package adql.query.from; /* * This file is part of ADQLLibrary. * * ADQLLibrary is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * ADQLLibrary is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with ADQLLibrary. If not, see <>. * * Copyright 2012-2016 - UDS/Centre de DonnĂ©es astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS), * Astronomisches Rechen Institut (ARI) */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import adql.db.DBChecker; import adql.db.DBColumn; import adql.db.DBTable; import adql.db.DefaultDBTable; import adql.db.SearchColumnList; import adql.query.ADQLIterator; import adql.query.ADQLObject; import adql.query.ADQLQuery; import adql.query.IdentifierField; import adql.query.TextPosition; /** * It represents any item of the clause FROM: a table name or a sub-query.<br /> * A table reference may have an alias (MUST if it is a sub-query). * * @author Grégory Mantelet (CDS;ARI) * @version 2.1 (07/2016) */ public class ADQLTable implements ADQLObject, FromContent { /** The name of the catalog which contains the table. */ private String catalog = null; /** The name of the schema which contains the table. */ private String schema = null; /** The name of the table. */ private String table; /** A sub-query whose the result will be used as a table. */ private ADQLQuery subQuery; /** Label of the table reference. */ private String alias = null; /** Lets specify the case sensitivity of the catalog, schema, table and alias parts. */ private byte caseSensitivity = 0; /** The corresponding table in the "database". */ private DBTable dbLink = null; /** Position in the original ADQL query string. */ private TextPosition position = null; /** * Builds a reference to a table with its name (simple or full ({catalog}.{schema}.{table})). * * @param table Name of the table (simple or full ({catalog}.{schema}.{table})). */ public ADQLTable(String table){ setTable(table); subQuery = null; } /** * Builds a reference to a table with its name and the name of its schema. * * @param schema Name of its schema. * @param table Name of the table. */ public ADQLTable(String schema, String table){ setTableName(table); setSchemaName(schema); } /** * Builds a reference to a table with its name, the name of its schema and the name of its catalog. * * @param catalog Name of its catalog. * @param schema Name of its schema. * @param table Name of the table. */ public ADQLTable(String catalog, String schema, String table){ this(schema, table); setCatalogName(catalog); } /** * Builds a reference to a sub-query. * * @param query Sub-query. * * @see #setSubQuery(ADQLQuery) */ public ADQLTable(ADQLQuery query){ setSubQuery(query); } /** * Builds an ADQL table by copying the given one. * * @param toCopy The ADQLTable to copy. * * @throws Exception If there is an error during the copy. */ public ADQLTable(ADQLTable toCopy) throws Exception{ catalog = toCopy.catalog; schema = toCopy.schema; table = toCopy.table; subQuery = (toCopy.subQuery == null) ? null : (ADQLQuery)toCopy.subQuery.getCopy(); alias = toCopy.alias; caseSensitivity = toCopy.caseSensitivity; position = toCopy.position; } /** * <p>Lets normalizing any catalog/schema/table name or alias.</p> * <p>If the name is surrounded by double-quotes, they are removed * and the corresponding field will be declared as case sensitive.</p> * * @param name Name to normalize. * @param field The name part to normalize and to get (if normalized, the case sensitivity of the given field will be set). * * @return The normalized name. */ protected String normalizeName(final String name, IdentifierField field){ if (name == null) return null; StringBuffer n = new StringBuffer(name); n.trimToSize(); if (n.length() == 0) return null; else{ if (n.length() > 1 && n.charAt(0) == '\"' && n.charAt(n.length() - 1) == '\"'){ n.deleteCharAt(0); n.deleteCharAt(n.length() - 1); n.trimToSize(); if (n.length() == 0) return null; else setCaseSensitive(field, true); } } return n.toString(); } /** * Gets the position in the original ADQL query string. * * @return The position of this {@link ADQLTable}. */ @Override public final TextPosition getPosition(){ return position; } /** * Sets the position at which this {@link ADQLTable} has been found in the original ADQL query string. * * @param pos Position of this {@link ADQLTable}. */ @Override public final void setPosition(final TextPosition pos){ position = pos; } /** * Gets the name of the catalog which contains this table. * * @return Catalog name. */ public final String getCatalogName(){ return catalog; } /** * Sets the name of the catalog which contains this table. * * @param catalog The new name of its catalog. */ public final void setCatalogName(String