package uws.service.log; /* * This file is part of UWSLibrary. * * UWSLibrary is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * UWSLibrary is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with UWSLibrary. If not, see <>. * * Copyright 2012-2016 - UDS/Centre de DonnĂ©es astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS), * Astronomisches Rechen Institut (ARI) */ import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import uws.UWSException; import uws.UWSToolBox; import uws.job.UWSJob; import uws.job.user.JobOwner; import uws.service.UWS; import uws.service.file.UWSFileManager; /** * <p>Default implementation of {@link UWSLog} interface which lets logging any message about a UWS.</p> * * @author Grégory Mantelet (CDS;ARI) * @version 4.2 (07/2016) */ public class DefaultUWSLog implements UWSLog { /** Format to use to serialize all encountered dates. */ private DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"); protected final UWS uws; protected final UWSFileManager fileManager; protected final PrintWriter defaultOutput; /** <p>Minimum level that a message must have in order to be logged.</p> * <p>The default behavior is the following:</p> * <ul> * <li><b>DEBUG</b>: every messages are logged.</li> * <li><b>INFO</b>: every messages EXCEPT DEBUG are logged.</li> * <li><b>WARNING</b>: every messages EXCEPT DEBUG and INFO are logged.</li> * <li><b>ERROR</b>: only ERROR and FATAL messages are logged.</li> * <li><b>FATAL</b>: only FATAL messages are logged.</li> * </ul> * @since 4.1 */ protected LogLevel minLogLevel = LogLevel.DEBUG; /** * <p>Builds a {@link UWSLog} which will use the file manager * of the given UWS to get the log output (see {@link UWSFileManager#getLogOutput(uws.service.log.UWSLog.LogLevel, String)}).</p> * * <p><i><u>note 1</u>: This constructor is particularly useful if the file manager of the given UWS may change.</i></p> * <p><i><u>note 2</u>: If no output can be found in the file manager (or if there is no file manager), * the standard error output ({@link System#err}) will be chosen automatically for all log messages.</i></p> * * @param uws A UWS. */ public DefaultUWSLog(final UWS uws){ this.uws = uws; fileManager = null; defaultOutput = null; } /** * <p>Builds a {@link UWSLog} which will use the given file * manager to get the log output (see {@link UWSFileManager#getLogOutput(uws.service.log.UWSLog.LogLevel, String)}).</p> * * <p><i><u>note 1</u>: This constructor is particularly useful if the way of managing log output may change in the given file manager. * Indeed, the output may change in function of the type of message to log ({@link uws.service.log.UWSLog.LogLevel}).</i></p> * * <p><i><u>note 2</u> If no output can be found in the file manager the standard error output ({@link System#err}) * will be chosen automatically for all log messages.</i></p> * * @param fm A UWS file manager. */ public DefaultUWSLog(final UWSFileManager fm){ uws = null; fileManager = fm; defaultOutput = null; } /** * <p>Builds a {@link UWSLog} which will print all its * messages into the given stream.</p> * * <p><i><u>note</u>: the given output will be used whatever is the type of message to log ({@link uws.service.log.UWSLog.LogLevel}).</i></p> * * @param output An output stream. */ public DefaultUWSLog(final OutputStream output){ uws = null; fileManager = null; defaultOutput = new PrintWriter(output); } /** * <p>Builds a {@link UWSLog} which will print all its * messages into the given stream.</p> * * <p><i><u>note</u>: the given output will be used whatever is the type of message to log ({@link uws.service.log.UWSLog.LogLevel}).</i></p> * * @param writer A print writer. */ public DefaultUWSLog(final PrintWriter writer){ uws = null; fileManager = null; defaultOutput = writer; } /** * <p>Get the minimum level that a message must have in order to be logged.</p> * * <p>The default behavior is the following:</p> * <ul> * <li><b>DEBUG</b>: every messages are logged.