package tap.formatter; /* * This file is part of TAPLibrary. * * TAPLibrary is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * TAPLibrary is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with TAPLibrary. If not, see <>. * * Copyright 2012-2015 - UDS/Centre de DonnĂ©es astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS) * Astronomisches Rechen Institut (ARI) */ import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import tap.ServiceConnection; import tap.TAPException; import tap.TAPExecutionReport; import; import; import tap.error.DefaultTAPErrorWriter; import tap.metadata.TAPColumn; import tap.metadata.VotType; import tap.metadata.VotType.VotDatatype; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import adql.db.DBColumn; import adql.db.DBType; import adql.db.DBType.DBDatatype; /** * <p>Format any given query (table) result into VOTable.</p> * * <p> * Format and version of the resulting VOTable can be provided in parameters at the construction time. * This formatter is using STIL. So all formats and versions managed by STIL are also here. * Basically, you have the following formats: TABLEDATA, BINARY, BINARY2 (only when using VOTable v1.3) and FITS. * The versions are: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3. * </p> * * <p>Note: The MIME type is automatically set in function of the given VOTable serialization:</p> * <ul> * <li><b>none or unknown</b>: equivalent to BINARY</li> * <li><b>BINARY</b>: "application/x-votable+xml" = "votable"</li> * <li><b>BINARY2</b>: "application/x-votable+xml;serialization=BINARY2" = "votable/b2"</li> * <li><b>TABLEDATA</b>: "application/x-votable+xml;serialization=TABLEDATA" = "votable/td"</li> * <li><b>FITS</b>: "application/x-votable+xml;serialization=FITS" = "votable/fits"</li> * </ul> * <p>It is however possible to change these default values thanks to {@link #setMimeType(String, String)}.</p> * * <p>In addition of the INFO elements for QUERY_STATUS="OK" and QUERY_STATUS="OVERFLOW", two additional INFO elements are written:</p> * <ul> * <li>PROVIDER = {@link ServiceConnection#getProviderName()} and {@link ServiceConnection#getProviderDescription()}</li> * <li>QUERY = the ADQL query at the origin of this result.</li> * </ul> * * <p> * Furthermore, this formatter provides a function to format an error in VOTable: {@link #writeError(String, Map, PrintWriter)}. * This is useful for TAP which requires to return in VOTable any error that occurs while any operation. * <i>See {@link DefaultTAPErrorWriter} for more details.</i> * </p> * * @author Grégory Mantelet (CDS;ARI) * @version 2.1 (11/2015) */ public class VOTableFormat implements OutputFormat { /** The {@link ServiceConnection} to use (for the log and to have some information about the service (particularly: name, description). */ protected final ServiceConnection service; /** Format of the VOTable data part in which data must be formatted. Possible values are: TABLEDATA, BINARY, BINARY2 or FITS. By default, it is set to BINARY. */ protected final DataFormat votFormat; /** VOTable version in which table data must be formatted. By default, it is set to v13. */ protected final VOTableVersion votVersion; /** MIME type associated with this format. */ protected String mimeType; /** Short form of the MIME type associated with this format. */ protected String shortMimeType; /** * <p>Creates a VOTable formatter.</p> * * <p><i>Note: * The MIME type is automatically set to "application/x-votable+xml" = "votable". * It is however possible to change this default value thanks to {@link #setMimeType(String, String)}. * </i></p> * * @param service The service to use (for the log and to have some information about the service (particularly: name, description). * * @throws NullPointerException If the given service connection is <code>null</code>. */ public VOTableFormat(final ServiceConnection service) throws NullPointerException{ this(service, null, null); } /** * <p>Creates a VOTable formatter.