/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.util.Arrays; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience.Public; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability.Evolving; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.CommonConfigurationKeysPublic; import org.apache.hadoop.net.NetUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.ApplicationConstants; @Public @Evolving public class YarnConfiguration extends Configuration { private static final String YARN_DEFAULT_XML_FILE = "yarn-default.xml"; private static final String YARN_SITE_XML_FILE = "yarn-site.xml"; static { Configuration.addDefaultResource(YARN_DEFAULT_XML_FILE); Configuration.addDefaultResource(YARN_SITE_XML_FILE); } //Configurations public static final String YARN_PREFIX = "yarn."; /** Delay before deleting resource to ease debugging of NM issues */ public static final String DEBUG_NM_DELETE_DELAY_SEC = YarnConfiguration.NM_PREFIX + "delete.debug-delay-sec"; //////////////////////////////// // IPC Configs //////////////////////////////// public static final String IPC_PREFIX = YARN_PREFIX + "ipc."; /** Factory to create client IPC classes.*/ public static final String IPC_CLIENT_FACTORY_CLASS = IPC_PREFIX + "client.factory.class"; public static final String DEFAULT_IPC_CLIENT_FACTORY_CLASS = "org.apache.hadoop.yarn.factories.impl.pb.RpcClientFactoryPBImpl"; /** Factory to create server IPC classes.*/ public static final String IPC_SERVER_FACTORY_CLASS = IPC_PREFIX + "server.factory.class"; public static final String DEFAULT_IPC_SERVER_FACTORY_CLASS = "org.apache.hadoop.yarn.factories.impl.pb.RpcServerFactoryPBImpl"; /** Factory to create serializeable records.*/ public static final String IPC_RECORD_FACTORY_CLASS = IPC_PREFIX + "record.factory.class"; public static final String DEFAULT_IPC_RECORD_FACTORY_CLASS = "org.apache.hadoop.yarn.factories.impl.pb.RecordFactoryPBImpl"; /** RPC class implementation*/ public static final String IPC_RPC_IMPL = IPC_PREFIX + "rpc.class"; public static final String DEFAULT_IPC_RPC_IMPL = "org.apache.hadoop.yarn.ipc.HadoopYarnProtoRPC"; //////////////////////////////// // Resource Manager Configs //////////////////////////////// public static final String RM_PREFIX = "yarn.resourcemanager."; /** The address of the applications manager interface in the RM.*/ public static final String RM_ADDRESS = RM_PREFIX + "address"; public static final int DEFAULT_RM_PORT = 8032; public static final String DEFAULT_RM_ADDRESS = "" + DEFAULT_RM_PORT; /** The number of threads used to handle applications manager requests.*/ public static final String RM_CLIENT_THREAD_COUNT = RM_PREFIX + "client.thread-count"; public static final int DEFAULT_RM_CLIENT_THREAD_COUNT = 50; /** The Kerberos principal for the resource manager.*/ public static final String RM_PRINCIPAL = RM_PREFIX + "principal"; /** The address of the scheduler interface.*/ public static final String RM_SCHEDULER_ADDRESS = RM_PREFIX + "scheduler.address"; public static final int DEFAULT_RM_SCHEDULER_PORT = 8030; public static final String DEFAULT_RM_SCHEDULER_ADDRESS = "" + DEFAULT_RM_SCHEDULER_PORT; /** Miniumum request grant-able by the RM scheduler. */ public static final String RM_SCHEDULER_MINIMUM_ALLOCATION_MB = YARN_PREFIX + "scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb"; public static final int DEFAULT_RM_SCHEDULER_MINIMUM_ALLOCATION_MB = 1024; public static final String RM_SCHEDULER_MINIMUM_ALLOCATION_VCORES = YARN_PREFIX + "scheduler.minimum-allocation-vcores"; public static final int DEFAULT_RM_SCHEDULER_MINIMUM_ALLOCATION_VCORES = 1; /** Maximum request grant-able by the RM scheduler. */ public static final String RM_SCHEDULER_MAXIMUM_ALLOCATION_MB = YARN_PREFIX + "scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb"; public static final int DEFAULT_RM_SCHEDULER_MAXIMUM_ALLOCATION_MB = 8192; public static final String RM_SCHEDULER_MAXIMUM_ALLOCATION_VCORES = YARN_PREFIX + "scheduler.maximum-allocation-vcores"; public static final int DEFAULT_RM_SCHEDULER_MAXIMUM_ALLOCATION_VCORES = 4; /** Number of threads to handle scheduler interface.