package tap.metadata; /* * This file is part of TAPLibrary. * * TAPLibrary is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * TAPLibrary is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with TAPLibrary. If not, see <>. * * Copyright 2015-2016 - Astronomisches Rechen Institut (ARI) */ import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; import adql.db.DBType; import adql.db.DBType.DBDatatype; import tap.TAPException; import; import tap.metadata.TAPTable.TableType; /** * <p>Let parse an XML document representing a table set, and return the corresponding {@link TAPMetadata} instance.</p> * * <p><i>Note 1: the table set must follow the syntax specified by the XML Schema</i></p> * <p><i>Note 2: only tags specified by VODataService are checked. If there is any other tag, they are merely ignored.</i></p> * * <h3>Exceptions</h3> * * <p>A {@link TAPException} is thrown in the following cases:</p> * <ul> * <li>the root node is not "tableset"</li> * <li>table name syntax ([schema.]table) is incorrect</li> * <li>a single table name (just "table" without schema prefix) is ambiguous (that's to say, the same name is used for tables of different schemas)</li> * <li>"name" node is missing in nodes "schema", "table" and "column"</li> * <li>"targetTable" is missing in node "foreignKey"</li> * <li>"fromColumn" or "targetColumn" is missing in node "fkColumn"</li> * <li>"name" node is duplicated in the same node</li> * <li>missing "xsi:type" as attribute in a "dataType" node</li> * <li>unknown column datatype</li> * </ul> * * <p><i>Note: catalog prefixes are not supported in this parser.</i></p> * * <h3>Datatype</h3> * * <p> * A column datatype may be specified either as a TAP or a VOTable datatype. Thus, the type of specification must be given with the attribute xsi:type of the * node "dataType". For instance: * </p> * <ul> * <li><code><dataType xsi:type="vs:VOTableType" arraysize="1">float</dataType></code> for a VOTable datatype</li> * <li><code><dataType xsi:type="vod:TAPType">VARCHAR</dataType></code> for a TAP datatype</li> * </ul> * * @author Grégory Mantelet (ARI) * @version 2.1 (07/2016) * @since 2.0 */ public class TableSetParser extends DefaultHandler { /** XML namespace for the XML schema XMLSchema-instance. */ protected final static String XSI_NAMESPACE = ""; /** XML namespace for the XML schema VODataService. */ protected final static String VODATASERVICE_NAMESPACE = ""; /** * <p>Intermediary representation of a Foreign Key.</p> * * <p> * An instance of this class lets save all information provided in the XML document and needed to create the corresponding TAP metadata ({@link TAPForeignKey}) * at the end of XML document parsing, once all available tables are listed. * </p> * * @author Grégory Mantelet (ARI) * @version 2.0 (02/2015) * @since 2.0 * * @see TableSetParser#parseFKey(XMLStreamReader) * @see TableSetParser#parse(InputStream) */ protected static class ForeignKey { /** Foreign key description */ public String description = null; /** UType associated with this foreign key. */ public String utype = null; /** Source table of the foreign key. * <i>Note: In the XML document, the foreign key is described inside its table ; * hence the type of this attribute: TAPTable (it is indeed already known).</i> */ public TAPTable fromTable = null; /** Target table of the foreign key. */ public String targetTable = null; /** Position of the "targetTable" node inside the XML document. * <i>Note: this attribute may be used only in case of error.</i> */ public String targetTablePosition = ""; /** Columns associations. * Keys are columns of the source table, whereas values are columns of the target table to associate with. */ public Map<String,String> keyColumns = new HashMap<String,String>(); } /** * Parse the XML TableSet stored in the specified file. * * @param file The regular file containing the TableSet to parse. * * @return The corresponding TAP metadata. * * @throws IOException If any error occurs while reading the given file. * @throws TAPException If any error occurs in the XML parsing or in the TAP metadata creation. * * @since {@link #parse(InputStream)} */ public TAPMetadata parse(final File file) throws IOException, TAPException{ InputStream input = null; try{ input = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); return parse(input); }finally{ if (input != null){ try{ input.close(); }catch(IOException ioe2){} } } } /** * Parse the XML TableSet stored in the given stream. * * @param