package; import java.util.List; import; import net.sf.openrocket.motor.ThrustCurveMotor; public class TCSearchAction extends TCQueryAction { public static TCSearchAction newInstance( SearchRequest searchRequest ) { TCSearchAction frag = new TCSearchAction(); frag.task = Downloader(searchRequest); return frag; } private class Downloader extends TCQueryAction.TCQueryTask { private SearchRequest searchRequest; private Downloader( SearchRequest searchRequest ) { this.searchRequest = searchRequest; } @Override protected String doInBackground(Void... params) { try { new UpdateMessage("Quering Thrustcurve")); SearchResponse res = ThrustCurveAPI.doSearch(searchRequest); int total = res.getResults().size(); int count = 1; for( TCMotor mi : res.getResults() ) { StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); message.append("Downloading details "); if ( total > 1 ) { message.append(count); message.append(" of " ); message.append(total); message.append("\n"); } message.append(mi.getManufacturer()); message.append(" "); message.append(mi.getCommon_name()); UpdateMessage(message.toString())); count++; if ( mi.getData_files() == null || mi.getData_files().intValue() == 0 ) { continue; } AndroidLogWrapper.d(TCQueryAction.class, mi.toString()); List<MotorBurnFile> b = ThrustCurveAPI.downloadData(mi.getMotor_id()); List<ThrustCurveMotor> motors = ThrustCurveAPI.extractAllMotors(b); if ( motors != null && motors.size() > 0 ) { for( ThrustCurveMotor motor : motors ) { writeMotor( mi, motor); } } } if ( total < res.getMatches() ) { dismiss(); return "" + total + " motors downloaded, " + res.getMatches() + " matched. Try restricting the query more."; } else { dismiss(); return null; } } catch( Exception ex){ AndroidLogWrapper.d(TCSearchAction.class,ex.toString()); return ex.toString(); } } } }