*/ public static final String RM_SCHEDULER_CLIENT_THREAD_COUNT = RM_PREFIX + "scheduler.client.thread-count"; public static final int DEFAULT_RM_SCHEDULER_CLIENT_THREAD_COUNT = 50; /** If the port should be included or not in the node name. The node name * is used by the scheduler for resource requests allocation location * matching. Typically this is just the hostname, using the port is needed * when using minicluster and specific NM are required.*/ public static final String RM_SCHEDULER_INCLUDE_PORT_IN_NODE_NAME = YARN_PREFIX + "scheduler.include-port-in-node-name"; public static final boolean DEFAULT_RM_SCHEDULER_USE_PORT_FOR_NODE_NAME = false; /** * Enable periodic monitor threads. * @see #RM_SCHEDULER_MONITOR_POLICIES */ public static final String RM_SCHEDULER_ENABLE_MONITORS = RM_PREFIX + "scheduler.monitor.enable"; public static final boolean DEFAULT_RM_SCHEDULER_ENABLE_MONITORS = false; /** List of SchedulingEditPolicy classes affecting the scheduler. */ public static final String RM_SCHEDULER_MONITOR_POLICIES = RM_PREFIX + "scheduler.monitor.policies"; /** The address of the RM web application.*/ public static final String RM_WEBAPP_ADDRESS = RM_PREFIX + "webapp.address"; public static final int DEFAULT_RM_WEBAPP_PORT = 8088; public static final String DEFAULT_RM_WEBAPP_ADDRESS = "" + DEFAULT_RM_WEBAPP_PORT; /** The https address of the RM web application.*/ public static final String RM_WEBAPP_HTTPS_ADDRESS = RM_PREFIX + "webapp.https.address"; public static final int DEFAULT_RM_WEBAPP_HTTPS_PORT = 8090; public static final String DEFAULT_RM_WEBAPP_HTTPS_ADDRESS = "" + DEFAULT_RM_WEBAPP_HTTPS_PORT; public static final String RM_RESOURCE_TRACKER_ADDRESS = RM_PREFIX + "resource-tracker.address"; public static final int DEFAULT_RM_RESOURCE_TRACKER_PORT = 8031; public static final String DEFAULT_RM_RESOURCE_TRACKER_ADDRESS = "" + DEFAULT_RM_RESOURCE_TRACKER_PORT; /** The expiry interval for application master reporting.*/ public static final String RM_AM_EXPIRY_INTERVAL_MS = YARN_PREFIX + "am.liveness-monitor.expiry-interval-ms"; public static final int DEFAULT_RM_AM_EXPIRY_INTERVAL_MS = 600000; /** How long to wait until a node manager is considered dead.*/ public static final String RM_NM_EXPIRY_INTERVAL_MS = YARN_PREFIX + "nm.liveness-monitor.expiry-interval-ms"; public static final int DEFAULT_RM_NM_EXPIRY_INTERVAL_MS = 600000; /** Are acls enabled.*/ public static final String YARN_ACL_ENABLE = YARN_PREFIX + "acl.enable"; public static final boolean DEFAULT_YARN_ACL_ENABLE = false; /** ACL of who can be admin of YARN cluster.*/ public static final String YARN_ADMIN_ACL = YARN_PREFIX + "admin.acl"; public static final String DEFAULT_YARN_ADMIN_ACL = "*"; /** ACL used in case none is found. Allows nothing. */ public static final String DEFAULT_YARN_APP_ACL = " "; /** The address of the RM admin interface.*/ public static final String RM_ADMIN_ADDRESS = RM_PREFIX + "admin.address"; public static final int DEFAULT_RM_ADMIN_PORT = 8033; public static final String DEFAULT_RM_ADMIN_ADDRESS = "" + DEFAULT_RM_ADMIN_PORT; /**Number of threads used to handle RM admin interface.*/ public static final String RM_ADMIN_CLIENT_THREAD_COUNT = RM_PREFIX + "admin.client.thread-count"; public static final int DEFAULT_RM_ADMIN_CLIENT_THREAD_COUNT = 1; /** * The maximum number of application attempts. * It's a global setting for all application masters. */ public static final String RM_AM_MAX_ATTEMPTS = RM_PREFIX + "am.max-attempts"; public static final int DEFAULT_RM_AM_MAX_ATTEMPTS = 2; /** The keytab for the resource manager.*/ public static final String RM_KEYTAB = RM_PREFIX + "keytab"; /**The kerberos principal to be used for spnego filter for RM.*/ public static final String RM_WEBAPP_SPNEGO_USER_NAME_KEY = RM_PREFIX + "webapp.spnego-principal"; /**The kerberos keytab to be used for spnego filter for RM.