package net.sf.openrocket.aerodynamics.barrowman; import static java.lang.Math.pow; import static net.sf.openrocket.util.MathUtil.pow2; import java.util.Arrays; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import net.sf.openrocket.aerodynamics.AerodynamicForces; import net.sf.openrocket.aerodynamics.FlightConditions; import net.sf.openrocket.aerodynamics.Warning; import net.sf.openrocket.aerodynamics.WarningSet; import net.sf.openrocket.rocketcomponent.FinSet; import net.sf.openrocket.rocketcomponent.RocketComponent; import net.sf.openrocket.util.BugException; import net.sf.openrocket.util.Coordinate; import net.sf.openrocket.util.LinearInterpolator; import net.sf.openrocket.util.MathUtil; import net.sf.openrocket.util.PolyInterpolator; public class FinSetCalc extends RocketComponentCalc { /** logger for debugging*/ private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FinSetCalc.class); /** considers the stall angle as 20 degrees*/ private static final double STALL_ANGLE = (20 * Math.PI / 180); /** Number of divisions in the fin chords. */ protected static final int DIVISIONS = 48; protected double macLength = Double.NaN; // MAC length protected double macLead = Double.NaN; // MAC leading edge position protected double macSpan = Double.NaN; // MAC spanwise position protected double finArea = Double.NaN; // Fin area protected double ar = Double.NaN; // Fin aspect ratio protected double span = Double.NaN; // Fin span protected double cosGamma = Double.NaN; // Cosine of midchord sweep angle protected double cosGammaLead = Double.NaN; // Cosine of leading edge sweep angle protected double rollSum = Double.NaN; // Roll damping sum term protected int interferenceFinCount = -1; // No. of fins in interference protected double[] chordLead = new double[DIVISIONS]; protected double[] chordTrail = new double[DIVISIONS]; protected double[] chordLength = new double[DIVISIONS]; protected final WarningSet geometryWarnings = new WarningSet(); private double[] poly = new double[6]; private final double thickness; private final double bodyRadius; private final int finCount; private final double baseRotation; private final double cantAngle; private final FinSet.CrossSection crossSection; /** * builds a calculator of aerodynamic forces a specified fin * @param component The fin in consideration */ ///why is this accepting RocketComponent when it rejects? ///why not put FinSet in the parameter instead? public FinSetCalc(FinSet component) { super(component); thickness = component.getThickness(); bodyRadius = component.getBodyRadius(); finCount = component.getFinCount(); baseRotation = component.getBaseRotation(); cantAngle = component.getCantAngle(); span = component.getSpan(); finArea = component.getFinArea(); crossSection = component.getCrossSection(); calculateFinGeometry(component); calculatePoly(); calculateInterferenceFinCount(component); } /* * Calculates the non-axial forces produced by the fins (normal and side forces, * pitch, yaw and roll moments, CP position, CNa). */ @Override public void calculateNonaxialForces(FlightConditions conditions, AerodynamicForces forces, WarningSet warnings) { if (span < 0.001) { forces.setCm(0); forces.setCN(0); forces.setCNa(0); forces.setCP(Coordinate.NUL); forces.setCroll(0); forces.setCrollDamp(0); forces.setCrollForce(0); forces.setCside(0); forces.setCyaw(0); return; } // Add warnings (radius/2 == diameter/4) if (thickness > bodyRadius / 2) { warnings.add(Warning.THICK_FIN); } warnings.addAll(geometryWarnings); //////// Calculate CNa. ///////// // One fin without