package com.jpii.navalbattle.renderer; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.MultipleGradientPaint.CycleMethod; import java.awt.geom.*; import java.awt.image.*; import*; import java.util.*; import com.jpii.navalbattle.pavo.gui.MessageBox; import com.jpii.navalbattle.util.FileUtils; import maximusvladimir.dagen.Rand; /** * The rendering helper. Consists of static methods. */ public class Helper { public static BufferedImage GUI_OMNIMAP_BACKGROUND1; public static BufferedImage GUI_OMNIMAP_BACKGROUND2; public static BufferedImage GUI_OMNIMAP_ICON_WORLD; public static BufferedImage GUI_WINDOW_ICON; private static BufferedImage[] GUI_GLYPH_CHARS; public static Font GUI_GAME_FONT; public static Font GUI_MENU_TITLE_FONT; private static Font loadFont(String name) { Font font = null; if (name == null) { return new Font("Fixedsys",0,11); } try { File file = new File(Helper.class.getResource("/com/jpii/navalbattle/res/" + name).toURI()); font = Font.createFont(Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, file); GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment .getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); ge.registerFont(font); } catch (Exception ex) { return new Font("Fixedsys",0,11); } return font; } public static void LoadStaticResources() { loadFont("munro.ttf"); GUI_GAME_FONT = new Font("Arial",0,16); GUI_MENU_TITLE_FONT = new Font("Arial",0,56); try { GUI_WINDOW_ICON = FileUtils.getImage(("drawable-gui/gui_window_icon.png")); MessageBox.setMessageBoxErrorIcon( FileUtils.getImageFromOtherPath("/com/jpii/navalbattle/pavo/res/msg_error.png")); MessageBox.setMessageBoxWarnIcon( FileUtils.getImageFromOtherPath("/com/jpii/navalbattle/pavo/res/msg_warn.png")); MessageBox.setMessageBoxNotifyIcon( FileUtils.getImageFromOtherPath("/com/jpii/navalbattle/pavo/res/msg_notify.png")); MessageBox.setMessageBoxInfoIcon( FileUtils.getImageFromOtherPath("/com/jpii/navalbattle/pavo/res/msg_info.png")); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } GUI_OMNIMAP_ICON_WORLD = new BufferedImage(20,20,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); Graphics g = GUI_OMNIMAP_ICON_WORLD.getGraphics(); g.setColor(new Color(38, 65, 136)); g.fillOval(0, 0, 19, 19); g.setColor(; g.drawOval(0, 0, 19, 19); g.setColor(new Color(90, 142, 81)); int xt = 3; g.drawLine(4+xt, 1, 9+xt, 1); g.drawLine(2+xt, 2, 11+xt, 2); g.drawLine(1+xt, 3, 12+xt, 3); g.drawLine(1+xt, 4, 11+xt, 4); g.drawLine(1+xt, 5, 11+xt, 5); g.drawLine(2+xt, 6, 10+xt, 6); g.drawLine(3+xt, 7, 9+xt, 7); g.drawLine(3+xt, 8, 6+xt, 8); g.drawLine(3+xt, 9, 5+xt, 9); g.drawLine(3+xt, 10, 5+xt, 10); g.drawLine(2+xt, 11, 8+xt, 11); g.drawLine(1+xt, 12, 9+xt, 12); g.drawLine(1+xt, 13, 10+xt, 13); g.drawLine(0+xt, 14, 10+xt, 14); g.drawLine(1+xt, 15, 10+xt, 15); g.drawLine(1+xt, 16, 10+xt, 16); g.drawLine(2+xt, 17, 9+xt, 17); g.drawLine(4+xt, 18, 7+xt, 18); } public static void drawString(String txt, int x, int y, Graphics g) { int x2 = 0; for (int v = 0; v < txt.length(); v++) { char c = txt.charAt(v); drawChar(c,x2 + x, y, g); x2 += 8; } } public static Color randomColor(Random r) { return new Color(r.nextInt(127) + 127, r.nextInt(127) + 127, r.nextInt(127) + 127); } public static void drawChar(char c, int x, int y, Graphics g) { BufferedImage img = null; switch (c) { case ' ': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[0]; break; case '\u0263': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[1]; break; case '!': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[33]; break; case '"': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[34]; break; case '#': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[35]; break; case '$': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[36]; break; case '%': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[37]; break; case '&': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[38]; break; case '\'': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[39]; break; case '(': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[40]; break; case ')': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[41]; break; case '*': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[42]; break; case '+': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[43]; break; case ',': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[44]; break; case '-': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[45]; break; case '.': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[46]; break; case '/': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[47]; break; case '0': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[48]; break; case '1': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[49]; break; case '2': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[50]; break; case '3': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[51]; break; case '4': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[52]; break; case '5': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[53]; break; case '6': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[54]; break; case '7': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[55]; break; case '8': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[56]; break; case '9': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[57]; break; case ':': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[58]; break; } g.drawImage(img,x,y,null); } /** * Creates a nifty looking inner shadow for the window. * @param width The width of the shadow. * @param height The height of the shadow. * @return The translucent shadow that was created. */ public static BufferedImage genInnerShadow(int width, int height) { BufferedImage shadowOuter = new BufferedImage(width,height,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); Graphics g = shadowOuter.getGraphics(); Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g; Point2D center = new Point2D.Float(width/2,height/2); float radius = width; Point2D focus = new Point2D.Float(width/2, height/2); float[] dist = {0.0f, 1.0f}; Color[] colors = {new Color(0,0,0,0), new Color(0,0,0,220)}; RadialGradientPaint p = new RadialGradientPaint(center, radius, focus, dist, colors, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE); g2.setPaint(p); g2.fillRect(0, 0, width,height); return shadowOuter; } /** * Adjusts the double to fit it within 0.0 and 1.0. * @param d The double to adjust. * @return The adjusted double. */ public static double snap(double d) { if (d > 1.0) d = 1.0; if (d < 0.0) d = 0.0; return (d); } /** * Linear interpolation. * @param num0 * @param num1 * @param amount * @return */ public static double Lerp(int num0, int num1, double amount) { return num0 + (amount*(num1-num0)); } /** * Linear interpolation. * @param color0 * @param color1 * @param amount * @return */ public static Color Lerp(Color color0, Color color1, double amount) { int r = (int)Lerp(color0.getRed(), color1.getRed(), amount); int g = (int)Lerp(color0.getGreen(), color1.getGreen(), amount); int b = (int)Lerp(color0.getBlue(), color1.getBlue(), amount); int a = (int)Lerp(color0.getAlpha(), color1.getAlpha(), amount); return new Color(r,g,b,a); } public static int ComputeTime() { int le = RenderConstants.DAYNIGHT_LENGTH_IN_SECONDS; int alph = 0; double tofd = RenderConstants.CURRENT_TIME_OF_DAY; int nightl = 5; if (tofd > 0 && tofd < le / nightl/2) { double t = tofd; alph = (int)(t * RenderConstants.NIGHT_MAX_DARKNESS / (le / nightl/2)); if (alph < 0) alph = 0; if (alph > 255) alph = 255; if (!last.equals("Sunset")) { last = "Sunset"; } } else if (tofd > le / nightl/2 && tofd < le / nightl * 2) { alph = RenderConstants.NIGHT_MAX_DARKNESS; if (!last.equals("Night")) { last = "Night"; } } else if (tofd > le / nightl * 2 && tofd < (le / nightl * 2) + (le / nightl / 2)) { double t = ((le / nightl * 2) + (le / nightl / 2))- tofd; alph = (int)(t * RenderConstants.NIGHT_MAX_DARKNESS / (le / nightl /2)); if (alph < 0) alph = 0; if (alph > 255) alph = 255; if (!last.equals("Sunrise")) { last = "Sunrise"; } } else { if (!last.equals("Daytime")) { last = "Daytime"; } } return alph; } private static String last = "s"; /** * Randomize a preset color, by the maximum differential as the maximum absolute value, with the random provider. * @param orig The original color. * @param maxDiff The maximum differential. * @param rand The random number provider. * @param includeAlpha Should alpha be included with the randomization??? (Usually is false) * @return */ public static Color randomise(Color orig, int maxDiff, Random rand, boolean includeAlpha) { int r = orig.getRed(); int g = orig.getGreen(); int b = orig.getBlue(); int a = orig.getAlpha(); r += rand.nextInt(maxDiff + maxDiff) - maxDiff; g += rand.nextInt(maxDiff + maxDiff) - maxDiff; b += rand.nextInt(maxDiff + maxDiff) - maxDiff; if (includeAlpha) a += rand.nextInt(maxDiff + maxDiff) - maxDiff; r = colorSnap(r); g = colorSnap(g); b = colorSnap(b); a = colorSnap(a); return new Color(r, g, b, a); } /** * Snaps a rgba value to a byte. * @param rgbaval The integer to snap. * @return Between 0 and 255. */ public static int colorSnap(int rgbaval) { if (rgbaval > 255) rgbaval = 255; if (rgbaval < 0) rgbaval = 0; return rgbaval; } /** * Adjusts a preset color to a roughness value. * @param orig The original color * @param a The roughness value. * @param maxmin The maximum and minimum differential. * @return A color that has been adjust to match the original and roughness. */ public static Color adjust(Color orig, double a, int maxmin) { if (a > 1) a = 1; if (a < 0) a = 0; int r = orig.getRed(); int g = orig.getGreen(); int b = orig.getBlue(); r = (int)(r - (a * maxmin)); g = (int)(g - (a * maxmin)); b = (int)(b - (a * maxmin)); r = colorSnap(r); g = colorSnap(g); b = colorSnap(b); return new Color(r, g, b, orig.getAlpha()); } public static Color adjust2(Color original, double value, int maximumrange) { if (value > 1) value = 1; if (value < 0) value = 0; int r = original.getRed(); int g = original.getGreen(); int b = original.getBlue(); double nah = value * maximumrange; r += (int)nah; g += (int)nah; b += (int)nah; r = colorSnap(r); g = colorSnap(g); b = colorSnap(b); return new Color(r, g, b, original.getAlpha()); } public static Color randomise(Color orig, int maxDiff, Rand rand, boolean includeAlpha) { int r = orig.getRed(); int g = orig.getGreen(); int b = orig.getBlue(); int a = orig.getAlpha(); r += rand.nextInt(maxDiff + maxDiff) - maxDiff; g += rand.nextInt(maxDiff + maxDiff) - maxDiff; b += rand.nextInt(maxDiff + maxDiff) - maxDiff; if (includeAlpha) a += rand.nextInt(maxDiff + maxDiff) - maxDiff; r = colorSnap(r); g = colorSnap(g); b = colorSnap(b); a = colorSnap(a); return new Color(r, g, b, a); } }