</p> * * <i>Note: The MIME type is automatically set in function of the given VOTable serialization:</i> * <ul> * <li><i><b>none or unknown</b>: equivalent to BINARY</i></li> * <li><i><b>BINARY</b>: "application/x-votable+xml" = "votable"</i></li> * <li><i><b>BINARY2</b>: "application/x-votable+xml;serialization=BINARY2" = "votable/b2"</i></li> * <li><i><b>TABLEDATA</b>: "application/x-votable+xml;serialization=TABLEDATA" = "votable/td"</i></li> * <li><i><b>FITS</b>: "application/x-votable+xml;serialization=FITS" = "votable/fits"</i></li> * </ul> * <p><i>It is however possible to change these default values thanks to {@link #setMimeType(String, String)}.</i></p> * * @param service The service to use (for the log and to have some information about the service (particularly: name, description). * @param votFormat Serialization of the VOTable data part. (TABLEDATA, BINARY, BINARY2 or FITS). * * @throws NullPointerException If the given service connection is <code>null</code>. */ public VOTableFormat(final ServiceConnection service, final DataFormat votFormat) throws NullPointerException{ this(service, votFormat, null); } /** * <p>Creates a VOTable formatter.</p> * * <i>Note: The MIME type is automatically set in function of the given VOTable serialization:</i> * <ul> * <li><i><b>none or unknown</b>: equivalent to BINARY</i></li> * <li><i><b>BINARY</b>: "application/x-votable+xml" = "votable"</i></li> * <li><i><b>BINARY2</b>: "application/x-votable+xml;serialization=BINARY2" = "votable/b2"</i></li> * <li><i><b>TABLEDATA</b>: "application/x-votable+xml;serialization=TABLEDATA" = "votable/td"</i></li> * <li><i><b>FITS</b>: "application/x-votable+xml;serialization=FITS" = "votable/fits"</i></li> * </ul> * <p><i>It is however possible to change these default values thanks to {@link #setMimeType(String, String)}.</i></p> * * @param service The service to use (for the log and to have some information about the service (particularly: name, description). * @param votFormat Serialization of the VOTable data part. (TABLEDATA, BINARY, BINARY2 or FITS). * @param votVersion Version of the resulting VOTable. * * @throws NullPointerException If the given service connection is <code>null</code>. */ public VOTableFormat(final ServiceConnection service, final DataFormat votFormat, final VOTableVersion votVersion) throws NullPointerException{ if (service == null) throw new NullPointerException("The given service connection is NULL!"); this.service = service; // Set the VOTable serialization and version: this.votFormat = (votFormat == null) ? DataFormat.BINARY : votFormat; this.votVersion = (votVersion == null) ? VOTableVersion.V13 : votVersion; // Deduce automatically the MIME type and its short expression: if (this.votFormat.equals(DataFormat.BINARY)){ this.mimeType = "application/x-votable+xml"; this.shortMimeType = "votable"; }else if (this.votFormat.equals(DataFormat.BINARY2)){ this.mimeType = "application/x-votable+xml;serialization=BINARY2"; this.shortMimeType = "votable/b2"; }else if (this.votFormat.equals(DataFormat.TABLEDATA)){ this.mimeType = "application/x-votable+xml;serialization=TABLEDATA"; this.shortMimeType = "votable/td"; }else if (this.votFormat.equals(DataFormat.FITS)){ this.mimeType = "application/x-votable+xml;serialization=FITS"; this.shortMimeType = "votable/fits"; }else{ this.mimeType = "application/x-votable+xml"; this.shortMimeType = "votable"; } } @Override public final String getMimeType(){ return mimeType; } @Override public final String getShortMimeType(){ return shortMimeType; } /** * <p>Set the MIME type associated with this format.</p> * * <p><i>Note: NULL means no modification of the current value:</i></p> * * @param mimeType Full MIME type of this VOTable format. <i>note: if NULL, the MIME type is not modified.</i> * @param shortForm Short form of this MIME type. <i>note: if NULL, the short MIME type is not modified.