SmallTest public void testEnableWriteAheadLogging() { mDatabase.disableWriteAheadLogging(); assertNull(mDatabase.mConnectionPool); mDatabase.enableWriteAheadLogging(); DatabaseConnectionPool pool = mDatabase.mConnectionPool; assertNotNull(pool); // make the same call again and make sure the pool already setup is not re-created mDatabase.enableWriteAheadLogging(); assertEquals(pool, mDatabase.mConnectionPool); } @SmallTest public void testDisableWriteAheadLogging() { mDatabase.execSQL("create table test (i int);"); mDatabase.enableWriteAheadLogging(); assertNotNull(mDatabase.mConnectionPool); // get a pooled database connection SQLiteDatabase db = mDatabase.getDbConnection("select * from test"); assertNotNull(db); assertFalse(mDatabase.equals(db)); assertTrue(db.isOpen()); // disable WAL - which should close connection pool and all pooled connections mDatabase.disableWriteAheadLogging(); assertNull(mDatabase.mConnectionPool); assertFalse(db.isOpen()); } @SmallTest public void testCursorsWithClosedDbConnAfterDisableWriteAheadLogging() { mDatabase.disableWriteAheadLogging(); mDatabase.beginTransactionNonExclusive(); mDatabase.execSQL("create table test (i int);"); mDatabase.execSQL("insert into test values(1);"); mDatabase.setTransactionSuccessful(); mDatabase.endTransaction(); mDatabase.enableWriteAheadLogging(); assertNotNull(mDatabase.mConnectionPool); assertEquals(0, mDatabase.mConnectionPool.getSize()); assertEquals(0, mDatabase.mConnectionPool.getFreePoolSize()); // get a cursor which should use pooled database connection Cursor c = mDatabase.rawQuery("select * from test", null); assertEquals(1, c.getCount()); assertEquals(1, mDatabase.mConnectionPool.getSize()); assertEquals(1, mDatabase.mConnectionPool.getFreePoolSize()); SQLiteDatabase db = mDatabase.mConnectionPool.getConnectionList().get(0); assertTrue(mDatabase.mConnectionPool.isDatabaseObjFree(db)); // disable WAL - which should close connection pool and all pooled connections mDatabase.disableWriteAheadLogging(); assertNull(mDatabase.mConnectionPool); assertFalse(db.isOpen()); // cursor data should still be accessible because it is fetching data from CursorWindow c.moveToNext(); assertEquals(1, c.getInt(0)); c.requery(); assertEquals(1, c.getCount()); c.moveToNext(); assertEquals(1, c.getInt(0)); c.close(); } /** * a transaction should be started before a standalone-update/insert/delete statement */ @SmallTest public void testStartXactBeforeUpdateSql() throws InterruptedException { runTestForStartXactBeforeUpdateSql(INSERT); runTestForStartXactBeforeUpdateSql(UPDATE); runTestForStartXactBeforeUpdateSql(DELETE); } private void runTestForStartXactBeforeUpdateSql(int stmtType) throws InterruptedException { createTableAndClearCache(); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); // make some changes to data in TEST_TABLE for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { values.put("i", i); values.put("j", "i" + System.currentTimeMillis()); mDatabase.insert(TEST_TABLE, null, values); switch (stmtType) { case UPDATE: values.put("j", "u" + System.currentTimeMillis()); mDatabase.update(TEST_TABLE, values, "i = " + i, null); break; case DELETE: mDatabase.delete(TEST_TABLE, "i = 1", null); break; } } // do a query. even though query uses a different database connection, // it should still see the above changes to data because the above standalone // insert/update/deletes are done in transactions automatically. String sql = "select count(*) from " + TEST_TABLE; SQLiteStatement stmt = mDatabase.compileStatement(sql); final int expectedValue = (stmtType == DELETE) ? 