package uws.job.manager; /* * This file is part of UWSLibrary. * * UWSLibrary is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * UWSLibrary is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with UWSLibrary. If not, see <>. * * Copyright 2012,2014 - UDS/Centre de DonnĂ©es astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS), * Astronomisches Rechen Institut (ARI) */ import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import uws.UWSException; import uws.UWSToolBox; import uws.job.ExecutionPhase; import uws.job.UWSJob; import uws.service.log.UWSLog; import uws.service.log.UWSLog.LogLevel; /** * <p>Default implementation of the ExecutionManager interface.</p> * * <p>This manager does not have a queue. That is to say that all jobs are always immediately starting. * Consequently this manager is just used to gather all running jobs.</p> * * <p><i>Note: * After a call to {@link #stopAll()}, this manager is still able to execute new jobs. * Except if it was not possible to stop them properly, stopped jobs could be executed again by calling * afterwards {@link #execute(UWSJob)} with these jobs in parameter. * </i></p> * * @author Grégory Mantelet (CDS;ARI) * @version 4.1 (12/2014) */ public class DefaultExecutionManager implements ExecutionManager { /** List of running jobs. */ protected Map<String,UWSJob> runningJobs; protected final UWSLog logger; public DefaultExecutionManager(){ this(null); } public DefaultExecutionManager(final UWSLog logger){ runningJobs = new LinkedHashMap<String,UWSJob>(10); this.logger = (logger == null) ? UWSToolBox.getDefaultLogger() : logger; } /* ******* */ /* GETTERS */ /* ******* */ @Override public final Iterator<UWSJob> getRunningJobs(){ return runningJobs.values().iterator(); } @Override public final int getNbRunningJobs(){ return runningJobs.size(); } /** * Always returns a Null Iterator (iterator whose next() returns <i>null</i> and hasNext() returns <i>false</i>). * * @see uws.job.manager.ExecutionManager#getQueuedJobs() */ @Override public final Iterator<UWSJob> getQueuedJobs(){ return new Iterator<UWSJob>(){ @Override public boolean hasNext(){ return false; } @Override public UWSJob next(){ return null; } @Override public void remove(){ ; } }; } /** * Always returns 0. * * @see uws.job.manager.ExecutionManager#getNbQueuedJobs() */ @Override public final int getNbQueuedJobs(){ return 0; } /** * Does nothing in its implementation. * * @see uws.job.manager.ExecutionManager#refresh() */ @Override public final void refresh(){ ; } @Override public synchronized ExecutionPhase execute(final UWSJob jobToExecute){ if (jobToExecute == null) return null; // If the job is already running, ensure it is in the list of running jobs: if (jobToExecute.isRunning()) runningJobs.put(jobToExecute.getJobId(), jobToExecute); // If the job is already finished, ensure it is not any more in the list of running jobs: else if (jobToExecute.isFinished()){ runningJobs.remove(jobToExecute); logger.logJob(LogLevel.WARNING, jobToExecute, "START", "Job \"" + jobToExecute.getJobId() + "\" already finished!", null); // Otherwise start it: }else{ try{ jobToExecute.start(false); runningJobs.put(jobToExecute.getJobId(), jobToExecute); }catch(UWSException ue){ logger.logJob(LogLevel.ERROR, jobToExecute, "START", "Can not start the job \"" + jobToExecute.getJobId() + "\"! This job is not any more part of its execution manager.", ue); } } return jobToExecute.getPhase(); } @Override public synchronized void remove(final UWSJob jobToRemove){ if (jobToRemove != null) runningJobs.remove(jobToRemove.getJobId()); } @Override public synchronized void stopAll(){ // Stop all running jobs: for(UWSJob rj : runningJobs.values()){ try{ // Stop the job: rj.abort(); // Set its phase back to PENDING: rj.setPhase(ExecutionPhase.PENDING, true); }catch(UWSException ue){ if (logger != null) logger.logJob(LogLevel.WARNING, rj, "ABORT", "Can not stop the job nicely. The thread may continue to run until its end.", ue); } } // Empty the list of running jobs: runningJobs.clear(); } }