package uws.job.serializer; /* * This file is part of UWSLibrary. * * UWSLibrary is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * UWSLibrary is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with UWSLibrary. If not, see <>. * * Copyright 2012,2014 - UDS/Centre de DonnĂ©es astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS), * Astronomisches Rechen Institut (ARI) */ import; import uws.ISO8601Format; import uws.UWSException; import uws.job.ErrorSummary; import uws.job.JobList; import uws.job.Result; import uws.job.UWSJob; import uws.job.user.JobOwner; import uws.service.UWS; import uws.service.UWSUrl; /** * <p>Lets returning any UWS resource in a given format.</p> * By default two formats are already implemented: * <ul> * <li>XML by the class {@link XMLSerializer}</li> * <li>JSON by the class {@link JSONSerializer}</li> * </ul> * * @author Grégory Mantelet (CDS;ARI) * @version 4.1 (12/2014) * * @see XMLSerializer * @see JSONSerializer */ public abstract class UWSSerializer implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** MIME type for XML: application/xml */ public static final String MIME_TYPE_XML = "text/xml"; /** MIME type for JSON: application/json */ public static final String MIME_TYPE_JSON = "application/json"; /** MIME type for TEXT: text/plain */ public static final String MIME_TYPE_TEXT = "text/plain"; /** MIME type for HTML: text/html */ public static final String MIME_TYPE_HTML = "text/html"; /** * Serializes the given parameter of the given job * or serializes the whole job if the given attributes array is empty or <i>null</i>. * * @param job The job whose the attribute must be serialized. * @param attributes All the given attributes (may be <i>null</i> or empty). * @param root <i>false</i> if the attribute to serialize will be included * in a top level serialization (for a job attribute: job), <i>true</i> otherwise. * * @return The serialization of the given attribute * or the serialization of the whole job if the given attributes array is empty or <i>null</i>. * * @throws Exception If an error occurs while serializing the specified job/attribute/parameter/result. */ public String getJob(final UWSJob job, final String[] attributes, final boolean root) throws Exception{ if (attributes == null || attributes.length <= 0) return getJob(job, root); String firstAttribute = attributes[0]; // JOB ID: if (firstAttribute.equalsIgnoreCase(UWSJob.PARAM_JOB_ID)) return job.getJobId(); // RUN ID: else if (firstAttribute.equalsIgnoreCase(UWSJob.PARAM_RUN_ID)) return (job.getRunId() == null) ? "" : job.getRunId(); // OWNER: else if (firstAttribute.equalsIgnoreCase(UWSJob.PARAM_OWNER)) return (job.getOwner() == null) ? "" : job.getOwner().getPseudo(); // PHASE: else if (firstAttribute.equalsIgnoreCase(UWSJob.PARAM_PHASE)) return job.getPhase().toString(); // QUOTE: else if (firstAttribute.equalsIgnoreCase(UWSJob.PARAM_QUOTE)) return job.getQuote() + ""; // START TIME: else if (firstAttribute.equalsIgnoreCase(UWSJob.PARAM_START_TIME)) return (job.getStartTime() == null) ? "" : ISO8601Format.format(job.getStartTime()); // END TIME: else if (firstAttribute.equalsIgnoreCase(UWSJob.PARAM_END_TIME)) return (job.getEndTime() == null) ? "" : ISO8601Format.format(job.getEndTime()); // EXECUTION DURATION: else if (firstAttribute.equalsIgnoreCase(UWSJob.PARAM_EXECUTION_DURATION)) return job.getExecutionDuration() + ""; // DESTRUCTION TIME: else if (firstAttribute.equalsIgnoreCase(UWSJob.PARAM_DESTRUCTION_TIME)) return (job.getDestructionTime() == null) ? "" : ISO8601Format.format(job.getDestructionTime()); // PARAMETERS LIST: else if (firstAttribute.equalsIgnoreCase(UWSJob.PARAM_PARAMETERS)){ if (attributes.length <= 1) return getAdditionalParameters(job, root); else{ // PARAMETER: String secondAttribute = attributes[1]; Object value = job.getAdditionalParameterValue(secondAttribute); if (value != null){ // CASE: array value if (value.getClass().isArray()){ Object[] items = (Object[])value; StringBuffer arrayAsString = new StringBuffer(); for(Object item : items){ if (arrayAsString.length() > 0) arrayAsString.append(' ').append(';').append(' '); arrayAsString.append(item.toString()); } return arrayAsString.toString(); } // DEFAULT: else return value.toString(); }else throw new UWSException(UWSException.NOT_FOUND, "No parameter named \"" + secondAttribute + "\" in the job \"" + job.getJobId() + "\"!"); } // RESULTS LIST: }else if (firstAttribute.equalsIgnoreCase(UWSJob.PARAM_RESULTS)){ if (attributes.length <= 1) return getResults(job, root); else{ // RESULT: String secondAttribute = attributes[1]; Result r = job.getResult(secondAttribute); if (r != null) return getResult(r, root); else throw new UWSException(UWSException.NOT_FOUND, "No result named \"" + secondAttribute + "\" in the job \"" + job.getJobId() + "\"!"); } // ERROR DETAILS or ERROR SUMMARY: }else if (firstAttribute.equalsIgnoreCase(UWSJob.PARAM_ERROR_SUMMARY)) if (job.getErrorSummary() != null && job.getErrorSummary().hasDetail()) throw new UWSException(UWSException.SEE_OTHER, job.getErrorSummary().getDetails().toString()); else return getErrorSummary(job.getErrorSummary(), root); // OTHERS: else throw new UWSException(UWSException.NOT_FOUND, "No job attribute named \"" + firstAttribute + "\" in the job \"" + job.getJobId() + "\"!"); } @Override public String toString(){ return getMimeType(); } /** * Gets the MIME type of the serialization format used by this serializer. * * @return The corresponding MIME type. */ public abstract String getMimeType(); /** * Serializes the given UWS. * * @param uws The UWS to serialize. * * @return The serialization of the given UWS. * * @throws Exception If there is an error during the serialization. * * @see UWSSerializer#getUWS(UWS, JobOwner) */ public String getUWS(final UWS uws) throws Exception{ return getUWS(uws, null); } /** * Serializes the given UWS for the specified user. * * @param uws The UWS to serialize. * @param user The user which has asked the serialization of the given UWS. * * @return The serialization of the UWS. * * @throws Exception If there is an error during the serialization. */ public abstract String getUWS(final UWS uws, final JobOwner user) throws Exception; /** * Serializes the given jobs list. * * @param jobsList The jobs list to serialize. * @param root <i>false</i> if the jobs list to serialize will be included * in a top level serialization (for a jobs list: uws), <i>true</i> otherwise. * * @return The serialization of the given jobs list. * * @throws Exception If there is an error during the serialization. */ public String getJobList(final JobList jobsList, final boolean root) throws Exception{ return getJobList(jobsList, null, root); } /** * Serializes the given jobs list. * * @param jobsList The jobs list to serialize. * @param owner The user which has asked the serialization of the given jobs list. * @param root <i>false</i> if the jobs list to serialize will be included * in a top level serialization (for a jobs list: uws), <i>true</i> otherwise. * @return The serialization of the given jobs list. * * @throws Exception If there is an error during the serialization. */ public abstract String getJobList(final JobList jobsList, JobOwner owner, final boolean root) throws Exception; /** * Serializes the whole given job. * * @param job The job to serialize. * @param root <i>false</i> if the job to serialize will be included * in a top level serialization (for a job: jobList), <i>true</i> otherwise. * * @return The serialization of the given job. * * @throws Exception If there is an error during the serialization. */ public abstract String getJob(final UWSJob job, final boolean root) throws Exception; /** * Serializes just a reference on the given job. * * @param job The job to reference. * @param jobsListUrl URL to the jobs lists which contains the given job. * * @return The serialization of a reference on the given job. * * @throws Exception If there is an error during the serialization. * * @since 3.1 */ public abstract String getJobRef(final UWSJob job, final UWSUrl jobsListUrl) throws Exception; /** * Serializes the ID of the given job. * * @param job The job whose the ID must be serialized. * @param root <i>false</i> if the job ID to serialize will be included * in a top level serialization (for a job ID: job), <i>true</i> otherwise. * * @return The serialization of the job ID. * * @throws Exception If there is an error during the serialization. */ public abstract String getJobID(final UWSJob job, final boolean root) throws Exception; /** * Serializes the run ID of the given job. * * @param job The job whose the run ID must be serialized. * @param root <i>false</i> if the run ID to serialize will be included * in a top level serialization (for a run ID: job), <i>true</i> otherwise. * * @return The serialization of the run ID. * * @throws Exception If there is an error during the serialization. */ public abstract String getRunID(final UWSJob job, final boolean root) throws Exception; /** * Serializes the owner ID of the given job. * * @param job The job whose the owner ID must be serialized. * @param root <i>false</i> if the owner ID to serialize will be included * in a top level serialization (for a owner ID: job), <i>true</i> otherwise. * * @return The serialization of the owner ID. * * @throws Exception If there is an error during the serialization. */ public abstract String getOwnerID(final UWSJob job, final boolean root) throws Exception; /** * Serializes the phase of the given job. * * @param job The job whose the phase must be serialized. * @param root <i>false</i> if the phase to serialize will be included * in a top level serialization (for a phase: job), <i>true</i> otherwise. * * @return The serialization of the phase. * * @throws Exception If there is an error during the serialization. */ public abstract String getPhase(final UWSJob job, final