package adql.db; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import adql.db.DBType.DBDatatype; import adql.db.FunctionDef.FunctionParam; import adql.db.exception.UnresolvedIdentifiersException; import adql.parser.ADQLParser; import adql.parser.ParseException; import adql.query.ADQLObject; import adql.query.ADQLQuery; import adql.query.operand.ADQLColumn; import adql.query.operand.ADQLOperand; import adql.query.operand.StringConstant; import adql.query.operand.function.DefaultUDF; import adql.query.operand.function.UserDefinedFunction; import; import adql.translator.ADQLTranslator; import adql.translator.PostgreSQLTranslator; import adql.translator.TranslationException; public class TestDBChecker { private static List<DBTable> tables; @BeforeClass public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception{ tables = new ArrayList<DBTable>(); DefaultDBTable fooTable = new DefaultDBTable(null, "aschema", "foo"); DBColumn col = new DefaultDBColumn("colS", new DBType(DBDatatype.VARCHAR), fooTable); fooTable.addColumn(col); col = new DefaultDBColumn("colI", new DBType(DBDatatype.INTEGER), fooTable); fooTable.addColumn(col); col = new DefaultDBColumn("colG", new DBType(DBDatatype.POINT), fooTable); fooTable.addColumn(col); tables.add(fooTable); DefaultDBTable fooTable2 = new DefaultDBTable(null, null, "foo2"); col = new DefaultDBColumn("oid", new DBType(DBDatatype.BIGINT), fooTable2); fooTable2.addColumn(col); tables.add(fooTable2); } @AfterClass public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception{} @Before public void setUp() throws Exception{} @After public void tearDown() throws Exception{} @Test public void testSplitTableName(){ String[] names = DefaultDBTable.splitTableName("foo"); String[] expected = new String[]{null,null,"foo"}; assertEquals(expected.length, names.length); for(int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) assertEquals(expected[i], names[i]); names = DefaultDBTable.splitTableName(""); expected = new String[]{null,"aschema","foo"}; assertEquals(expected.length, names.length); for(int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) assertEquals(expected[i], names[i]); names = DefaultDBTable.splitTableName(""); expected = new String[]{"acat","aschema","foo"}; assertEquals(expected.length, names.length); for(int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) assertEquals(expected[i], names[i]); names = DefaultDBTable.splitTableName(""); expected = new String[]{"weird.acat","aschema","foo"}; assertEquals(expected.length, names.length); for(int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) assertEquals(expected[i], names[i]); } @Test public void testClauseADQLWithNameNull(){ /* The name of an ADQLClause is got in DBChecker by SearchColumnOutsideGroupByHandler.goInto(...) * and possibly in other locations in the future. If this name is NULL, no NullPointerException * should be thrown. * * This issue can be tested by creating a ConstraintsGroup (i.e. in a constraints location like WHERE or JOIN...ON, * a constraint (or more) between parenthesis). */ ADQLParser parser = new ADQLParser(new DBChecker(tables, new ArrayList<FunctionDef>(0))); try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE (colI BETWEEN 1 AND 10)"); }catch(ParseException pe){ pe.printStackTrace(); fail(); } } @Test public void testGroupByWithQualifiedColName(){ ADQLParser parser = new ADQLParser(new DBChecker(tables, new ArrayList<FunctionDef>(0))); try{ // Not qualified column name: parser.parseQuery("SELECT colI, COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM foo GROUP BY colI"); // Qualified with the table name: parser.parseQuery("SELECT foo.colI, COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM foo GROUP BY foo.colI"); // Qualified with the table alias: parser.parseQuery("SELECT f.colI, COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM foo AS f GROUP BY f.colI"); // With the SELECT item alias: parser.parseQuery("SELECT colI AS mycol, COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM foo GROUP BY mycol"); }catch(ParseException pe){ pe.printStackTrace(); fail(); } } @Test public void testQualifiedName(){ ADQLParser parser = new ADQLParser(new DBChecker(tables, new ArrayList<FunctionDef>(0))); try{ // Tests with a table whose the schema is specified: parser.parseQuery("SELECT * FROM foo;"); parser.parseQuery("SELECT * FROM;"); parser.parseQuery("SELECT foo.* FROM foo;"); parser.parseQuery("SELECT* FROM foo;"); parser.parseQuery("SELECT* FROM;"); parser.parseQuery("SELECT \"colS\" FROM foo;"); parser.parseQuery("SELECT foo.\"colS\" FROM foo;"); parser.parseQuery("SELECT foo.\"colS\" FROM aschema.\"foo\";"); parser.parseQuery("SELECT \"aschema\".\"foo\".\"colS\" FROM foo;"); // Tests with a table without schema: parser.parseQuery("SELECT * FROM foo2;"); parser.parseQuery("SELECT foo2.* FROM foo2;"); parser.parseQuery("SELECT foo2.* FROM \"foo2\";"); parser.parseQuery("SELECT \"foo2\".* FROM \"foo2\";"); parser.parseQuery("SELECT oid FROM foo2;"); parser.parseQuery("SELECT \"oid\" FROM \"foo2\";"); parser.parseQuery("SELECT foo2.oid FROM foo2;"); parser.parseQuery("SELECT \"foo2\".