catalog){ final String temp = normalizeName(catalog, IdentifierField.CATALOG); if ((this.catalog == null && temp != null) || (this.catalog != null && !this.catalog.equalsIgnoreCase(temp))) dbLink = null; this.catalog = temp; } /** * Gets the name of the schema which contains this table. * * @return Schema name. */ public final String getSchemaName(){ return schema; } /** * Sets the name of the schema which contains this table. * * @param schema The new name of its schema. */ public final void setSchemaName(String schema){ final String temp = normalizeName(schema, IdentifierField.SCHEMA); if ((this.schema == null && temp != null) || (this.schema != null && !this.schema.equalsIgnoreCase(temp))) dbLink = null; this.schema = temp; } /** * Gets the name of the table. * * @return Table name. */ public final String getTableName(){ return table; } /** * Gets the full name of this table (catalogName . schemaName . tableName) * by respecting the case sensitivity of each field (if case sensitive double-quotes will surround the concerned fields name). * * @return Its full name. */ public final String getFullTableName(){ if (table == null) return ""; StringBuffer name = new StringBuffer(); // CATALOG: if (catalog != null){ if (isCaseSensitive(IdentifierField.CATALOG)) name.append('\"').append(catalog).append('\"').append('.'); else name.append(catalog).append('.'); } // SCHEMA: if (schema != null){ if (isCaseSensitive(IdentifierField.SCHEMA)) name.append('\"').append(schema).append('\"').append('.'); else name.append(schema).append('.'); } // TABLE: if (isCaseSensitive(IdentifierField.TABLE)) name.append('\"').append(table).append('\"'); else name.append(table); return name.toString(); } /** * Sets the name of the table. * * @param newTableName The new name of the table. */ public void setTableName(String newTableName){ final String temp = normalizeName(newTableName, IdentifierField.TABLE); if ((this.table == null && temp != null) || (this.table != null && !this.table.equalsIgnoreCase(temp))) dbLink = null; this.table = temp; if (table != null) subQuery = null; } /** * Updates the whole Table according to the given table reference ({catalog}.{schema}.{table}). * * @param tableRef The complete table reference ({catalog}.{schema}.{table}). */ public final void setTable(String tableRef){ String[] parts = (tableRef == null) ? null : tableRef.split("\\."); if (parts != null && parts.length > 3) return; else{ int i = (parts == null) ? -1 : (parts.length - 1); setTableName((i < 0) ? null : parts[i--]); setSchemaName((i < 0) ? null : parts[i--]); setCatalogName((i < 0) ? null : parts[i]); if (table != null) subQuery = null; } } /** * Gets the sub-query used as table. * * @return Sub-query. */ public final ADQLQuery getSubQuery(){ return subQuery; } /** * Sets the sub-query to use as table. * * @param query Sub-query (MUST NOT BE NULL). * * @see #refreshDBLink() */ public final void setSubQuery(final ADQLQuery query){ if (query != null){ // set all ADQLTable attributes: subQuery = query; catalog = null; schema = null; table = null; dbLink = null; position = null; // set the DB link: refreshDBLink(); } } /** * (Re-)Builds a default description of this ADQL table <u>ONLY IF it is a sub-query AND there is an alias</u>. * This method has no effect if this table is not a sub-query or has no alias. * * @see DefaultDBTable * @see ADQLQuery#getResultingColumns() * @see DBColumn#copy(String, String, DBTable) */ public final void refreshDBLink(){ if (isSubQuery() && hasAlias()){ DefaultDBTable dbTable = new DefaultDBTable(alias); DBColumn[] columns = subQuery.getResultingColumns(); for(DBColumn dbCol : columns) dbTable.addColumn(dbCol.copy(dbCol.getADQLName(), dbCol.getADQLName(), dbTable)); dbLink = dbTable; } } /** * Tells whether this table reference is a sub-query or a table name/alias. * * @return <i>true</i> if this table is a sub-query, <i>false</i> else. */ public final boolean isSubQuery(){ return subQuery != null; } /** * Gets the label of this table. * * @return Table label. */ public final String getAlias(){ return alias; } /** * Tells whether this table has an alias or not. * * @return <i>true</i> if this table has an alias, <i>false</i> otherwise. */ public final boolean hasAlias(){ return alias != null; } /** * Sets the label of this table. * * @param alias Label to put on this table. */ public void setAlias(String alias){ this.alias = normalizeName(alias, IdentifierField.ALIAS); } /** * Indicates whether the specified field (catalog, schema or table) is case sensitive or not. * * @param field A field (catalog, schema or table). * * @return <i>true</i> if the specified field is case sensitive, <i>false</i> otherwise. * * @see