*/ public static final String RM_WEBAPP_SPNEGO_KEYTAB_FILE_KEY = RM_PREFIX + "webapp.spnego-keytab-file"; /** How long to wait until a container is considered dead.*/ public static final String RM_CONTAINER_ALLOC_EXPIRY_INTERVAL_MS = RM_PREFIX + "rm.container-allocation.expiry-interval-ms"; public static final int DEFAULT_RM_CONTAINER_ALLOC_EXPIRY_INTERVAL_MS = 600000; /** Path to file with nodes to include.*/ public static final String RM_NODES_INCLUDE_FILE_PATH = RM_PREFIX + "nodes.include-path"; public static final String DEFAULT_RM_NODES_INCLUDE_FILE_PATH = ""; /** Path to file with nodes to exclude.*/ public static final String RM_NODES_EXCLUDE_FILE_PATH = RM_PREFIX + "nodes.exclude-path"; public static final String DEFAULT_RM_NODES_EXCLUDE_FILE_PATH = ""; /** Number of threads to handle resource tracker calls.*/ public static final String RM_RESOURCE_TRACKER_CLIENT_THREAD_COUNT = RM_PREFIX + "resource-tracker.client.thread-count"; public static final int DEFAULT_RM_RESOURCE_TRACKER_CLIENT_THREAD_COUNT = 50; /** The class to use as the resource scheduler.*/ public static final String RM_SCHEDULER = RM_PREFIX + "scheduler.class"; public static final String DEFAULT_RM_SCHEDULER = "org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.capacity.CapacityScheduler"; /** RM set next Heartbeat interval for NM */ public static final String RM_NM_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_MS = RM_PREFIX + "nodemanagers.heartbeat-interval-ms"; public static final long DEFAULT_RM_NM_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_MS = 1000; //Delegation token related keys public static final String DELEGATION_KEY_UPDATE_INTERVAL_KEY = RM_PREFIX + "delegation.key.update-interval"; public static final long DELEGATION_KEY_UPDATE_INTERVAL_DEFAULT = 24*60*60*1000; // 1 day public static final String DELEGATION_TOKEN_RENEW_INTERVAL_KEY = RM_PREFIX + "delegation.token.renew-interval"; public static final long DELEGATION_TOKEN_RENEW_INTERVAL_DEFAULT = 24*60*60*1000; // 1 day public static final String DELEGATION_TOKEN_MAX_LIFETIME_KEY = RM_PREFIX + "delegation.token.max-lifetime"; public static final long DELEGATION_TOKEN_MAX_LIFETIME_DEFAULT = 7*24*60*60*1000; // 7 days public static final String RECOVERY_ENABLED = RM_PREFIX + "recovery.enabled"; public static final boolean DEFAULT_RM_RECOVERY_ENABLED = false; /** The class to use as the persistent store.*/ public static final String RM_STORE = RM_PREFIX + "store.class"; /** URI for FileSystemRMStateStore */ public static final String FS_RM_STATE_STORE_URI = RM_PREFIX + "fs.state-store.uri"; /** The maximum number of completed applications RM keeps. */ public static final String RM_MAX_COMPLETED_APPLICATIONS = RM_PREFIX + "max-completed-applications"; public static final int DEFAULT_RM_MAX_COMPLETED_APPLICATIONS = 10000; /** Default application name */ public static final String DEFAULT_APPLICATION_NAME = "N/A"; /** Default application type */ public static final String DEFAULT_APPLICATION_TYPE = "YARN"; /** Default application type length */ public static final int APPLICATION_TYPE_LENGTH = 20; /** Default queue name */ public static final String DEFAULT_QUEUE_NAME = "default"; /** * Buckets (in minutes) for the number of apps running in each queue. */ public static final String RM_METRICS_RUNTIME_BUCKETS = RM_PREFIX + "metrics.runtime.buckets"; /** * Default sizes of the runtime metric buckets in minutes. */ public static final String DEFAULT_RM_METRICS_RUNTIME_BUCKETS = "60,300,1440"; public static final String RM_AMRM_TOKEN_MASTER_KEY_ROLLING_INTERVAL_SECS = RM_PREFIX + "am-rm-tokens.master-key-rolling-interval-secs"; public static final long DEFAULT_RM_AMRM_TOKEN_MASTER_KEY_ROLLING_INTERVAL_SECS = 24 * 60 * 60; public static final String RM_CONTAINER_TOKEN_MASTER_KEY_ROLLING_INTERVAL_SECS = RM_PREFIX + "container-tokens.master-key-rolling-interval-secs"; public static final long DEFAULT_RM_CONTAINER_TOKEN_MASTER_KEY_ROLLING_INTERVAL_SECS = 24 * 60 * 60; public static final String RM_NMTOKEN_MASTER_KEY_ROLLING_INTERVAL_SECS = RM_PREFIX + "nm-tokens.master-key-rolling-interval-secs"; public static final long DEFAULT_RM_NMTOKEN_MASTER_KEY_ROLLING_INTERVAL_SECS = 24 * 60 * 60; //////////////////////////////// // Node Manager Configs //////////////////////////////// /** Prefix for all node manager configs.