interference (both sub- and supersonic): double cna1 = calculateFinCNa1(conditions); // logger.debug("Component cna1 = {}", cna1); // Multiple fins with fin-fin interference double cna; double theta = conditions.getTheta(); double angle = baseRotation; // Compute basic CNa without interference effects if (finCount == 1 || finCount == 2) { // Basic CNa from geometry double mul = 0; for (int i = 0; i < finCount; i++) { mul += MathUtil.pow2(Math.sin(theta - angle)); angle += 2 * Math.PI / finCount; } cna = cna1 * mul; } else { // Basic CNa assuming full efficiency cna = cna1 * finCount / 2.0; } // logger.debug("Component cna = {}", cna); // Take into account fin-fin interference effects switch (interferenceFinCount) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: // No interference effect break; case 5: cna *= 0.948; break; case 6: cna *= 0.913; break; case 7: cna *= 0.854; break; case 8: cna *= 0.81; break; default: // Assume 75% efficiency cna *= 0.75; warnings.add(Warning.PARALLEL_FINS); break; } /* * Used in 0.9.5 and earlier. Takes into account rotation angle for three * and four fins, does not take into account interference from other fin sets. * switch (fins) { case 1: case 2: // from geometry double mul = 0; for (int i=0; i < fins; i++) { mul += MathUtil.pow2(Math.sin(theta - angle)); angle += 2 * Math.PI / fins; } cna = cna1*mul; break; case 3: // multiplier 1.5, sinusoidal reduction of 15% cna = cna1 * 1.5 * (1 - 0.15*pow2(Math.cos(1.5 * (theta-angle)))); break; case 4: // multiplier 2.0, sinusoidal reduction of 6% cna = cna1 * 2.0 * (1 - 0.06*pow2(Math.sin(2 * (theta-angle)))); break; case 5: cna = 2.37 * cna1; break; case 6: cna = 2.74 * cna1; break; case 7: cna = 2.99 * cna1; break; case 8: cna = 3.24 * cna1; break; default: // Assume N/2 * 3/4 efficiency for more fins cna = cna1 * fins * 3.0/8.0; break; } */ // Body-fin interference effect double r = bodyRadius; double tau = r / (span + r); if (Double.isNaN(tau) || Double.isInfinite(tau)) tau = 0; cna *= 1 + tau; // Classical Barrowman // cna *= pow2(1 + tau); // Barrowman thesis (too optimistic??) // logger.debug("Component cna = {}", cna); // TODO: LOW: check for fin tip mach cone interference // (Barrowman thesis pdf-page 40) // TODO: LOW: fin-fin mach cone effect, MIL-HDBK page 5-25 // Calculate CP position double x = macLead + calculateCPPos(conditions) * macLength; // logger.debug("Component macLead = {}", macLead); // logger.debug("Component macLength = {}", macLength); // logger.debug("Component x = {}", x); // Calculate roll forces, reduce forcing above stall angle // Without body-fin interference effect: // forces.CrollForce = fins * (macSpan+r) * cna1 * component.getCantAngle() / // conditions.getRefLength(); // With body-fin interference effect: forces.setCrollForce(finCount * (macSpan + r) * cna1 * (1 + tau) * cantAngle / conditions.getRefLength()); if (conditions.getAOA() > STALL_ANGLE) { // System.out.println("Fin stalling in roll"); forces.setCrollForce(forces.getCrollForce() * MathUtil.clamp( 1 - (conditions.getAOA() - STALL_ANGLE) / (STALL_ANGLE / 2), 0, 1)); } forces.setCrollDamp(calculateDampingMoment(conditions)); forces.setCroll(forces.getCrollForce() - forces.getCrollDamp()); // System.out.printf(component.getName() + ": roll rate:%.3f force:%.3f damp:%.3f " + // "total:%.3f\n", // conditions.getRollRate(), forces.CrollForce, forces.CrollDamp, forces.Croll); forces.setCNa(cna); forces.setCN(cna * MathUtil.min(conditions.getAOA(), STALL_ANGLE)); forces.setCP(new Coordinate(x, 0, 0, cna)); forces.setCm(forces.getCN() * x / conditions.getRefLength()); /* * TODO: HIGH: Compute actual side force and yaw moment. * This is not currently performed because it produces strange results for * stable rockets that have two fins in the front part of the fuselage, * where the rocket flies at an ever-increasing angle of attack. This may * be due to incorrect computation of pitch/yaw damping moments. */ // if (fins == 1 || fins == 2) { // forces.Cside = fins * cna1 * Math.cos(theta-angle) * Math.sin(theta-angle); // forces.Cyaw = fins * forces.Cside * x / conditions.getRefLength(); // } else { // forces.Cside = 0; // forces.Cyaw = 0; // } forces.setCside(0); forces.setCyaw(0); } /** * Returns the MAC length of the fin. This is required in the friction drag * computation. * * @return the MAC length of the fin. */ public double getMACLength() { return macLength; } public double getMidchordPos() { return macLead + 0.5 * macLength; } /** * Pre-calculates the fin geometry values. */ protected void calculateFinGeometry(FinSet component) { span = component.getSpan(); finArea = component.getFinArea(); ar = 2 * pow2(span) / finArea; Coordinate[] points = component.getFinPoints(); // Check for jagged edges geometryWarnings.clear(); boolean down = false; for (int i = 1; i < points.length; i++) { if ((points[i].y > points[i - 1].y + 0.001) && down) { geometryWarnings.add(Warning.JAGGED_EDGED_FIN); break; } if (points[i].y < points[i - 1].y - 0.001) { down = true; } } // Calculate the chord lead and trail positions and length Arrays.fill(chordLead, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); Arrays.fill(chordTrail, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); Arrays.fill(chordLength, 0); for (int point = 1; point < points.length; point++) { double x1 = points[point - 1].x; double y1 = points[point - 1].y; double x2 = points[point].x; double y2 = points[point].y; // Don't use the default EPSILON since it is too small // and causes too much numerical instability in the computation of x below if (MathUtil.equals(y1, y2, 0.001)) continue; int i1 = (int) (y1 * 1.0001 / span * (DIVISIONS - 1)); int i2 = (int) (y2 * 1.0001 / span * (DIVISIONS - 1)); i1 = MathUtil.clamp(i1, 0, DIVISIONS - 1); i2 = MathUtil.clamp(i2, 0, DIVISIONS - 1); if (i1 > i2) { int tmp = i2; i2 = i1; i1 = tmp; } for (int i = i1; i <= i2; i++) { // Intersection point (x,y) double y = i * span / (DIVISIONS - 1); double x = (y - y2) / (y1 - y2) * x1 + (y1 - y) / (y1 - y2) * x2; if (x < chordLead[i]) chordLead[i] = x; if (x > chordTrail[i]) chordTrail[i] = x; // TODO: LOW: If fin point exactly on chord line, might be counted twice: if (y1 < y2) { chordLength[i] -= x; } else { chordLength[i] += x; } } } // Check and correct any inconsistencies for (int i = 0; i < DIVISIONS; i++) { if (Double.isInfinite(chordLead[i]) || Double.isInfinite(chordTrail[i]) || Double.isNaN(chordLead[i]) || Double.isNaN(chordTrail[i])) { chordLead[i] = 0; chordTrail[i] = 0; } if (chordLength[i] < 0 || Double.isNaN(chordLength[i])) { chordLength[i] = 0; } if (chordLength[i] > chordTrail[i] - chordLead[i]) { chordLength[i] = chordTrail[i] - chordLead[i]; } } /* Calculate fin properties: * * macLength // MAC length * macLead // MAC leading edge position * macSpan // MAC spanwise position * ar // Fin aspect ratio (already set) * span // Fin span (already set) */ macLength = 0; macLead = 0; macSpan = 0; cosGamma = 0; cosGammaLead = 0; rollSum = 0; double area = 0; double radius = component.getBodyRadius(); final double dy = span / (DIVISIONS - 1); for (int i = 0; i < DIVISIONS; i++) { double