package net.sf.openrocket.communication; import java.util.List; import net.sf.openrocket.util.ArrayList; import net.sf.openrocket.util.BuildProperties; import net.sf.openrocket.util.ComparablePair; public class UpdateInfo { private final String latestVersion; private final ArrayList<ComparablePair<Integer, String>> updates; public UpdateInfo() { this.latestVersion = BuildProperties.getVersion(); this.updates = new ArrayList<ComparablePair<Integer, String>>(); } public UpdateInfo(String version, List<ComparablePair<Integer, String>> updates) { this.latestVersion = version; this.updates = new ArrayList<ComparablePair<Integer, String>>(updates); } /** * Get the latest OpenRocket version. If it is the current version, then the value * of {@link BuildProperties#getVersion()} is returned. * * @return the latest OpenRocket version. */ public String getLatestVersion() { return latestVersion; } /** * Return a list of the new features/updates that are available. The list has a * priority for each update and a message text. The returned list may be modified. * * @return a modifiable list of the updates. */ public List<ComparablePair<Integer, String>> getUpdates() { return updates.clone(); } @Override public String toString() { return "UpdateInfo[version=" + latestVersion + "; updates=" + updates.toString() + "]"; } }