</li> * <li><b>INFO</b>: every messages EXCEPT DEBUG are logged.</li> * <li><b>WARNING</b>: every messages EXCEPT DEBUG and INFO are logged.</li> * <li><b>ERROR</b>: only ERROR and FATAL messages are logged.</li> * <li><b>FATAL</b>: only FATAL messages are logged.</li> * </ul> * * @return The minimum log level. * * @since 4.1 */ public final LogLevel getMinLogLevel(){ return minLogLevel; } /** * <p>Set the minimum level that a message must have in order to be logged.</p> * * <p>The default behavior is the following:</p> * <ul> * <li><b>DEBUG</b>: every messages are logged.</li> * <li><b>INFO</b>: every messages EXCEPT DEBUG are logged.</li> * <li><b>WARNING</b>: every messages EXCEPT DEBUG and INFO are logged.</li> * <li><b>ERROR</b>: only ERROR and FATAL messages are logged.</li> * <li><b>FATAL</b>: only FATAL messages are logged.</li> * </ul> * * <p><i>Note: * If the given level is NULL, this function has no effect. * </i></p> * * @param newMinLevel The new minimum log level. * * @since 4.1 */ public final void setMinLogLevel(final LogLevel newMinLevel){ if (newMinLevel != null) minLogLevel = newMinLevel; } /** * Gets the date formatter/parser to use for any date read/write into this logger. * @return A date formatter/parser. */ public final DateFormat getDateFormat(){ return dateFormat; } /** * Sets the date formatter/parser to use for any date read/write into this logger. * @param dateFormat The date formatter/parser to use from now. (MUST BE DIFFERENT FROM NULL) */ public final void setDateFormat(final DateFormat dateFormat){ if (dateFormat != null) this.dateFormat = dateFormat; } /** * <p>Gets an output for the given type of message to print.</p> * * <p>The {@link System#err} output is used if none can be found in the {@link UWS} or the {@link UWSFileManager} * given at the creation, or if the given output stream or writer is NULL.</p> * * @param level Level of the message to print (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR or FATAL). * @param context Context of the message to print (UWS, HTTP, JOB, THREAD). * * @return A writer. */ protected PrintWriter getOutput(final LogLevel level, final String context){ try{ if (uws != null){ if (uws.getFileManager() != null) return uws.getFileManager().getLogOutput(level, context); }else if (fileManager != null) return fileManager.getLogOutput(level, context); else if (defaultOutput != null) return defaultOutput; }catch(IOException ioe){ ioe.printStackTrace(System.err); } return new PrintWriter(System.err); } /* *********************** */ /* GENERAL LOGGING METHODS */ /* *********************** */ /** * <p>Normalize a log message.</p> * * <p> * Since a log entry will a tab-separated concatenation of information, additional tabulations or new-lines * would corrupt a log entry. This function replaces such characters by one space. Only \r are definitely deleted. * </p> * * @param message Log message to normalize. * * @return The normalized log message. * * @since 4.1 */ protected String normalizeMessage(final String message){ if (message == null) return null; else return message.replaceAll("[\n\t]", " ").replaceAll("\r", ""); } /** * <p>Tells whether a message with the given error level can be logged or not.</p> * * <p>In function of the minimum log level of this class, the default behavior is the following:</p> * <ul> * <li><b>DEBUG</b>: every messages are logged.</li> * <li><b>INFO</b>: every messages EXCEPT DEBUG are logged.</li> * <li><b>WARNING</b>: every messages EXCEPT DEBUG and INFO are logged.</li> * <li><b>ERROR</b>: only ERROR and FATAL messages are logged.</li> * <li><b>FATAL</b>: only FATAL messages are logged.</li> * </ul> * * @param msgLevel Level of the message which has been asked to log. <i>Note: if NULL, it will be considered as DEBUG.