*/ public static final String NM_PREFIX = "yarn.nodemanager."; /** Environment variables that will be sent to containers.*/ public static final String NM_ADMIN_USER_ENV = NM_PREFIX + "admin-env"; public static final String DEFAULT_NM_ADMIN_USER_ENV = "MALLOC_ARENA_MAX=$MALLOC_ARENA_MAX"; /** Environment variables that containers may override rather than use NodeManager's default.*/ public static final String NM_ENV_WHITELIST = NM_PREFIX + "env-whitelist"; public static final String DEFAULT_NM_ENV_WHITELIST = StringUtils.join(",", Arrays.asList(ApplicationConstants.Environment.JAVA_HOME.key(), ApplicationConstants.Environment.HADOOP_COMMON_HOME.key(), ApplicationConstants.Environment.HADOOP_HDFS_HOME.key(), ApplicationConstants.Environment.HADOOP_CONF_DIR.key(), ApplicationConstants.Environment.HADOOP_YARN_HOME.key())); /** address of node manager IPC.*/ public static final String NM_ADDRESS = NM_PREFIX + "address"; public static final int DEFAULT_NM_PORT = 0; public static final String DEFAULT_NM_ADDRESS = "" + DEFAULT_NM_PORT; /** who will execute(launch) the containers.*/ public static final String NM_CONTAINER_EXECUTOR = NM_PREFIX + "container-executor.class"; /** * Adjustment to make to the container os scheduling priority. * The valid values for this could vary depending on the platform. * On Linux, higher values mean run the containers at a less * favorable priority than the NM. * The value specified is an int. */ public static final String NM_CONTAINER_EXECUTOR_SCHED_PRIORITY = NM_PREFIX + "container-executor.os.sched.priority.adjustment"; public static final int DEFAULT_NM_CONTAINER_EXECUTOR_SCHED_PRIORITY = 0; /** Number of threads container manager uses.*/ public static final String NM_CONTAINER_MGR_THREAD_COUNT = NM_PREFIX + "container-manager.thread-count"; public static final int DEFAULT_NM_CONTAINER_MGR_THREAD_COUNT = 20; /** Number of threads used in cleanup.*/ public static final String NM_DELETE_THREAD_COUNT = NM_PREFIX + "delete.thread-count"; public static final int DEFAULT_NM_DELETE_THREAD_COUNT = 4; /** Keytab for NM.*/ public static final String NM_KEYTAB = NM_PREFIX + "keytab"; /**List of directories to store localized files in.*/ public static final String NM_LOCAL_DIRS = NM_PREFIX + "local-dirs"; public static final String DEFAULT_NM_LOCAL_DIRS = "/tmp/nm-local-dir"; /** * Number of files in each localized directories * Avoid tuning this too low. */ public static final String NM_LOCAL_CACHE_MAX_FILES_PER_DIRECTORY = NM_PREFIX + "local-cache.max-files-per-directory"; public static final int DEFAULT_NM_LOCAL_CACHE_MAX_FILES_PER_DIRECTORY = 8192; /** Address where the localizer IPC is.*/ public static final String NM_LOCALIZER_ADDRESS = NM_PREFIX + "localizer.address"; public static final int DEFAULT_NM_LOCALIZER_PORT = 8040; public static final String DEFAULT_NM_LOCALIZER_ADDRESS = "" + DEFAULT_NM_LOCALIZER_PORT; /** Interval in between cache cleanups.*/ public static final String NM_LOCALIZER_CACHE_CLEANUP_INTERVAL_MS = NM_PREFIX + "localizer.cache.cleanup.interval-ms"; public static final long DEFAULT_NM_LOCALIZER_CACHE_CLEANUP_INTERVAL_MS = 10 * 60 * 1000; /** Target size of localizer cache in MB, per local directory.*/ public static final String NM_LOCALIZER_CACHE_TARGET_SIZE_MB = NM_PREFIX + "localizer.cache.target-size-mb"; public static final long DEFAULT_NM_LOCALIZER_CACHE_TARGET_SIZE_MB = 10 * 1024; /** Number of threads to handle localization requests.