length = chordTrail[i] - chordLead[i]; double y = i * dy; macLength += length * length; logger.debug("macLength = {}, length = {}, i = {}", macLength, length, i); macSpan += y * length; macLead += chordLead[i] * length; area += length; rollSum += chordLength[i] * pow2(radius + y); if (i > 0) { double dx = (chordTrail[i] + chordLead[i]) / 2 - (chordTrail[i - 1] + chordLead[i - 1]) / 2; cosGamma += dy / MathUtil.hypot(dx, dy); dx = chordLead[i] - chordLead[i - 1]; cosGammaLead += dy / MathUtil.hypot(dx, dy); } } macLength *= dy; logger.debug("macLength = {}", macLength); macSpan *= dy; macLead *= dy; area *= dy; rollSum *= dy; macLength /= area; macSpan /= area; macLead /= area; cosGamma /= (DIVISIONS - 1); cosGammaLead /= (DIVISIONS - 1); } /////////////// CNa1 calculation //////////////// private static final double CNA_SUBSONIC = 0.9; private static final double CNA_SUPERSONIC = 1.5; private static final double CNA_SUPERSONIC_B = pow(pow2(CNA_SUPERSONIC) - 1, 1.5); private static final double GAMMA = 1.4; private static final LinearInterpolator K1, K2, K3; private static final PolyInterpolator cnaInterpolator = new PolyInterpolator( new double[] { CNA_SUBSONIC, CNA_SUPERSONIC }, new double[] { CNA_SUBSONIC, CNA_SUPERSONIC }, new double[] { CNA_SUBSONIC }); /* Pre-calculate the values for K1, K2 and K3 */ static { // Up to Mach 5 int n = (int) ((5.0 - CNA_SUPERSONIC) * 10); double[] x = new double[n]; double[] k1 = new double[n]; double[] k2 = new double[n]; double[] k3 = new double[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { double M = CNA_SUPERSONIC + i * 0.1; double beta = MathUtil.safeSqrt(M * M - 1); x[i] = M; k1[i] = 2.0 / beta; k2[i] = ((GAMMA + 1) * pow(M, 4) - 4 * pow2(beta)) / (4 * pow(beta, 4)); k3[i] = ((GAMMA + 1) * pow(M, 8) + (2 * pow2(GAMMA) - 7 * GAMMA - 5) * pow(M, 6) + 10 * (GAMMA + 1) * pow(M, 4) + 8) / (6 * pow(beta, 7)); } K1 = new LinearInterpolator(x, k1); K2 = new LinearInterpolator(x, k2); K3 = new LinearInterpolator(x, k3); // System.out.println("K1[m="+CNA_SUPERSONIC+"] = "+k1[0]); // System.out.println("K2[m="+CNA_SUPERSONIC+"] = "+k2[0]); // System.out.println("K3[m="+CNA_SUPERSONIC+"] = "+k3[0]); } protected double calculateFinCNa1(FlightConditions conditions) { double mach = conditions.getMach(); double ref = conditions.getRefArea(); double alpha = MathUtil.min(conditions.getAOA(), Math.PI - conditions.getAOA(), STALL_ANGLE); // Subsonic case if (mach <= CNA_SUBSONIC) { return 2 * Math.PI * pow2(span) / (1 + MathUtil.safeSqrt(1 + (1 - pow2(mach)) * pow2(pow2(span) / (finArea * cosGamma)))) / ref; } // Supersonic case if (mach >= CNA_SUPERSONIC) { return finArea * (K1.getValue(mach) + K2.getValue(mach) * alpha + K3.getValue(mach) * pow2(alpha)) / ref; } // Transonic case, interpolate double subV, superV; double subD, superD; double sq = MathUtil.safeSqrt(1 + (1 - pow2(CNA_SUBSONIC)) * pow2(span * span / (finArea * cosGamma))); subV = 2 * Math.PI * pow2(span) / ref / (1 + sq); subD = 2 * mach * Math.PI * pow(span, 6) / (pow2(finArea * cosGamma) * ref * sq * pow2(1 + sq)); superV = finArea * (K1.getValue(CNA_SUPERSONIC) + K2.getValue(CNA_SUPERSONIC) * alpha + K3.getValue(CNA_SUPERSONIC) * pow2(alpha)) / ref; superD = -finArea / ref * 2 * CNA_SUPERSONIC / CNA_SUPERSONIC_B; // System.out.println("subV="+subV+" superV="+superV+" subD="+subD+" superD="+superD); return cnaInterpolator.interpolate(mach, subV, superV, subD, superD, 0); } private double calculateDampingMoment(FlightConditions conditions) { double rollRate = conditions.getRollRate(); if (Math.abs(rollRate) < 0.1) return 0; double mach = conditions.getMach(); double absRate = Math.abs(rollRate); /* * At low speeds and relatively large roll rates (i.e. near apogee) the * fin tips rotate well above stall angle. In this case sum the chords * separately. */ if (absRate * (bodyRadius + span) / conditions.getVelocity() > 15 * Math.PI / 180) { double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < DIVISIONS; i++) { double dist = bodyRadius + span * i / DIVISIONS; double aoa = Math.min(absRate * dist / conditions.getVelocity(), 15 * Math.PI / 180); sum += chordLength[i] * dist * aoa; } sum = sum * (span / DIVISIONS) * 2 * Math.PI / conditions.getBeta() / (conditions.getRefArea() * conditions.getRefLength()); // System.out.println("SPECIAL: " + // (MathUtil.sign(rollRate) *component.getFinCount() * sum)); return MathUtil.sign(rollRate) * finCount * sum; } if (mach <= CNA_SUBSONIC) { // System.out.println("BASIC: "+ // (component.getFinCount() * 2*Math.PI * rollRate * rollSum / // (conditions.getRefArea() * conditions.getRefLength() * // conditions.getVelocity() * conditions.getBeta()))); return finCount * 2 * Math.PI * rollRate * rollSum / (conditions.getRefArea() * conditions.getRefLength() * conditions.getVelocity() * conditions.getBeta()); } if (mach >= CNA_SUPERSONIC) { double vel = conditions.getVelocity(); double k1 = K1.getValue(mach); double k2 = K2.getValue(mach); double k3 = K3.getValue(mach); double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < DIVISIONS; i++) { double y = i * span / (DIVISIONS - 1); double angle = rollRate * (bodyRadius + y) / vel; sum += (k1 * angle + k2 * angle * angle + k3 * angle * angle * angle) * chordLength[i] * (bodyRadius + y); } return finCount * sum * span / (DIVISIONS - 1) / (conditions.getRefArea() * conditions.getRefLength()); } // Transonic, do linear interpolation FlightConditions cond = conditions.clone(); cond.setMach(CNA_SUBSONIC - 0.01); double subsonic = calculateDampingMoment(cond); cond.setMach(CNA_SUPERSONIC + 0.01); double supersonic = calculateDampingMoment(cond); return subsonic * (CNA_SUPERSONIC - mach) / (CNA_SUPERSONIC - CNA_SUBSONIC) + supersonic * (mach - CNA_SUBSONIC) / (CNA_SUPERSONIC - CNA_SUBSONIC); } /** * Return the relative position of the CP along the mean aerodynamic chord. * Below mach 0.5 it is at the quarter chord, above mach 2 calculated using an * empirical formula, between these two using an interpolation polynomial. * * @param cond Mach speed used * @return CP position along the MAC */ private double calculateCPPos(FlightConditions cond) { double m = cond.getMach(); // logger.debug("m = {} ", m); if (m <= 0.5) { // At subsonic speeds CP at quarter chord return 0.25; } if (m >= 2) { // At supersonic speeds use empirical formula double beta = cond.getBeta(); return (ar * beta - 0.67) / (2 * ar * beta - 1); } // In between use interpolation polynomial double x = 1.0; double val = 0; for (int i = 0; i < poly.length; i++) { val += poly[i] * x; x *= m; } // logger.debug("val = {}", val); return val; } /** * Calculate CP position interpolation polynomial coefficients from the * fin geometry. This is a fifth order polynomial that satisfies * * p(0.5)=0.25 * p'(0.5)=0 * p(2) = f(2) * p'(2) = f'(2) * p''(2) = 0 * p'''(2) = 0 * * where f(M) = (ar*sqrt(M^2-1) - 0.67) / (2*ar*sqrt(M^2-1) - 1). * * The values were calculated analytically in Mathematica. The coefficients * are used as poly[0] + poly[1]*x + poly[2]*x^2 + ... */ private void calculatePoly() { double denom = pow2(1 - 3.4641 * ar); // common denominator