</i> * * @return <i>true</i> if the message associated with the given log level can be logged, <i>false</i> otherwise. * * @since 4.1 */ protected boolean canLog(LogLevel msgLevel){ // No level specified => DEBUG if (msgLevel == null) msgLevel = LogLevel.DEBUG; // Decide in function of the minimum log level set in this class: switch(minLogLevel){ case INFO: return (msgLevel != LogLevel.DEBUG); case WARNING: return (msgLevel != LogLevel.DEBUG && msgLevel != LogLevel.INFO); case ERROR: return (msgLevel == LogLevel.ERROR || msgLevel == LogLevel.FATAL); case FATAL: return (msgLevel == LogLevel.FATAL); case DEBUG: default: return true; } } @Override public void log(LogLevel level, final String context, final String message, final Throwable error){ log(level, context, null, null, message, null, error); } /** * <p>Logs a full message and/or error.</p> * * <p><i>Note: * If no message and error is provided, nothing will be written. * </i></p> * * @param level Level of the error (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, FATAL). <i>SHOULD NOT be NULL</i> * @param context Context of the error (UWS, HTTP, THREAD, JOB). <i>MAY be NULL</i> * @param event Context event during which this log is emitted. <i>MAY be NULL</i> * @param ID ID of the job or HTTP request (it may also be an ID of anything else). <i>MAY BE NULL</i> * @param message Message of the error. <i>MAY be NULL</i> * @param addColumn Additional column to append after the message and before the stack trace. * @param error Error at the origin of the log error/warning/fatal. <i>MAY be NULL</i> * * @since 4.1 */ protected final void log(LogLevel level, final String context, final String event, final String ID, final String message, final String addColumn, final Throwable error){ // If no message and no error is provided, nothing to log, so nothing to write: if ((message == null || message.length() <= 0) && error == null) return; // If the type is missing: if (level == null) level = (error != null) ? LogLevel.ERROR : LogLevel.INFO; // Log or not? if (!canLog(level)) return; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); // Print the date/time: buf.append(dateFormat.format(new Date())).append('\t'); // Print the level of error (debug, info, warning, error, fatal): buf.append(level.toString()).append('\t'); // Print the context of the error (uws, thread, job, http): buf.append((context == null) ? "" : context).append('\t'); // Print the context event: buf.append((event == null) ? "" : event).append('\t'); // Print an ID (jobID, requestID): buf.append((ID == null) ? "" : ID).append('\t'); // Print the message: if (message != null) buf.append(normalizeMessage(message)); else if (error != null) buf.append("[EXCEPTION ").append(error.getClass().getName()).append("] ").append(normalizeMessage(error.getMessage())); // Print the additional column, if any: if (addColumn != null) buf.append('\t').append(normalizeMessage(addColumn)); // Write the whole log line: PrintWriter out = getOutput(level, context); out.println(buf.toString()); // Print the stack trace, if any: printException(error, out); out.flush(); } /** * <p>Format and print the given exception inside the given writer.</p> * * <p>This function does nothing if the given error is NULL.</p> * * <p>The full stack trace is printed ONLY for unknown exceptions.</p> * * <p>The printed text has the following format for known exceptions:</p> * <pre> * Caused by a {ExceptionClassName} {ExceptionOrigin} * {ExceptionMessage} * </pre> * * <p>The printed text has the following format for unknown exceptions:</p> * <pre> * Caused by a {ExceptionFullStackTrace} * </pre> * * @param error The exception to print. * @param out The output in which the exception must be written. * * @see #getExceptionOrigin(Throwable) * * @since 4.1 */ protected void printException(final Throwable error, final PrintWriter out){ if (error != null){ if (error instanceof UWSException){ if (error.getCause() != null) printException(error.getCause(), out); else{ out.println("Caused by a " + error.getClass().getName() + " " + getExceptionOrigin(error)); if (error.getMessage() != null) out.println("\t" + error.getMessage()); } }else{ out.print("Caused by a "); error.printStackTrace(out); } } } /** * <p>Format and return the origin of the given error. * "Origin" means here: "where the error has been thrown from?" (from which class? method? file? line?).