4 : 5; assertEquals(expectedValue, stmt.simpleQueryForLong()); stmt.close(); Cursor c = mDatabase.rawQuery(sql, null); assertEquals(1, c.getCount()); c.moveToFirst(); assertEquals(expectedValue, c.getLong(0)); c.close(); // do 5 more changes in a transaction but do a query before and after the commit mDatabase.beginTransaction(); for (int i = 10; i < 15; i++) { values.put("i", i); values.put("j", "i" + System.currentTimeMillis()); mDatabase.insert(TEST_TABLE, null, values); switch (stmtType) { case UPDATE: values.put("j", "u" + System.currentTimeMillis()); mDatabase.update(TEST_TABLE, values, "i = " + i, null); break; case DELETE: mDatabase.delete(TEST_TABLE, "i = 1", null); break; } } mDatabase.setTransactionSuccessful(); // do a query before commit - should still have 5 rows // this query should run in a different thread to force it to use a different database // connection Thread t = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { String sql = "select count(*) from " + TEST_TABLE; SQLiteStatement stmt = getDb().compileStatement(sql); assertEquals(expectedValue, stmt.simpleQueryForLong()); stmt.close(); Cursor c = getDb().rawQuery(sql, null); assertEquals(1, c.getCount()); c.moveToFirst(); assertEquals(expectedValue, c.getLong(0)); c.close(); } }; t.start(); // wait until the above thread is done t.join(); // commit and then query. should see changes from the transaction mDatabase.endTransaction(); stmt = mDatabase.compileStatement(sql); final int expectedValue2 = (stmtType == DELETE) ? 9 : 10; assertEquals(expectedValue2, stmt.simpleQueryForLong()); stmt.close(); c = mDatabase.rawQuery(sql, null); assertEquals(1, c.getCount()); c.moveToFirst(); assertEquals(expectedValue2, c.getLong(0)); c.close(); } private synchronized SQLiteDatabase getDb() { return mDatabase; } /** * Test to ensure that readers are able to read the database data (old versions) * EVEN WHEN the writer is in a transaction on the same database. *<p> * This test starts 1 Writer and 2 Readers and sets up connection pool for readers * by calling the method {@link SQLiteDatabase#enableWriteAheadLogging()}. * <p> * Writer does the following in a tight loop * <pre> * begin transaction * insert into table_1 * insert into table_2 * commit * </pre> * <p> * As long a the writer is alive, Readers do the following in a tight loop at the same time * <pre> * Reader_K does "select count(*) from table_K" where K = 1 or 2 * </pre> * <p> * The test is run for TIME_TO_RUN_WAL_TEST_FOR sec. * <p> * The test is repeated for different connection-pool-sizes (1..3) * <p> * And at the end of of each test, the following statistics are printed * <ul> * <li>connection-pool-size</li> * <li>number-of-transactions by writer</li> * <li>number of reads by reader_K while the writer is IN or NOT-IN xaction</li> * </ul> */ @LargeTest @Suppress // run this test only if you need to collect the numbers from this test public void testConcurrencyEffectsOfConnPool() throws Exception { // run the test with sqlite WAL enable runConnectionPoolTest(true); // run the same test WITHOUT sqlite WAL enabled runConnectionPoolTest(false); } private void runConnectionPoolTest(boolean useWal) throws Exception { int M = 3; StringBuilder[] buff = new StringBuilder[M]; for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) { if (useWal) { // set up connection pool mDatabase.enableWriteAheadLogging(); mDatabase.mConnectionPool.setMaxPoolSize(i + 1); } else { mDatabase.disableWriteAheadLogging(); } mDatabase.execSQL("CREATE TABLE t1 (i int, j int);"); mDatabase.execSQL("CREATE TABLE t2 (i int, j int);"); mDatabase.beginTransaction(); for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++) { mDatabase.execSQL("insert into t1 values(?,?);", new String[] {k+"", k+""}); mDatabase.execSQL("insert into t2 values(?,?);", new String[] {k+"", k+""}); } mDatabase.setTransactionSuccessful(); mDatabase.endTransaction(); // start a writer Writer w = new Writer(mDatabase); // initialize an array of counters to be passed to the readers Reader r1 = new Reader(mDatabase, "t1", w, 0); Reader r2 = new Reader(mDatabase, "t2", w, 1); w.start(); r1.start(); r2.start(); // wait for all threads to die w.join(); r1.join(); r2.join(); // print the stats int[][] counts = getCounts(); buff[i] = new StringBuilder(); buff[i].append("connpool-size = "); buff[i].append(i + 1); buff[i].append(", num xacts by writer = "); buff[i].append(getNumXacts()); buff[i].append(", num-reads-in-xact/NOT-in-xact by reader1 = "); buff[i].append(counts[0][1] + "/" + counts[0][0]); buff[i].append(", by reader2 = "); buff[i].append(counts[1][1] + "/" + counts[1][0]); Log.i(TAG, "done testing for conn-pool-size of " + (i+1)); dbTeardown(); dbSetUp(); } Log.i(TAG, "duration of test " + TIME_TO_RUN_WAL_TEST_FOR + " sec"); for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) { Log.i(TAG, buff[i].toString()); } } private boolean inXact = false; private int numXacts; private static final int TIME_TO_RUN_WAL_TEST_FOR = 15; // num sec this test should run private int[][] counts = new int[2][2]; private synchronized boolean inXact() { return inXact; } private synchronized void setInXactFlag(boolean flag) { inXact = flag; } private synchronized void setCounts(int readerNum, int[] numReads) { counts[readerNum][0] = numReads[0]; counts[readerNum][1] = numReads[1]; } private synchronized int[][] getCounts() { return counts; } private synchronized void setNumXacts(int num) { numXacts = num; } private synchronized int getNumXacts() { return numXacts; } private class Writer extends Thread { private SQLiteDatabase db = null; public Writer(SQLiteDatabase db) { this.db = db; } @Override public void run() { // in a loop, for N sec, do the following // BEGIN transaction // insert into table t1, t2 // Commit long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); int k; for (k = 0;(System.currentTimeMillis() - now) / 1000 < TIME_TO_RUN_WAL_TEST_FOR; k++) { db.beginTransactionNonExclusive(); setInXactFlag(true); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { db.execSQL("insert into t1 values(?,?);", new String[] {i+"", i+""}); db.execSQL("insert into t2 values(?,?);", new String[] {i+"", i+""}); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); setInXactFlag(false); db.endTransaction(); } setNumXacts(k); } } private class Reader extends Thread { private SQLiteDatabase db = null; private String table = null; private Writer w = null; private int readerNum; private int[] numReads = new int[2]; public Reader(SQLiteDatabase db, String table, Writer w, int readerNum) { this.db = db; this.table = table; this.w = w; this.readerNum = readerNum; } @Override public void run() { // while the write is alive, in a loop do the query on a table while (w.isAlive()) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { DatabaseUtils.longForQuery(db, "select count(*) from " + this.table, null); // update count of reads numReads[inXact() ? 1 : 0] += 1; } } setCounts(readerNum, numReads); } } public static class ClassToTestSqlCompilationAndCaching extends SQLiteProgram { private ClassToTestSqlCompilationAndCaching(SQLiteDatabase db, String sql) { super(db, sql); } public static ClassToTestSqlCompilationAndCaching create(SQLiteDatabase db, String sql) { db.lock(); try { return new ClassToTestSqlCompilationAndCaching(db, sql); } finally { db.unlock(); } } } @SmallTest public void testLruCachingOfSqliteCompiledSqlObjs() { createTableAndClearCache(); // set cache size int N = SQLiteDatabase.MAX_SQL_CACHE_SIZE; mDatabase.setMaxSqlCacheSize(N); // do N+1 queries - and when the 0th entry is removed from LRU cache due to the // insertion of (N+1)th entry, make sure 0th entry is closed ArrayList<Integer> stmtObjs = new ArrayList<Integer>(); ArrayList<String> sqlStrings = new ArrayList<String>(); int stmt0 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < N+1; i++) { String s = "insert into test values(" + i + ",?);"; sqlStrings.add(s); ClassToTestSqlCompilationAndCaching c = ClassToTestSqlCompilationAndCaching.create(mDatabase, s); int n = c.getSqlStatementId(); stmtObjs.add(i, n); if (i == 0) { // save the statementId of this obj. we want to make sure it is thrown out of // the cache at the end of this test. stmt0 = n; } c.close(); } // is 0'th entry out of the cache? it should be in the list of statementIds // corresponding to the pre-compiled sql statements to be finalized. assertTrue(mDatabase.getQueuedUpStmtList().contains(stmt0)); for (int i = 1; i < N+1; i++) { SQLiteCompiledSql compSql = mDatabase.getCompiledStatementForSql(sqlStrings.get(i)); assertNotNull(compSql); assertTrue(stmtObjs.contains(compSql.nStatement)); } } @MediumTest public void testDbCloseReleasingAllCachedSql() { mDatabase.execSQL("CREATE TABLE test (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, text1 TEXT, text2 TEXT, " + "num1 INTEGER, num2 INTEGER, image BLOB);"); final String statement = "DELETE FROM test WHERE _id=?;"; SQLiteStatement statementDoNotClose = mDatabase.compileStatement(statement); statementDoNotClose.bindLong(1, 1); /* do not close statementDoNotClose object. * That should leave it in SQLiteDatabase.mPrograms. * mDatabase.close() in tearDown() should release it. */ } private void createTableAndClearCache() { mDatabase.disableWriteAheadLogging(); mDatabase.