package net.sf.openrocket.simulation.customexpression; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import net.sf.openrocket.document.OpenRocketDocument; import net.sf.openrocket.logging.Markers; import net.sf.openrocket.simulation.FlightDataType; import net.sf.openrocket.simulation.SimulationStatus; import net.sf.openrocket.unit.FixedUnitGroup; import net.sf.openrocket.unit.UnitGroup; import net.sf.openrocket.util.ArrayList; import net.sf.openrocket.util.StringUtil; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import de.congrace.exp4j.Calculable; import de.congrace.exp4j.ExpressionBuilder; import de.congrace.exp4j.UnknownFunctionException; import de.congrace.exp4j.UnparsableExpressionException; import de.congrace.exp4j.Variable; /** * Represents a single custom expression * @author Richard Graham * */ public class CustomExpression implements Cloneable { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CustomExpression.class); private OpenRocketDocument doc; private String name, symbol, unit; protected String expression; private ExpressionBuilder builder; private List<CustomExpression> subExpressions = new ArrayList<CustomExpression>(); public CustomExpression(OpenRocketDocument doc) { this.doc = doc; setName(""); setSymbol(""); setUnit(""); setExpression(""); } public CustomExpression(OpenRocketDocument doc, String name, String symbol, String unit, String expression) { this.doc = doc; setName(name); setSymbol(symbol); setUnit(unit); setExpression(expression); } /* * Sets the long name of this expression, e.g. 'Kinetic energy' */ public void setName(String name) { = name; } /* * Sets the string for the units of the result of this expression. */ public void setUnit(String unit) { this.unit = unit; } /* * Sets the symbol string. This is the short, locale independent symbol for this whole expression */ public void setSymbol(String symbol) { this.symbol = symbol; } /* * Sets the actual expression string for this expression */ public void setExpression(String expression) { // This is the expression as supplied this.expression = expression; // Replace any indexed variables subExpressions.clear(); expression = subTimeIndexes(expression); expression = subTimeRanges(expression); builder = new ExpressionBuilder(expression); for (String n : getAllSymbols()) { builder.withVariable(new Variable(n)); } for (CustomExpression exp : this.subExpressions) { builder.withVariable(new Variable(exp.hash())); } builder.withCustomFunctions(Functions.getInstance().getAllFunction());"Built expression " + expression); } /* * Replaces expressions of the form: * a[x:y] with a hash and creates an associated RangeExpression from x to y */ private String subTimeRanges(String str) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(variableRegex() + "\\[[^\\]]*:.*?\\]"); Matcher m = p.matcher(str); // for each match, make a new custom expression (in subExpressions) with a hashed name // and replace the expression and variable in the original expression string with [hash]. while (m.find()) { String match =; int start = match.indexOf("["); int end = match.indexOf("]"); int colon = match.indexOf(":"); String startTime = match.substring(start + 1, colon); String endTime = match.substring(colon + 1, end); String variableType = match.substring(0, start); RangeExpression exp = new RangeExpression(doc, startTime, endTime, variableType); subExpressions.add(exp); str = str.replace(match, exp.hash()); } return str; } /* * Replaces expressions of the form * a[x] with a hash and creates an associated IndexExpression with x */ private String subTimeIndexes(String str) { // find any matches of the time-indexed variable notation, e.g. m[1.2] for mass at 1.2 sec Pattern p = Pattern.compile(variableRegex() + "\\[[^:]*?\\]"); Matcher m = p.matcher(str); // for each match, make a new custom expression (in subExpressions) with a hashed name // and replace the expression and variable in the original expression string with [hash]. while (m.find()) { String match =; // just the index part (in the square brackets) : String indexText = match.substring(match.indexOf("[") + 1, match.length() - 1); // just the flight data type String typeText = match.substring(0, match.indexOf("[")); // Do the replacement and add a corresponding new IndexExpression to the list IndexExpression exp = new IndexExpression(doc, indexText, typeText); subExpressions.add(exp); str = str.replace(match, exp.hash()); } return str; } /* * Returns a string of the form (t|a| ... ) with all variable symbols available * This is useful for regex evaluation */ protected String variableRegex() { String