package net.sf.openrocket.gui.util; import java.awt.Window; import; import; import; import; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.SwingWorker; import net.sf.openrocket.document.Simulation; import net.sf.openrocket.file.CSVExport; import net.sf.openrocket.gui.dialogs.SwingWorkerDialog; import net.sf.openrocket.simulation.FlightDataBranch; import net.sf.openrocket.simulation.FlightDataType; import net.sf.openrocket.startup.Application; import net.sf.openrocket.unit.Unit; import net.sf.openrocket.util.BugException; public class SaveCSVWorker extends SwingWorker<Void, Void> { private static final int BYTES_PER_FIELD_PER_POINT = 7; private final File file; private final Simulation simulation; private final FlightDataBranch branch; private final FlightDataType[] fields; private final Unit[] units; private final String fieldSeparator; private final String commentStarter; private final boolean simulationComments; private final boolean fieldComments; private final boolean eventComments; public SaveCSVWorker(File file, Simulation simulation, FlightDataBranch branch, FlightDataType[] fields, Unit[] units, String fieldSeparator, String commentStarter, boolean simulationComments, boolean fieldComments, boolean eventComments) { this.file = file; this.simulation = simulation; this.branch = branch; this.fields = fields; this.units = units; this.fieldSeparator = fieldSeparator; this.commentStarter = commentStarter; this.simulationComments = simulationComments; this.fieldComments = fieldComments; this.eventComments = eventComments; } @Override protected Void doInBackground() throws Exception { int estimate = BYTES_PER_FIELD_PER_POINT * fields.length * branch.getLength(); estimate = Math.max(estimate, 1000); // Create the ProgressOutputStream that provides progress estimates @SuppressWarnings("resource") ProgressOutputStream os = new ProgressOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)), estimate, this) { @Override protected void setProgress(int progress) { SaveCSVWorker.this.setProgress(progress); } }; try { CSVExport.exportCSV(os, simulation, branch, fields, units, fieldSeparator, commentStarter, simulationComments, fieldComments, eventComments); } finally { try { os.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Application.getExceptionHandler().handleErrorCondition("Error closing file", e); } } return null; } /** * Exports a CSV file using a progress dialog if necessary. * * @return <code>true</code> if the save was successful, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ public static boolean export(File file, Simulation simulation, FlightDataBranch branch, FlightDataType[] fields, Unit[] units, String fieldSeparator, String commentStarter, boolean simulationComments, boolean fieldComments, boolean eventComments, Window parent) { SaveCSVWorker worker = new SaveCSVWorker(file, simulation, branch, fields, units, fieldSeparator, commentStarter, simulationComments, fieldComments, eventComments); if (!SwingWorkerDialog.runWorker(parent, "Exporting flight data", "Writing " + file.getName() + "...", worker)) { // User cancelled the save file.delete(); return false; } try { worker.get(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { Throwable cause = e.getCause(); if (cause instanceof IOException) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(parent, new String[] { "An I/O error occurred while saving:", e.getMessage() }, "Saving failed", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return false; } else { throw new BugException("Unknown error when saving file", e); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new BugException("EDT was interrupted", e); } return true; } }