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TEST_TABLE); mDatabase.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + TEST_TABLE + " (i int, j int);"); mDatabase.enableWriteAheadLogging(); mDatabase.lock(); // flush the above statement from cache and close all the pending statements to be released mDatabase.deallocCachedSqlStatements(); mDatabase.closePendingStatements(); mDatabase.unlock(); assertEquals(0, mDatabase.getQueuedUpStmtList().size()); } /** * test to make sure the statement finalizations are not done right away but * piggy-backed onto the next sql statement execution on the same database. */ @SmallTest public void testStatementClose() { createTableAndClearCache(); // fill up statement cache in mDatabase int N = SQLiteDatabase.MAX_SQL_CACHE_SIZE; mDatabase.setMaxSqlCacheSize(N); SQLiteStatement stmt; int stmt0Id = 0; for (int i = 0; i < N; i ++) { ClassToTestSqlCompilationAndCaching c = ClassToTestSqlCompilationAndCaching.create(mDatabase, "insert into test values(" + i + ", ?);"); // keep track of 0th entry if (i == 0) { stmt0Id = c.getSqlStatementId(); } c.close(); } // add one more to the cache - and the above 'stmt0Id' should fall out of cache ClassToTestSqlCompilationAndCaching stmt1 = ClassToTestSqlCompilationAndCaching.create(mDatabase, "insert into test values(100, ?);"); stmt1.close(); // the above close() should have queuedUp the statement for finalization ArrayList<Integer> statementIds = mDatabase.getQueuedUpStmtList(); assertTrue(statementIds.contains(stmt0Id)); // execute something to see if this statement gets finalized mDatabase.execSQL("delete from test where i = 10;"); statementIds = mDatabase.getQueuedUpStmtList(); assertFalse(statementIds.contains(stmt0Id)); } /** * same as above - except that the statement to be finalized is from Thread # 1. * and it is eventually finalized in Thread # 2 when it executes a SQL statement. * @throws InterruptedException */ @LargeTest public void testStatementCloseDiffThread() throws InterruptedException { createTableAndClearCache(); final int N = SQLiteDatabase.MAX_SQL_CACHE_SIZE; mDatabase.setMaxSqlCacheSize(N); // fill up statement cache in mDatabase in a thread Thread t1 = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { SQLiteStatement stmt; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { ClassToTestSqlCompilationAndCaching c = ClassToTestSqlCompilationAndCaching.create(getDb(), "insert into test values(" + i + ", ?);"); // keep track of 0th entry if (i == 0) { stmt0Id = c.getSqlStatementId(); } c.close(); } } }; t1.start(); // wait for the thread to finish t1.join(); // mDatabase shouldn't have any statements to be released assertEquals(0, mDatabase.getQueuedUpStmtList().size()); // add one more to the cache - and the above 'stmt0Id' should fall out of cache // just for the heck of it, do it in a separate thread Thread t2 = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { ClassToTestSqlCompilationAndCaching stmt1 = ClassToTestSqlCompilationAndCaching.create(getDb(), "insert into test values(100, ?);"); stmt1.bindLong(1, 1); stmt1.close(); } }; t2.start(); t2.join(); // close() in the above thread should have queuedUp the stmt0Id for finalization ArrayList<Integer> statementIds = getDb().getQueuedUpStmtList(); assertTrue(statementIds.contains(getStmt0Id())); assertEquals(1, statementIds.size()); // execute something to see if this statement gets finalized // again do it in a separate thread Thread t3 = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { getDb().execSQL("delete from test where i = 10;"); } }; t3.start(); t3.join(); // is the statement finalized? statementIds = getDb().getQueuedUpStmtList(); assertFalse(statementIds.contains(getStmt0Id())); } private volatile int stmt0Id = 0; private synchronized int getStmt0Id() { return this.stmt0Id; } /** * same as above - except that the queue of statements