*/ public static final String NM_LOCALIZER_CLIENT_THREAD_COUNT = NM_PREFIX + "localizer.client.thread-count"; public static final int DEFAULT_NM_LOCALIZER_CLIENT_THREAD_COUNT = 5; /** Number of threads to use for localization fetching.*/ public static final String NM_LOCALIZER_FETCH_THREAD_COUNT = NM_PREFIX + "localizer.fetch.thread-count"; public static final int DEFAULT_NM_LOCALIZER_FETCH_THREAD_COUNT = 4; /** Where to store container logs.*/ public static final String NM_LOG_DIRS = NM_PREFIX + "log-dirs"; public static final String DEFAULT_NM_LOG_DIRS = "/tmp/logs"; /** Interval at which the delayed token removal thread runs */ public static final String RM_DELAYED_DELEGATION_TOKEN_REMOVAL_INTERVAL_MS = RM_PREFIX + "delayed.delegation-token.removal-interval-ms"; public static final long DEFAULT_RM_DELAYED_DELEGATION_TOKEN_REMOVAL_INTERVAL_MS = 30000l; /** Whether to enable log aggregation */ public static final String LOG_AGGREGATION_ENABLED = YARN_PREFIX + "log-aggregation-enable"; public static final boolean DEFAULT_LOG_AGGREGATION_ENABLED = false; /** * How long to wait before deleting aggregated logs, -1 disables. * Be careful set this too small and you will spam the name node. */ public static final String LOG_AGGREGATION_RETAIN_SECONDS = YARN_PREFIX + "log-aggregation.retain-seconds"; public static final long DEFAULT_LOG_AGGREGATION_RETAIN_SECONDS = -1; /** * How long to wait between aggregated log retention checks. If set to * a value <= 0 then the value is computed as one-tenth of the log retention * setting. Be careful set this too small and you will spam the name node. */ public static final String LOG_AGGREGATION_RETAIN_CHECK_INTERVAL_SECONDS = YARN_PREFIX + "log-aggregation.retain-check-interval-seconds"; public static final long DEFAULT_LOG_AGGREGATION_RETAIN_CHECK_INTERVAL_SECONDS = -1; /** * Number of seconds to retain logs on the NodeManager. Only applicable if Log * aggregation is disabled */ public static final String NM_LOG_RETAIN_SECONDS = NM_PREFIX + "log.retain-seconds"; /** * Number of threads used in log cleanup. Only applicable if Log aggregation * is disabled */ public static final String NM_LOG_DELETION_THREADS_COUNT = NM_PREFIX + "log.deletion-threads-count"; public static final int DEFAULT_NM_LOG_DELETE_THREAD_COUNT = 4; /** Where to aggregate logs to.*/ public static final String NM_REMOTE_APP_LOG_DIR = NM_PREFIX + "remote-app-log-dir"; public static final String DEFAULT_NM_REMOTE_APP_LOG_DIR = "/tmp/logs"; /** * The remote log dir will be created at * NM_REMOTE_APP_LOG_DIR/${user}/NM_REMOTE_APP_LOG_DIR_SUFFIX/${appId} */ public static final String NM_REMOTE_APP_LOG_DIR_SUFFIX = NM_PREFIX + "remote-app-log-dir-suffix"; public static final String DEFAULT_NM_REMOTE_APP_LOG_DIR_SUFFIX="logs"; public static final String YARN_LOG_SERVER_URL = YARN_PREFIX + "log.server.url"; public static final String YARN_TRACKING_URL_GENERATOR = YARN_PREFIX + "tracking.url.generator"; /** Amount of memory in GB that can be allocated for containers.*/ public static final String NM_PMEM_MB = NM_PREFIX + "resource.memory-mb"; public static final int DEFAULT_NM_PMEM_MB = 8 * 1024; /** Specifies whether physical memory check is enabled. */ public static final String NM_PMEM_CHECK_ENABLED = NM_PREFIX + "pmem-check-enabled"; public static final boolean DEFAULT_NM_PMEM_CHECK_ENABLED = true; /** Specifies whether physical memory check is enabled. */ public static final String NM_VMEM_CHECK_ENABLED = NM_PREFIX + "vmem-check-enabled"; public static final boolean DEFAULT_NM_VMEM_CHECK_ENABLED = true; /** Conversion ratio for physical memory to virtual memory. */ public static final String NM_VMEM_PMEM_RATIO = NM_PREFIX + "vmem-pmem-ratio"; public static final float DEFAULT_NM_VMEM_PMEM_RATIO = 2.1f; /** Number of Virtual CPU Cores which can be allocated for containers.*/ public static final String NM_VCORES = NM_PREFIX + "resource.cpu-vcores"; public static final int DEFAULT_NM_VCORES = 8; /** NM Webapp address.