package; import; import; import; import net.sf.openrocket.motor.Manufacturer; import net.sf.openrocket.motor.Motor; import net.sf.openrocket.motor.ThrustCurveMotor; import net.sf.openrocket.util.Coordinate; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; public class MotorDao { private SQLiteDatabase mDb; private final static String DATABASE_TABLE = "motor"; private final static String DROP_TABLE = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + DATABASE_TABLE; private final static String CREATE_TABLE = "create table " + DATABASE_TABLE + " ( " + "_id integer primary key, " + "unique_name text unique, " + "digest string, " + "designation text, " + "delays text, " + "diameter number, " + "tot_impulse_ns number, " + "avg_thrust_n number, " + "max_thrust_n number, " + "burn_time_s number, " + "length number," + "prop_mass_g number," + "tot_mass_g number," + "case_info text," + "manufacturer text," + "type text," + "impulse_class text," + "thrust_data blob," + "time_data blob," + "cg_data blob" + ");"; MotorDao(SQLiteDatabase mDb) { this.mDb = mDb; } static String[] create() { return new String[] { CREATE_TABLE }; } static String[] update(int oldVer, int newVer) { return new String[] { DROP_TABLE, CREATE_TABLE }; } public final static String ID = "_id"; public final static String UNIQUE_NAME = "unique_name"; public final static String DIGEST = "digest"; public final static String DESIGNATION = "designation"; public final static String DELAYS = "delays"; public final static String DIAMETER = "diameter"; public final static String TOTAL_IMPULSE = "tot_impulse_ns"; public final static String AVG_THRUST = "avg_thrust_n"; public final static String MAX_THRUST = "max_thrust_n"; public final static String BURN_TIME = "burn_time_s"; public final static String LENGTH = "length"; public final static String CASE_INFO = "case_info"; public final static String MANUFACTURER = "manufacturer"; public final static String TYPE = "type"; public final static String IMPULSE_CLASS = "impulse_class"; public final static String THRUST_DATA = "thrust_data"; public final static String TIME_DATA = "time_data"; public final static String CG_DATA = "cg_data"; private final static String[] ALL_COLS = new String[] { ID, DIGEST, DESIGNATION, DELAYS, DIAMETER, TOTAL_IMPULSE, AVG_THRUST, MAX_THRUST, BURN_TIME, LENGTH, CASE_INFO, TYPE, IMPULSE_CLASS, MANUFACTURER, THRUST_DATA, TIME_DATA, CG_DATA }; public long insertOrUpdateMotor(ExtendedThrustCurveMotor mi) throws Exception { ContentValues initialValues = new ContentValues(); initialValues.put(ID, mi.getId()); initialValues.put(UNIQUE_NAME, mi.getManufacturer() + mi.getDesignation()); initialValues.put(DIGEST, mi.getDigest()); initialValues.put(DESIGNATION, mi.getDesignation()); initialValues.put(DELAYS, ConversionUtils.delaysToString(mi.getStandardDelays())); initialValues.put(DIAMETER, mi.getDiameter()); initialValues.put(TOTAL_IMPULSE, mi.getTotalImpulseEstimate()); initialValues.put(AVG_THRUST, mi.getAverageThrustEstimate()); initialValues.put(MAX_THRUST, mi.getMaxThrustEstimate()); initialValues.put(BURN_TIME, mi.getBurnTimeEstimate()); initialValues.put(LENGTH, mi.getLength()); initialValues.put(CASE_INFO, mi.getCaseInfo()); initialValues.put(TYPE, mi.getMotorType().name()); initialValues.put(IMPULSE_CLASS, mi.getImpulseClass()); initialValues.put(MANUFACTURER, mi.getManufacturer().getSimpleName()); initialValues.put(THRUST_DATA, ConversionUtils.serializeArrayOfDouble(mi.getThrustPoints())); initialValues.put(TIME_DATA, ConversionUtils.serializeArrayOfDouble(mi.getTimePoints())); initialValues.put(CG_DATA, ConversionUtils.serializeArrayOfCoordinate(mi.getCGPoints())); AndroidLogWrapper.d(MotorDao.class, "insertOrUpdate Motor"); long rv = mDb.insertWithOnConflict(DATABASE_TABLE, null, initialValues, SQLiteDatabase.CONFLICT_REPLACE); return rv; } /** * Delete the motor and burn data with the given rowId * * @param name name of motor to delete * @return true if deleted, false otherwise */ public boolean deleteMotor(Long id) { boolean rv = mDb.delete(DATABASE_TABLE, ID + "=" + id, null) > 0; return rv; } /** * * @param groupCol * @param groupVal * @return */ public Cursor fetchAllInGroups(String groupCol, String groupVal) { return mDb.query(DATABASE_TABLE, /* columns */ALL_COLS, /* selection */groupCol + "=?", /* selection args*/new String[] { groupVal }, /* groupby */null, /* having*/null, /* orderby*/TOTAL_IMPULSE); } /** * Fetch the groups based on groupCol * @param groupCol * @return */ public Cursor fetchGroups(String groupCol) { return mDb.query(true, DATABASE_TABLE, /* columns */new String[] { groupCol }, /* selection */null, /* selection args*/null, /* groupby */null, /* having*/null, /* orderby*/groupCol, /* limit*/null); } /** * Return a Cursor over the list of all motors * * @return Cursor over all notes */ public Cursor fetchAllMotors() { return mDb.query(DATABASE_TABLE, /* columns */ALL_COLS, /* selection */null, /* selection args*/null, /* groupby */null, /* having*/null, /* orderby*/null); } private ExtendedThrustCurveMotor hydrateMotor(Cursor mCursor) throws Exception { ExtendedThrustCurveMotor mi; { String digest = mCursor.getString(mCursor.getColumnIndex(DIGEST)); String designation = mCursor.getString(mCursor.getColumnIndex(DESIGNATION)); String delayString = mCursor.getString(mCursor.getColumnIndex(DELAYS)); double[] delays = ConversionUtils.stringToDelays(delayString); double diameter = mCursor.getDouble(mCursor.getColumnIndex(DIAMETER)); double totImpulse = mCursor.getDouble(mCursor.getColumnIndex(TOTAL_IMPULSE)); double avgImpulse = mCursor.getDouble(mCursor.getColumnIndex(AVG_THRUST)); double maxThrust = mCursor.getDouble(mCursor.getColumnIndex(MAX_THRUST)); double length = mCursor.getDouble(mCursor.getColumnIndex(LENGTH)); Motor.Type type; try { type = Enum.valueOf(Motor.Type.class, mCursor.getString(mCursor.getColumnIndex(TYPE))); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { type = Motor.Type.UNKNOWN; } Manufacturer manufacturer = Manufacturer.getManufacturer(mCursor.getString(mCursor.getColumnIndex(MANUFACTURER))); double[] thrustData = ConversionUtils.deserializeArrayOfDouble(mCursor.getBlob(mCursor.getColumnIndex(THRUST_DATA))); double[] timeData = ConversionUtils.deserializeArrayOfDouble(mCursor.getBlob(mCursor.getColumnIndex(TIME_DATA))); Coordinate[] cgData = ConversionUtils.deserializeArrayOfCoordinate(mCursor.getBlob(mCursor.getColumnIndex(CG_DATA))); ThrustCurveMotor tcm = new ThrustCurveMotor(manufacturer, designation, "", type, delays, diameter, length, timeData, thrustData, cgData, digest ); mi = new ExtendedThrustCurveMotor(tcm); mi.setId(mCursor.getLong(mCursor.getColumnIndex(ID))); mi.setCaseInfo(mCursor.getString(mCursor.getColumnIndex(CASE_INFO))); mi.setImpulseClass(mCursor.getString(mCursor.getColumnIndex(IMPULSE_CLASS))); } return mi; } public ExtendedThrustCurveMotor fetchMotor(Long id) throws Exception { Cursor mCursor = mDb.query(DATABASE_TABLE, /* columns */ALL_COLS, /* selection */ID + "=" + id, /* selection args*/null, /* groupby */null, /* having*/null, /* orderby*/null); if (mCursor == null) { return null; } try { if (mCursor.getCount() == 0) { return null; } mCursor.moveToFirst(); return hydrateMotor(mCursor); } finally { mCursor.close(); } } public ExtendedThrustCurveMotor fetchMotor(String manufacturerShortName, String designation) throws Exception { Cursor mCursor = mDb.query(DATABASE_TABLE, /* columns */ALL_COLS, /* selection */MANUFACTURER + "='" + manufacturerShortName + "' and " + DESIGNATION + "='" + designation + "'", /* selection args*/null, /* groupby */null, /* having*/null, /* orderby*/null); if (mCursor == null) { return null; } try { if (mCursor.getCount() == 0) { return null; } mCursor.moveToFirst(); return hydrateMotor(mCursor); } catch( Exception ex ) { LogHelper.getInstance().debug("whoa!", ex); throw ex; } finally { mCursor.close(); } } }