</i> */ public final void setMimeType(final String mimeType, final String shortForm){ if (mimeType != null) this.mimeType = mimeType; if (shortForm != null) this.shortMimeType = shortForm; } /** * Get the set VOTable data serialization/format (e.g. BINARY, TABLEDATA). * * @return The data format. */ public final DataFormat getVotSerialization(){ return votFormat; } /** * Get the set VOTable version. * * @return The VOTable version. */ public final VOTableVersion getVotVersion(){ return votVersion; } @Override public String getDescription(){ return null; } @Override public String getFileExtension(){ return "xml"; } /** * <p>Write the given error message as VOTable document.</p> * * <p><i>Note: * In the TAP protocol, all errors must be returned as VOTable. The class {@link DefaultTAPErrorWriter} is in charge of the management * and reporting of all errors. It is calling this function while the error message to display to the user is ready and * must be written in the HTTP response. * </i></p> * * <p>Here is the XML format of this VOTable error:</p> * <pre> * <VOTABLE version="..." xmlns="..." > * <RESOURCE type="results"> * <INFO name="QUERY_STATUS" value="ERROR> * ... * </INFO> * <INFO name="PROVIDER" value="...">...</INFO> * <!-- other optional INFOs (e.g. request parameters) --> * </RESOURCE> * </VOTABLE> * </pre> * * @param message Error message to display to the user. * @param otherInfo List of other additional information to display. <i>optional</i> * @param writer Stream in which the VOTable error must be written. * * @throws IOException If any error occurs while writing in the given output. * * @since 2.0 */ public void writeError(final String message, final Map<String,String> otherInfo, final PrintWriter writer) throws IOException{ BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(writer); // Set the root VOTABLE node: out.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>"); out.newLine(); out.write("<VOTABLE" + VOSerializer.formatAttribute("version", votVersion.getVersionNumber()) + VOSerializer.formatAttribute("xmlns", votVersion.getXmlNamespace()) + VOSerializer.formatAttribute("xmlns:xsi", "") + VOSerializer.formatAttribute("xsi:schemaLocation", votVersion.getXmlNamespace() + " " + votVersion.getSchemaLocation()) + ">"); out.newLine(); // The RESOURCE note MUST have a type "results": [REQUIRED] out.write("<RESOURCE type=\"results\">"); out.newLine(); // Indicate that the query has been successfully processed: [REQUIRED] out.write("<INFO name=\"QUERY_STATUS\" value=\"ERROR\">" + (message == null ? "" : VOSerializer.formatText(message)) + "</INFO>"); out.newLine(); // Append the PROVIDER information (if any): [OPTIONAL] if (service.getProviderName() != null){ out.write("<INFO name=\"PROVIDER\"" + VOSerializer.formatAttribute("value", service.getProviderName()) + ">" + ((service.getProviderDescription() == null) ? "" : VOSerializer.formatText(service.getProviderDescription())) + "</INFO>"); out.newLine(); } // Append the ADQL query at the origin of this result: [OPTIONAL] if (otherInfo != null){ Iterator<Map.Entry<String,String>> it = otherInfo.entrySet().iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ Map.Entry<String,String> entry =; if (entry.getValue() != null){ if (entry.getValue().startsWith("\n")){ int sep = entry.getValue().substring(1).indexOf('\n'); if (sep < 0) sep = 0; else sep++; out.write("<INFO " + VOSerializer.formatAttribute("name", entry.getKey()) + VOSerializer.formatAttribute("value", entry.getValue().substring(1, sep)) + ">\n" + entry.getValue().substring(sep + 1) + "\n</INFO>"); }else out.write("<INFO " + VOSerializer.formatAttribute("name", entry.getKey()) + VOSerializer.formatAttribute("value", entry.getValue()) + "/>"); out.newLine(); } } } out.flush(); /* Write footer. */ out.write("</RESOURCE>"); out.newLine(); out.write("</VOTABLE>"); out.newLine(); out.flush(); } @Override public final void writeResult(final TableIterator queryResult, final OutputStream output, final TAPExecutionReport execReport, final Thread thread) throws TAPException, IOException, InterruptedException{ ColumnInfo[] colInfos = toColumnInfos(queryResult, execReport, thread); /* Turns the result set into a table. */ LimitedStarTable table = new LimitedStarTable(queryResult, colInfos, execReport.parameters.getMaxRec(), thread); /* Prepares the object that will do the serialization