package net.sf.openrocket.file; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import; import; import net.sf.openrocket.appearance.Appearance; import net.sf.openrocket.appearance.Decal; import net.sf.openrocket.appearance.DecalImage; import net.sf.openrocket.document.OpenRocketDocument; import net.sf.openrocket.document.StorageOptions; import net.sf.openrocket.document.StorageOptions.FileType; import net.sf.openrocket.file.openrocket.OpenRocketSaver; import net.sf.openrocket.file.rocksim.export.RocksimSaver; import net.sf.openrocket.rocketcomponent.RocketComponent; import net.sf.openrocket.util.MathUtil; public class GeneralRocketSaver { /** * Interface which can be implemented by the caller to receive progress information. * */ public interface SavingProgress { /** * Inform the callback of the current progress. * It is guaranteed that the value will be an integer between 0 and 100 representing * percent complete. The SavingProgress object might not be notified the through * setProgress when the save is complete. When called with the value 100, the saving process * may not be complete, do not use this as an indication of completion. * * @param progress int value between 0 and 100 representing percent complete. */ public void setProgress(int progress); } /** * Save the document to the specified file using the default storage options. * * @param dest the destination file. * @param document the document to save. * @throws IOException in case of an I/O error. */ public final void save(File dest, OpenRocketDocument document) throws IOException { save(dest, document, document.getDefaultStorageOptions()); } /** * Save the document to the specified file using the given storage options. * * @param dest the destination file. * @param document the document to save. * @param options the storage options. * @throws IOException in case of an I/O error. */ public final void save(File dest, OpenRocketDocument document, StorageOptions options) throws IOException { save(dest, document, options, null); } /** * Save the document to a file with default StorageOptions and a SavingProgress callback object. * * @param dest the destination stream. * @param doc the document to save. * @param progress a SavingProgress object used to provide progress information * @throws IOException in case of an I/O error. */ public final void save(File dest, OpenRocketDocument doc, SavingProgress progress) throws IOException { save(dest, doc, doc.getDefaultStorageOptions(), progress); } /** * Save the document to a file with the given StorageOptions and a SavingProgress callback object. * * @param dest the destination stream. * @param doc the document to save. * @param options the storage options. * @param progress a SavingProgress object used to provide progress information * @throws IOException in case of an I/O error. */ public final void save(File dest, OpenRocketDocument doc, StorageOptions opts, SavingProgress progress) throws IOException { // This method is the core operational method. It saves the document into a new (hopefully unique) // file, then if the save is successful, it will copy the file over the old one. // Write to a temporary file in the same directory as the specified file. File temporaryNewFile = File.createTempFile("ORSave", ".tmp", dest.getParentFile()); OutputStream s = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(temporaryNewFile)); if (progress != null) { long estimatedSize = this.estimateFileSize(doc, opts); s = new ProgressOutputStream(s, estimatedSize, progress); } try { save(dest.getName(), s, doc, opts); } finally { s.close(); } // Move the temporary new file over the specified file. boolean destExists = dest.exists(); File oldBackupFile = new File(dest.getParentFile(), dest.getName() + "-bak"); if (destExists) { dest.renameTo(oldBackupFile); } // since we created the temporary new file in the same directory as the dest file, // it is on the same filesystem, so File.renameTo will work just fine. boolean success = temporaryNewFile.renameTo(dest); if (success) { if (destExists) { oldBackupFile.delete(); } } } /** * Provide an estimate of the file size when saving the document with the * specified options. This is used as an indication to the user and when estimating * file save progress. * * @param doc the document. * @param options the save options, compression must be taken into account. * @return the estimated number of bytes the storage would take. */ public long estimateFileSize(OpenRocketDocument doc, StorageOptions options) { if (options.getFileType() == StorageOptions.FileType.ROCKSIM) { return new RocksimSaver().estimateFileSize(doc, options); } else { return new OpenRocketSaver().estimateFileSize(doc, options); } } private void save(String fileName, OutputStream output, OpenRocketDocument document, StorageOptions options) throws IOException { // For now, we don't save decal inforamtion in ROCKSIM files, so don't do anything // which follows. // TODO - add support for decals in ROCKSIM files? if (options.getFileType() == FileType.ROCKSIM) { saveInternal(output, document, options); output.close(); return; } Set<DecalImage> usedDecals = new TreeSet<DecalImage>(); // Look for all decals used in the rocket. for (RocketComponent c : document.getRocket()) { if (c.getAppearance() == null) { continue; } Appearance ap = c.getAppearance(); if (ap.getTexture() == null) { continue; } Decal decal = ap.getTexture(); usedDecals.add(decal.getImage()); } saveAllPartsZipFile(output, document, options, usedDecals); } public void saveAllPartsZipFile(OutputStream output, OpenRocketDocument document, StorageOptions options, Set<DecalImage> decals) throws IOException { // Open a zip stream to write to. ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(output); zos.setLevel(9); // big try block to close the zos. try { ZipEntry mainFile = new ZipEntry("rocket.ork"); zos.putNextEntry(mainFile); saveInternal(zos, document, options); zos.closeEntry(); // Now we write out all the decal images files. for (DecalImage image : decals) { String name = image.getName(); ZipEntry decal = new ZipEntry(name); zos.putNextEntry(decal); InputStream is = image.getBytes(); int bytesRead = 0; byte[] buffer = new byte[2048]; while ((bytesRead = > 0) { zos.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } zos.closeEntry(); } zos.flush(); } finally { zos.close(); } } // package scope for testing. private void saveInternal(OutputStream output, OpenRocketDocument document, StorageOptions options) throws IOException { if (options.getFileType() == StorageOptions.FileType.ROCKSIM) { new RocksimSaver().save(output, document, options); } else { new OpenRocketSaver().save(output, document, options); } } private static class ProgressOutputStream extends FilterOutputStream { private long estimatedSize; private long bytesWritten = 0; private SavingProgress progressCallback; ProgressOutputStream(OutputStream ostream, long estimatedSize, SavingProgress progressCallback) { super(ostream); this.estimatedSize = estimatedSize; this.progressCallback = progressCallback; } @Override public void write(int b) throws IOException { super.write(b); bytesWritten++; updateProgress(); } @Override public void write(byte[] b) throws IOException { super.write(b); bytesWritten += b.length; updateProgress(); } @Override public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { super.write(b, off, len); bytesWritten += len; updateProgress(); } private void updateProgress() { if (progressCallback != null) { int p = 50; if (estimatedSize > 0) { p = (int) Math.floor(bytesWritten * 100.0 / estimatedSize); p = MathUtil.clamp(p, 0, 100); } progressCallback.setProgress(p); } } } }