boolean root) throws Exception; /** * Serializes the quote of the given job. * * @param job The job whose the quote must be serialized. * @param root <i>false</i> if the quote to serialize will be included * in a top level serialization (for a quote: job), <i>true</i> otherwise. * * @return The serialization of the quote. * * @throws Exception If there is an error during the serialization. */ public abstract String getQuote(final UWSJob job, final boolean root) throws Exception; /** * Serializes the start time of the given job. * * @param job The job whose the start time must be serialized. * @param root <i>false</i> if the start time to serialize will be included * in a top level serialization (for a start time: job), <i>true</i> otherwise. * * @return The serialization of the start time. * * @throws Exception If there is an error during the serialization. */ public abstract String getStartTime(final UWSJob job, final boolean root) throws Exception; /** * Serializes the end time of the given job. * * @param job The job whose the end time must be serialized. * @param root <i>false</i> if the end time to serialize will be included * in a top level serialization (for a end time: job), <i>true</i> otherwise. * * @return The serialization of the end time. * * @throws Exception If there is an error during the serialization. */ public abstract String getEndTime(final UWSJob job, final boolean root) throws Exception; /** * Serializes the execution duration of the given job. * * @param job The job whose the execution duration must be serialized. * @param root <i>false</i> if the execution duration to serialize will be included * in a top level serialization (for a execution duration: job), <i>true</i> otherwise. * * @return The serialization of the execution duration. * * @throws Exception If there is an error during the serialization. */ public abstract String getExecutionDuration(final UWSJob job, final boolean root) throws Exception; /** * Serializes the destruction time of the given job. * * @param job The job whose the destruction time must be serialized. * @param root <i>false</i> if the destruction time to serialize will be included * in a top level serialization (for a destruction time: job), <i>true</i> otherwise. * * @return The serialization of the destruction time. * * @throws Exception If there is an error during the serialization. */ public abstract String getDestructionTime(final UWSJob job, final boolean root) throws Exception; /** * Serializes the given error summary. * * @param error The error to serialize. * @param root <i>false</i> if the error summary to serialize will be included * in a top level serialization (for an error summary: job), <i>true</i> otherwise. * * @return The serialization of the error summary. * * @throws Exception If there is an error during the serialization. */ public abstract String getErrorSummary(final ErrorSummary error, final boolean root) throws Exception; /** * Serializes the results of the given job. * * @param job The job whose the results must be serialized. * @param root <i>false</i> if the results list to serialize will be included * in a top level serialization (for a list of results: job), <i>true</i> otherwise. * * @return The serialization of the results. * * @throws Exception If there is an error during the serialization. */ public abstract String getResults(final UWSJob job, final boolean root) throws Exception; /** * Serializes the given result. * * @param result The result to serialize. * @param root <i>false</i> if the result to serialize will be included * in a top level serialization (for a result: results), <i>true</i> otherwise. * * @return The serialization of the result. * * @throws Exception If there is an error during the serialization. */ public abstract String getResult(final Result result, final boolean root) throws Exception; /** * Serializes the parameters of the given job. * * @param job The job whose the parameters must be serialized. * @param root <i>false</i> if the parameters list to serialize will be included * in a top level serialization (for a list of parameters: job), <i>true</i> otherwise. * * @return The serialization of the parameters. * * @throws Exception If there is an error during the serialization. */ public abstract String getAdditionalParameters(final UWSJob job, final boolean root) throws Exception; /** * Serializes the specified parameter. * * @param paramName The name of the parameter to serialize. * @param paramValue The value of the parameter to serialize. * @param root <i>false</i> if the parameter to serialize will be included * in a top level serialization (for a parameter: parameters), <i>true</i> otherwise. * * @return The serialization of the parameter. * * @throws Exception If there is an error during the serialization. */ public abstract String getAdditionalParameter(final String paramName, final Object paramValue, final boolean root) throws Exception; }