/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.fs.viewfs; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.URI; import java.net.URISyntaxException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FsConstants; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.RawLocalFileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text; import org.apache.hadoop.security.Credentials; import org.apache.hadoop.security.token.Token; import org.apache.hadoop.security.token.TokenIdentifier; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; /** * Test ViewFileSystem's support for having delegation tokens fetched and cached * for the file system. * * Currently this class just ensures that getCanonicalServiceName() always * returns <code>null</code> for ViewFileSystem instances. */ public class TestViewFileSystemDelegationTokenSupport { private static final String MOUNT_TABLE_NAME = "vfs-cluster"; static Configuration conf; static FileSystem viewFs; static FakeFileSystem fs1; static FakeFileSystem fs2; @BeforeClass public static void setup() throws Exception { conf = ViewFileSystemTestSetup.createConfig(); fs1 = setupFileSystem(new URI("fs1:///"), FakeFileSystem.class); fs2 = setupFileSystem(new URI("fs2:///"), FakeFileSystem.class); viewFs = FileSystem.get(FsConstants.VIEWFS_URI, conf); } static FakeFileSystem setupFileSystem(URI uri, Class<? extends FileSystem> clazz) throws Exception { String scheme = uri.getScheme(); conf.set("fs."+scheme+".impl", clazz.getName()); FakeFileSystem fs = (FakeFileSystem)FileSystem.get(uri, conf); // mount each fs twice, will later ensure 1 token/fs ConfigUtil.addLink(conf, "/mounts/"+scheme+"-one", fs.getUri()); ConfigUtil.addLink(conf, "/mounts/"+scheme+"-two", fs.getUri()); return fs; } /** * Regression test for HADOOP-8408. */ @Test public void testGetCanonicalServiceNameWithNonDefaultMountTable() throws URISyntaxException, IOException { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); ConfigUtil.addLink(conf, MOUNT_TABLE_NAME, "/user", new URI("file:///")); FileSystem viewFs = FileSystem.get(new URI(FsConstants.VIEWFS_SCHEME + "://" + MOUNT_TABLE_NAME), conf); String serviceName = viewFs.getCanonicalServiceName(); assertNull(serviceName); } @Test public void testGetCanonicalServiceNameWithDefaultMountTable() throws URISyntaxException, IOException { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); ConfigUtil.addLink(conf, "/user", new URI("file:///")); FileSystem viewFs = FileSystem.get(FsConstants.VIEWFS_URI, conf); String serviceName = viewFs.getCanonicalServiceName(); assertNull(serviceName); } @Test public void testGetChildFileSystems() throws Exception { assertNull(fs1.getChildFileSystems()); assertNull(fs2.getChildFileSystems()); List<FileSystem> children = Arrays.asList(viewFs.getChildFileSystems()); assertEquals(2, children.size()); assertTrue(children.contains(fs1)); assertTrue(children.contains(fs2)); } @Test public void testAddDelegationTokens() throws Exception { Credentials creds = new Credentials(); Token<?> fs1Tokens[] = addTokensWithCreds(fs1, creds); assertEquals(1, fs1Tokens.length); assertEquals(1, creds.numberOfTokens()); Token<?> fs2Tokens[] = addTokensWithCreds(fs2, creds); assertEquals(1, fs2Tokens.length); assertEquals(2, creds.numberOfTokens()); Credentials savedCreds = creds; creds = new Credentials(); // should get the same set of tokens as explicitly fetched above Token<?> viewFsTokens[] = viewFs.addDelegationTokens("me", creds); assertEquals(2, viewFsTokens.length); assertTrue(creds.getAllTokens().containsAll(savedCreds.getAllTokens())); assertEquals(savedCreds.numberOfTokens(), creds.numberOfTokens()); // should get none, already have all tokens viewFsTokens = viewFs.addDelegationTokens("me", creds); assertEquals(0, viewFsTokens.length); assertTrue(creds.getAllTokens().containsAll(savedCreds.getAllTokens())); assertEquals(savedCreds.numberOfTokens(), creds.numberOfTokens()); } Token<?>[] addTokensWithCreds(FileSystem fs, Credentials creds) throws Exception { Credentials savedCreds; savedCreds = new Credentials(creds); Token<?> tokens[] = fs.addDelegationTokens("me", creds); // test that we got the token we wanted, and that creds were modified assertEquals(1, tokens.length); assertEquals(fs.getCanonicalServiceName(), tokens[0].getService().toString()); assertTrue(creds.getAllTokens().contains(tokens[0])); assertTrue(creds.getAllTokens().containsAll(savedCreds.getAllTokens())); assertEquals(savedCreds.numberOfTokens()+1, creds.numberOfTokens()); // shouldn't get any new tokens since already in creds savedCreds = new Credentials(creds); Token<?> tokenRefetch[] = fs.addDelegationTokens("me", creds); assertEquals(0, tokenRefetch.length); assertTrue(creds.getAllTokens().containsAll(savedCreds.getAllTokens())); assertEquals(savedCreds.numberOfTokens(), creds.numberOfTokens()); return tokens; } static class FakeFileSystem extends RawLocalFileSystem { URI uri; @Override public void initialize(URI name, Configuration conf) throws IOException { this.uri = name; } @Override public Path getInitialWorkingDirectory() { return new Path("/"); // ctor calls getUri before the uri is inited... } @Override public URI getUri() { return uri; } @Override public String getCanonicalServiceName() { return String.valueOf(this.getUri()+"/"+this.hashCode()); } @Override public Token<?> getDelegationToken(String renewer) throws IOException { Token<?> token = new Token<TokenIdentifier>(); token.setService(new Text(getCanonicalServiceName())); return token; } @Override public void close() {} } }