package de.congrace.exp4j; /* * Represents a generic variable which can have double or array values. * Optionally the start and step values corresponding to each array index can be specified for array values * Tries to do something sensible if you try and apply a regular function / operator to an array * and vice-versa. */ public class Variable { // The primary or preferred representation public enum Primary {DOUBLE, ARRAY, PLACEHOLDER}; private final Primary primary; private final String name; private final double doubleValue; private final double[] arrayValue; private final double start, step; /* * Initialize a new variable with a name only. This can be used as a place holder */ public Variable(String name){ = name; this.primary = Primary.PLACEHOLDER; this.doubleValue = Double.NaN; this.arrayValue = new double[] {Double.NaN}; this.start = Double.NaN; this.step = Double.NaN; } /* * Initialize a new double variable */ public Variable(String name, double d){ this.doubleValue = d; this.arrayValue = new double[] {d}; = name; this.primary = Primary.DOUBLE; this.start = Double.NaN; this.step = Double.NaN; } /* * Initialize a new array variable */ public Variable(String name, double[] d){ this.arrayValue = d; this.doubleValue = d[0]; = name; this.primary = Primary.ARRAY; this.start = Double.NaN; this.step = Double.NaN; } /* * Initialize a new array variable, specifying the start and step values */ public Variable(String name, double[] d, double start, double step){ this.arrayValue = d; this.doubleValue = d[0]; = name; this.primary = Primary.ARRAY; this.start = start; this.step = step; } public String getName(){ return name; } public Primary getPrimary(){ return this.primary; } public double getDoubleValue(){ return doubleValue; } public double[] getArrayValue(){ return arrayValue; } public double getStep(){ return step; } public double getStart(){ return start; } public String toString(){ if ( arrayValue.length > 1 ){ String out = name + " is Array (length " + new Integer(arrayValue.length).toString() + ") : {"; for (double x : arrayValue){ out = out + x + ","; } out = out.substring(0, out.length()-1); return out + "}"; } else{ return name + " is double : {" + new Double(doubleValue).toString() + "}"; } } }