/* Open Meerkat Testbed. An open source implementation of the Meerkat API for running poker games Copyright (C) 2010 Dan Schatzberg This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package game; import util.Utils; import com.biotools.meerkat.Action; import com.biotools.meerkat.GameInfo; import com.biotools.meerkat.Hand; import com.biotools.meerkat.Player; import com.biotools.meerkat.PlayerInfo; public class PublicPlayerInfo implements PlayerInfo { private GameInfo game; private String name = ""; private double money = 0.0D; private double amountInPot = 0.0D; private double amountInPotThisRound = 0.0D; private boolean actedThisRound = false; private boolean showCards = false; private boolean folded = false; private boolean sittingOut = false; private boolean won = false; private Hand holeCards = null; private int action = 0; private Player bot = null; private boolean isCallbot = true; public static PublicPlayerInfo create(String name, double bankroll, Player bot) { PublicPlayerInfo player = new PublicPlayerInfo(); player.setName(name); player.setBankroll(bankroll); player.setBot(bot); return player; } public Player getBot() { return bot; } public void setBot(Player bot) { this.bot = bot; } public void setCallbot(Boolean callBot){ isCallbot = callBot; } public boolean isCallbot(){ return isCallbot; } @Override public double getAmountCallable() { return Math.min(getBankRoll(), getAmountToCall()); } @Override public double getAmountInPot() { return this.amountInPot; } @Override public double getAmountInPotThisRound() { return this.amountInPotThisRound; } @Override public double getAmountRaiseable() { return isActive() ? getBankRoll() - getAmountToCall() : 0.0D; } @Override public double getAmountToCall() { return getGameInfo().getAmountToCall(getSeat()); } @Override public double getBankRoll() { return this.money; } @Override public double getBankRollAtRisk() { return getGameInfo().getBankRollAtRisk(getSeat()); } @Override public double getBankRollAtStartOfHand() { return this.getBankRoll() - this.getAmountInPot(); } @Override public double getBankRollInSmallBets() { return getBankRoll() / getGameInfo().getBigBlindSize(); } @Override public GameInfo getGameInfo() { return this.game; } @Override public int getLastAction() { return this.action; } @Override public String getName() { return this.name; } @Override public double getNetGain() { return this.won ? getGameInfo().getEligiblePot(getSeat()) - getAmountInPot() - getGameInfo().getRake() : -1 * getAmountInPot(); } @Override public double getRaiseAmount(double amountToRaise) { return Math.min(amountToRaise, getAmountRaiseable()); } @Override public Hand getRevealedHand() { return this.showCards ? this.holeCards : null; } @Override public int getSeat() { return getGameInfo().getPlayerSeat(getName()); } @Override public boolean hasActedThisRound() { return this.actedThisRound; } @Override public boolean hasEnoughToRaise() { return getAmountRaiseable() > 0.0D; } @Override public boolean inGame() { return !isSittingOut(); } @Override public boolean isActive() { return inGame() && !getGameInfo().isGameOver() && !isFolded(); } @Override public boolean isAllIn() { return getBankRoll() == 0 && isActive(); } @Override public boolean isButton() { return getGameInfo().getButtonSeat() == getSeat(); } @Override //Note that the meerkat API is very ambiguous. For isCommitted(seat) in GameInfo it is true if anything was invested in the current Round //for isCommitted it is true if anything was voluntarily committed this round //I have taken it to mean anything invested (not voluntarily) this round. public boolean isCommitted() { return this.getAmountInPotThisRound() != 0; } @Override public boolean isFolded() { return this.folded; } @Override public boolean isSittingOut() { return this.sittingOut; } public void setSittingOut(boolean sittingOut) { this.sittingOut = sittingOut; } public void setGame(GameInfo gi) { this.game = gi; } public void setName(String n) { this.name = n; } public void setBankroll(double bankroll) { this.money = bankroll; } public void setCards(Hand hole) { this.holeCards = hole; } public void wonHand(double amount) { this.won = true; this.money = Utils.roundToCents(this.money + amount); } public void newHand() { newRound(); this.amountInPot = 0.0D; this.showCards = false; this.folded = false; this.won = false; this.holeCards = null; this.action = Action.INVALID; } public void newRound() { this.actedThisRound = false; this.amountInPotThisRound = 0.0D; } public void update(Action act) { if (getGameInfo().getCurrentPlayerSeat() != getSeat()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Is not player's turn to act"); if (act.isAllInPass()) { putMoney(getBankRoll()); this.action = Action.ALLIN_PASS; } else if (act.isAnte()) { putMoney(getGameInfo().getAnte()); this.action = Action.POST_ANTE; } else if (act.isBet()) { putMoney(act.getAmount()); this.action = Action.BET; } else if (act.isBigBlind()) { putMoney(getGameInfo().getBigBlindSize()); this.action = Action.BIG_BLIND; } else if (act.isCall()) { putMoney(Math.min(getAmountToCall(), getBankRoll())); this.action = Action.CALL; } else if (act.isCheck()) { this.action = Action.CHECK; } else if (act.isFold()) { this.folded = true; this.action = Action.FOLD; } else if (act.isMuck()) { this.folded = true; this.action = Action.MUCK; } else if (act.isRaise()) { putMoney(act.getAmount() + act.getToCall()); this.action = Action.RAISE; } else if (act.isSitout()) { this.sittingOut = true; this.action = Action.SIT_OUT; } else if (act.isSmallBlind()) { putMoney(getGameInfo().getSmallBlindSize()); this.action = Action.SMALL_BLIND; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid action, possibly unimplemented"); } this.actedThisRound = true; } public void putMoney(double amount) { this.amountInPotThisRound = Utils.roundToCents(this.amountInPotThisRound + amount); this.amountInPot = Utils.roundToCents(this.amountInPot + amount); this.money = Utils.roundToCents(this.money - amount); } public Hand getHand() { return holeCards; } public void showCards(boolean showCards) { this.showCards = showCards; } }