/* * JAME 6.2.1 * http://jame.sourceforge.net * * Copyright 2001, 2016 Andrea Medeghini * * This file is part of JAME. * * JAME is an application for creating fractals and other graphics artifacts. * * JAME is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * JAME is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with JAME. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ package net.sf.jame.mandelbrot.extensions.renderingFormula; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import net.sf.jame.core.math.Complex; import net.sf.jame.mandelbrot.renderer.RenderedPoint; /** * @author Andrea Medeghini */ public class SINZRuntime extends AbstractRenderingFormulaRuntime<SINZConfig> { private static final int GUARD_VALUE = 1000; private double ta; private double tb; private double tc; private double td; private double te; private double tf; /** * @see net.sf.jame.mandelbrot.renderingFormula.extension.RenderingFormulaExtensionRuntime#getInitialPoint() */ @Override public Complex getInitialPoint() { return new Complex(Math.PI / 2.0, 0.0); } /** * @see net.sf.jame.mandelbrot.extensions.renderingFormula.AbstractRenderingFormulaRuntime#isHorizontalSymetryAllowed() */ @Override public boolean isHorizontalSymetryAllowed() { if (formulaRuntime != null) { return false; } if (orbitTrapRuntime != null) { return false; } return true; } /** * @see net.sf.jame.mandelbrot.extensions.renderingFormula.AbstractRenderingFormulaRuntime#isVerticalSymetryAllowed() */ @Override public boolean isVerticalSymetryAllowed() { if (formulaRuntime != null) { return false; } if (orbitTrapRuntime != null) { return false; } return true; } /** * @see net.sf.jame.mandelbrot.renderingFormula.extension.RenderingFormulaExtensionRuntime#renderPoint(net.sf.jame.mandelbrot.renderer.RenderedPoint) */ @Override public int renderPoint(final RenderedPoint cp) { if (formulaRuntime != null) { formulaRuntime.prepareForProcessing(); } cp.zr = cp.xr; cp.zi = cp.xi; cp.time = 0; for (int k = 1; k <= iterations; k++) { ta = Math.cos(cp.zr); tb = Math.sin(cp.zr); tc = Math.exp(+cp.zi); td = Math.exp(-cp.zi); te = tb * 0.5d * (tc + td); tf = ta * 0.5d * (tc - td); cp.zr = (cp.wr * te) - (cp.wi * tf); cp.zi = (cp.wi * te) + (cp.wr * tf); if (formulaRuntime != null) { formulaRuntime.processPoint(cp); } if (orbitTrapRuntime != null) { if (orbitTrapRuntime.processPoint(cp)) { cp.time = k; break; } } else { if (Math.abs(cp.zi) > threshold) { cp.time = k; break; } if (((cp.zr * cp.zr) + (cp.zi * cp.zi)) < 0.0000001d) { cp.time = k; break; } } if (cp.zi > GUARD_VALUE) { cp.time = k; break; } } if (formulaRuntime != null) { formulaRuntime.renderPoint(cp); } else { if (orbitTrapRuntime != null) { orbitTrapRuntime.renderPoint(cp); } } return cp.time; } /** * @see net.sf.jame.mandelbrot.renderingFormula.extension.RenderingFormulaExtensionRuntime#renderOrbit(net.sf.jame.mandelbrot.renderer.RenderedPoint) */ @Override public List<Complex> renderOrbit(final RenderedPoint cp) { final ArrayList<Complex> orbit = new ArrayList<Complex>(); double ta = 0.0; double tb = 0.0; double tc = 0.0; double td = 0.0; double te = 0.0; double tf = 0.0; cp.zr = cp.xr; cp.zi = cp.xi; cp.time = 0; for (int k = 1; k <= iterations; k++) { ta = Math.cos(cp.zr); tb = Math.sin(cp.zr); tc = Math.exp(+cp.zi); td = Math.exp(-cp.zi); te = tb * 0.5d * (tc + td); tf = ta * 0.5d * (tc - td); cp.zr = (cp.wr * te) - (cp.wi * tf); cp.zi = (cp.wi * te) + (cp.wr * tf); orbit.add(new Complex(cp.zr, cp.zi)); if (orbitTrapRuntime != null) { if (orbitTrapRuntime.processPoint(cp)) { cp.time = k; break; } } else { if (Math.abs(cp.zi) > threshold) { cp.time = k; break; } if (((cp.zr * cp.zr) + (cp.zi * cp.zi)) < 0.0000001d) { cp.time = k; break; } } if (cp.zi > GUARD_VALUE) { cp.time = k; break; } } return orbit; } /** * @see net.sf.jame.mandelbrot.renderingFormula.extension.RenderingFormulaExtensionRuntime#getNormalizedIterationCount(net.sf.jame.mandelbrot.renderer.RenderedPoint) */ @Override public double getNormalizedIterationCount(final RenderedPoint cp) { return cp.time;// TODO not suported } }