poly[5] = (-1.58025 * (-0.728769 + ar) * (-0.192105 + ar)) / denom; poly[4] = (12.8395 * (-0.725688 + ar) * (-0.19292 + ar)) / denom; poly[3] = (-39.5062 * (-0.72074 + ar) * (-0.194245 + ar)) / denom; poly[2] = (55.3086 * (-0.711482 + ar) * (-0.196772 + ar)) / denom; poly[1] = (-31.6049 * (-0.705375 + ar) * (-0.198476 + ar)) / denom; poly[0] = (9.16049 * (-0.588838 + ar) * (-0.20624 + ar)) / denom; } // @SuppressWarnings("null") // public static void main(String arg[]) { // Rocket rocket = TestRocket.makeRocket(); // FinSet finset = null; // // Iterator<RocketComponent> iter = rocket.deepIterator(); // while (iter.hasNext()) { // RocketComponent c =; // if (c instanceof FinSet) { // finset = (FinSet)c; // break; // } // } // // ((TrapezoidFinSet)finset).setHeight(0.10); // ((TrapezoidFinSet)finset).setRootChord(0.10); // ((TrapezoidFinSet)finset).setTipChord(0.10); // ((TrapezoidFinSet)finset).setSweep(0.0); // // // FinSetCalc calc = new FinSetCalc(finset); // // calc.calculateFinGeometry(); // FlightConditions cond = new FlightConditions(new Configuration(rocket)); // for (double m=0; m < 3; m+=0.05) { // cond.setMach(m); // cond.setAOA(0.0*Math.PI/180); // double cna = calc.calculateFinCNa1(cond); // System.out.printf("%5.2f "+cna+"\n", m); // } // // } @Override public double calculatePressureDragForce(FlightConditions conditions, double stagnationCD, double baseCD, WarningSet warnings) { double mach = conditions.getMach(); double drag = 0; // Pressure fore-drag if (crossSection == FinSet.CrossSection.AIRFOIL || crossSection == FinSet.CrossSection.ROUNDED) { // Round leading edge if (mach < 0.9) { drag = Math.pow(1 - pow2(mach), -0.417) - 1; } else if (mach < 1) { drag = 1 - 1.785 * (mach - 0.9); } else { drag = 1.214 - 0.502 / pow2(mach) + 0.1095 / pow2(pow2(mach)); } } else if (crossSection == FinSet.CrossSection.SQUARE) { drag = stagnationCD; } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported fin profile: " + crossSection); } // Slanted leading edge drag *= pow2(cosGammaLead); // Trailing edge drag if (crossSection == FinSet.CrossSection.SQUARE) { drag += baseCD; } else if (crossSection == FinSet.CrossSection.ROUNDED) { drag += baseCD / 2; } // Airfoil assumed to have zero base drag // Scale to correct reference area drag *= finCount * span * thickness / conditions.getRefArea(); return drag; } private void calculateInterferenceFinCount(FinSet component) { RocketComponent parent = component.getParent(); if (parent == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("fin set without parent component"); } double lead = component.toRelative(Coordinate.NUL, parent)[0].x; double trail = component.toRelative(new Coordinate(component.getLength()), parent)[0].x; /* * The counting fails if the fin root chord is very small, in that case assume * no other fin interference than this fin set. */ if (trail - lead < 0.007) { interferenceFinCount = finCount; } else { interferenceFinCount = 0; for (RocketComponent c : parent.getChildren()) { if (c instanceof FinSet) { double finLead = c.toRelative(Coordinate.NUL, parent)[0].x; double finTrail = c.toRelative(new Coordinate(c.getLength()), parent)[0].x; // Compute overlap of the fins if ((finLead < trail - 0.005) && (finTrail > lead + 0.005)) { interferenceFinCount += ((FinSet) c).getFinCount(); } } } } if (interferenceFinCount < component.getFinCount()) { throw new BugException("Counted " + interferenceFinCount + " parallel fins, " + "when component itself has " + component.getFinCount() + ", fin points=" + Arrays.toString(component.getFinPoints())); } } }