IdentifierField * @see IdentifierField#isCaseSensitive(byte) */ public final boolean isCaseSensitive(IdentifierField field){ return field.isCaseSensitive(caseSensitivity); } /** * Sets the case sensitivity of the specified field (catalog, schema or table). * * @param field The field for which the case sensitivity must be updated. * * @param sensitive <i>true</i> if the specified field must be case sensitive, <i>false</i> otherwise. * * @see IdentifierField * @see IdentifierField#setCaseSensitive(byte, boolean) */ public final void setCaseSensitive(IdentifierField field, boolean sensitive){ caseSensitivity = field.setCaseSensitive(caseSensitivity, sensitive); } /** * Indicates whether all fields (catalog, schema and table) are case sensitive. * * @return <i>true</i> if all fields are case sensitive, <i>false</i> otherwise. * * @see IdentifierField#isFullCaseSensitive(byte) */ public final boolean isCaseSensitive(){ return IdentifierField.isFullCaseSensitive(caseSensitivity); } /** * Sets the case sensitivity of all fields (catalog, schema and table). * * @param sensitive <i>true</i> if all fields must be case sensitive, <i>false</i> otherwise. * * @see IdentifierField#getFullCaseSensitive(boolean) */ public final void setCaseSensitive(boolean sensitive){ caseSensitivity = IdentifierField.getFullCaseSensitive(sensitive); } /** * Gets the whole case sensitivity of this ADQL table. * * @return Its new case sensitivity (one bit per fields). * * @see IdentifierField */ public final byte getCaseSensitive(){ return caseSensitivity; } /** * Sets the whole case sensitivity of this ADQL table. * * @param sensitivity Its new case sensitivity (one bit per fields). * * @see IdentifierField */ public final void setCaseSensitive(final byte sensitivity){ caseSensitivity = sensitivity; } /** * <p>Gets the corresponding {@link DBTable}.</p> * <p><i><u>Note:</u> This information is added automatically by {@link DBChecker} when {@link DBChecker#check(adql.query.ADQLQuery)} is called.</i></p> * * @return The corresponding {@link DBTable}. */ public final DBTable getDBLink(){ return dbLink; } /** * Sets the {@link DBTable} corresponding to this {@link ADQLTable}. * * @param dbLink Its corresponding {@link DBTable}. */ public final void setDBLink(DBTable dbLink){ this.dbLink = dbLink; } @Override public SearchColumnList getDBColumns(){ SearchColumnList list = new SearchColumnList(); if (isSubQuery() && dbLink == null) refreshDBLink(); if (dbLink != null){ for(DBColumn dbCol : dbLink) list.add(dbCol); } return list; } @Override public ArrayList<ADQLTable> getTables(){ ArrayList<ADQLTable> tables = new ArrayList<ADQLTable>(); tables.add(this); return tables; } @Override public ArrayList<ADQLTable> getTablesByAlias(final String alias, final boolean caseSensitive){ ArrayList<ADQLTable> tables = new ArrayList<ADQLTable>(); if (hasAlias()){ if (!caseSensitive){ if (getAlias().equalsIgnoreCase(alias)) tables.add(this); }else{ if (IdentifierField.ALIAS.isCaseSensitive(caseSensitivity)){ if (getAlias().equals(alias)) tables.add(this); }else{ if (getAlias().toLowerCase().equals(alias)) tables.add(this); } } } return tables; } @Override public ADQLObject getCopy() throws Exception{ return new ADQLTable(this); } @Override public String getName(){ return hasAlias() ? alias : (isSubQuery() ? "{subquery}" : getTableName()); } @Override public ADQLIterator adqlIterator(){ return new ADQLIterator(){ private boolean subQueryGot = !isSubQuery(); @Override public ADQLObject next(){ if (!subQueryGot){ subQueryGot = true; return subQuery; }else throw new NoSuchElementException(); } @Override public boolean hasNext(){ return !subQueryGot; } @Override public void replace(ADQLObject replacer) throws UnsupportedOperationException, IllegalStateException{ if (!subQueryGot) throw new IllegalStateException("replace(ADQLObject) impossible: next() has not yet been called !"); if (replacer == null) remove(); if (replacer instanceof ADQLQuery) subQuery = (ADQLQuery)replacer; else throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Impossible to replace a sub-query (" + subQuery.toADQL() + ") by a " + replacer.getClass().getName() + " (" + replacer.toADQL() + ") !"); } @Override public void remove(){ if (!subQueryGot) throw new IllegalStateException("remove() impossible: next() has not yet been called !"); else throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Impossible to remove the sub-query of an ADQLTable (" + toADQL() + ") !"); } }; } @Override public String toADQL(){ return (isSubQuery() ? ("(" + subQuery.toADQL() + ")") : getFullTableName()) + ((alias == null) ? "" : (" AS " + (isCaseSensitive(IdentifierField.ALIAS) ? ("\"" + alias + "\"") : alias))); } }