**/ public static final String NM_WEBAPP_ADDRESS = NM_PREFIX + "webapp.address"; public static final int DEFAULT_NM_WEBAPP_PORT = 8042; public static final String DEFAULT_NM_WEBAPP_ADDRESS = "" + DEFAULT_NM_WEBAPP_PORT; /** NM Webapp https address.**/ public static final String NM_WEBAPP_HTTPS_ADDRESS = NM_PREFIX + "webapp.https.address"; public static final int DEFAULT_NM_WEBAPP_HTTPS_PORT = 8044; public static final String DEFAULT_NM_WEBAPP_HTTPS_ADDRESS = "" + DEFAULT_NM_WEBAPP_HTTPS_PORT; /** How often to monitor containers.*/ public final static String NM_CONTAINER_MON_INTERVAL_MS = NM_PREFIX + "container-monitor.interval-ms"; public final static int DEFAULT_NM_CONTAINER_MON_INTERVAL_MS = 3000; /** Class that calculates containers current resource utilization.*/ public static final String NM_CONTAINER_MON_RESOURCE_CALCULATOR = NM_PREFIX + "container-monitor.resource-calculator.class"; /** Class that calculates process tree resource utilization.*/ public static final String NM_CONTAINER_MON_PROCESS_TREE = NM_PREFIX + "container-monitor.process-tree.class"; /** * Enable/Disable disks' health checker. Default is true. * An expert level configuration property. */ public static final String NM_DISK_HEALTH_CHECK_ENABLE = NM_PREFIX + "disk-health-checker.enable"; /** Frequency of running disks' health checker.*/ public static final String NM_DISK_HEALTH_CHECK_INTERVAL_MS = NM_PREFIX + "disk-health-checker.interval-ms"; /** By default, disks' health is checked every 2 minutes. */ public static final long DEFAULT_NM_DISK_HEALTH_CHECK_INTERVAL_MS = 2 * 60 * 1000; /** * The minimum fraction of number of disks to be healthy for the nodemanager * to launch new containers. This applies to nm-local-dirs and nm-log-dirs. */ public static final String NM_MIN_HEALTHY_DISKS_FRACTION = NM_PREFIX + "disk-health-checker.min-healthy-disks"; /** * By default, at least 5% of disks are to be healthy to say that the node * is healthy in terms of disks. */ public static final float DEFAULT_NM_MIN_HEALTHY_DISKS_FRACTION = 0.25F; /** Frequency of running node health script.*/ public static final String NM_HEALTH_CHECK_INTERVAL_MS = NM_PREFIX + "health-checker.interval-ms"; public static final long DEFAULT_NM_HEALTH_CHECK_INTERVAL_MS = 10 * 60 * 1000; /** Health check script time out period.*/ public static final String NM_HEALTH_CHECK_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT_MS = NM_PREFIX + "health-checker.script.timeout-ms"; public static final long DEFAULT_NM_HEALTH_CHECK_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT_MS = 2 * DEFAULT_NM_HEALTH_CHECK_INTERVAL_MS; /** The health check script to run.*/ public static final String NM_HEALTH_CHECK_SCRIPT_PATH = NM_PREFIX + "health-checker.script.path"; /** The arguments to pass to the health check script.*/ public static final String NM_HEALTH_CHECK_SCRIPT_OPTS = NM_PREFIX + "health-checker.script.opts"; /** The path to the Linux container executor.*/ public static final String NM_LINUX_CONTAINER_EXECUTOR_PATH = NM_PREFIX + "linux-container-executor.path"; /** * The UNIX group that the linux-container-executor should run as. * This is intended to be set as part of container-executor.cfg. */ public static final String NM_LINUX_CONTAINER_GROUP = NM_PREFIX + "linux-container-executor.group"; /** The type of resource enforcement to use with the * linux container executor. */ public static final String NM_LINUX_CONTAINER_RESOURCES_HANDLER = NM_PREFIX + "linux-container-executor.resources-handler.class"; /** The path the linux container executor should use for cgroups */ public static final String NM_LINUX_CONTAINER_CGROUPS_HIERARCHY = NM_PREFIX + "linux-container-executor.cgroups.hierarchy"; /** Whether the linux container executor should mount cgroups if not found */ public static final String NM_LINUX_CONTAINER_CGROUPS_MOUNT = NM_PREFIX + "linux-container-executor.cgroups.mount"; /** Where the linux container executor should mount cgroups if not found */ public static final