input The stream containing the TableSet to parse. * * @return The corresponding TAP metadata. * * @throws IOException If any error occurs while reading the given stream. * @throws TAPException If any error occurs in the XML parsing or in the TAP metadata creation. * * @see #parseSchema(XMLStreamReader, List) */ public TAPMetadata parse(final InputStream input) throws IOException, TAPException{ TAPMetadata meta = null; XMLInputFactory factory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance(); XMLStreamReader reader = null; try{ // Create the XML streaming reader: reader = factory.createXMLStreamReader(input); // Read the first XML tag => MUST BE <tableset> : int event = nextTag(reader); if (event == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT && reader.getLocalName().equalsIgnoreCase("tableset")){ // Build the metadata object: meta = new TAPMetadata(); // Prepare the listing of all foreign keys for a later resolution: ArrayList<ForeignKey> allForeignKeys = new ArrayList<ForeignKey>(20); // Read the next XML tag => MUST BE <schema> : while(reader.hasNext() && (event = nextTag(reader)) == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT){ if (reader.getLocalName().equalsIgnoreCase("schema")){ // fetch the schema description and content: meta.addSchema(parseSchema(reader, allForeignKeys)); } } // Read the final XML tag => MUST BE </tableset> : if (event != XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT || !reader.getLocalName().equalsIgnoreCase("tableset")){ // throw an error if the tag is not the expected one: throw new TAPException(getPosition(reader) + " XML tag mismatch: <" + (event == XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT ? "/" : "") + reader.getLocalName() + ">! Expected: </tableset>."); } // Resolve all ForeignKey objects into TAPForeignKeys and add them into the dedicated TAPTable: long keyId = 0; for(ForeignKey fk : allForeignKeys){ // search for the target table: TAPTable targetTable = searchTable(fk.targetTable, meta, fk.targetTablePosition); // build and add the foreign key: fk.fromTable.addForeignKey("" + (++keyId), targetTable, fk.keyColumns, fk.description, fk.utype); } }else throw new TAPException(getPosition(reader) + " Missing root tag: \"tableset\"!"); }catch(XMLStreamException xse){ throw new TAPException(getPosition(reader) + " XML ERROR: " + xse.getMessage() + "!", xse); } return meta; } /* **************************** */ /* INDIVIDUAL PARSING FUNCTIONS */ /* **************************** */ /** * <p>Parse the XML representation of a TAP schema.</p> * * <p><b>Important: This function MUST be called just after the start element "schema" has been read!</b></p> * * <h3>Attributes</h3> * * <p>No attribute is expected in the start element "schema".</p> * * <h3>Children</h3> * * Only the following nodes are taken into account ; the others are ignored: * <ul> * <li>name <i>REQUIRED</i></li> * <li>description <i>{0..1}</i></li> * <li>title <i>{0..1}</i></li> * <li>utype <i>{0..1}</i></li> * <li>table <i>{*}</i></li> * </ul> * * @param reader XML reader. * @param allForeignKeys List to fill with all encountered foreign keys. * <i>note: these keys are not the final TAP meta, but a collection of all information found in the XML document. * The final TAP meta will be created later, once all available tables and columns are available.</i> * @throws IllegalStateException If this function is called while the reader has not just read the START ELEMENT tag of "table". * * @return The corresponding TAP schema. * * @throws XMLStreamException If there is an error processing the underlying XML source. * @throws TAPException If several "name" nodes are found, or if none such node is found ; exactly one "name" node must be found. * * @see #parseTable(XMLStreamReader, List) */ protected TAPSchema parseSchema(final XMLStreamReader reader, final List<ForeignKey> allForeignKeys) throws XMLStreamException, TAPException{ // Ensure the reader has just read the START ELEMENT of schema: if (reader.getEventType() != XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT || reader.getLocalName() == null || !reader.getLocalName().equalsIgnoreCase("schema")) throw new IllegalStateException(getPosition(reader) + " Illegal usage of TableSetParser.parseSchema(XMLStreamParser)! This function can be called only when the reader has just read the START ELEMENT tag \"schema\"."); TAPSchema schema = null; String tag = null, name = null, description = null, title = null, utype = null; ArrayList<TAPTable> tables = new ArrayList<TAPTable>(10); while(nextTag(reader) == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT){ // Get the tag name: tag = reader.getLocalName(); // Identify the current tag: if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("name")){ if (name != null) throw new TAPException(getPosition(reader) + " Only one \"name\" element can exist in a /tableset/schema!"); name = getText(reader); }else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("description")) description = ((description != null) ? (description + "\n") : "") + getText(reader); else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("table")){ ArrayList<ForeignKey> keys = new ArrayList<ForeignKey>(2); TAPTable newTable = parseTable(reader, keys); newTable.setIndex(tables.size()); tables.add(newTable); allForeignKeys.addAll(keys); }else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("title")) title = ((title != null) ? (title + "\n") : "") + getText(reader); else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("utype")) utype = getText(reader); } // Only one info is required: the schema name! if (name == null) throw new TAPException(getPosition(reader) + " Missing schema \"name\"!"); // Build the schema: schema = new TAPSchema(name, description, utype); schema.setTitle(title); for(TAPTable t : tables) schema.addTable(t); tables = null; return schema; } /** * <p>Parse the XML representation of a TAP table.</p> * * <p><b>Important: This function MUST be called just after the start element "table" has been read!</b></p> * * <h3>Attributes</h3> * * The attribute "type" may be provided in the start element "table". One of the following value is expected: * <ul> * <li>base_table <i>or table</i></li> * <li>output</li> * <li>view</li> * </ul> * * <h3>Children</h3> * * Only the following nodes are taken into account ; the others are ignored: * <ul> * <li>name <i>REQUIRED</i></li> * <li>description <i>{0..1}</i></li> * <li>title <i>{0..1}</i></li> * <li>utype <i>{0..1}</i></li> * <li>column <i>{*}</i></li> * <li>foreignKey <i>{*}</i></li> * </ul> * * @param reader XML reader. * @param keys List to fill with all encountered foreign keys. * <i>note: these keys are not the final TAP meta, but a collection of all information found in the XML document. * The final TAP meta will be created later, once all available tables and columns are available.</i> * * @return The corresponding TAP table. * * @throws XMLStreamException If there is an error processing the underlying XML source. * @throws TAPException If several "name" nodes are found, or if none such node is found ; exactly one "name" node must be found. * @throws IllegalStateException If this function is called while the reader has not just read the START ELEMENT tag of "table". * * @see #parseColumn(XMLStreamReader) * @see #parseFKey(XMLStreamReader) */ protected TAPTable parseTable(final XMLStreamReader reader, final List<ForeignKey> keys) throws XMLStreamException, TAPException{ // Ensure the reader has just read the START ELEMENT of table: if (reader.getEventType() != XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT || reader.getLocalName() == null || !reader.getLocalName().equalsIgnoreCase("table")) throw new IllegalStateException(getPosition(reader) + " Illegal usage of TableSetParser.parseTable(XMLStreamParser)! This function can be called only when the reader has just read the START ELEMENT tag \"table\"."); TAPTable table = null; TableType type = TableType.table; String tag = null, name = null, description = null, title = null, utype = null; ArrayList<TAPColumn> columns = new ArrayList<TAPColumn>(10); // Get the table type (attribute "type") [OPTIONAL] : if (reader.getAttributeCount() > 0){ int indType = 0; while(indType < reader.getAttributeCount() && !reader.getAttributeLocalName(indType).equalsIgnoreCase("type")) indType++; if (indType < reader.getAttributeCount() && reader.getAttributeLocalName(indType).equalsIgnoreCase("type")){ String typeTxt = reader.getAttributeValue(indType); if (typeTxt != null && typeTxt.trim().length() > 0){ typeTxt = typeTxt.trim().toLowerCase(); try{ if (typeTxt.equals("base_table")) type = TableType.table; else type = TableType.valueOf(typeTxt); }catch(IllegalArgumentException iae){ /* Note: If type unknown, the given value is ignored and the default type - TableType.table - is kept. */ } } } } // Fetch the other information (tags): while(nextTag(reader) == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT){ // Get the tag name: tag = reader.getLocalName(); // Identify the current tag: if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("name")){ if (name != null) throw new TAPException(getPosition(reader) + " Only one \"name\" element can exist in a /tableset/schema/table!"); name = getText(reader); }else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("description")) description = ((description != null) ? (description + "\n") : "") + getText(reader); else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("column")){ TAPColumn newCol = parseColumn(reader); newCol.setIndex(columns.size()); columns.add(newCol); }else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("foreignKey")) keys.add(parseFKey(reader)); else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("title")) title = ((title != null) ? (title + "\n") : "") + getText(reader); else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("utype")) utype = getText(reader); } // Only one info is required: the table name! if (name == null) throw new TAPException(getPosition(reader) + " Missing table \"name\"!"); // Build the table: table = new TAPTable(name, type, description, utype); table.setTitle(title); for(TAPColumn c : columns) table.addColumn(c); for(ForeignKey k : keys) k.fromTable = table; return table; } /** * <p>Parse the XML representation of a TAP column.</p> * * <p><b>Important: This function MUST be called just after the start element "column" has been read!</b></p> * * <h3>Attributes</h3> * * The attribute "std" may be provided in the start element "column". One of the following value is expected: * <ul> * <li>false <i>(default value if the attribute is omitted)</i></li> * <li>true</li> * </ul> * * <h3>Children</h3> * * Only the following nodes are taken into account ; the others are ignored: * <ul> * <li>name <i>REQUIRED</i></li> * <li>description <i>{0..1}</i></li> * <li>ucd <i>{0..1}</i></li> * <li>unit <i>{0..1}</i></li> * <li>utype <i>{0..1}</i></li> * <li>dataType <i>{0..1}</i></li> * <li>flag <i>{*}, but only the values 'nullable', 'indexed' and 'primary' are currently supported by the library)</i></li> * </ul> * * @param reader XML reader. * * @return The corresponding TAP column. * * @throws XMLStreamException If there is an error processing the underlying XML source. * @throws TAPException If several "name" nodes are found, or if none such node is found ; exactly one "name" node must be found. * @throws IllegalStateException If this function is called while the reader has not just read the START ELEMENT tag of "column". * * @see #parseDataType(XMLStreamReader) */ protected TAPColumn parseColumn(final XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException, TAPException{ // Ensure the reader has just read the START ELEMENT of column: if (reader.getEventType() != XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT || reader.getLocalName() == null || !reader.getLocalName().equalsIgnoreCase("column")) throw new IllegalStateException(getPosition(reader) + " Illegal usage of TableSetParser.parseColumn(XMLStreamParser)! This function can be called only when the reader has just read the START ELEMENT tag \"column\"."); TAPColumn column = null; boolean std = false, indexed = false, primary = false, nullable = false; String tag = null, name = null, description = null, unit = null, ucd = null, utype = null; DBType type = null; // Get the column STD flag (attribute "std") [OPTIONAL] : if (reader.getAttributeCount() > 0){ int indType = 0; while(indType < reader.getAttributeCount() && !reader.getAttributeLocalName(indType).equalsIgnoreCase("std")) indType++; if (indType < reader.getAttributeCount() && reader.getAttributeLocalName(indType).equalsIgnoreCase("std")){ String stdTxt = reader.getAttributeValue(indType); if (stdTxt != null) std = Boolean.parseBoolean(stdTxt.trim().toLowerCase()); } } // Fetch the other information (tags): while(nextTag(reader) == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT){ // Get the tag name: tag = reader.getLocalName(); // Identify the current tag: if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("name")){ if (name != null) throw new TAPException(getPosition(reader) + " Only one \"name\" element can exist in a /tableset/schema/table/column!"); name = getText(reader); }else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("description")) description = ((description != null) ? (description + "\n") : "") + getText(reader); else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("dataType")) type = parseDataType(reader); else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("unit")) unit = getText(reader); else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("ucd")) ucd = getText(reader); else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("utype")) utype = getText(reader); else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("flag")){ String txt = getText(reader); if (txt != null){ if (txt.equalsIgnoreCase("indexed")) indexed = true; else if (txt.equalsIgnoreCase("primary")) primary = true; else if (txt.equalsIgnoreCase("nullable")) nullable = true; } } } // Only one info is required: the table name! if (name == null) throw new TAPException(getPosition(reader) + " Missing column \"name\"!"); // Build the column: column = new TAPColumn(name, type, description, unit, ucd, utype); column.setStd(std); column.setIndexed(indexed); column.setPrincipal(primary); column.setNullable(nullable); return column; } /** * <p>Parse the XML representation of a column datatype.</p> * * <p><b>Important: This function MUST be called just after the start element "dataType" has been read!</b></p> * * <h3>Attributes</h3> * * The attribute "xsi:type" (where xsi = MUST be provided. Only the following values are supported and accepted * <i>(below, vs =</i>: * <ul> * <li><b>vs:VOTableType</b>, and the following attributes may be also provided: * <ul> * <li>arraysize</li> * <li>xtype</li> * </ul></li> * <li><b>vs:TAPType</b>, and the attribute "size" may be also provided</li> * </ul> * * <h3>Children</h3> * * No child, but a text MUST be provided. Its value depends of the attribute "xsi:type": a VOTable datatype (e.g. char, float, short) if "xsi:type=vs:VOTableType", * or a TAP type (e.g. VARCHAR, REAL, SMALLINT) if "xsi:type=vs:TAPType". <i>Any other value will be rejected.</i> * * <p><i>IMPORTANT: All VOTable datatypes will be converted into TAPType automatically by the library.</i></p> * * @param reader XML reader. * * @return The corresponding column datatype. * * @throws XMLStreamException If there is an error processing the underlying XML source. * @throws TAPException If the attribute "xsi:type" is missing or incorrect, * or if the datatype is unknown or not supported. * @throws IllegalStateException If this function is called while the reader has not just read the START ELEMENT tag of "dataType". * * @see VOTableIterator#resolveVotType(String, String, String) * @see DBType#DBType(DBDatatype, int) */ protected DBType parseDataType(final XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException, TAPException{ // Ensure the reader has just read the START ELEMENT of dataType: if (reader.getEventType() != XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT || reader.getLocalName() == null || !reader.getLocalName().equalsIgnoreCase("dataType")) throw new IllegalStateException(getPosition(reader) + " Illegal usage of TableSetParser.parseDataType(XMLStreamParser)! This function can be called only when the reader has just read the START ELEMENT tag \"dataType\"."); String typeOfType = null, datatype = null, size = null, xtype = null, arraysize = null; /* Note: * The 1st parameter of XMLStreamReader.getAttributeValue(String, String) should be the namespace of the attribute. * If this value is NULL, the namespace condition is ignored. * If it is an empty string - "" - an attribute without namespace will be searched. */ // Get the type of datatype : typeOfType = reader.getAttributeValue(XSI_NAMESPACE, "type"); // Resolve the datatype: if (typeOfType == null || typeOfType.trim().length() == 0) throw new TAPException(getPosition(reader) + " Missing attribute \"xsi:type\" (where xsi = \"" + XSI_NAMESPACE + "\")! Expected attribute value: vs:VOTableType or vs:TAPType, where vs = " + VODATASERVICE_NAMESPACE + "."); // Separate the namespace and type parts: String[] split = typeOfType.split(":"); // Ensure the number of parts is 2: if (split.length != 2) throw new TAPException(getPosition(reader) + " Unresolved type: \"" + typeOfType + "\"! Missing namespace prefix."); // ...and ensure the namespace is the expected value: else{ String datatypeNamespace = reader.getNamespaceURI(split[0]); if (datatypeNamespace == null) throw new TAPException(getPosition(reader) + " Unresolved type: \"" + typeOfType + "\"! Unknown namespace."); else if (!datatypeNamespace.startsWith(VODATASERVICE_NAMESPACE)) throw new TAPException(getPosition(reader) + " Unsupported type: \"" + typeOfType + "\"! Expected: vs:VOTableType or vs:TAPType, where vs = " + VODATASERVICE_NAMESPACE + "."); } // Get the other attributes: size = reader.getAttributeValue("", "size"); xtype = reader.getAttributeValue("", "xtype"); arraysize = reader.getAttributeValue("", "arraysize"); // Get the datatype: datatype = getText(reader); if (datatype == null || datatype.trim().length() == 0) throw new TAPException(getPosition(reader) + " Missing column datatype!"); datatype = datatype.trim(); // Resolve the datatype in function of the value of xsi:type: // CASE: VOTable if (split[1].equalsIgnoreCase("VOTableType")) return VOTableIterator.resolveVotType(datatype, arraysize, xtype).toTAPType(); // CASE: TAP type else if (split[1].equalsIgnoreCase("TAPType")){ // normalize the size attribute: int colSize = -1; if (size != null && size.trim().length() > 0){ try{ colSize = Integer.parseInt(size); }catch(NumberFormatException nfe){} } // build and return the corresponding type: try{ return new DBType(DBDatatype.valueOf(datatype.toUpperCase()), colSize); }catch(IllegalArgumentException iae){ throw new TAPException(getPosition(reader) + " Unknown TAPType: \"" + datatype + "\"!"); } } // DEFAULT => Throw an exception! else throw new TAPException(getPosition(reader) + " Unsupported type: \"" + typeOfType + "\"! Expected: vs:VOTableType or vs:TAPType, where vs = " + VODATASERVICE_NAMESPACE + "."); } /** * <p>Parse the XML representation of a TAP foreign key.</p> * * <p><b>Important: This function MUST be called just after the start element "foreignKey" has been read!</b></p> * * <h3>Attributes</h3> * * <p>No attribute is expected in the start element "foreignKey".</p> * * <h3>Children</h3> * * Only the following nodes are taken into account ; the others are ignored: * <ul> * <li>targetTable <i>REQUIRED</i></li> * <li>description <i>{0..1}</i></li> * <li>utype <i>{0..1}</i></li> * <li>fkColumn <i>{1..*}</i> * <ul> * <li>fromColumn <i>REQUIRED</i></li> * <li>targetColumn <i>REQUIRED</i></li> * </ul></li> * </ul> * * @param reader XML reader. * * @return An object containing all information found in the XML node about the foreign key. * * @throws XMLStreamException If there is an error processing the underlying XML source. * @throws TAPException If "targetTable" node is missing, * or if no "fkColumn" is provided. * @throws IllegalStateException If this function is called while the reader has not just read the START ELEMENT tag of "foreignKey". * * @see #parseDataType(XMLStreamReader) */ protected ForeignKey parseFKey(final XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException, TAPException{ // Ensure the reader has just read the START ELEMENT of foreignKey: if (reader.getEventType() != XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT || reader.getLocalName() == null || !reader.getLocalName().equalsIgnoreCase("foreignKey")) throw new IllegalStateException(getPosition(reader) + " Illegal usage of TableSetParser.parseFKey(XMLStreamParser)! This function can be called only when the reader has just read the START ELEMENT tag \"foreignKey\"."); String tag; ForeignKey fk = new ForeignKey(); // Fetch the other information (tags): while(nextTag(reader) == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT){ // Get the tag name: tag = reader.getLocalName(); // Identify the current tag: if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("targetTable")){ if (fk.targetTable != null) throw new TAPException(getPosition(reader) + " Only one \"targetTable\" element can exist in a /tableset/schema/table/foreignKey!"); fk.targetTable = getText(reader); fk.targetTablePosition = getPosition(reader); }else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("description")) fk.description = getText(reader); else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("utype")) fk.utype = getText(reader); else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("fkColumn")){ String innerTag, fromCol = null, targetCol = null; while(nextTag(reader) == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT){ innerTag = reader.getLocalName(); if (innerTag.equalsIgnoreCase("fromColumn")){ if (fromCol != null) throw new TAPException(getPosition(reader) + " Only one \"fromColumn\" element can exist in a /tableset/schema/table/foreignKey/fkColumn !"); fromCol = getText(reader); }else if (innerTag.equalsIgnoreCase("targetColumn")){ if (targetCol != null) throw new TAPException(getPosition(reader) + " Only one \"targetColumn\" element