work. */ VOSerializer voser = VOSerializer.makeSerializer(votFormat, votVersion, table); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(output)); /* Write header. */ writeHeader(votVersion, execReport, out); if (thread.isInterrupted()) throw new InterruptedException(); /* Write table element. */ voser.writeInlineTableElement(out); execReport.nbRows = table.getNbReadRows(); out.flush(); if (thread.isInterrupted()) throw new InterruptedException(); /* Check for overflow and write INFO if required. */ if (table.lastSequenceOverflowed()){ out.write("<INFO name=\"QUERY_STATUS\" value=\"OVERFLOW\"/>"); out.newLine(); } /* Write footer. */ out.write("</RESOURCE>"); out.newLine(); out.write("</VOTABLE>"); out.newLine(); out.flush(); } /** * <p>Writes the first VOTable nodes/elements preceding the data: VOTABLE, RESOURCE and 3 INFOS (QUERY_STATUS, PROVIDER, QUERY).</p> * * @param votVersion Target VOTable version. * @param execReport The report of the query execution. * @param out Writer in which the root node must be written. * * @throws IOException If there is an error while writing the root node in the given Writer. * @throws TAPException If there is any other error (by default: never happen). */ protected void writeHeader(final VOTableVersion votVersion, final TAPExecutionReport execReport, final BufferedWriter out) throws IOException, TAPException{ // Set the root VOTABLE node: out.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>"); out.newLine(); out.write("<VOTABLE" + VOSerializer.formatAttribute("version", votVersion.getVersionNumber()) + VOSerializer.formatAttribute("xmlns", votVersion.getXmlNamespace()) + VOSerializer.formatAttribute("xmlns:xsi", "") + VOSerializer.formatAttribute("xsi:schemaLocation", votVersion.getXmlNamespace() + " " + votVersion.getSchemaLocation()) + ">"); out.newLine(); // The RESOURCE note MUST have a type "results": [REQUIRED] out.write("<RESOURCE type=\"results\">"); out.newLine(); // Indicate that the query has been successfully processed: [REQUIRED] out.write("<INFO name=\"QUERY_STATUS\" value=\"OK\"/>"); out.newLine(); // Append the PROVIDER information (if any): [OPTIONAL] if (service.getProviderName() != null){ out.write("<INFO name=\"PROVIDER\"" + VOSerializer.formatAttribute("value", service.getProviderName()) + ">" + ((service.getProviderDescription() == null) ? "" : VOSerializer.formatText(service.getProviderDescription())) + "</INFO>"); out.newLine(); } // Append the ADQL query at the origin of this result: [OPTIONAL] String adqlQuery = execReport.parameters.getQuery(); if (adqlQuery != null){ out.write("<INFO name=\"QUERY\"" + VOSerializer.formatAttribute("value", adqlQuery) + "/>"); out.newLine(); } /* TODO Add somewhere in the table header the different Coordinate Systems used in this result! * 2 ways to do so: * 1/ COOSYS (deprecated from VOTable 1.2, but soon un-deprecated) * 2/ a GROUP item with the STC expression of the coordinate system. */ out.flush(); } /** * Writes fields' metadata of the given query result. * * @param result The query result from whose fields' metadata must be written. * @param execReport The report of the query execution. * @param thread The thread which asked for the result writing. * * @return Extracted field's metadata, or NULL if no metadata have been found (theoretically, it never happens). * * @throws IOException If there is an error while writing the metadata. * @throws TAPException If there is any other error. * @throws InterruptedException If the given thread has been interrupted. */ public static final ColumnInfo[] toColumnInfos(final TableIterator result, final TAPExecutionReport execReport, final Thread thread) throws IOException, TAPException, InterruptedException{ // Get the metadata extracted/guesses from the ADQL query: DBColumn[] columnsFromQuery = execReport.resultingColumns; // Get the metadata extracted from the result: TAPColumn[] columnsFromResult = result.getMetadata(); int indField = 0; if (columnsFromQuery != null){ // Initialize the resulting array: ColumnInfo[] colInfos = new ColumnInfo[columnsFromQuery.length]; // For