package adql.translator; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import adql.db.DBChecker; import adql.db.DBColumn; import adql.db.DBTable; import adql.db.DefaultDBColumn; import adql.db.DefaultDBTable; import adql.db.SearchColumnList; import adql.parser.ADQLParser; import adql.parser.ParseException; import adql.parser.SQLServer_ADQLQueryFactory; import adql.query.ADQLQuery; import adql.query.from.ADQLJoin; import adql.query.operand.ADQLColumn; public class TestSQLServerTranslator { private List<DBTable> tables = null; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception{ tables = new ArrayList<DBTable>(2); DefaultDBTable t = new DefaultDBTable("aTable"); t.addColumn(new DefaultDBColumn("id", t)); t.addColumn(new DefaultDBColumn("name", t)); t.addColumn(new DefaultDBColumn("aColumn", t)); tables.add(t); t = new DefaultDBTable("anotherTable"); t.addColumn(new DefaultDBColumn("id", t)); t.addColumn(new DefaultDBColumn("name", t)); t.addColumn(new DefaultDBColumn("anotherColumn", t)); tables.add(t); } @Test public void testNaturalJoin(){ final String adqlquery = "SELECT id, name, aColumn, anotherColumn FROM aTable A NATURAL JOIN anotherTable B;"; try{ ADQLQuery query = (new ADQLParser(new DBChecker(tables), new SQLServer_ADQLQueryFactory())).parseQuery(adqlquery); SQLServerTranslator translator = new SQLServerTranslator(); // Test the FROM part: assertEquals("\"aTable\" AS A INNER JOIN \"anotherTable\" AS B ON \"aTable\".\"id\"=\"anotherTable\".\"id\" AND \"aTable\".\"name\"=\"anotherTable\".\"name\"", translator.translate(query.getFrom())); // Test the SELECT part (in order to ensure the usual common columns (due to NATURAL) are actually translated as columns of the first joined table): assertEquals("SELECT A.\"id\" AS \"id\" , A.\"name\" AS \"name\" , A.\"aColumn\" AS \"aColumn\" , B.\"anotherColumn\" AS \"anotherColumn\"", translator.translate(query.getSelect())); }catch(ParseException pe){ pe.printStackTrace(); fail("The given ADQL query is completely correct. No error should have occurred while parsing it. (see the console for more details)"); }catch(TranslationException te){ te.printStackTrace(); fail("No error was expected from this translation. (see the console for more details)"); } } @Test public void testNaturalJoin2(){ final String adqlquery = "SELECT id, name, aColumn, anotherColumn FROM aTable \"A\" NATURAL JOIN anotherTable B;"; try{ ADQLQuery query = (new ADQLParser(new DBChecker(tables), new SQLServer_ADQLQueryFactory())).parseQuery(adqlquery); SQLServerTranslator translator = new SQLServerTranslator(); ADQLJoin join = (ADQLJoin)query.getFrom(); try{ StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); // Find duplicated items between the two lists and translate them as ON conditions: DBColumn rightCol; SearchColumnList leftList = join.getLeftTable().getDBColumns(); SearchColumnList rightList = join.getRightTable().getDBColumns(); for(DBColumn leftCol : leftList){ // search for at most one column with the same name in the RIGHT list // and throw an exception is there are several matches: rightCol = ADQLJoin.findAtMostOneColumn(leftCol.getADQLName(), (byte)0, rightList, false); // if there is one... if (rightCol != null){ // ...check there is only one column with this name in the LEFT list, // and throw an exception if it is not the case: ADQLJoin.findExactlyOneColumn(leftCol.getADQLName(), (byte)0, leftList, true); // ...append the corresponding join condition: if (buf.length() > 0) buf.append(" AND "); ADQLColumn col = new ADQLColumn(leftCol.getADQLName()); col.setDBLink(leftCol); // TODO col.setAdqlTable(adqlTable); buf.append(translator.translate(col)); buf.append("="); col = new ADQLColumn(rightCol.getADQLName()); col.setDBLink(rightCol); buf.append(translator.translate(col)); } } System.out.println("ON " + buf.toString()); }catch(Exception uje){ System.err.println("Impossible to resolve the NATURAL JOIN between " + join.getLeftTable().toADQL() + " and " + join.getRightTable().toADQL() + "!"); uje.printStackTrace(); } }catch(ParseException pe){ pe.printStackTrace(); fail("The given ADQL query is completely correct. No error should have occurred while parsing it. (see the console for more details)"); } } @Test public void testJoinWithUSING(){ final String adqlquery = "SELECT, name, aColumn, anotherColumn FROM aTable A JOIN anotherTable B USING(name);"; try{ ADQLQuery query = (new ADQLParser(new DBChecker(tables), new SQLServer_ADQLQueryFactory())).parseQuery(adqlquery); SQLServerTranslator translator = new SQLServerTranslator(); // Test the FROM part: assertEquals("\"aTable\" AS A INNER JOIN \"anotherTable\" AS B ON \"aTable\".\"name\"=\"anotherTable\".\"name\"", translator.translate(query.getFrom())); // Test the SELECT part (in order to ensure the usual common columns (due to USING) are actually translated as columns of the first joined table): assertEquals("SELECT B.\"id\" AS \"id\" , A.\"name\" AS \"name\" , A.\"aColumn\" AS \"aColumn\" , B.\"anotherColumn\" AS \"anotherColumn\"", translator.translate(query.getSelect())); }catch(ParseException pe){ pe.printStackTrace(); fail("The given ADQL query is completely correct. No error should have occurred while parsing it. (see the console for more details)"); }catch(TranslationException te){ te.printStackTrace(); fail("No error was expected from this translation. (see the console for more details)"); } } }