can exist in a /tableset/schema/table/foreignKey/fkColumn !"); targetCol = getText(reader); }else goToEndTag(reader, reader.getLocalName()); } // Only two info are required: the source and the target columns! if (fromCol == null) throw new TAPException(getPosition(reader) + " Missing \"fromColumn\"!"); else if (targetCol == null) throw new TAPException(getPosition(reader) + " Missing \"targetColumn\"!"); else fk.keyColumns.put(fromCol, targetCol); }else goToEndTag(reader, tag); } // Check the last read tag is the END ELEMENT of a foreignKey node: if (reader.getEventType() != XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT) throw new TAPException(getPosition(reader) + " Unexpected tag! An END ELEMENT tag for foreignKey was expected."); else if (!reader.getLocalName().equalsIgnoreCase("foreignKey")) throw new TAPException(getPosition(reader) + " Unexpected node end tag: </" + reader.getLocalName() + ">! An END ELEMENT tag for foreignKey was expected."); // The target table name is required! if (fk.targetTable == null) throw new TAPException(getPosition(reader) + " Missing \"targetTable\"!"); // At least one columns association is expected! else if (fk.keyColumns.size() == 0) throw new TAPException(getPosition(reader) + " Missing at least one \"fkColumn\"!"); return fk; } /* ***************** */ /* UTILITY FUNCTIONS */ /* ***************** */ /** * <p>Get the current position of the given reader.</p> * * <p> * This position is returned as a string having the following syntax: "[l.x,c.y]" * (where x is the line number and y the column number ; x and y start at 1 ; x and y * are both -1 if the end of the XML document has been reached). * </p> * * <p><i>Note: * The column position is generally just after the read element (node start/end tag, characters). * However, with CHARACTERS items, this column position may be 2 characters after the real end. * </i></p> * * @param reader XML reader whose the current position must be returned. * * @return A string representing the current reader position. */ protected final String getPosition(final XMLStreamReader reader){ return "[l." + reader.getLocation().getLineNumber() + ",c." + reader.getLocation().getColumnNumber() + "]"; } /** * Skip every elements until a START ELEMENT or an END ELEMENT is reached. * * @param reader XML reader. * * @return The event of the last read tag. <i>Here, either {@link XMLStreamConstants#START_ELEMENT} or {@link XMLStreamConstants#END_ELEMENT}.</i> * * @throws XMLStreamException If there is an error processing the underlying XML source. */ protected final int nextTag(final XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException{ int event = -1; do{ event =; }while(event != XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT && event != XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT); return event; } /** * <p>Skip all tags from the current position to the end of the specified node.</p> * * <p><b>IMPORTANT: * This function MUST be called ONLY IF the reader is inside the node whose the end tag is searched. * It may be in a child of this node or not, but the most important is to be inside it. * </b></p> * * <p><i>Note: * No tag will be read if the given startNode is NULL or an empty string. * </i></p> * * @param reader XML reader. * @param startNode Name of the node whose the end must be reached. * * @throws XMLStreamException If there is an error processing the underlying XML source. * @throws TAPException If the name of the only corresponding end element does not match the given one, * or if the END ELEMENT can not be found <i>(2 possible reasons for that: * 1/ malformed XML document, 2/ this function has been called before the START ELEMENT has been read)</i>. */ protected final void goToEndTag(final XMLStreamReader reader, final String startNode) throws XMLStreamException, TAPException{ if (startNode == null || startNode.trim().length() <= 0) return; else if (reader.getEventType() == XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT && reader.getLocalName().equalsIgnoreCase(startNode)) return; int level = 0, event; while(reader.hasNext()){ event =; switch(event){ case XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT: level++; break; case XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT: if (level <= 0 && reader.getLocalName().equalsIgnoreCase(startNode)) // "level <= 0" because the reader may be inside a child of the node whose the end is searched. return; else level--; } } /* If no matching END ELEMENT, then either the XML document is malformed * or #goToEndTag(...) has been called before the corresponding START ELEMENT has been read: */ throw new TAPException(getPosition(reader) + " Malformed XML document: missing an END TAG </" + startNode + ">!"); } /** * <p>Get the text of the current node.