package adql.db; /* * This file is part of ADQLLibrary. * * ADQLLibrary is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * ADQLLibrary is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with ADQLLibrary. If not, see <>. * * Copyright 2012-2015 - UDS/Centre de DonnĂ©es astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS), * Astronomisches Rechen Institut (ARI) */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import adql.query.IdentifierField; import adql.query.from.ADQLJoin; import adql.query.operand.ADQLColumn; import cds.utils.TextualSearchList; /** * <p>A list of {@link DBColumn} elements ordered by their ADQL name in an ascending manner.</p> * * <p> * In addition to an ADQL name, {@link DBColumn} elements can be searched by specifying their table, schema and catalog. * These last information will be used only if the ADQL column name is ambiguous, otherwise all matching elements are returned. * </p> * * <p><i> * <u>Note:</u> * Table aliases can be listed here with their corresponding table name. Consequently, a table alias can be given as table name in the search parameters. * </i></p> * * @author Grégory Mantelet (CDS;ARI) * @version 1.4 (08/2015) */ public class SearchColumnList extends TextualSearchList<DBColumn> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** Indicates whether multiple occurrences are allowed. */ private boolean distinct = false; /** Case-sensitive dictionary of table aliases. (tableAlias <-> TableName) */ private final HashMap<String,String> tableAliases = new HashMap<String,String>(); /** Case-insensitive dictionary of table aliases. (tablealias <-> List<TableName>) */ private final HashMap<String,ArrayList<String>> mapAliases = new HashMap<String,ArrayList<String>>(); /* ************ */ /* CONSTRUCTORS */ /* ************ */ /** * Void constructor. */ public SearchColumnList(){ super(new DBColumnKeyExtractor()); } /** * Constructor by copy: all the elements of the given collection of {@link DBColumn} are copied ordered into this list. * * @param collection Collection of {@link DBColumn} to copy. */ public SearchColumnList(final Collection<DBColumn> collection){ super(collection, new DBColumnKeyExtractor()); } /** * Constructor with the initial capacity. * * @param initialCapacity Initial capacity of this list. */ public SearchColumnList(final int initialCapacity){ super(initialCapacity, new DBColumnKeyExtractor()); } /* ******* */ /* GETTERS */ /* ******* */ /** * Tells whether multiple occurrences are allowed. * * @return <i>true</i> means that multiple occurrences are allowed, <i>false</i> otherwise. */ public final boolean isDistinct(){ return distinct; } /** * Lets indicating that multiple occurrences are allowed. * * @param distinct <i>true</i> means that multiple occurrences are allowed, <i>false</i> otherwise. */ public final void setDistinct(final boolean distinct){ this.distinct = distinct; } /* ********************** */ /* TABLE ALIAS MANAGEMENT */ /* ********************** */ /** * Adds the given association between a table name and its alias in a query. * * @param tableAlias Table alias. * @param tableName Table name. */ public final void putTableAlias(final String tableAlias, final String tableName){ if (tableAlias != null && tableName != null){ tableAliases.put(tableAlias, tableName); ArrayList<String> aliases = mapAliases.get(tableAlias.toLowerCase()); if (aliases == null){ aliases = new ArrayList<String>(); mapAliases.put(tableAlias.toLowerCase(), aliases); } aliases.add(tableAlias); } } /** * Removes the given alias from this list. * * @param tableAlias The table alias which must be removed. */ public final void removeTableAlias(final String tableAlias){ tableAliases.remove(tableAlias); ArrayList<String> aliases = mapAliases.get(tableAlias.toLowerCase()); if (aliases != null){ aliases.remove(tableAlias); if (aliases.isEmpty()) mapAliases.remove(tableAlias.toLowerCase()); } } /** * Removes all table name/alias associations. */ public final void removeAllTableAliases(){ tableAliases.clear(); mapAliases.clear(); } public final int getNbTableAliases(){ return tableAliases.size(); } /* ************** */ /* SEARCH METHODS */ /* ************** */ /** * Searches all {@link DBColumn} elements which has the given name (case insensitive). * * @param columnName ADQL name of {@link DBColumn} to search for. * * @return The corresponding {@link DBColumn} elements. * * @see TextualSearchList#get(String) */ public ArrayList<DBColumn> search(final String columnName){ return get(columnName); } /** * Searches all {@link DBColumn} elements which have the given catalog, schema, table and column name (case insensitive). * * @param catalog Catalog name. * @param schema Schema name. * @param table Table name. * @param column Column name. * * @return The list of all matching {@link DBColumn} elements. * * @see #search(String, String, String, String, byte) */ public final ArrayList<DBColumn> search(final String catalog, final String schema, final String table, final String column){ return search(catalog, schema, table, column, (byte)0); } /** * Searches all {@link DBColumn} elements corresponding to the given {@link ADQLColumn} (case insensitive). * * @param column An {@link ADQLColumn}. * * @return The list of all corresponding {@link DBColumn} elements. * * @see #search(String, String, String, String, byte) */ public ArrayList<DBColumn> search(final ADQLColumn column){ return search(column.getCatalogName(), column.getSchemaName(), column.getTableName(), column.getColumnName(), column.getCaseSensitive()); } /** * Searches all {@link DBColumn} elements which have the given catalog, schema, table and column name, with the specified case sensitivity. * * @param catalog Catalog name. * @param schema Schema name. * @param table Table name. * @param column Column name. * @param caseSensitivity Case sensitivity for each column parts (one bit by part ; 0=sensitive,1=insensitive ; see {@link IdentifierField} for more details). * * @return The list of all matching {@link DBColumn} elements. * * @see IdentifierField */ public ArrayList<DBColumn> search(final String catalog, final String schema, final String table, final String column, final byte caseSensitivity){ ArrayList<DBColumn> tmpResult = get(column, IdentifierField.COLUMN.isCaseSensitive(caseSensitivity)); /* WITH TABLE PREFIX */ if (table != null){ /* 1. Figure out the table alias */ String tableName = null; ArrayList<String> aliasMatches = null; // Case sensitive => tableName is set , aliasMatches = null if (IdentifierField.TABLE.isCaseSensitive(caseSensitivity)){ tableName = tableAliases.get(table); if (tableName == null) tableName = table; } // Case INsensitive // a) Alias is found => tableName = null , aliasMatches contains the list of all tables matching the alias // b) No alias => tableName = table , aliasMatches = null else{ aliasMatches = mapAliases.get(table.toLowerCase()); if (aliasMatches == null || aliasMatches.isEmpty()) tableName = table; } /* 2. For each found column, test whether its table, schema and catalog names match. * If it matches, keep the column aside. */ ArrayList<DBColumn> result = new ArrayList<DBColumn>(); for(DBColumn match : tmpResult){ // Get the list of all tables covered by this column: // - only 1 if it is a normal column // - several if it is a common column (= result of table join) Iterator<DBTable> itMatchTables; if (ADQLJoin.isCommonColumn(match)) itMatchTables = ((DBCommonColumn)match).getCoveredTables(); else itMatchTables = new SingleIterator<DBTable>(match.getTable()); // Test the matching with every covered tables: DBTable matchTable; while(itMatchTables.hasNext()){ // get the table: matchTable =; // test the table name: if (aliasMatches == null){ // case table name is (sensitive) or (INsensitive with no alias found) if (IdentifierField.TABLE.isCaseSensitive(caseSensitivity)){ if (!matchTable.getADQLName().equals(tableName)) continue; }else{ if (!matchTable.getADQLName().equalsIgnoreCase(tableName)) continue; } }else{ // case INsensitive with at least one alias found boolean