String NM_LINUX_CONTAINER_CGROUPS_MOUNT_PATH = NM_PREFIX + "linux-container-executor.cgroups.mount-path"; /** * Interval of time the linux container executor should try cleaning up * cgroups entry when cleaning up a container. This is required due to what * it seems a race condition because the SIGTERM/SIGKILL is asynch. */ public static final String NM_LINUX_CONTAINER_CGROUPS_DELETE_TIMEOUT = NM_PREFIX + "linux-container-executor.cgroups.delete-timeout-ms"; public static final long DEFAULT_NM_LINUX_CONTAINER_CGROUPS_DELETE_TIMEOUT = 1000; /** T-file compression types used to compress aggregated logs.*/ public static final String NM_LOG_AGG_COMPRESSION_TYPE = NM_PREFIX + "log-aggregation.compression-type"; public static final String DEFAULT_NM_LOG_AGG_COMPRESSION_TYPE = "none"; /** The kerberos principal for the node manager.*/ public static final String NM_PRINCIPAL = NM_PREFIX + "principal"; public static final String NM_AUX_SERVICES = NM_PREFIX + "aux-services"; public static final String NM_AUX_SERVICE_FMT = NM_PREFIX + "aux-services.%s.class"; public static final String NM_USER_HOME_DIR = NM_PREFIX + "user-home-dir"; /**The kerberos principal to be used for spnego filter for NM.*/ public static final String NM_WEBAPP_SPNEGO_USER_NAME_KEY = NM_PREFIX + "webapp.spnego-principal"; /**The kerberos keytab to be used for spnego filter for NM.*/ public static final String NM_WEBAPP_SPNEGO_KEYTAB_FILE_KEY = NM_PREFIX + "webapp.spnego-keytab-file"; public static final String DEFAULT_NM_USER_HOME_DIR= "/home/"; //////////////////////////////// // Web Proxy Configs //////////////////////////////// public static final String PROXY_PREFIX = "yarn.web-proxy."; /** The kerberos principal for the proxy.*/ public static final String PROXY_PRINCIPAL = PROXY_PREFIX + "principal"; /** Keytab for Proxy.*/ public static final String PROXY_KEYTAB = PROXY_PREFIX + "keytab"; /** The address for the web proxy.*/ public static final String PROXY_ADDRESS = PROXY_PREFIX + "address"; /** * YARN Service Level Authorization */ public static final String YARN_SECURITY_SERVICE_AUTHORIZATION_RESOURCETRACKER_PROTOCOL = "security.resourcetracker.protocol.acl"; public static final String YARN_SECURITY_SERVICE_AUTHORIZATION_APPLICATIONCLIENT_PROTOCOL = "security.applicationclient.protocol.acl"; public static final String YARN_SECURITY_SERVICE_AUTHORIZATION_RESOURCEMANAGER_ADMINISTRATION_PROTOCOL = "security.resourcemanager-administration.protocol.acl"; public static final String YARN_SECURITY_SERVICE_AUTHORIZATION_APPLICATIONMASTER_PROTOCOL = "security.applicationmaster.protocol.acl"; public static final String YARN_SECURITY_SERVICE_AUTHORIZATION_CONTAINER_MANAGEMENT_PROTOCOL = "security.containermanagement.protocol.acl"; public static final String YARN_SECURITY_SERVICE_AUTHORIZATION_RESOURCE_LOCALIZER = "security.resourcelocalizer.protocol.acl"; /** No. of milliseconds to wait between sending a SIGTERM and SIGKILL * to a running container */ public static final String NM_SLEEP_DELAY_BEFORE_SIGKILL_MS = NM_PREFIX + "sleep-delay-before-sigkill.ms"; public static final long DEFAULT_NM_SLEEP_DELAY_BEFORE_SIGKILL_MS = 250; /** Max time to wait for a process to come up when trying to cleanup * container resources */ public static final String NM_PROCESS_KILL_WAIT_MS = NM_PREFIX + "process-kill-wait.ms"; public static final long DEFAULT_NM_PROCESS_KILL_WAIT_MS = 2000; /** Max time to wait to establish a connection to RM */ public static final String RESOURCEMANAGER_CONNECT_MAX_WAIT_MS = RM_PREFIX + "connect.max-wait.ms"; public static final int DEFAULT_RESOURCEMANAGER_CONNECT_MAX_WAIT_MS = 15 * 60 * 1000; /** Time interval between each attempt to connect to RM */ public static final String RESOURCEMANAGER_CONNECT_RETRY_INTERVAL_MS = RM_PREFIX + "connect.retry-interval.ms"; public static final long DEFAULT_RESOURCEMANAGER_CONNECT_RETRY_INTERVAL_MS = 30 * 1000; /** * CLASSPATH for YARN applications. A comma-separated list of CLASSPATH * entries */ public static final String YARN_APPLICATION_CLASSPATH = YARN_PREFIX + "application.classpath"; /** * Default CLASSPATH for YARN applications. A comma-separated list of * CLASSPATH entries */ public static final String[] DEFAULT_YARN_APPLICATION_CLASSPATH = { ApplicationConstants.Environment.HADOOP_CONF_DIR.