regex = "("; for (String s : getAllSymbols()) { regex = regex + s + "|"; } regex = regex.substring(0, regex.length() - 1) + ")"; return regex; } // get a list of all the names of all the available variables protected ArrayList<String> getAllNames() { ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(); /* for (FlightDataType type : FlightDataType.ALL_TYPES) names.add(type.getName()); if (doc != null){ List<CustomExpression> expressions = doc.getCustomExpressions(); for (CustomExpression exp : expressions ){ if (exp != this) names.add(exp.getName()); } } */ for (FlightDataType type : doc.getFlightDataTypes()) { String symb = type.getName(); if (name == null) continue; if (!name.equals(this.getName())) { names.add(symb); } } return names; } // get a list of all the symbols of the available variables ignoring this one protected ArrayList<String> getAllSymbols() { ArrayList<String> symbols = new ArrayList<String>(); /* for (FlightDataType type : FlightDataType.ALL_TYPES) symbols.add(type.getSymbol()); if (doc != null){ for (CustomExpression exp : doc.getCustomExpressions() ){ if (exp != this) symbols.add(exp.getSymbol()); } } */ for (FlightDataType type : doc.getFlightDataTypes()) { String symb = type.getSymbol(); if (!symb.equals(this.getSymbol())) { symbols.add(symb); } } return symbols; } public boolean checkSymbol() { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(symbol)) { return false; } // No bad characters for (char c : "0123456789.,()[]{}<>:#@%^&*$ ".toCharArray()) if (symbol.indexOf(c) != -1) return false; // No operators (ignoring brackets) for (String s : Functions.AVAILABLE_OPERATORS.keySet()) { if (symbol.equals(s.trim().replaceAll("\\(|\\)|\\]|\\[|:", ""))) return false; } // No already defined symbols ArrayList<String> symbols = getAllSymbols().clone(); if (symbols.contains(symbol.trim())) { int index = symbols.indexOf(symbol.trim());, "Symbol " + symbol + " already exists, found " + symbols.get(index)); return false; } return true; } public boolean checkName() { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(name)) { return false; } // No characters that could mess things up saving etc for (char c : ",()[]{}<>#$".toCharArray()) if (name.indexOf(c) != -1) return false; ArrayList<String> names = getAllNames().clone(); if (names.contains(name.trim())) { int index = names.indexOf(name.trim());, "Name " + name + " already exists, found " + names.get(index)); return false; } return true; } // Currently no restrictions on unit public boolean checkUnit() { return true; } public boolean checkAll() { return checkUnit() && checkSymbol() && checkName() && checkExpression(); } public String getName() { return name; } public String getSymbol() { return symbol; } public String getUnit() { return unit; } public String getExpressionString() { return expression; } /** * Performs a basic check to see if the current expression string is valid * This includes checking for bad characters and balanced brackets and test * building the expression. */ public boolean checkExpression() { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(expression)) { return false; } int round = 0, square = 0; // count of bracket openings for (char c : expression.toCharArray()) { switch (c) { case '(': round++; break; case ')': round--; break; case '[': square++; break; case ']': square--; break; case ':': if (square <= 0) {, ": found outside range expression"); return false; } else break; case '#': return false; case '$': return false; case '=': return false; } } if (round != 0 || square != 0) {, "Expression has unballanced brackets"); return false; } //// Define the available variables as empty // The built in data types /* for (FlightDataType type : FlightDataType.ALL_TYPES){ builder.withVariable(new Variable(type.getSymbol())); } for (String symb : getAllSymbols()){ builder.withVariable(new Variable(symb)); } */ for (FlightDataType type : doc.getFlightDataTypes()) { builder.withVariable(new Variable(type.getSymbol())); } // Try to build try {; } catch (Exception e) {, "Custom expression " + this.toString() + " invalid : " + e.toString()); return false; } // Otherwise, all OK return true; } public Double evaluateDouble(SimulationStatus status) { double result = evaluate(status).getDoubleValue(); if (result == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY || result == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) result = Double.NaN; return result; } /* * Builds the expression, done automatically during evaluation. Logs any errors. Returns null in case of error. */ protected Calculable buildExpression() { return