\"oid\" FROM \"foo2\";"); }catch(ParseException pe){ pe.printStackTrace(); fail(); } // If no schema is specified, then the table is not part of a schema and so, there is no reason a table with a fake schema prefix should work: try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT * FROM noschema.foo2;"); fail("The table \"foo2\" has no schema specified and so, is not part of a schema. A fake schema prefix should then be forbidden!"); }catch(ParseException pe){} try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT noschema.foo2.* FROM foo2;"); fail("The table \"foo2\" has no schema specified and so, is not part of a schema. A fake schema prefix should then be forbidden!"); }catch(ParseException pe){} } @Test public void testColRefWithDottedAlias(){ ADQLParser parser = new ADQLParser(new DBChecker(tables)); try{ // ORDER BY ADQLQuery adql = parser.parseQuery("SELECT colI AS \"col.I\" FROM ORDER BY \"col.I\""); assertNotNull(adql); assertEquals("SELECT \"aschema\".\"foo\".\"colI\" AS \"col.I\"\nFROM \"aschema\".\"foo\"\nORDER BY \"col.I\" ASC", (new PostgreSQLTranslator()).translate(adql)); // GROUP BY adql = parser.parseQuery("SELECT colI AS \"col.I\" FROM GROUP BY \"col.I\""); assertNotNull(adql); assertEquals("SELECT \"aschema\".\"foo\".\"colI\" AS \"col.I\"\nFROM \"aschema\".\"foo\"\nGROUP BY \"col.I\"", (new PostgreSQLTranslator()).translate(adql)); }catch(ParseException pe){ pe.printStackTrace(); fail(); }catch(TranslationException te){ te.printStackTrace(); fail(); } } @Test public void testNumericOrStringValueExpressionPrimary(){ ADQLParser parser = new ADQLParser(); try{ assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT 'toto' FROM foo;")); assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT ('toto') FROM foo;")); assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT (('toto')) FROM foo;")); assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT 'toto' || 'blabla' FROM foo;")); assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT ('toto' || 'blabla') FROM foo;")); assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT (('toto' || 'blabla')) FROM foo;")); assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT (('toto') || (('blabla'))) FROM foo;")); assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT 3 FROM foo;")); assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT ((2+3)*5) FROM foo;")); assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT ABS(-123) FROM foo;")); assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT ABS(2*-1+5) FROM foo;")); assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT ABS(COUNT(*)) FROM foo;")); assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT toto FROM foo;")); assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT toto * 3 FROM foo;")); assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT toto || 'blabla' FROM foo;")); }catch(ParseException pe){ pe.printStackTrace(); fail(); } try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT ABS('toto') FROM foo;"); fail(); }catch(ParseException pe){} try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT ABS(('toto' || 'blabla')) FROM foo;"); fail(); }catch(ParseException pe){} try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT 'toto' || 1 FROM foo;"); fail(); }catch(ParseException pe){} try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT 1 || 'toto' FROM foo;"); fail(); }catch(ParseException pe){} try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT 'toto' * 3 FROM foo;"); fail(); }catch(ParseException pe){} } @Test public void testUDFManagement(){ // UNKNOWN FUNCTIONS ARE NOT ALLOWED: ADQLParser parser = new ADQLParser(new DBChecker(tables, new ArrayList<FunctionDef>(0))); // Test with a simple ADQL query without unknown or user defined function: try{ assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT * FROM foo;")); }catch(ParseException e){ e.printStackTrace(); fail("A simple and basic query should not be a problem for the parser!"); } // Test with an ADQL query containing one not declared UDF: try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT toto() FROM foo;"); fail("This query contains a UDF while it's not allowed: this test should have failed!"); }catch(ParseException e){ assertTrue(e instanceof UnresolvedIdentifiersException); UnresolvedIdentifiersException ex = (UnresolvedIdentifiersException)e; assertEquals(1, ex.getNbErrors()); assertEquals("Unresolved function: \"toto()\"! No UDF has been defined or found with the signature: toto().", ex.getErrors().next().getMessage()); } // DECLARE THE UDFs: FunctionDef[] udfs = new FunctionDef[]{new FunctionDef("toto", new DBType(DBDatatype.VARCHAR)),new FunctionDef("tata", new DBType(DBDatatype.INTEGER))}; parser = new ADQLParser(new DBChecker(tables, Arrays.asList(udfs))); // Test again: try{ assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT toto() FROM foo;")); assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT tata() FROM foo;")); }catch(ParseException e){ e.printStackTrace(); fail("This query contains a DECLARED UDF: this test should have succeeded!"); } // Test but with at least one parameter: try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT toto('blabla') FROM foo;"); fail("This query contains an unknown UDF signature (the fct toto is declared with no parameter): this test should have failed!"); }catch(ParseException e){ assertTrue(e instanceof UnresolvedIdentifiersException); UnresolvedIdentifiersException ex = (UnresolvedIdentifiersException)e; assertEquals(1, ex.getNbErrors()); assertEquals("Unresolved function: \"toto('blabla')\"! No UDF has been defined or found with the signature: toto(STRING).", ex.getErrors().next().getMessage()); } // Test but with at least one column parameter: try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT toto(colS) FROM foo;"); fail("This query contains an unknown UDF signature (the fct toto is declared with no parameter): this test should have failed!"); }catch(ParseException e){ assertTrue(e instanceof UnresolvedIdentifiersException); UnresolvedIdentifiersException ex = (UnresolvedIdentifiersException)e; assertEquals(1, ex.getNbErrors()); assertEquals("Unresolved function: \"toto(colS)\"! No UDF has been defined or found with the signature: toto(STRING).", ex.getErrors().next().getMessage()); } // Test but with at least one unknown column parameter: try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT toto(whatami) FROM foo;"); fail("This query contains an unknown UDF signature (the fct toto is declared with no parameter): this test should have failed!"); }catch(ParseException e){ assertTrue(e instanceof UnresolvedIdentifiersException); UnresolvedIdentifiersException ex = (UnresolvedIdentifiersException)e; assertEquals(2, ex.getNbErrors()); Iterator<ParseException> errors = ex.getErrors(); assertEquals("Unknown column \"whatami\" !",; assertEquals("Unresolved function: \"toto(whatami)\"! No UDF has been defined or found with the signature: toto(param1).",; } // Test with a UDF whose the class is specified ; the corresponding object in the ADQL tree must be replace by an instance of this class: udfs = new FunctionDef[]{new FunctionDef("toto", new DBType(DBDatatype.VARCHAR), new FunctionParam[]{new FunctionParam("txt", new DBType(DBDatatype.VARCHAR))})}; udfs[0].setUDFClass(UDFToto.class); parser = new ADQLParser(new DBChecker(tables, Arrays.asList(udfs))); try{ ADQLQuery query = parser.parseQuery("SELECT toto('blabla') FROM foo;"); assertNotNull(query); Iterator<ADQLObject> it = SimpleSearchHandler(){ @Override protected boolean match(ADQLObject obj){ return (obj instanceof UserDefinedFunction) && ((UserDefinedFunction)obj).getName().equals("toto"); } }); assertTrue(it.hasNext()); assertEquals(UDFToto.class.getName(),; assertFalse(it.hasNext()); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); fail("This query contains a DECLARED UDF with a valid UserDefinedFunction class: this test should have succeeded!"); } // Test with a wrong parameter type: try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT toto(123) FROM foo;"); fail("This query contains an unknown UDF signature (the fct toto is declared with one parameter of type it is a numeric): this test should have failed!"); }catch(Exception e){ assertTrue(e instanceof UnresolvedIdentifiersException); UnresolvedIdentifiersException ex = (UnresolvedIdentifiersException)e; assertEquals(1, ex.getNbErrors()); assertEquals("Unresolved function: \"toto(123)\"! No UDF has been defined or found with the signature: toto(NUMERIC).", ex.getErrors().next().getMessage()); } // Test with UDF class constructor throwing an exception: udfs = new FunctionDef[]{new FunctionDef("toto", new DBType(DBDatatype.VARCHAR), new FunctionParam[]{new FunctionParam("txt", new DBType(DBDatatype.VARCHAR))})}; udfs[0].setUDFClass(WrongUDFToto.class); parser = new ADQLParser(new DBChecker(tables, Arrays.asList(udfs))); try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT toto('blabla') FROM foo;"); fail("The set UDF class constructor has throw an error: this test should have failed!"); }catch(Exception e){ assertTrue(e instanceof UnresolvedIdentifiersException); UnresolvedIdentifiersException ex = (UnresolvedIdentifiersException)e; assertEquals(1, ex.getNbErrors()); assertEquals("Impossible to represent the function \"toto\": the following error occured while creating this representation: \"[Exception] Systematic error!\"", ex.getErrors().next().getMessage()); } } @Test public void testGeometry(){ // DECLARE A SIMPLE PARSER where all geometries are allowed by default: ADQLParser parser = new ADQLParser(new DBChecker(tables)); // Test with several geometries while all are allowed: try{ assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('', 12.3, 45.6), CIRCLE('', 1.2, 2.3, 5)) = 1;")); }catch(ParseException pe){ pe.printStackTrace(); fail("This query contains several geometries, and all are theoretically allowed: this test should have succeeded!"); } // Test with several geometries while only the allowed ones: try{ parser = new ADQLParser(new DBChecker(tables, new ArrayList<FunctionDef>(0), Arrays.asList(new String[]{"CONTAINS","POINT","CIRCLE"}), null)); assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('', 12.3, 45.6), CIRCLE('', 1.2, 2.3, 5)) = 1;")); }catch(ParseException pe){ pe.printStackTrace(); fail("This query contains several geometries, and all are theoretically allowed: this test should have succeeded!"); } try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE INTERSECTS(POINT('', 12.3, 45.6), CIRCLE('', 1.2, 2.3, 5)) = 1;"); fail("This query contains a not-allowed geometry function (INTERSECTS): this test should have failed!"); }catch(ParseException pe){ assertTrue(pe instanceof UnresolvedIdentifiersException); UnresolvedIdentifiersException ex = (UnresolvedIdentifiersException)pe; assertEquals(1, ex.getNbErrors()); assertEquals("The geometrical function \"INTERSECTS\" is not available in this implementation!", ex.getErrors().next().getMessage()); } // Test by adding REGION: try{ parser = new ADQLParser(new DBChecker(tables, new ArrayList<FunctionDef>(0), Arrays.asList(new String[]{"CONTAINS","POINT","CIRCLE","REGION"}), null)); assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE CONTAINS(REGION('Position 12.3 45.6'), REGION('circle 1.2 2.3 5')) = 1;")); }catch(ParseException pe){ pe.printStackTrace(); fail("This query contains several geometries, and all are theoretically allowed: this test should have succeeded!"); } try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE CONTAINS(REGION('Position 12.3 45.6'), REGION('BOX 1.2 2.3 5 9')) = 1;"); fail("This query contains a not-allowed geometry function (BOX): this test should have failed!"); }catch(ParseException pe){ assertTrue(pe instanceof UnresolvedIdentifiersException); UnresolvedIdentifiersException ex = (UnresolvedIdentifiersException)pe; assertEquals(1, ex.getNbErrors()); assertEquals("The geometrical function \"BOX\" is not available in this implementation!", ex.getErrors().next().getMessage()); } // Test with several geometries while none geometry is allowed: try{ parser = new ADQLParser(new DBChecker(tables, new ArrayList<FunctionDef>(0), new ArrayList<String>(0), null)); parser.parseQuery("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('', 12.3, 45.6), CIRCLE('', 1.2, 2.3, 5)) = 1;"); fail("This query contains geometries while they are all forbidden: this test should have failed!"); }catch(ParseException pe){ assertTrue(pe instanceof UnresolvedIdentifiersException); UnresolvedIdentifiersException ex = (UnresolvedIdentifiersException)pe; assertEquals(3, ex.getNbErrors()); Iterator<ParseException> itErrors = ex.getErrors(); assertEquals("The geometrical function \"CONTAINS\" is not available in this implementation!",; assertEquals("The geometrical function \"POINT\" is not available in this implementation!",; assertEquals("The geometrical function \"CIRCLE\" is not available in this implementation!",; } } @Test public void testCoordSys(){ // DECLARE A SIMPLE PARSER where all coordinate systems are allowed by default: ADQLParser parser = new ADQLParser(new DBChecker(tables)); // Test with several coordinate systems while all are allowed: try{ assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('', 12.3, 45.6), CIRCLE('', 1.2, 2.3, 5)) = 1;")); assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('icrs', 12.3, 45.6), CIRCLE('cartesian2', 1.2, 2.3, 5)) = 1;")); assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('lsr', 12.3, 45.6), CIRCLE('galactic heliocenter', 1.2, 2.3, 5)) = 1;")); assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('unknownframe', 12.3, 45.6), CIRCLE('galactic unknownrefpos spherical2', 1.2, 2.3, 5)) = 1;")); assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE CONTAINS(REGION('position icrs lsr 12.3 45.6'), REGION('circle fk5 1.2 2.3 5')) = 1;")); assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT Region('not(position 1 2)') FROM foo;")); }catch(ParseException pe){ pe.printStackTrace(); fail("This query contains several valid coordinate systems, and all are theoretically allowed: this test should have succeeded!"); } // Concatenation as coordinate systems not checked: try{ assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('From ' || 'here', 12.3, 45.6), CIRCLE('', 1.2, 2.3, 5)) = 1;")); }catch(ParseException pe){ pe.printStackTrace(); fail("This query contains a concatenation as coordinate systems (but only string constants are checked): this test should have succeeded!"); } // Test with several coordinate systems while only some allowed: try{ parser = new ADQLParser(new DBChecker(tables, new ArrayList<FunctionDef>(0), null, Arrays.asList(new String[]{"icrs * *","fk4 geocenter *","galactic * spherical2"}))); assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('', 12.3, 45.6), CIRCLE('', 1.2, 2.3, 5)) = 1;")); assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('icrs', 12.3, 45.6), CIRCLE('cartesian3', 1.2, 2.3, 5)) = 1;")); assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT POINT('fk4', 12.3, 45.6) FROM foo;")); assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('fk4 geocenter', 12.3, 45.6), CIRCLE('cartesian2', 1.2, 2.3, 5)) = 1;")); assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('galactic', 12.3, 45.6), CIRCLE('galactic spherical2', 1.2, 2.3, 5)) = 1;")); assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('galactic geocenter', 12.3, 45.6), CIRCLE('galactic lsr spherical2', 1.2, 2.3, 5)) = 1;")); assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE CONTAINS(REGION('position galactic lsr 12.3 45.6'), REGION('circle icrs 1.2 2.3 5')) = 1;")); assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT Region('not(position 1 2)') FROM foo;")); }catch(ParseException pe){ pe.printStackTrace(); fail("This query contains several valid coordinate systems, and all are theoretically allowed: this test should have succeeded!"); } try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT POINT('fk5 geocenter', 12.3, 45.6) FROM foo;"); fail("This query contains a not-allowed coordinate system ('fk5' is not allowed): this test should have failed!"); }catch(ParseException pe){ assertTrue(pe instanceof UnresolvedIdentifiersException); UnresolvedIdentifiersException ex = (UnresolvedIdentifiersException)pe; assertEquals(1, ex.getNbErrors()); assertEquals("Coordinate system \"fk5 geocenter\" (= \"FK5 GEOCENTER SPHERICAL2\") not allowed in this implementation. Allowed coordinate systems are: fk4 geocenter *, galactic * spherical2, icrs * *", ex.getErrors().next().getMessage()); } try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT Region('not(position fk5 heliocenter 1 2)') FROM foo;"); fail("This query contains a not-allowed coordinate system ('fk5' is not allowed): this test should have failed!"); }catch(ParseException pe){ assertTrue(pe instanceof UnresolvedIdentifiersException); UnresolvedIdentifiersException ex = (UnresolvedIdentifiersException)pe; assertEquals(1, ex.getNbErrors()); assertEquals("Coordinate system \"FK5 HELIOCENTER\" (= \"FK5 HELIOCENTER SPHERICAL2\") not allowed in this implementation. Allowed coordinate systems are: fk4 geocenter *, galactic * spherical2, icrs * *", ex.getErrors().next().getMessage()); } // Test with a coordinate system while none is allowed: try{ parser = new ADQLParser(new DBChecker(tables, new ArrayList<FunctionDef>(0), null, new ArrayList<String>(0))); assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('', 12.3, 45.6), CIRCLE('', 1.2, 2.3, 5)) = 1;")); assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE CONTAINS(REGION('position 12.3 45.6'), REGION('circle 1.2 2.3 5')) = 1;")); assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT Region('not(position 1 2)') FROM foo;")); }catch(ParseException pe){ pe.printStackTrace(); fail("This query specifies none coordinate system: this test should have succeeded!"); } try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS SPHERICAL2', 12.3, 45.6), CIRCLE('icrs', 1.2, 2.3, 5)) = 1;"); fail("This query specifies coordinate systems while they are all forbidden: this test should have failed!"); }catch(ParseException pe){ assertTrue(pe instanceof UnresolvedIdentifiersException); UnresolvedIdentifiersException ex = (UnresolvedIdentifiersException)pe; assertEquals(2, ex.getNbErrors()); Iterator<ParseException> itErrors = ex.getErrors(); assertEquals("Coordinate system \"ICRS SPHERICAL2\" (= \"ICRS UNKNOWNREFPOS SPHERICAL2\") not allowed in this implementation. No coordinate system is allowed!",; assertEquals("Coordinate system \"icrs\" (= \"ICRS UNKNOWNREFPOS SPHERICAL2\") not allowed in this implementation. No coordinate system is allowed!",; } try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT Region('not(position fk4 1 2)') FROM foo;"); fail("This query specifies coordinate systems while they are all forbidden: this test should have failed!"); }catch(ParseException pe){ assertTrue(pe instanceof UnresolvedIdentifiersException); UnresolvedIdentifiersException ex = (UnresolvedIdentifiersException)pe; assertEquals(1, ex.getNbErrors()); assertEquals("Coordinate system \"FK4\" (= \"FK4 UNKNOWNREFPOS SPHERICAL2\") not allowed in this implementation. No coordinate system is allowed!", ex.getErrors().next().getMessage()); } } @Test public void testTypesChecking(){ // DECLARE A SIMPLE PARSER: ADQLParser parser = new ADQLParser(new DBChecker(tables)); // Test the type of columns generated by the parser: try{ ADQLQuery query = parser.parseQuery("SELECT colS, colI, colG FROM foo;"); ADQLOperand colS = query.getSelect().get(0).getOperand(); ADQLOperand colI = query.getSelect().get(1).getOperand(); ADQLOperand colG = query.getSelect().get(2).getOperand(); // test string column: assertTrue(colS instanceof ADQLColumn); assertTrue(colS.isString()); assertFalse(colS.isNumeric()); assertFalse(colS.isGeometry()); // test integer column: assertTrue(colI instanceof ADQLColumn); assertFalse(colI.isString()); assertTrue(colI.isNumeric()); assertFalse(colI.isGeometry()); // test geometry column: assertTrue(colG instanceof ADQLColumn); assertFalse(colG.isString()); assertFalse(colG.isNumeric()); assertTrue(colG.isGeometry()); }catch(ParseException e1){ if (e1 instanceof UnresolvedIdentifiersException) ((UnresolvedIdentifiersException)e1).getErrors().next().printStackTrace(); else e1.printStackTrace(); fail("This query contains known columns: this test should have succeeded!"); } // Test the expected type - NUMERIC - generated by the parser: try{ assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT colI * 3 FROM foo;")); }catch(ParseException e){ e.printStackTrace(); fail("This query contains a product between 2 numerics: this test should have succeeded!"); } try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT colS * 3 FROM foo;"); fail("This query contains a product between a string and an integer: this test should have failed!"); }catch(ParseException e){ assertTrue(e instanceof UnresolvedIdentifiersException); UnresolvedIdentifiersException ex = (UnresolvedIdentifiersException)e; assertEquals(1, ex.getNbErrors()); assertEquals("Type mismatch! A numeric value was expected instead of \"colS\".", ex.getErrors().next().getMessage()); } try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT colG * 3 FROM foo;"); fail("This query contains a product between a geometry and an integer: this test should have failed!"); }catch(ParseException e){ assertTrue(e instanceof UnresolvedIdentifiersException); UnresolvedIdentifiersException ex = (UnresolvedIdentifiersException)e; assertEquals(1, ex.getNbErrors()); assertEquals("Type mismatch! A numeric value was expected instead of \"colG\".", ex.getErrors().next().getMessage()); } // Test the expected type - STRING - generated by the parser: try{ assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT colS || 'blabla' FROM foo;")); }catch(ParseException e){ e.printStackTrace(); fail("This query contains a concatenation between 2 strings: this test should have succeeded!"); } try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT colI || 'blabla' FROM foo;"); fail("This query contains a concatenation between an integer and a string: this test should have failed!"); }catch(ParseException e){ assertTrue(e instanceof UnresolvedIdentifiersException); UnresolvedIdentifiersException ex = (UnresolvedIdentifiersException)e; assertEquals(1, ex.getNbErrors()); assertEquals("Type mismatch! A string value was expected instead of \"colI\".", ex.getErrors().next().getMessage()); } try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT colG || 'blabla' FROM foo;"); fail("This query contains a concatenation between a geometry and a string: this test should have failed!"); }catch(ParseException e){ assertTrue(e instanceof UnresolvedIdentifiersException); UnresolvedIdentifiersException ex = (UnresolvedIdentifiersException)e; assertEquals(1, ex.getNbErrors()); assertEquals("Type mismatch! A string value was expected instead of \"colG\".", ex.getErrors().next().getMessage()); } // Test the expected type - GEOMETRY - generated by the parser: try{ assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT CONTAINS(colG, CIRCLE('', 1, 2, 5)) FROM foo;")); }catch(ParseException e){ e.printStackTrace(); fail("This query contains a geometrical predicate between 2 geometries: this test should have succeeded!"); } try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT CONTAINS(colI, CIRCLE('', 1, 2, 5)) FROM foo;"); fail("This query contains a geometrical predicate between an integer and a geometry: this test should have failed!"); }catch(ParseException e){ assertTrue(e instanceof UnresolvedIdentifiersException); UnresolvedIdentifiersException ex = (UnresolvedIdentifiersException)e; assertEquals(1, ex.getNbErrors()); assertEquals("Type mismatch! A geometry was expected instead of \"colI\".", ex.getErrors().next().getMessage()); } try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT CONTAINS(colS, CIRCLE('', 1, 2, 5)) FROM foo;"); fail("This query contains a geometrical predicate between a string and a geometry: this test should have failed!"); }catch(ParseException e){ assertTrue(e instanceof UnresolvedIdentifiersException); UnresolvedIdentifiersException ex = (UnresolvedIdentifiersException)e; assertEquals(1, ex.getNbErrors()); assertEquals("Type mismatch! A geometry was expected instead of \"colS\".", ex.getErrors().next().getMessage()); } // DECLARE SOME UDFs: FunctionDef[] udfs = new FunctionDef[]{new FunctionDef("toto", new DBType(DBDatatype.VARCHAR)),new FunctionDef("tata", new DBType(DBDatatype.INTEGER)),new FunctionDef("titi", new DBType(DBDatatype.REGION))}; parser = new ADQLParser(new DBChecker(tables, Arrays.asList(udfs))); // Test the return type of the function TOTO generated by the parser: try{ ADQLQuery query = parser.parseQuery("SELECT toto() FROM foo;"); ADQLOperand fct = query.getSelect().get(0).getOperand(); assertTrue(fct instanceof DefaultUDF); assertNotNull(((DefaultUDF)fct).getDefinition()); assertTrue(fct.isString()); assertFalse(fct.isNumeric()); assertFalse(fct.isGeometry()); }catch(ParseException e1){ e1.printStackTrace(); fail("This query contains a DECLARED UDF: this test should have succeeded!"); } // Test the return type checking inside a whole query: try{ assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT toto() || 'Blabla ' AS \"SuperText\" FROM foo;")); }catch(ParseException e1){ e1.printStackTrace(); fail("This query contains a DECLARED UDF concatenated to a String: this test should have succeeded!"); } try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT toto()*3 AS \"SuperError\" FROM foo;"); fail("This query contains a DECLARED UDF BUT used as numeric...which is here not possible: this test should have failed!"); }catch(ParseException e1){ assertTrue(e1 instanceof UnresolvedIdentifiersException); UnresolvedIdentifiersException ex = (UnresolvedIdentifiersException)e1; assertEquals(1, ex.getNbErrors()); assertEquals("Type mismatch! A numeric value was expected instead of \"toto()\".", ex.getErrors().next().getMessage()); } // Test the return type of the function TATA generated by the parser: try{ ADQLQuery query = parser.parseQuery("SELECT tata() FROM foo;"); ADQLOperand fct = query.getSelect().get(0).getOperand(); assertTrue(fct instanceof DefaultUDF); assertNotNull(((DefaultUDF)fct).getDefinition()); assertFalse(fct.isString()); assertTrue(fct.isNumeric()); assertFalse(fct.isGeometry()); }catch(ParseException e1){ e1.printStackTrace(); fail("This query contains a DECLARED UDF: this test should have succeeded!"); } // Test the return type checking inside a whole query: try{ assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT tata()*3 AS \"aNumeric\" FROM foo;")); }catch(ParseException e1){ e1.printStackTrace(); fail("This query contains a DECLARED UDF multiplicated by 3: this test should have succeeded!"); } try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT 'Blabla ' || tata() AS \"SuperError\" FROM foo;"); fail("This query contains a DECLARED UDF BUT used as string...which is here not possible: this test should have failed!"); }catch(ParseException e1){ assertTrue(e1 instanceof UnresolvedIdentifiersException); UnresolvedIdentifiersException ex = (UnresolvedIdentifiersException)e1; assertEquals(1, ex.getNbErrors()); assertEquals("Type mismatch! A string value was expected instead of \"tata()\".", ex.getErrors().next().getMessage()); } try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT tata() || 'Blabla ' AS \"SuperError\" FROM foo;"); fail("This query contains a DECLARED UDF BUT used as string...which is here not possible: this test should have failed!"); }catch(ParseException e1){ assertTrue(e1 instanceof UnresolvedIdentifiersException); UnresolvedIdentifiersException ex = (UnresolvedIdentifiersException)e1; assertEquals(1, ex.getNbErrors()); assertEquals("Type mismatch! A string value was expected instead of \"tata()\".", ex.getErrors().next().getMessage()); } // Test the return type of the function TITI generated by the parser: try{ ADQLQuery query = parser.parseQuery("SELECT titi() FROM foo;"); ADQLOperand fct = query.getSelect().get(0).getOperand(); assertTrue(fct instanceof DefaultUDF); assertNotNull(((DefaultUDF)fct).getDefinition()); assertFalse(fct.isString()); assertFalse(fct.isNumeric()); assertTrue(fct.isGeometry()); }catch(ParseException e1){ e1.printStackTrace(); fail("This query contains a DECLARED UDF: this test should have succeeded!"); } // Test the return type checking inside a whole query: try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT CONTAINS(colG, titi()) ' AS \"Super\" FROM foo;"); fail("Geometrical UDFs are not allowed for the moment in the ADQL language: this test should have failed!"); }catch(ParseException e1){ assertTrue(e1 instanceof ParseException); assertEquals(" Encountered \"(\". Was expecting one of: \")\" \".\" \".\" \")\" ", e1.getMessage()); } try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT titi()*3 AS \"SuperError\" FROM foo;"); fail("This query contains a DECLARED UDF BUT used as numeric...which is here not possible: this test should have failed!"); }catch(ParseException e1){ assertTrue(e1 instanceof UnresolvedIdentifiersException); UnresolvedIdentifiersException ex = (UnresolvedIdentifiersException)e1; assertEquals(1, ex.getNbErrors()); assertEquals("Type mismatch! A numeric value was expected instead of \"titi()\".", ex.getErrors().next().getMessage()); } // Try with functions wrapped on 2 levels: // i.e. fct1('blabla', fct2(fct3('blabla'))) FunctionDef[] complexFcts = new FunctionDef[3]; complexFcts[0] = new FunctionDef("fct1", new DBType(DBDatatype.VARCHAR), new FunctionParam[]{new FunctionParam("str", new DBType(DBDatatype.VARCHAR)),new FunctionParam("num", new DBType(DBDatatype.INTEGER))}); complexFcts[1] = new FunctionDef("fct2", new DBType(DBDatatype.INTEGER), new FunctionParam[]{new FunctionParam("str", new DBType(DBDatatype.VARCHAR))}); complexFcts[2] = new FunctionDef("fct3", new DBType(DBDatatype.VARCHAR), new FunctionParam[]{new FunctionParam("str", new DBType(DBDatatype.VARCHAR))}); parser = new ADQLParser(new DBChecker(tables, Arrays.asList(complexFcts))); // With parameters of the good type: try{ assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT fct1('blabla', fct2(fct3('blabla'))) FROM foo")); }catch(ParseException pe){ pe.printStackTrace(); fail("Types are matching: this test should have succeeded!"); } // With parameters of the bad type: try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT fct2(fct1('blabla', fct3('blabla'))) FROM foo"); fail("Parameters types are not matching: the parsing should have failed!"); }catch(ParseException pe){ assertEquals(UnresolvedIdentifiersException.class, pe.getClass()); assertEquals(1, ((UnresolvedIdentifiersException)pe).getNbErrors()); ParseException innerPe = ((UnresolvedIdentifiersException)pe).getErrors().next(); assertEquals("Unresolved function: \"fct1('blabla', fct3('blabla'))\"! No UDF has been defined or found with the signature: fct1(STRING, STRING).", innerPe.getMessage()); } // CLEAR ALL UDFs AND ALLOW UNKNOWN FUNCTION: parser = new ADQLParser(new DBChecker(tables, null)); // Test again: try{ assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT toto() FROM foo;")); }catch(ParseException e){ e.printStackTrace(); fail("The parser allow ANY unknown function: this test should have succeeded!"); } // Test the return type of the function generated by the parser: try{ ADQLQuery query = parser.parseQuery("SELECT toto() FROM foo;"); ADQLOperand fct = query.getSelect().get(0).getOperand(); assertTrue(fct instanceof DefaultUDF); assertNull(((DefaultUDF)fct).getDefinition()); assertTrue(fct.isString()); assertTrue(fct.isNumeric()); }catch(ParseException e1){ e1.printStackTrace(); fail("The parser allow ANY unknown function: this test should have succeeded!"); } // DECLARE THE UDF (while unknown functions are allowed): parser = new ADQLParser(new DBChecker(tables, Arrays.asList(new FunctionDef[]{new FunctionDef("toto", new DBType(DBDatatype.VARCHAR))}))); // Test the return type of the function generated by the parser: try{ ADQLQuery query = parser.parseQuery("SELECT toto() FROM foo;"); ADQLOperand fct = query.getSelect().get(0).getOperand(); assertTrue(fct instanceof DefaultUDF); assertNotNull(((DefaultUDF)fct).getDefinition()); assertTrue(fct.isString()); assertFalse(fct.isNumeric()); }catch(ParseException e1){ e1.printStackTrace(); fail("The parser allow ANY unknown function: this test should have succeeded!"); } // DECLARE UDFs WITH SAME NAMES BUT DIFFERENT TYPE OF ARGUMENT: udfs = new FunctionDef[]{new FunctionDef("toto", new DBType(DBDatatype.VARCHAR), new FunctionParam[]{new FunctionParam("attr", new DBType(DBDatatype.VARCHAR))}),new FunctionDef("toto", new DBType(DBDatatype.INTEGER), new FunctionParam[]{new FunctionParam("attr", new DBType(DBDatatype.INTEGER))}),new FunctionDef("toto", new DBType(DBDatatype.INTEGER), new FunctionParam[]{new FunctionParam("attr", new DBType(DBDatatype.POINT))})}; parser = new ADQLParser(new DBChecker(tables, Arrays.asList(udfs))); // Test the return type in function of the parameter: try{ assertNotNull(parser.parseQuery("SELECT toto('blabla') AS toto1, toto(123) AS toto2, toto(POINT('', 1, 2)) AS toto3 FROM foo;")); }catch(ParseException e1){ e1.printStackTrace(); fail("This query contains two DECLARED UDFs used here: this test should have succeeded!"); } try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT toto('blabla') * 123 AS \"SuperError\" FROM foo;"); fail("This query contains a DECLARED UDF BUT used as numeric...which is here not possible: this test should have failed!"); }catch(ParseException e){ assertTrue(e instanceof UnresolvedIdentifiersException); UnresolvedIdentifiersException ex = (UnresolvedIdentifiersException)e; assertEquals(1, ex.getNbErrors()); assertEquals("Type mismatch! A numeric value was expected instead of \"toto('blabla')\".", ex.getErrors().next().getMessage()); } try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT toto(123) || 'blabla' AS \"SuperError\" FROM foo;"); fail("This query contains a DECLARED UDF BUT used as string...which is here not possible: this test should have failed!"); }catch(ParseException e){ assertTrue(e instanceof UnresolvedIdentifiersException); UnresolvedIdentifiersException ex = (UnresolvedIdentifiersException)e; assertEquals(1, ex.getNbErrors()); assertEquals("Type mismatch! A string value was expected instead of \"toto(123)\".", ex.getErrors().next().getMessage()); } try{ parser.parseQuery("SELECT toto(POINT('', 1, 2)) || 'blabla' AS \"SuperError\" FROM foo;"); fail("This query contains a DECLARED UDF BUT used as string...which is here not possible: this test should have failed!"); }catch(ParseException e){ assertTrue(e instanceof UnresolvedIdentifiersException); UnresolvedIdentifiersException ex = (UnresolvedIdentifiersException)e; assertEquals(1, ex.getNbErrors()); assertEquals("Type mismatch! A string value was expected instead of \"toto(POINT('', 1, 2))\".", ex.getErrors().next().getMessage()); } } private static class WrongUDFToto extends UDFToto { public WrongUDFToto(final ADQLOperand[] params) throws Exception{ super(params); throw new Exception("Systematic error!"); } } public static class UDFToto extends UserDefinedFunction { protected StringConstant fakeParam; public UDFToto(final ADQLOperand[] params) throws Exception{ if (params == null || params.length == 0) throw new Exception("Missing parameter for the user defined function \"toto\"!"); else if (params.length > 1) throw new Exception("Too many parameters for the function \"toto\"! Only one is required."); else if (!(params[0] instanceof StringConstant)) throw new Exception("Wrong parameter type! The parameter of the UDF \"toto\" must be a string constant."); fakeParam = (StringConstant)params[0]; } @Override public final boolean isNumeric(){ return false; } @Override public final boolean isString(){ return true; } @Override public final boolean isGeometry(){ return false; } @Override public ADQLObject getCopy() throws Exception{ ADQLOperand[] params = new ADQLOperand[]{(StringConstant)fakeParam.getCopy()}; return new UDFToto(params); } @Override public final String getName(){ return "toto"; } @Override public final ADQLOperand[] getParameters(){ return new ADQLOperand[]{fakeParam}; } @Override public final int getNbParameters(){ return 1; } @Override public final ADQLOperand getParameter(int index) throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException{ if (index != 0) throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Incorrect parameter index: " + index + "! The function \"toto\" has only one parameter."); return fakeParam; } @Override public ADQLOperand setParameter(int index, ADQLOperand replacer) throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, NullPointerException, Exception{ if (index != 0) throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Incorrect parameter index: " + index + "! The function \"toto\" has only one parameter."); else if (!(replacer instanceof StringConstant)) throw new Exception("Wrong parameter type! The parameter of the UDF \"toto\" must be a string constant."); return (fakeParam = (StringConstant)replacer); } @Override public String translate(final ADQLTranslator caller) throws TranslationException{ /* Note: Since this function is totally fake, this function will be replaced in SQL by its parameter (the string). */ return caller.translate(fakeParam); } } }