$(), ApplicationConstants.Environment.HADOOP_COMMON_HOME.$() + "/share/hadoop/common/*", ApplicationConstants.Environment.HADOOP_COMMON_HOME.$() + "/share/hadoop/common/lib/*", ApplicationConstants.Environment.HADOOP_HDFS_HOME.$() + "/share/hadoop/hdfs/*", ApplicationConstants.Environment.HADOOP_HDFS_HOME.$() + "/share/hadoop/hdfs/lib/*", ApplicationConstants.Environment.HADOOP_YARN_HOME.$() + "/share/hadoop/yarn/*", ApplicationConstants.Environment.HADOOP_YARN_HOME.$() + "/share/hadoop/yarn/lib/*" }; /** Container temp directory */ public static final String DEFAULT_CONTAINER_TEMP_DIR = "./tmp"; public static final String IS_MINI_YARN_CLUSTER = YARN_PREFIX + "is.minicluster"; /** Whether to use fixed ports with the minicluster. */ public static final String YARN_MINICLUSTER_FIXED_PORTS = YARN_PREFIX + "minicluster.fixed.ports"; /** * Default is false to be able to run tests concurrently without port * conflicts. */ public static boolean DEFAULT_YARN_MINICLUSTER_FIXED_PORTS = false; /** * Whether users are explicitly trying to control resource monitoring * configuration for the MiniYARNCluster. Disabled by default. */ public static final String YARN_MINICLUSTER_CONTROL_RESOURCE_MONITORING = YARN_PREFIX + "minicluster.control-resource-monitoring"; public static final boolean DEFAULT_YARN_MINICLUSTER_CONTROL_RESOURCE_MONITORING = false; /** The log directory for the containers */ public static final String YARN_APP_CONTAINER_LOG_DIR = YARN_PREFIX + "app.container.log.dir"; public static final String YARN_APP_CONTAINER_LOG_SIZE = YARN_PREFIX + "app.container.log.filesize"; //////////////////////////////// // Other Configs //////////////////////////////// /** * The interval of the yarn client's querying application state after * application submission. The unit is millisecond. */ public static final String YARN_CLIENT_APP_SUBMISSION_POLL_INTERVAL_MS = YARN_PREFIX + "client.app-submission.poll-interval"; public static final long DEFAULT_YARN_CLIENT_APP_SUBMISSION_POLL_INTERVAL_MS = 1000; /** * Max number of threads in NMClientAsync to process container management * events */ public static final String NM_CLIENT_ASYNC_THREAD_POOL_MAX_SIZE = YARN_PREFIX + "client.nodemanager-client-async.thread-pool-max-size"; public static final int DEFAULT_NM_CLIENT_ASYNC_THREAD_POOL_MAX_SIZE = 500; /** * Maximum number of proxy connections for node manager. It should always be * more than 1. NMClient and MRAppMaster will use this to cache connection * with node manager. There will be at max one connection per node manager. * Ex. configuring it to a value of 5 will make sure that client will at * max have 5 connections cached with 5 different node managers. These * connections will be timed out if idle for more than system wide idle * timeout period. The token if used for authentication then it will be used * only at connection creation time. If new token is received then earlier * connection should be closed in order to use newer token. * Note: {@link YarnConfiguration#NM_CLIENT_ASYNC_THREAD_POOL_MAX_SIZE} * are related to each other. */ public static final String NM_CLIENT_MAX_NM_PROXIES = YARN_PREFIX + "client.max-nodemanagers-proxies"; public static final int DEFAULT_NM_CLIENT_MAX_NM_PROXIES = 500; public static final String YARN_HTTP_POLICY_KEY = YARN_PREFIX + "http.policy"; public static final String YARN_HTTP_POLICY_DEFAULT = CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.HTTP_POLICY_HTTP_ONLY; public YarnConfiguration() { super(); } public YarnConfiguration(Configuration conf) { super(conf); if (! (conf instanceof YarnConfiguration)) { this.reloadConfiguration(); } } }