package adql.parser; /* * This file is part of ADQLLibrary. * * ADQLLibrary is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * ADQLLibrary is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with ADQLLibrary. If not, see <>. * * Copyright 2012 - UDS/Centre de DonnĂ©es astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS) */ import adql.query.IdentifierField; import adql.query.TextPosition; /** * <p><b><u>Important:</u> This class is designed to be filled ONLY by {@link ADQLParser} !</b></p> * * <p>This class is an array of maximum 4 {@link IdentifierItem}.</p> * <p> * The goal is to represent complex ADQL identifiers (column, table, ...) * which may be composed of more than only one identifier. * </p> * <p> * For instance, a table can be referenced either by only its name or by the name of its schema and its name. * So, in this last case there are 2 identifiers. * </p> * <p> * It is possible to get one by one each identifier item (by using the getters), * or the concatenation of all (thanks to {@link #join(String)}). * </p> * * @author Grégory Mantelet (CDS) * @version 01/2012 * * see IdentifierItem */ public class IdentifierItems { /** * Represent any ADQL identifier (column name, table name or table/column alias). * * @author Grégory Mantelet (CDS) * @version 01/2012 */ public static class IdentifierItem { public String identifier = null; public boolean caseSensitivity = false; public TextPosition position = null; public IdentifierItem(final Token token, final boolean caseSensitive){ identifier = token.image; caseSensitivity = caseSensitive; position = new TextPosition(token); } @Override public String toString(){ return identifier; } } /** All identifiers. The position of the different fields change in function of the number of elements. * If count=4: [0]=catalog, [1]=schema, [2]=table, [3]=column. */ private IdentifierItem[] identifiers = new IdentifierItem[4]; /** Number of identifier fields added. */ private int count = 0; /** Indicates whether this {@link IdentifierItems} is supposed to represent a table name (true), or a column name (false). */ private boolean tableIdent = false; /** * Builds an IdentifierItems by specifying it is a table or a column identifier. * * @param tableIdentifier <i>true</i> if this IdentifierItems is a table identifier, <i>false</i> otherwise. */ public IdentifierItems(final boolean tableIdentifier){ tableIdent = tableIdentifier; } /** * <p>Apppends a simple identifier, that's to say an additional field (catalog, schema, table, column).</p> * * <p><i><u>Note:</u> This function has no effect if there are already 4 identifiers.</i></p> * * @param item Additional item (may be null). */ public void append(final IdentifierItem item){ if (count >= 4) return; identifiers[count++] = item; } /** * Gets the number of fields/identifiers stored in this {@link IdentifierItems}. * * @return The number of identifiers. */ public int size(){ return count; } /** * Gets the whole ind-th identifier/field. * * @param ind Index of the identifier/field to get. * * @return The wanted identifier/field. */ public IdentifierItem get(final int ind){ return (ind < 0 || identifiers[ind] == null) ? null : identifiers[ind]; } /** * Gets the value of the ind-th identifier/field. * * @param ind Index of the identifier/field to get. * * @return The value of the wanted identifier/field. */ public String getIdentifier(final int ind){ return (ind < 0 || identifiers[ind] == null) ? null : identifiers[ind].identifier; } public String getCatalog(){ return getIdentifier(tableIdent ? (count - 3) : (count - 4)); } public String getSchema(){ return getIdentifier(tableIdent ? (count - 2) : (count - 3)); } public String getTable(){ return getIdentifier(tableIdent ? (count - 1) : (count - 2)); } public String getColumn(){ return getIdentifier(tableIdent ? -1 : (count - 1)); } public int getBeginLine(){ return (count == 0 || identifiers[0] == null) ? -1 : identifiers[0].position.beginLine; } public int getEndLine(){ return (count == 0 || identifiers[count - 1] == null) ? -1 : identifiers[count - 1].position.endLine; } public int getBeginColumn(){ return (count == 0 || identifiers[0] == null) ? -1 : identifiers[0].position.beginColumn; } public int getEndColumn(){ return (count == 0 || identifiers[count - 1] == null) ? -1 : identifiers[count - 1].position.endColumn; } public TextPosition getPosition(){ return new TextPosition(getBeginLine(), getBeginColumn(), getEndLine(), getEndColumn()); } public byte getCaseSensitivity(){ byte sensitivity = IdentifierField.getFullCaseSensitive(false); if (count == 0) return sensitivity; int ind = count - 1; // COLUMN: if (!tableIdent){ if (identifiers[ind] != null) sensitivity = IdentifierField.COLUMN.setCaseSensitive(sensitivity, identifiers[ind].caseSensitivity); ind--; } if (ind < 0) return sensitivity; // TABLE: if (identifiers[ind] != null) sensitivity = IdentifierField.TABLE.setCaseSensitive(sensitivity, identifiers[ind].caseSensitivity); ind--; if (ind < 0) return sensitivity; // SCHEMA: if (identifiers[ind] != null) sensitivity = IdentifierField.SCHEMA.setCaseSensitive(sensitivity, identifiers[ind].caseSensitivity); ind--; if (ind < 0) return sensitivity; // CATALOG: if (identifiers[ind] != null) sensitivity = IdentifierField.CATALOG.setCaseSensitive(sensitivity, identifiers[ind].caseSensitivity); return sensitivity; } public boolean getColumnCaseSensitivity(){ if (count == 0 || tableIdent || identifiers[count - 1] == null) return false; return identifiers[count - 1].caseSensitivity; } /** * Joins all identifiers with the given delimiter. * * @param delim The string which must separate the identifiers (if <i>null</i>, the delimiter will be an empty string). * * @return The joint complex identifier. */ public String join(String delim){ if (count == 0) return null; if (delim == null) delim = ""; StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(); for(int i = 0; i < count; i++){ if (identifiers[i] != null){ if (str.length() > 0) str.append(delim); str.append((identifiers[i] == null) ? "" : identifiers[i].identifier); } } return str.toString(); } @Override public String toString(){ return join("."); } }