to be finalized are finalized * by database close() operation. */ @LargeTest public void testStatementCloseByDbClose() throws InterruptedException { createTableAndClearCache(); // fill up statement cache in mDatabase in a thread Thread t1 = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { int N = SQLiteDatabase.MAX_SQL_CACHE_SIZE; getDb().setMaxSqlCacheSize(N); SQLiteStatement stmt; for (int i = 0; i < N; i ++) { ClassToTestSqlCompilationAndCaching c = ClassToTestSqlCompilationAndCaching.create(getDb(), "insert into test values(" + i + ", ?);"); // keep track of 0th entry if (i == 0) { stmt0Id = c.getSqlStatementId(); } c.close(); } } }; t1.start(); // wait for the thread to finish t1.join(); // add one more to the cache - and the above 'stmt0Id' should fall out of cache // just for the heck of it, do it in a separate thread Thread t2 = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { ClassToTestSqlCompilationAndCaching stmt1 = ClassToTestSqlCompilationAndCaching.create(getDb(), "insert into test values(100, ?);"); stmt1.bindLong(1, 1); stmt1.close(); } }; t2.start(); t2.join(); // close() in the above thread should have queuedUp the statement for finalization ArrayList<Integer> statementIds = getDb().getQueuedUpStmtList(); assertTrue(getStmt0Id() > 0); assertTrue(statementIds.contains(stmt0Id)); assertEquals(1, statementIds.size()); // close the database. everything from mClosedStatementIds in mDatabase // should be finalized and cleared from the list // again do it in a separate thread Thread t3 = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { getDb().close(); } }; t3.start(); t3.join(); // check mClosedStatementIds in mDatabase. it should be empty statementIds = getDb().getQueuedUpStmtList(); assertEquals(0, statementIds.size()); } /** * This test tests usage execSQL() to begin transaction works in the following way * Thread #1 does * execSQL("begin transaction"); * insert() * Thread # 2 * query() * Thread#1 ("end transaction") * Thread # 2 query will execute - because java layer will not have locked the SQLiteDatabase * object and sqlite will consider this query to be part of the transaction. * * but if thread # 1 uses beginTransaction() instead of execSQL() to start transaction, * then Thread # 2's query will have been blocked by java layer * until Thread#1 ends transaction. * * @throws InterruptedException */ @SmallTest public void testExecSqlToStartAndEndTransaction() throws InterruptedException { runExecSqlToStartAndEndTransaction("END"); // same as above, instead now do "COMMIT" or "ROLLBACK" instead of "END" transaction runExecSqlToStartAndEndTransaction("COMMIT"); runExecSqlToStartAndEndTransaction("ROLLBACK"); } private void runExecSqlToStartAndEndTransaction(String str) throws InterruptedException { createTableAndClearCache(); // disable WAL just so queries and updates use the same database connection mDatabase.disableWriteAheadLogging(); mDatabase.execSQL("BEGIN transaction"); // even though mDatabase.beginTransaction() is not called to start transaction, // mDatabase connection should now be in transaction as a result of // mDatabase.execSQL("BEGIN transaction") // but mDatabase.mLock should not be held by any thread assertTrue(mDatabase.inTransaction()); assertFalse(mDatabase.isDbLockedByCurrentThread()); assertFalse(mDatabase.isDbLockedByOtherThreads()); assertTrue(mDatabase.amIInTransaction()); mDatabase.execSQL("INSERT into " + TEST_TABLE + " values(10, 999);"); assertTrue(mDatabase.inTransaction()); assertFalse(mDatabase.isDbLockedByCurrentThread()); assertFalse(mDatabase.isDbLockedByOtherThreads()); assertTrue(mDatabase.amIInTransaction()); Thread t = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { assertTrue(mDatabase.amIInTransaction()); assertEquals(999, DatabaseUtils.longForQuery(getDb(), "select j from " + TEST_TABLE + " WHERE i = 10", null)); assertTrue(getDb().inTransaction()); assertFalse(getDb().isDbLockedByCurrentThread()); assertFalse(getDb().isDbLockedByOtherThreads()); assertTrue(mDatabase.amIInTransaction()); } }; t.start(); t.join(); assertTrue(mDatabase.amIInTransaction()); assertTrue(mDatabase.inTransaction()); assertFalse(mDatabase.isDbLockedByCurrentThread()); assertFalse(mDatabase.isDbLockedByOtherThreads()); mDatabase.execSQL(str); assertFalse(mDatabase.amIInTransaction()); assertFalse(mDatabase.inTransaction()); assertFalse(mDatabase.isDbLockedByCurrentThread()); assertFalse(mDatabase.isDbLockedByOtherThreads()); } /** * test