foundAlias = false; String temp; for(int a = 0; !foundAlias && a < aliasMatches.size(); a++){ temp = tableAliases.get(aliasMatches.get(a)); if (temp != null) foundAlias = matchTable.getADQLName().equalsIgnoreCase(temp); } if (!foundAlias) continue; } // test the schema name: if (schema != null){ // No schema name (<=> no schema), then this table can not be a good match: if (matchTable.getADQLSchemaName() == null) continue; if (IdentifierField.SCHEMA.isCaseSensitive(caseSensitivity)){ if (!matchTable.getADQLSchemaName().equals(schema)) continue; }else{ if (!matchTable.getADQLSchemaName().equalsIgnoreCase(schema)) continue; } // test the catalog name: if (catalog != null){ // No catalog name (<=> no catalog), then this table can not be a good match: if (matchTable.getADQLCatalogName() == null) continue; if (IdentifierField.CATALOG.isCaseSensitive(caseSensitivity)){ if (!matchTable.getADQLCatalogName().equals(catalog)) continue; }else{ if (!matchTable.getADQLCatalogName().equalsIgnoreCase(catalog)) continue; } } } // if here, all prefixes are matching and so the column is a good match: DBColumn goodMatch = matchTable.getColumn(match.getADQLName(), true); result.add(goodMatch); } } return result; } /* NO TABLE PREFIX */ else{ // Special case: the columns merged by a NATURAL JOIN or a USING may have no table reference: if (tmpResult.size() > 1){ // List all common columns. If there are several, only the list of matching normal columns must be returned. // This list must not contain common columns. // Instead, it must contains all normal columns covered by the common columns. ArrayList<DBColumn> result = new ArrayList<DBColumn>(tmpResult.size()); for(int i = 0; i < tmpResult.size(); i++){ if (ADQLJoin.isCommonColumn(tmpResult.get(i))){ // this common column is a good match // => add it into the list of matching common columns // AND remove it from the normal columns list DBCommonColumn commonColumn = (DBCommonColumn)tmpResult.remove(i); result.add(commonColumn); // then, add all normal columns covered by this common columns: Iterator<DBTable> itCoveredTables = commonColumn.getCoveredTables(); while(itCoveredTables.hasNext()) tmpResult.add(, true)); } } if (result.size() == 1) return result; } return tmpResult; } } /* ***************** */ /* INHERITED METHODS */ /* ***************** */ @Override public boolean add(final DBColumn item){ if (distinct && contains(item)) return false; else return super.add(item); } @Override public boolean addAll(final Collection<? extends DBColumn> c){ boolean changed = super.addAll(c); if (changed){ if (c instanceof SearchColumnList){ SearchColumnList list = (SearchColumnList)c; for(Map.Entry<String,String> entry : list.tableAliases.entrySet()) putTableAlias(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } return changed; } @Override public boolean removeAll(final Collection<?> c){ boolean changed = super.removeAll(c); if (changed){ if (c instanceof SearchColumnList){ SearchColumnList list = (SearchColumnList)c; for(String key : list.tableAliases.keySet()) removeTableAlias(key); } } return changed; } /** * Lets extracting the key to associate with a given {@link DBColumn} instance. * * @author Grégory Mantelet (CDS) * @version 09/2011 */ private static class DBColumnKeyExtractor implements KeyExtractor<DBColumn> { @Override public String getKey(DBColumn obj){ return obj.getADQLName(); } } /** * Iterator that iterates over only one item, given in the constructor. * * @param <E> Type of the item that this Iterator must return. * * @author Grégory Mantelet (ARI) - * @version 1.2 (11/2013) * @since 1.2 */ private static class SingleIterator< E > implements Iterator<E> { private final E item; private boolean done = false; public SingleIterator(final E singleItem){ item = singleItem; } @Override public boolean hasNext(){ return !done; } @Override public E next(){ if (!done){ done = true; return item; }else throw new NoSuchElementException(); } @Override public void remove(){ throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } }