package net.sf.openrocket.rocketcomponent; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import net.sf.openrocket.aerodynamics.AerodynamicForces; import net.sf.openrocket.aerodynamics.FlightConditions; import net.sf.openrocket.aerodynamics.WarningSet; import net.sf.openrocket.aerodynamics.barrowman.FinSetCalc; import net.sf.openrocket.material.Material; import net.sf.openrocket.material.Material.Type; import net.sf.openrocket.rocketcomponent.ExternalComponent.Finish; import net.sf.openrocket.rocketcomponent.FinSet.CrossSection; import net.sf.openrocket.rocketcomponent.FinSet.TabRelativePosition; import net.sf.openrocket.rocketcomponent.RocketComponent.Position; import net.sf.openrocket.util.Color; import net.sf.openrocket.util.Coordinate; import net.sf.openrocket.util.LineStyle; import net.sf.openrocket.util.BaseTestCase.BaseTestCase; import org.junit.Test; public class FinSetTest extends BaseTestCase { @Test public void testTrapezoidCGComputation() { { // This is a simple square fin with sides of 1.0. TrapezoidFinSet fins = new TrapezoidFinSet(); fins.setFinCount(1); fins.setFinShape(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, .005); Coordinate coords = fins.getCG(); assertEquals(1.0, fins.getFinArea(), 0.001); assertEquals(0.5, coords.x, 0.001); assertEquals(0.5, coords.y, 0.001); } { // This is a trapezoid. Height 1, root 1, tip 1/2 no sweep. // It can be decomposed into a rectangle followed by a triangle // +---+ // | \ // | \ // +------+ TrapezoidFinSet fins = new TrapezoidFinSet(); fins.setFinCount(1); fins.setFinShape(1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0, .005); Coordinate coords = fins.getCG(); assertEquals(0.75, fins.getFinArea(), 0.001); assertEquals(0.3889, coords.x, 0.001); assertEquals(0.4444, coords.y, 0.001); } } @Test public void testFreeformCGComputation() throws Exception { { // This is a trapezoid. Height 1, root 1, tip 1/2 no sweep. // It can be decomposed into a rectangle followed by a triangle // +---+ // | \ // | \ // +------+ FreeformFinSet fins = new FreeformFinSet(); fins.setFinCount(1); Coordinate[] points = new Coordinate[] { new Coordinate(0, 0), new Coordinate(0, 1), new Coordinate(.5, 1), new Coordinate(1, 0) }; fins.setPoints(points); Coordinate coords = fins.getCG(); assertEquals(0.75, fins.getFinArea(), 0.001); assertEquals(0.3889, coords.x, 0.001); assertEquals(0.4444, coords.y, 0.001); } { // This is the same trapezoid as previous free form, but it has // some extra points along the lines. FreeformFinSet fins = new FreeformFinSet(); fins.setFinCount(1); Coordinate[] points = new Coordinate[] { new Coordinate(0, 0), new Coordinate(0, .5), new Coordinate(0, 1), new Coordinate(.25, 1), new Coordinate(.5, 1), new Coordinate(.75, .5), new Coordinate(1, 0) }; fins.setPoints(points); Coordinate coords = fins.getCG(); assertEquals(0.75, fins.getFinArea(), 0.001); assertEquals(0.3889, coords.x, 0.001); assertEquals(0.4444, coords.y, 0.001); } { // This is the same trapezoid as previous free form, but it has // some extra points which are very close to previous points. // in particular for points 0 & 1, // y0 + y1 is very small. FreeformFinSet fins = new FreeformFinSet(); fins.setFinCount(1); Coordinate[] points = new Coordinate[] { new Coordinate(0, 0), new Coordinate(0, 1E-15), new Coordinate(0, 1), new Coordinate(1E-15, 1), new Coordinate(.5, 1), new Coordinate(.5, 1 - 1E-15), new Coordinate(1, 1E-15), new Coordinate(1, 0) }; fins.setPoints(points); Coordinate coords = fins.getCG(); assertEquals(0.75, fins.getFinArea(), 0.001); assertEquals(0.3889, coords.x, 0.001); assertEquals(0.4444, coords.y, 0.001); } } @Test public void testWildmanVindicatorShape() throws Exception { // This fin shape is similar to the aft fins on the Wildman Vindicator. // A user noticed that if the y values are similar but not equal, // the compuation of CP was incorrect because of numerical instability. // // +-----------------+ // \ \ // \ \ // + \ // / \ // +---------------------+ // FreeformFinSet fins = new FreeformFinSet(); fins.setFinCount(1); Coordinate[] points = new Coordinate[] { new Coordinate(0, 0), new Coordinate(0.02143125, 0.01143), new Coordinate(0.009524999999999999, 0.032543749999999996), new Coordinate(0.041275, 0.032537399999999994), new Coordinate(0.066675, 0) }; fins.setPoints(points); Coordinate coords = fins.getCG(); assertEquals(0.00130, fins.getFinArea(), 0.00001); assertEquals(0.03423, coords.x, 0.00001); assertEquals(0.01427, coords.y, 0.00001); BodyTube bt = new BodyTube(); bt.addChild(fins); FinSetCalc calc = new FinSetCalc(fins); FlightConditions conditions = new FlightConditions(null); AerodynamicForces forces = new AerodynamicForces(); WarningSet warnings = new WarningSet(); calc.calculateNonaxialForces(conditions, forces, warnings); System.out.println(forces); assertEquals(0.023409, forces.getCP().x, 0.0001); } @Test public void testFreeFormCGWithNegativeY() throws Exception { // This particular fin shape is currently not allowed in OR since the y values are negative // however, it is possible to convert RockSim files and end up with fins which // have negative y values. // A user submitted an ork file which could not be simulated because the fin // was constructed on a tail cone. It so happened that for one pair of points // y_n = - y_(n+1) which caused a divide by zero and resulted in CGx = NaN. // This Fin set is constructed to have the same problem. It is a square and rectagle // where the two trailing edge corners of the rectangle satisfy y_0 = -y_1 // // +---------+ // | | // | | // +----+ | // | | // | | // +----+ FreeformFinSet fins = new FreeformFinSet(); fins.setFinCount(1); Coordinate[] points = new Coordinate[] { new Coordinate(0, 0), new Coordinate(0, 1), new Coordinate(2, 1), new Coordinate(2, -1), new Coordinate(1, -1), new Coordinate(1, 0) }; fins.setPoints(points); Coordinate coords = fins.getCG(); assertEquals(3.0, fins.getFinArea(), 0.001); assertEquals(3.5 / 3.0, coords.x, 0.001); assertEquals(0.5 / 3.0, coords.y, 0.001); } @Test public void testFreeformConvert() { testFreeformConvert(new TrapezoidFinSet()); testFreeformConvert(new EllipticalFinSet()); testFreeformConvert(new FreeformFinSet()); } private void testFreeformConvert(FinSet fin) { FreeformFinSet converted; Material mat = Material.newMaterial(Type.BULK, "foo", 0.1, true); fin.setBaseRotation(1.1); fin.setCantAngle(0.001); fin.setCGOverridden(true); fin.setColor(Color.BLACK); fin.setComment("cmt"); fin.setCrossSection(CrossSection.ROUNDED); fin.setFinCount(5); fin.setFinish(Finish.ROUGH); fin.setLineStyle(LineStyle.DASHDOT); fin.setMassOverridden(true); fin.setMaterial(mat); fin.setOverrideCGX(0.012); fin.setOverrideMass(0.0123); fin.setOverrideSubcomponents(true); fin.setPositionValue(0.1); fin.setRelativePosition(Position.ABSOLUTE); fin.setTabHeight(0.01); fin.setTabLength(0.02); fin.setTabRelativePosition(TabRelativePosition.END); fin.setTabShift(0.015); fin.setThickness(0.005); converted = FreeformFinSet.convertFinSet((FinSet) fin.copy()); ComponentCompare.assertSimilarity(fin, converted, true); assertEquals(converted.getComponentName(), converted.getName()); // Create test rocket Rocket rocket = new Rocket(); Stage stage = new Stage(); BodyTube body = new BodyTube(); rocket.addChild(stage); stage.addChild(body); body.addChild(fin); Listener l1 = new Listener("l1"); rocket.addComponentChangeListener(l1); fin.setName("Custom name"); assertTrue(l1.changed); assertEquals(ComponentChangeEvent.NONFUNCTIONAL_CHANGE, l1.changetype); // Create copy RocketComponent rocketcopy = rocket.copy(); Listener l2 = new Listener("l2"); rocketcopy.addComponentChangeListener(l2); FinSet fincopy = (FinSet) rocketcopy.getChild(0).getChild(0).getChild(0); FreeformFinSet.convertFinSet(fincopy); assertTrue(l2.changed); assertEquals(ComponentChangeEvent.TREE_CHANGE, l2.changetype & ComponentChangeEvent.TREE_CHANGE); } private static class Listener implements ComponentChangeListener { private boolean changed = false; private int changetype = 0; private final String name; public Listener(String name) { = name; } @Override public void componentChanged(ComponentChangeEvent e) { assertFalse("Ensuring listener " + name + " has not been called.", changed); changed = true; changetype = e.getType(); } } }