</p> * * <p>This function does nothing if the given error is NULL or if the origin information is missing.</p> * * <p>The returned text has the following format:</p> * <pre> * at {OriginClass}.{OriginMethod}({OriginFile}:{OriginLine}) * </pre> * * <p>{OriginFile} and {OriginLine} are written only if provided.</p> * * @param error Error whose the origin should be returned. * * @return A string which contains formatted information about the origin of the given error. * * @since 4.1 */ protected String getExceptionOrigin(final Throwable error){ if (error != null && error.getStackTrace() != null && error.getStackTrace().length > 0){ StackTraceElement src = error.getStackTrace()[0]; return "at " + src.getClassName() + "." + src.getMethodName() + ((src.getFileName() != null) ? "(" + src.getFileName() + ((src.getLineNumber() >= 0) ? ":" + src.getLineNumber() : "") + ")" : ""); }else return ""; } @Override public void debug(String msg){ log(LogLevel.DEBUG, null, msg, null); } @Override public void debug(Throwable t){ log(LogLevel.DEBUG, null, null, t); } @Override public void debug(String msg, Throwable t){ log(LogLevel.DEBUG, null, msg, t); } @Override public void info(String msg){ log(LogLevel.INFO, null, msg, null); } @Override public void warning(String msg){ log(LogLevel.WARNING, null, msg, null); } @Override public void error(String msg){ log(LogLevel.ERROR, null, msg, null); } @Override public void error(Throwable t){ log(LogLevel.ERROR, null, null, t); } @Override public void error(String msg, Throwable t){ log(LogLevel.ERROR, null, msg, t); } /* ************* */ /* HTTP ACTIVITY */ /* ************* */ /** * <p>A message/error logged with this function will have the following format:</p> * <pre><TIMESTAMP> <LEVEL> HTTP REQUEST_RECEIVED <REQUEST_ID> <MESSAGE> <HTTP_METHOD> in <CONTENT_TYPE> at <URL> from <IP_ADDR> using <USER_AGENT> with parameters (<PARAM1>=<VAL1>&...)</pre> * * @see uws.service.log.UWSLog#logHttp(uws.service.log.UWSLog.LogLevel, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.Throwable) */ @Override public void logHttp(LogLevel level, final HttpServletRequest request, final String requestId, final String message, final Throwable error){ // IF A REQUEST IS PROVIDED, write its details after the message in a new column: if (request != null){ // If the type is missing: if (level == null) level = (error != null) ? LogLevel.ERROR : LogLevel.INFO; // Log or not? if (!canLog(level)) return; StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(); // Write the request type, content type and the URL: str.append(request.getMethod()); str.append(" as "); if (request.getContentType() != null){ if (request.getContentType().indexOf(';') > 0) str.append(request.getContentType().substring(0, request.getContentType().indexOf(';'))); else str.append(request.getContentType()); } str.append(" at ").append(request.getRequestURL()); // Write the IP address: str.append(" from ").append(request.getRemoteAddr()); // Write the user agent: str.append(" using ").append(request.getHeader("User-Agent") == null ? "" : request.getHeader("User-Agent")); // Write the posted parameters: str.append(" with parameters ("); Map<String,String> params = UWSToolBox.getParamsMap(request); int i = -1; for(Entry<String,String> p : params.entrySet()){ if (++i > 0) str.append('&'); str.append(p.getKey()).append('=').append((p.getValue() != null) ? p.getValue() : ""); } str.append(')'); // Send the log message to the log file: log(level, "HTTP", "REQUEST_RECEIVED", requestId, (message != null ? message : str.toString()), (message != null ? str.toString() : null), error); } // OTHERWISE, just write the given message: else log(level, "HTTP", "REQUEST_RECEIVED", requestId, message, null, error); } /** * <p>A message/error logged with this function will have the following format:</p> * <pre><TIMESTAMP> <LEVEL> HTTP RESPONSE_SENT <REQUEST_ID> <MESSAGE> HTTP-<STATUS_CODE> to the user <USER> as <CONTENT_TYPE></pre> * <p>,where <USER> may be either "(id:<USER_ID>;pseudo:<USER_PSEUDO>)" or "ANONYMOUS".