buildExpression(builder); } /* * Builds a specified expression, log any errors and returns null in case of error. */ protected Calculable buildExpression(ExpressionBuilder b) { Calculable calc = null; try { calc =; } catch (UnknownFunctionException e1) {, "Unknown function. Could not build custom expression " + this.toString()); return null; } catch (UnparsableExpressionException e1) {, "Unparsable expression. Could not build custom expression " + this.toString() + ". " + e1.getMessage()); return null; } return calc; } /* * Evaluate the expression using the last variable values from the simulation status. * Returns NaN on any error. */ public Variable evaluate(SimulationStatus status) { Calculable calc = buildExpression(builder); if (calc == null) { return new Variable("Unknown"); } // Evaluate any sub expressions and set associated variables in the calculable for (CustomExpression expr : this.subExpressions) { calc.setVariable(expr.evaluate(status)); } // Set all the built-in variables. Strictly we surely won't need all of them // Going through and checking them to include only the ones used *might* give a speedup for (FlightDataType type : status.getFlightData().getTypes()) { double value = status.getFlightData().getLast(type); calc.setVariable(new Variable(type.getSymbol(), value)); } double result = Double.NaN; try { result = calc.calculate().getDoubleValue(); } catch (java.util.EmptyStackException e) {, "Unable to calculate expression " + this.expression + " due to empty stack exception"); } return new Variable(name, result); } /* * Returns the new flight data type corresponding to this calculated data * If the unit matches a SI unit string then the datatype will have the corresponding unitgroup. * Otherwise, a fixed unit group will be created */ public FlightDataType getType() { UnitGroup ug = UnitGroup.SIUNITS.get(unit); if (ug == null) { log.debug("SI unit not found for " + unit + " in expression " + toString() + ". Making a new fixed unit."); ug = new FixedUnitGroup(unit); } //UnitGroup ug = new FixedUnitGroup(unit); FlightDataType type = FlightDataType.getType(name, symbol, ug); //log.debug(this.getClass().getSimpleName()+" returned type "+type.getName()+" (" + type.getSymbol() + ")" ); return type; } /* * Add this expression to the document if valid and not in document already */ public void addToDocument() { // Abort if exact expression already in List<CustomExpression> expressions = doc.getCustomExpressions(); if (!expressions.isEmpty()) { // check if expression already exists if (expressions.contains(this)) {, "Expression already in document. This unit : " + this.getUnit() + ", existing unit : " + expressions.get(0).getUnit()); return; } } if (this.checkAll()) {, "Custom expression added to rocket document"); doc.addCustomExpression(this); } } /* * Removes this expression from the document, replacing it with a given new expression */ public void overwrite(CustomExpression newExpression) { if (!doc.getCustomExpressions().contains(this)) return; else { int index = doc.getCustomExpressions().indexOf(this); doc.getCustomExpressions().set(index, newExpression); log.debug("Overwriting custom expression already in document"); } } @Override public String toString() { return "[Expression name=" + + " expression=" + this.expression + " unit=" + this.unit + "]"; } @Override /* * Clone method makes a deep copy of everything except the reference to the document. * If you want to apply this to another simulation, set simulation manually after cloning. * @see java.lang.Object#clone() */ public Object clone() { try { return super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { return new CustomExpression(doc, new String(this.getName()), new String(this.getSymbol()), new String(this.getUnit()), new String(this.getExpressionString())); } } /* * Returns a simple all upper case string hash code with a proceeding $ mark. * Used for temporary substitution when evaluating index and range expressions. */ public String hash() { Integer hashint = new Integer(this.getExpressionString().hashCode() + symbol.hashCode()); String hash = "$"; for (char c : hashint.toString().toCharArray()) { if (c == '-') c = '0'; char newc = (char) (c + 17); hash = hash + newc; } return hash; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { CustomExpression other = (CustomExpression) obj; return (this.getName().equals(other.getName()) && this.getSymbol().equals(other.getSymbol()) && this.getExpressionString().equals(other.getExpressionString()) && this.getUnit().equals(other.getUnit())); } @Override public int hashCode() { return hash().hashCode(); } }