each column: for(DBColumn field : columnsFromQuery){ // Try to build/get appropriate metadata for this field/column: TAPColumn colFromResult = (columnsFromResult != null && indField < columnsFromResult.length) ? columnsFromResult[indField] : null; TAPColumn tapCol = getValidColMeta(field, colFromResult); // Build the corresponding ColumnInfo object: colInfos[indField] = getColumnInfo(tapCol); indField++; } return colInfos; }else return null; } /** * Try to get or otherwise to build appropriate metadata using those extracted from the ADQL query and those extracted from the result. * * @param typeFromQuery Metadata extracted/guessed from the ADQL query. * @param typeFromResult Metadata extracted/guessed from the result. * * @return The most appropriate metadata. */ protected static final TAPColumn getValidColMeta(final DBColumn typeFromQuery, final TAPColumn typeFromResult){ if (typeFromQuery != null && typeFromQuery instanceof TAPColumn){ TAPColumn colMeta = (TAPColumn)typeFromQuery; if (colMeta.getDatatype().isUnknown() && typeFromResult != null && !typeFromResult.getDatatype().isUnknown()) colMeta.setDatatype(typeFromResult.getDatatype()); return colMeta; }else if (typeFromResult != null){ if (typeFromQuery != null) return (TAPColumn)typeFromResult.copy(typeFromQuery.getDBName(), typeFromQuery.getADQLName(), null); else return (TAPColumn)typeFromResult.copy(); }else return new TAPColumn((typeFromQuery != null) ? typeFromQuery.getADQLName() : "?", new DBType(DBDatatype.VARCHAR), "?"); } /** * Convert the given {@link TAPColumn} object into a {@link ColumnInfo} object. * * @param tapCol {@link TAPColumn} to convert into {@link ColumnInfo}. * * @return The corresponding {@link ColumnInfo}. */ protected static final ColumnInfo getColumnInfo(final TAPColumn tapCol){ // Get the VOTable type: VotType votType = new VotType(tapCol.getDatatype()); // Build a ColumnInfo with the name, type and description: ColumnInfo colInfo = new ColumnInfo(tapCol.getADQLName(), getDatatypeClass(votType.datatype, votType.arraysize), tapCol.getDescription()); // Set the shape (VOTable arraysize): colInfo.setShape(getShape(votType.arraysize)); // Set this value may be NULL (note: it is not really necessary since STIL set this flag to TRUE by default): colInfo.setNullable(true); // Set the XType (if any): if (votType.xtype != null) colInfo.setAuxDatum(new DescribedValue(new DefaultValueInfo("xtype", String.class, "VOTable xtype attribute"), votType.xtype)); // Set the additional information: unit, UCD and UType: colInfo.setUnitString(tapCol.getUnit()); colInfo.setUCD(tapCol.getUcd()); colInfo.setUtype(tapCol.getUtype()); return colInfo; } /** * Convert the VOTable datatype string into a corresponding {@link Class} object. * * @param datatype Value of the VOTable attribute "datatype". * @param arraysize Value of the VOTable attribute "arraysize". * * @return The corresponding {@link Class} object. */ protected static final Class<?> getDatatypeClass(final VotDatatype datatype, final String arraysize){ // Determine whether this type is an array or not: boolean isScalar = arraysize == null || (arraysize.length() == 1 && arraysize.equals("1")); // Guess the corresponding Class object (see section "7.1.4 Data Types" of the STIL documentation): switch(datatype){ case BIT: return boolean[].class; case BOOLEAN: return isScalar ? Boolean.class : boolean[].class; case DOUBLE: return isScalar ? Double.class : double[].class; case DOUBLECOMPLEX: return double[].class; case FLOAT: return isScalar ? Float.class : float[].class; case FLOATCOMPLEX: return float[].class; case INT: return isScalar ? Integer.class : int[].class; case LONG: return isScalar ? Long.class : long[].class; case SHORT: return isScalar ? Short.class : short[].class; case UNSIGNEDBYTE: return isScalar ? Short.class : short[].class; case CHAR: case UNICODECHAR: default: /* If the type is not know (theoretically, never happens), return char[*] by default. */ return isScalar ? Character.class : String.class; } } /** * Convert the given VOTable arraysize into a {@link