</p> * * <p> * This function iterates while the next tags are of type CHARACTERS. * Consequently, the next tag (start or end element) is already read when returning this function. * </p> * * <p> * All CHARACTERS elements are concatenated. * All leading and trailing space characters (\r \n \t and ' ') of every lines are deleted ; only the last or the first \n or \r are kept. * </p> * * <p><i>Note: * This function is also skipping all COMMENT elements. This is particularly useful if a COMMENT is splitting a node text content ; * in such case, the comment is ignored and both divided text are concatenated. * </i></p> * * @param reader XML reader. * * @return The whole text content of the current node. * * @throws XMLStreamException If there is an error processing the underlying XML source. */ protected final String getText(final XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException{ StringBuffer txt = new StringBuffer(); while( == XMLStreamConstants.CHARACTERS || reader.getEventType() == XMLStreamConstants.COMMENT){ if (reader.getEventType() == XMLStreamConstants.CHARACTERS){ if (reader.getText() != null) txt.append(reader.getText().replaceAll("[ \\t]+([\\n\\r]+)", "$1").replaceAll("([\\n\\r]+)[ \\t]+", "$1")); } }; return txt.toString().trim(); } /** * <p>Search for the specified table in the given TAP metadata.</p> * * <p><i>Note: This function is not case sensitive.</i></p> * * @param tableName Name of the table to search. <i>The table name MAY be prefixed by a schema name (e.g. "mySchema.myTable").</i> * @param meta All fetched TAP metadata. * @param position Position of the table name in the XML document. <i>This parameter is ONLY used in case of error.</i> * * @return The corresponding TAP table. * * @throws TAPException If the table name syntax ([schema.]table) is incorrect, * or if several tables match to the specified table name (which is not prefixed by a schema name), * or if no match can be found. */ protected final TAPTable searchTable(final String tableName, final TAPMetadata meta, final String position) throws TAPException{ // Extract the schema name and normalize the table name: String schema = null, table = tableName.trim(); if (tableName.indexOf('.') >= 0){ // get the schema name: schema = tableName.substring(0, tableName.indexOf('.')).trim(); // test that the schema name is not null: if (schema.length() == 0) throw new TAPException(position + " Incorrect full table name - \"" + tableName + "\": empty schema name!"); // test that the remaining table name is not null: else if (tableName.substring(schema.length() + 1).trim().length() == 0) throw new TAPException(position + " Incorrect full table name - \"" + tableName + "\": empty table name!"); // test there is no more '.' separator in the remaining table name: else if (tableName.indexOf('.', schema.length() + 1) >= 0) throw new TAPException(position + " Incorrect full table name - \"" + tableName + "\": only a schema and a table name can be specified (expected syntax: \"schema.table\")\"!"); // get the table name: table = tableName.substring(schema.length() + 1).trim(); } // Find all matching tables: ArrayList<TAPTable> founds = new ArrayList<TAPTable>(1); StringBuffer foundsAsTxt = new StringBuffer(); TAPTable t; Iterator<TAPTable> allTables = meta.getTables(); while(allTables.hasNext()){ // get the table to test: t =; if (t == null) continue; // store it if the schema and table names match: if ((schema == null || t.getADQLSchemaName().equalsIgnoreCase(schema)) && t.getADQLName().equalsIgnoreCase(table)){ // update the result array: founds.add(t); // update the text list: if (foundsAsTxt.length() > 0) foundsAsTxt.append(", "); foundsAsTxt.append(t.getADQLSchemaName()).append('.').append(t.getADQLName()); } } if (founds.size() == 0) throw new TAPException(position + " Unknown table: \"" + tableName + "\"!"); else if (founds.size() > 1) throw new TAPException(position + " Unresolved table: \"" + tableName + "\"! Several tables have the same name but in different schemas (here: " + foundsAsTxt.toString() + "). You must prefix this table name by a schema name (expected syntax: \"schema.table\")."); else return founds.get(0); } }