package com.github.lindenb.jvarkit.util.samtools; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.function.Function; import htsjdk.samtools.SAMFileHeader; import htsjdk.samtools.SAMReadGroupRecord; import htsjdk.samtools.SAMRecord; /** how to group a read */ public enum SAMRecordPartition implements Function<SAMReadGroupRecord,String> { readgroup, sample, library, platform, center, sample_by_platform, sample_by_center, sample_by_platform_by_center, any ; /** return the label of the partition for this SAMRecord, result can be null */ public String getPartion(final SAMRecord rec) { if(this.equals(any)) return "all"; return rec==null?null:this.apply(rec.getReadGroup()); } /** return the label of the partition for this read-group, result can be null */ @Override public String apply(final SAMReadGroupRecord rg) { if(this.equals(any)) return "all"; if( rg == null) return null; switch(this) { case readgroup : return rg.getId(); case sample : return rg.getSample(); case library : return rg.getLibrary(); case platform : return rg.getPlatform(); case center : return rg.getSequencingCenter(); case sample_by_platform : return rg.getSample()!=null && rg.getPlatform()!=null? String.join("_",rg.getSample(),rg.getPlatform()):null; case sample_by_center : return rg.getSample()!=null && rg.getSequencingCenter()!=null? String.join("_",rg.getSample(),rg.getSequencingCenter()):null; case sample_by_platform_by_center : return rg.getSample()!=null && rg.getPlatform()!=null && rg.getSequencingCenter()!=null? String.join("_",rg.getSample(),rg.getPlatform(),rg.getSequencingCenter()):null; default: throw new IllegalStateException(; } } /** extract all distinct non-null labels from a set of read-groups */ public Set<String> getPartitions(final Collection<SAMReadGroupRecord> rgs) { if(rgs==null || rgs.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptySet(); final Set<String> set = new TreeSet<>(); for(final SAMReadGroupRecord rg:rgs) { final String partition = this.apply(rg); if(partition==null ) continue; set.add(partition); } return set; } /** extract all distinct non-null labels from a Sam File header */ public Set<String> getPartitions(final SAMFileHeader header) { return getPartitions(header==null?Collections.emptyList():header.getReadGroups()); } }