the following * http://b/issue?id=2871037 * Cursor cursor = db.query(...); * // with WAL enabled, the above uses a pooled database connection * db.beginTransaction() * try { * db.insert(......); * cursor.requery(); * // since the cursor uses pooled database connection, the above requery * // will not return the results that were inserted above since the insert is * // done using main database connection AND the transaction is not committed yet. * // fix is to make the above cursor use the main database connection - and NOT * // the pooled database connection * db.setTransactionSuccessful() * } finally { * db.endTransaction() * } * * @throws InterruptedException */ @SmallTest public void testTransactionAndWalInterplay1() throws InterruptedException { createTableAndClearCache(); mDatabase.execSQL("INSERT into " + TEST_TABLE + " values(10, 999);"); String sql = "select * from " + TEST_TABLE; Cursor c = mDatabase.rawQuery(sql, null); // should have 1 row in the table assertEquals(1, c.getCount()); mDatabase.beginTransactionNonExclusive(); try { mDatabase.execSQL("INSERT into " + TEST_TABLE + " values(100, 9909);"); assertEquals(2, DatabaseUtils.longForQuery(mDatabase, "select count(*) from " + TEST_TABLE, null)); // requery on the previously opened cursor // cursor should now use the main database connection and see 2 rows c.requery(); assertEquals(2, c.getCount()); mDatabase.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { mDatabase.endTransaction(); } c.close(); // do the same test but now do the requery in a separate thread. createTableAndClearCache(); mDatabase.execSQL("INSERT into " + TEST_TABLE + " values(10, 999);"); final Cursor c1 = mDatabase.rawQuery("select count(*) from " + TEST_TABLE, null); // should have 1 row in the table assertEquals(1, c1.getCount()); mDatabase.beginTransactionNonExclusive(); try { mDatabase.execSQL("INSERT into " + TEST_TABLE + " values(100, 9909);"); assertEquals(2, DatabaseUtils.longForQuery(mDatabase, "select count(*) from " + TEST_TABLE, null)); // query in a different thread. that causes the cursor to use a pooled connection // and since this thread hasn't committed its changes, the cursor should still see only // 1 row Thread t = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { c1.requery(); assertEquals(1, c1.getCount()); } }; t.start(); t.join(); // should be 2 rows now - including the the row inserted above mDatabase.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { mDatabase.endTransaction(); } c1.close(); } /** * This test is same as {@link #testTransactionAndWalInterplay1()} except the following: * instead of mDatabase.beginTransactionNonExclusive(), use execSQL("BEGIN transaction") * and instead of mDatabase.endTransaction(), use execSQL("END"); */ @SmallTest public void testTransactionAndWalInterplay2() throws InterruptedException { createTableAndClearCache(); mDatabase.execSQL("INSERT into " + TEST_TABLE + " values(10, 999);"); String sql = "select * from " + TEST_TABLE; Cursor c = mDatabase.rawQuery(sql, null); // should have 1 row in the table assertEquals(1, c.getCount()); mDatabase.execSQL("BEGIN transaction"); try { mDatabase.execSQL("INSERT into " + TEST_TABLE + " values(100, 9909);"); assertEquals(2, DatabaseUtils.longForQuery(mDatabase, "select count(*) from " + TEST_TABLE, null)); // requery on the previously opened cursor // cursor should now use the main database connection and see 2 rows c.requery(); assertEquals(2, c.getCount()); } finally { mDatabase.execSQL("commit;"); } c.close(); // do the same test but now do the requery in a separate thread. createTableAndClearCache(); mDatabase.execSQL("INSERT into " + TEST_TABLE + " values(10, 999);"); final Cursor c1 = mDatabase.rawQuery("select count(*) from " + TEST_TABLE, null); // should have 1 row in the table assertEquals(1, c1.getCount()); mDatabase.execSQL("BEGIN transaction"); try { mDatabase.execSQL("INSERT