</p> * * @see uws.service.log.UWSLog#logHttp(uws.service.log.UWSLog.LogLevel, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse, java.lang.String, uws.job.user.JobOwner, java.lang.String, java.lang.Throwable) */ @Override public void logHttp(LogLevel level, HttpServletResponse response, String requestId, JobOwner user, String message, Throwable error){ if (response != null){ // If the type is missing: if (level == null) level = (error != null) ? LogLevel.ERROR : LogLevel.INFO; // Log or not? if (!canLog(level)) return; StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(); // Write the response status code: str.append("HTTP-").append(response.getStatus()); // Write the user to whom the response is sent: str.append(" to the user "); if (user != null){ str.append("(id:").append(user.getID()); if (user.getPseudo() != null) str.append(";pseudo:").append(user.getPseudo()); str.append(')'); }else str.append("ANONYMOUS"); // Write the response's MIME type: if (response.getContentType() != null) str.append(" as ").append(response.getContentType()); // Send the log message to the log file: log(level, "HTTP", "RESPONSE_SENT", requestId, message, str.toString(), error); } // OTHERWISE, just write the given message: else log(level, "HTTP", "RESPONSE_SENT", requestId, message, null, error); } /* ************ */ /* UWS ACTIVITY */ /* ************ */ @Override public void logUWS(LogLevel level, Object obj, String event, String message, Throwable error){ // If the type is missing: if (level == null) level = (error != null) ? LogLevel.ERROR : LogLevel.INFO; // Log or not? if (!canLog(level)) return; // CASE "BACKUPED": Append to the message the backup report: String report = null; if (event != null && event.equalsIgnoreCase("BACKUPED") && obj != null && obj.getClass().getName().equals("[I")){ int[] backupReport = (int[])obj; if (backupReport.length == 2) report = "(" + backupReport[0] + "/" + backupReport[1] + " jobs backuped for this user)"; else report = "(" + backupReport[0] + "/" + backupReport[1] + " jobs backuped ; " + backupReport[2] + "/" + backupReport[3] + " users backuped)"; }else if (event != null && event.equalsIgnoreCase("RESTORED") && obj != null && obj.getClass().getName().equals("[I")){ int[] restoreReport = (int[])obj; report = "(" + restoreReport[0] + "/" + restoreReport[1] + " jobs restored ; " + restoreReport[2] + "/" + restoreReport[3] + " users restored)"; } // Log the message log(level, "UWS", event, null, message, report, error); } /* ************ */ /* JOB ACTIVITY */ /* ************ */ @Override public void logJob(LogLevel level, UWSJob job, String event, String message, Throwable error){ log(level, "JOB", event, (job == null) ? null : job.getJobId(), message, null, error); } /* ********************** */ /* THREAD STATUS MESSAGES */ /* ********************** */ @Override public void logThread(LogLevel level, Thread thread, String event, String message, Throwable error){ if (thread != null){ // If the type is missing: if (level == null) level = (error != null) ? LogLevel.ERROR : LogLevel.INFO; // Log or not? if (!canLog(level)) return; StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(); // Write the thread name and ID: str.append(thread.getName()).append(" (thread ID: ").append(thread.getId()).append(")"); // Write the thread state: str.append(" is ").append(thread.getState()); // Write its thread group name: str.append(" in the group " + thread.getThreadGroup().getName()); // Write the number of active threads: str.append(" where ").append(thread.getThreadGroup().activeCount()).append(" threads are active"); log(level, "THREAD", event, thread.getName(), message, str.toString(), error); }else log(level, "THREAD", event, null, message, null, error); } }