package common.handeval.stevebrecher; /** * An immutable poker card. * @version 2006Dec11.0 * @author Steve Brecher * */ public class Card implements Comparable<Card> { /** * The card ranks, from two (deuce) to ace. */ public static enum Rank { TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT, NINE, TEN, JACK, QUEEN, KING, ACE; /** * @return the character in {@link #RANK_CHARS} denoting this rank. */ public char toChar() { return RANK_CHARS.charAt(this.ordinal()); } /** * @param c a character present in {@link #RANK_CHARS} (case insensitive) * @return the Rank denoted by character. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if c not in {@link #RANK_CHARS} */ public static Rank fromChar(char c) { int i = RANK_CHARS.indexOf(Character.toUpperCase(c)); if (i >= 0) return Rank.values()[i]; throw new IllegalArgumentException("'" + c + "'"); } /** * @return the pip value of this Rank, ranging from 2 for * a <code>TWO</code> (deuce) to 14 for an <code>ACE</code>. */ public int pipValue() { return this.ordinal() + 2; } public static final String RANK_CHARS = "23456789TJQKA"; } /** * The card suits, from club to spade. */ public static enum Suit { CLUB, DIAMOND, HEART, SPADE; /** * @return the character in {@link #SUIT_CHARS} denoting this suit. */ public char toChar() { return SUIT_CHARS.charAt(this.ordinal()); } /** * @param c a character present in {@link #SUIT_CHARS} (case insensitive) * @return the Suit denoted by the character. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if c not in {@link #SUIT_CHARS} */ public static Suit fromChar(char c) { int i = SUIT_CHARS.indexOf(Character.toLowerCase(c)); if (i >= 0) return Suit.values()[i]; throw new IllegalArgumentException("'" + c + "'"); } public static final String SUIT_CHARS = "cdhs"; } private final Rank rank; private final Suit suit; /** * Constructs a card of the specified rank and suit. * @param rank a {@link Rank} * @param suit a {@link Suit} * @see #getInstance(, */ public Card(Rank rank, Suit suit) { this.rank = rank; this.suit = suit; } /** * Constructs a card of the specified rank and suit. * @param rs a {@link String} of length 2, where the first character is in {@link Card.Rank#RANK_CHARS} and * the second is in {@link Card.Suit#SUIT_CHARS} (case insensitive). * @throws IllegalArgumentException on the first character in rs which is not found in the respective string. * @see #getInstance(String) */ public Card(String rs) { if (rs.length() != 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException('"' + rs + "\".length != 2"); try { this.rank = Rank.fromChar(rs.charAt(0)); this.suit = Suit.fromChar(rs.charAt(1)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw e; // indicates the first erroneous character } } private final static Card[] theCards = new Card[52]; static { int i = 0; for (Suit s : Suit.values()) for (Rank r : Rank.values()) theCards[i++] = new Card(r, s); } /** * Returns a pre-existing instance of {@link Card} of the specified rank and suit. * @param rank a {@link Rank} * @param suit a {@link Suit} * @return an instance of {@link Card} of the specified rank and suit. */ public static Card getInstance(Rank rank, Suit suit) { return theCards[suit.ordinal() * 13 + rank.ordinal()]; } /** * Returns a pre-existing instance of {@link Card} of the specified rank and suit. * @param rs a {@link String} of length 2, where the first character is in {@link Card.Rank#RANK_CHARS} and * the second is in {@link Card.Suit#SUIT_CHARS} (case insensitive). * @return an instance of {@link Card} of the specified rank and suit. * @throws IllegalArgumentException on the first character in rs which is not found in the respective string. */ public static Card getInstance(String rs) { if (rs.length() != 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException('"' + rs + "\".length != 2"); try { Rank rank = Rank.fromChar(rs.charAt(0)); Suit suit = Suit.fromChar(rs.charAt(1)); return theCards[suit.ordinal() * 13 + rank.ordinal()]; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw e; // indicates the first erroneous character } } /** * Returns a {@link String} of length 2 denoting the rank and suit of this card. * @return a {@link String} of length 2 containing a character in {@link Card.Rank#RANK_CHARS} denoting this * card's rank followed by a character in {@link Card.Suit#SUIT_CHARS} denoting this * card's suit. */ @Override public String toString() { return String.format("%c%c", rank.toChar(), suit.toChar()); } /** * Returns the {@link Rank} of this card. * @return the {@link Rank} of this card. */ public Rank rankOf() { return rank; } /** * Returns the {@link Suit} of this card. * @return the {@link Suit} of this card. */ public Suit suitOf() { return suit; } /** * Compares the parameter to this card. * @return <code>true</code> if the parameter is a {@link Card} of the same rank and suit * as this card; <code>false</code> otherwise. */ @Override public boolean equals(Object that) { if (!(that instanceof Card)) return false; Card c = (Card) that; return this.rank == c.rank && this.suit == c.suit; } /* result is a perfect hash code */ @Override public int hashCode() { return rank.ordinal() * 4 + suit.ordinal(); } /** * Compares the specified Card to this card, first on rank; then, if equal, on suit.<br> * Note that the suit comparison is not germane to the core game of * poker but is the one traditionally used to assign stud bring-ins, etc. * @param that the Card to be compared * @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this Card is less than, * equal to, or greater than the specified Card. */ public int compareTo(Card that) { int result = this.rank.compareTo(that.rank); if (result != 0) return result; return this.suit.compareTo(that.suit); } }