package net.sf.openrocket.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class MathUtil { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MathUtil.class); public static final double EPSILON = 0.00000001; // 10mm^3 in m^3 /** * The square of x (x^2). On Sun's JRE using this method is as fast as typing x*x. * @param x x * @return x^2 */ public static double pow2(double x) { return x * x; } /** * The cube of x (x^3). * @param x x * @return x^3 */ public static double pow3(double x) { return x * x * x; } public static double pow4(double x) { return (x * x) * (x * x); } /** * Clamps the value x to the range min - max. * @param x Original value. * @param min Minimum value to return. * @param max Maximum value to return. * @return The clamped value. */ public static double clamp(double x, double min, double max) { if (x < min) return min; if (x > max) return max; return x; } public static float clamp(float x, float min, float max) { if (x < min) return min; if (x > max) return max; return x; } public static int clamp(int x, int min, int max) { if (x < min) return min; if (x > max) return max; return x; } /** * Maps a value from one value range to another. * * @param value the value to map. * @param fromMin the minimum of the starting range. * @param fromMax the maximum of the starting range. * @param toMin the minimum of the destination range. * @param toMax the maximum of the destination range. * @return the mapped value. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if fromMin == fromMax, but toMin != toMax. */ public static double map(double value, double fromMin, double fromMax, double toMin, double toMax) { if (equals(toMin, toMax)) return toMin; if (equals(fromMin, fromMax)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("from range is singular and to range is not: " + "value=" + value + " fromMin=" + fromMin + " fromMax=" + fromMax + "toMin=" + toMin + " toMax=" + toMax); } return (value - fromMin) / (fromMax - fromMin) * (toMax - toMin) + toMin; } /** * Maps a coordinate from one value range to another. * * @param value the value to map. * @param fromMin the minimum of the starting range. * @param fromMax the maximum of the starting range. * @param toMin the minimum coordinate of the destination; * @param toMax the maximum coordinate of the destination; * @return the mapped value. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if fromMin == fromMax, but toMin != toMax. */ public static Coordinate map(double value, double fromMin, double fromMax, Coordinate toMin, Coordinate toMax) { if (toMin.equals(toMax)) return toMin; if (equals(fromMin, fromMax)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("from range is singular and to range is not: " + "value=" + value + " fromMin=" + fromMin + " fromMax=" + fromMax + "toMin=" + toMin + " toMax=" + toMax); } double a = (value - fromMin) / (fromMax - fromMin); return toMax.multiply(a).add(toMin.multiply(1 - a)); } /** * Compute the minimum of two values. This is performed by direct comparison. * However, if one of the values is NaN and the other is not, the non-NaN value is * returned. */ public static double min(double x, double y) { if (Double.isNaN(y)) return x; return (x < y) ? x : y; } /** * Compute the maximum of two values. This is performed by direct comparison. * However, if one of the values is NaN and the other is not, the non-NaN value is * returned. */ public static double max(double x, double y) { if (Double.isNaN(x)) return y; return (x < y) ? y : x; } /** * Compute the minimum of three values. This is performed by direct comparison. * However, if one of the values is NaN and the other is not, the non-NaN value is * returned. */ public static double min(double x, double y, double z) { if (x < y || Double.isNaN(y)) { return min(x, z); } else { return min(y, z); } } /** * Compute the minimum of three values. This is performed by direct comparison. * However, if one of the values is NaN and the other is not, the non-NaN value is * returned. */ public static double min(double w, double x, double y, double z) { return min(min(w, x), min(y, z)); } /** * Compute the maximum of three values. This is performed by direct comparison. * However, if one of the values is NaN and the other is not, the non-NaN value is * returned. */ public static double max(double x, double y, double z) { if (x > y || Double.isNaN(y)) { return max(x, z); } else { return max(y, z); } } /** * Calculates the hypotenuse <code>sqrt(x^2+y^2)</code>. This method is SIGNIFICANTLY * faster than <code>Math.hypot(x,y)</code>. */ public static double hypot(double x, double y) { return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); } /** * Reduce the angle x to the range 0 - 2*PI. * @param x Original angle. * @return The equivalent angle in the range 0 ... 2*PI. */ public static double reduce360(double x) { double d = Math.floor(x / (2 * Math.PI)); return x - d * 2 * Math.PI; } /** * Reduce the angle x to the range -PI - PI. * * Either -PI and PI might be returned, depending on the rounding function. * * @param x Original angle. * @return The equivalent angle in the range -PI ... PI. */ public static double reduce180(double x) { double d = Math.rint(x / (2 * Math.PI)); return x - d * 2 * Math.PI; } /** * Return the square root of a value. If the value is negative, zero is returned. * This is safer in cases where rounding errors might make a value slightly negative. * * @param d the value of which the square root is to be taken. * @return the square root of the value. */ public static double safeSqrt(double d) { if (d < 0) { if (d < 0.01) { log.warn("Attempting to compute sqrt(" + d + ")"); } return 0; } return Math.sqrt(d); } public static boolean equals(double a, double b, double epsilon) { double absb = Math.abs(b); if (absb < epsilon / 2) { // Near zero return Math.abs(a) < epsilon / 2; } return Math.abs(a - b) < epsilon * absb; } public static boolean equals(double a, double b) { return equals(a, b, EPSILON); } /** * Return the sign of the number. This corresponds to Math.signum, but ignores * the special cases of zero and NaN. The value returned for those is arbitrary. * <p> * This method is about 4 times faster than Math.signum(). * * @param x the checked value. * @return -1.0 if x<0; 1.0 if x>0; otherwise either -1.0 or 1.0. */ public static double sign(double x) { return (x < 0) ? -1.0 : 1.0; } /* Math.abs() is about 3x as fast as this: public static double abs(double x) { return (x<0) ? -x : x; } */ public static double average(Collection<? extends Number> values) { if (values.isEmpty()) { return Double.NaN; } double avg = 0.0; int count = 0; for (Number n : values) { avg += n.doubleValue(); count++; } return avg / count; } public static double stddev(Collection<? extends Number> values) { if (values.size() < 2) { return Double.NaN; } double avg = average(values); double stddev = 0.0; int count = 0; for (Number n : values) { stddev += pow2(n.doubleValue() - avg); count++; } stddev = Math.sqrt(stddev / (count - 1)); return stddev; } public static double median(Collection<? extends Number> values) { if (values.isEmpty()) { return Double.NaN; } List<Number> sorted = new ArrayList<Number>(values); Collections.sort(sorted, new Comparator<Number>() { @Override public int compare(Number o1, Number o2) { return, o2.doubleValue()); } }); int n = sorted.size(); if (n % 2 == 0) { return (sorted.get(n / 2).doubleValue() + sorted.get(n / 2 - 1).doubleValue()) / 2; } else { return sorted.get(n / 2).doubleValue(); } } /** * Use interpolation to determine the value of the function at point t. * Current implementation uses simple linear interpolation. The domain * and range lists must include the same number of values, t must be within * the domain, and the domain list must be sorted. * * @param domain list containing domain samples * @param range list of corresponding range samples * @param t domain value at which to interpolate * @return returns Double.NaN if either list is null or empty or different size, or if t is outsize the domain. */ public static double interpolate(List<Double> domain, List<Double> range, double t) { if (domain == null || range == null || domain.size() != range.size()) { return Double.NaN; } int length = domain.size(); if (length <= 1 || t < domain.get(0) || t > domain.get(length - 1)) { return Double.NaN; } // Look for the index of the right end point. int right = 1; while (t > domain.get(right)) { right++; } int left = right - 1; // Points are: double deltax = domain.get(right) - domain.get(left); double deltay = range.get(right) - range.get(left); // For numerical stability, if deltax is small, if (Math.abs(deltax) < EPSILON) { if (deltay < -1.0 * EPSILON) { // return neg infinity if deltay is negative return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } else if (deltay > EPSILON) { // return infinity if deltay is large return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } else { // otherwise return 0 return 0.0d; } } return range.get(left) + (t - domain.get(left)) * deltay / deltax; } }