into " + TEST_TABLE + " values(100, 9909);"); assertEquals(2, DatabaseUtils.longForQuery(mDatabase, "select count(*) from " + TEST_TABLE, null)); // query in a different thread. but since the transaction is started using // execSQ() instead of beginTransaction(), cursor's query is considered part of // the same transaction - and hence it should see the above inserted row Thread t = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { c1.requery(); assertEquals(1, c1.getCount()); } }; t.start(); t.join(); // should be 2 rows now - including the the row inserted above } finally { mDatabase.execSQL("commit"); } c1.close(); } /** * This test is same as {@link #testTransactionAndWalInterplay2()} except the following: * instead of committing the data, do rollback and make sure the data seen by the query * within the transaction is now gone. */ @SmallTest public void testTransactionAndWalInterplay3() { createTableAndClearCache(); mDatabase.execSQL("INSERT into " + TEST_TABLE + " values(10, 999);"); String sql = "select * from " + TEST_TABLE; Cursor c = mDatabase.rawQuery(sql, null); // should have 1 row in the table assertEquals(1, c.getCount()); mDatabase.execSQL("BEGIN transaction"); try { mDatabase.execSQL("INSERT into " + TEST_TABLE + " values(100, 9909);"); assertEquals(2, DatabaseUtils.longForQuery(mDatabase, "select count(*) from " + TEST_TABLE, null)); // requery on the previously opened cursor // cursor should now use the main database connection and see 2 rows c.requery(); assertEquals(2, c.getCount()); } finally { // rollback the change mDatabase.execSQL("rollback;"); } // since the change is rolled back, do the same query again and should now find only 1 row c.requery(); assertEquals(1, c.getCount()); assertEquals(1, DatabaseUtils.longForQuery(mDatabase, "select count(*) from " + TEST_TABLE, null)); c.close(); } @SmallTest public void testAttachDb() { String newDb = "/sdcard/mydata.db"; File f = new File(newDb); if (f.exists()) { f.delete(); } assertFalse(f.exists()); SQLiteDatabase db = SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase(newDb, null); db.execSQL("create table test1 (i int);"); db.execSQL("insert into test1 values(1);"); db.execSQL("insert into test1 values(11);"); Cursor c = null; try { c = db.rawQuery("select * from test1", null); int count = c.getCount(); Log.i(TAG, "count: " + count); assertEquals(2, count); } finally { c.close(); db.close(); c = null; } mDatabase.execSQL("attach database ? as newDb" , new String[]{newDb}); Cursor c1 = null; try { c1 = mDatabase.rawQuery("select * from newDb.test1", null); assertEquals(2, c1.getCount()); } catch (Exception e) { fail("unexpected exception: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (c1 != null) { c1.close(); } } List<Pair<String, String>> dbs = mDatabase.getAttachedDbs(); for (Pair<String, String> p: dbs) { Log.i(TAG, "attached dbs: " + p.first + " : " + p.second); } assertEquals(2, dbs.size()); } /** * http://b/issue?id=2943028 * SQLiteOpenHelper maintains a Singleton even if it is in bad state. */ @SmallTest public void testCloseAndReopen() { mDatabase.close(); TestOpenHelper helper = new TestOpenHelper(getContext(), DB_NAME, null, CURRENT_DATABASE_VERSION, new DefaultDatabaseErrorHandler()); mDatabase = helper.getWritableDatabase(); createTableAndClearCache(); mDatabase.execSQL("INSERT into " + TEST_TABLE + " values(10, 999);"); Cursor c = mDatabase.query(TEST_TABLE, new String[]{"i", "j"}, null, null, null, null, null); assertEquals(1, c.getCount()); c.close(); mDatabase.close(); assertFalse(mDatabase.isOpen()); mDatabase = helper.getReadableDatabase(); assertTrue(mDatabase.isOpen()); c = mDatabase.query(TEST_TABLE, new String[]{"i", "j"}, null, null, null, null, null); assertEquals(1, c.getCount()); c.close(); } private class TestOpenHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper { public TestOpenHelper(Context context, String name, CursorFactory factory, int version, DatabaseErrorHandler errorHandler) { super(context, name, factory, version, errorHandler); } @Override public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {} @Override public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {} } }