/** * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package bots.mctsbot.ai.opponentmodels.weka.instances; import weka.core.Instance; import bots.mctsbot.ai.opponentmodels.weka.PlayerData; import bots.mctsbot.ai.opponentmodels.weka.Propositionalizer; public class PreCheckBetInstances extends InstancesBuilder { private final static String attributes = "@attribute roundCompletion real" + nl + "@attribute playersActed integer" + nl + "@attribute playersToAct integer" + nl + "@attribute gameCount integer" + nl + "@attribute nbActionsThisRound integer" + nl + "@attribute potSize real" + nl + "@attribute stackSize real" + nl + "@attribute nbSeatedPlayers integer" + nl + "@attribute nbActivePlayers integer" + nl + "@attribute activePlayerRatio real" + nl + "@attribute betFrequency real" + nl + "@attribute betFrequencyRound real" + nl + "@attribute VPIP real" + nl + "@attribute PFR real" + nl + "@attribute AF real" + nl + "@attribute AFq real" + nl + "@attribute AFAmount real" + nl + "@attribute WtSD real" + nl + "@attribute opponentVPIP real" + nl + "@attribute opponentPFR real" + nl + "@attribute opponentAF real" + nl + "@attribute opponentAFq real" + nl + "@attribute opponentLogAFAmount real" + nl + "@attribute opponentWtSD real" + nl; public PreCheckBetInstances(String name, String targets) { super(name, attributes, targets); } public Instance getUnclassifiedInstance(Propositionalizer prop, Object actor) { PlayerData p = prop.getPlayers().get(actor); Instance instance = new Instance(length); instance.setDataset(dataset); instance.setValue(0, prop.getRoundCompletion()); instance.setValue(1, prop.getPlayersActed()); instance.setValue(2, prop.getPlayersToAct()); instance.setValue(3, p.getGameCount()); instance.setValue(4, prop.getTableGameStats().getNbRoundActions(prop)); // Amounts instance.setValue(5, prop.getRelativePotSize()); instance.setValue(6, p.getRelativeStack()); // Player count instance.setValue(7, prop.getNbSeatedPlayers()); instance.setValue(8, prop.getNbActivePlayers()); instance.setValue(9, prop.getActivePlayerRatio()); // Global player frequencies instance.setValue(10, p.getGlobalStats().getBetFrequency(4)); // Per-round player frequencies instance.setValue(11, p.getGlobalStats().getRoundBetFrequency(prop, 4)); // PT Stats instance.setValue(12, p.getVPIP(4)); instance.setValue(13, p.getPFR(4)); instance.setValue(14, p.getGlobalStats().getAF(5)); instance.setValue(15, p.getGlobalStats().getAFq(5)); instance.setValue(16, (float) Math.log(p.getGlobalStats().getAFAmount(5))); instance.setValue(17, p.getWtSD(4)); // Table PT stat averages instance.setValue(18, prop.getAverageVPIP(p, 4)); instance.setValue(19, prop.getAveragePFR(p, 4)); instance.setValue(20, prop.getAverageAF(p, 5)); instance.setValue(21, prop.getAverageAFq(p, 5)); instance.setValue(22, prop.getAverageAFAmount(p, 5)); instance.setValue(23, prop.getAverageWtSD(p, 4)); return instance; } }