ColumnInfo} shape. * * @param arraysize Value of the VOTable attribute "arraysize". * * @return The corresponding {@link ColumnInfo} shape. */ protected static final int[] getShape(final String arraysize){ /* * Note: multi-dimensional arrays are forbidden in the TAP library, * so no 'nxm...' is possible. */ // No arraysize => empty array: if (arraysize == null) return new int[0]; // '*' or 'n*' => {-1}: else if (arraysize.charAt(arraysize.length() - 1) == '*') return new int[]{-1}; // 'n' => {n}: else{ try{ return new int[]{Integer.parseInt(arraysize)}; }catch(NumberFormatException nfe){ // if the given arraysize is incorrect (theoretically, never happens), it is like no arraysize has been provided: return new int[0]; } } } /** * <p> * Special {@link StarTable} able to read a fixed maximum number of rows {@link TableIterator}. * However, if no limit is provided, all rows are read. * </p> * * @author Grégory Mantelet (CDS;ARI) * @version 2.1 (11/2015) * @since 2.0 */ public static class LimitedStarTable extends AbstractStarTable { /** Number of columns to read. */ private final int nbCol; /** Information about all columns to read. */ private final ColumnInfo[] columnInfos; /** Iterator over the data to read using this special {@link StarTable} */ private final TableIterator tableIt; /** Thread covering this execution. If it is interrupted, the writing must stop as soon as possible. * @since 2.1 */ private final Thread threadToWatch; /** Limit on the number of rows to read. Over this limit, an "overflow" event occurs and {@link #overflow} is set to TRUE. */ private final long maxrec; /** Indicates whether the maximum allowed number of rows has already been read or not. When true, no more row can be read. */ private boolean overflow; /** Last read row. If NULL, no row has been read or no more row is available. */ private Object[] row = null; /** Number of rows read until now. */ private int nbRows; /** * Build this special {@link StarTable}. * * @param tableIt Data on which to iterate using this special {@link StarTable}. * @param colInfos Information about all columns. * @param maxrec Limit on the number of rows to read. <i>(if negative, there will be no limit)</i> * @param thread Parent thread. When an interruption is detected the writing must stop as soon as possible. */ LimitedStarTable(final TableIterator tableIt, final ColumnInfo[] colInfos, final long maxrec, final Thread thread){ this.tableIt = tableIt; this.threadToWatch = thread; nbCol = colInfos.length; columnInfos = colInfos; this.maxrec = maxrec; overflow = false; } /** * Indicates whether the last row sequence dispensed by * this table's getRowSequence method was truncated at maxrec rows. * * @return true if the last row sequence overflowed */ public boolean lastSequenceOverflowed(){ return overflow; } /** * Get the number of rows that have been successfully read until now. * * @return Number of all read rows. */ public int getNbReadRows(){ return nbRows; } @Override public int getColumnCount(){ return nbCol; } @Override public ColumnInfo getColumnInfo(final int colInd){ return columnInfos[colInd]; } @Override public long getRowCount(){ return -1; } @Override public RowSequence getRowSequence() throws IOException{ overflow = false; row = new Object[nbCol]; return new RowSequence(){ long irow = -1; @Override public boolean next() throws IOException{ irow++; try{ if (!threadToWatch.isInterrupted() && (maxrec < 0 || irow < maxrec)){ boolean hasNext = tableIt.nextRow(); if (hasNext){ for(int i = 0; i < nbCol && tableIt.hasNextCol(); i++) row[i] = tableIt.nextCol(); nbRows++; }else row = null; return hasNext; }else{ overflow = tableIt.nextRow(); row = null; return false; } }catch(DataReadException dre){ if (dre.getCause() != null && dre.getCause() instanceof IOException) throw (IOException)(dre.getCause()); else throw new IOException(dre); } } @Override public Object[] getRow() throws IOException{ return row; } @Override public Object getCell(int cellIndex) throws IOException{ return row[cellIndex]; } @Override public void close() throws IOException{} }; } } }